Turns Out I’m a Great Cultivator

Chapter 262: Speaking of sorrows does not enhance one's combat power


The five-color sacred cow slammed on the ground, and suddenly, flying sand and rocks, countless gravel and mud rose into the sky, just in the blink of an eye, on top of the five-color sacred cow, a hill of about ten meters condensed.

Immediately, this mountain rushed toward the crowd with a soaring momentum!

Ao Cheng quickly persuaded: "Don't move, everyone..."

"Good job!"

Xiao Chengfeng's eyes gleamed, and he yelled violently, "The long sword is out of its sheath, and the sword opens the mountain!"


Behind him, the long sword was unsheathed, cutting through the sky, the sword light soared into the sky, and slashed, like cutting tofu, splitting the mountain open.

Xiao Chengfeng's long sword whispered, his eyes were clear, and his fighting spirit was high. "Very well, five-color sacred bull, you successfully attracted my fighting spirit!"

"Human sword is one!"

He shouted angrily, holding a long sword, standing in front of him, the whole person turned into a giant sword, like a meteor driving the moon, stab toward the five-color **** bull!

The speed of the long sword is extremely fast, almost dazzling, and the sword light is like rain, already enveloped around the five-color sacred bull, locking it.


The five-color **** cow yelled up to the sky, his whole body was magnificent and generous, and his mouth was open. Suddenly, a hurricane roared out, forming a tornado, enveloping Xiao Chengfeng.


The giant sword and the hurricane stuck together for a while, and with a soft sound, the long sword sprinted out, pierced the wind, and struck the five-color **** cow.

Suddenly, a red scratch was left on the five-color **** cow.

The five-color **** cow raised its hoof, kicked it on the giant sword, and kicked it directly into the sky.

The long sword sprang out, spinning around in the air, and then dragged Xiao Chengfeng's figure and walked with the sword to stabilize his figure.

Xiao Chengfeng wiped a handful of blood from the corners of his mouth, and couldn't help but shout out in shock, "What a thick skin!"

He reminded aloud: "Everyone, be careful, this is so powerful, the skin is thick and the flesh is amazing,"

"We need you to say?" Ao Cheng's face turned blue. "Who do you think you are, dare to use a sword to stab the five-color **** cow?"

Xiao Chengfeng walked with his sword, his face full of pride, "The fear is yours, but the sword in my hand never knows what fear is!"

He raised his hand and pointed at the long sword, pulling the magic tactics in his hand, and the long sword suddenly circled in the air, leaving behind countless shadows of the long sword. The circle became bigger and bigger, and the shadows of the long sword became more and more far away. From a distance, it seemed that countless long swords formed a huge long sword vortex. For a time, the sword light soared into the sky, and the sharp aura rushed into the sky, seeming to pierce the sky.

Ao Cheng was dumbfounded and couldn't help but said, "Daoyou Xiao, you still want to fight? Who gave you the courage?"

"There are three million sword immortals in the sky, and you need to lower your eyebrows when you see me! This is the second realm granted to me by an expert. Only people have always lowered their eyebrows to me. I am acting alone, so why don't others give me courage? !"

He was wild and unruly, his long hair was dancing, and the sword intent of his whole body quickly rose up, "Ten thousand swords are all ringing together, look at my endless sword intent!"

"Swish swish!"

Suddenly, the countless long swords were like a hundred rivers returning to the sea, densely packed, swept toward the five-color **** cow!

From a distance, millions of sword beams fall like a Milky Way in the nine heavens, extremely dazzling.

"court death!"

There was a thick low noise in the nose of the five-color sacred cow, and the two front hooves were raised high, and slammed on the ground.


The entire Kunxu Mountain Range shook suddenly. Within a radius of ten thousand meters, all the stones, regardless of size, were floating in the air!

In a blink of an eye, this place became a world surrounded by stones.

Immediately afterwards, these stones rushed towards Xiao Chengfeng like a meteorite rain.


Countless stones made the sound of blasting. During the flight, one by one began to change. At the periphery, they began to be blessed by the power of heaven and earth. They became fireballs, water balls, thunder and lightning balls, etc., thousands of colors, gorgeous Like a meteor, illuminating the night sky.

Thousands of long swords collided with countless pieces of soil, just like two meteorites in the universe colliding with each other, the sound of bursting one after another, countless after waves shook away, and the surrounding mountains were directly erased!

Throughout the Kunxu Mountain Range, all the fairies hid in the caves, kneeling on the ground, shivering, afraid to make a sound.

At this moment, the five-color sacred cow seemed to lose patience. It stepped on the auspicious clouds with its four hoofs, and instantly rose into the air. With just a slight step, the body appeared in front of Xiao Chengfeng, the horns emitting a dazzling light , With the power of yin and yang against chaos, stabbed towards Xiao Chengfeng.

"Good job!" Even now, Xiao Chengfeng is still coquettish, his hands raised above his head, thousands of sword shadows gathered, condensed into a translucent long sword, cut down more than straight.

"It's a sword repair to do nothing lightly of life and death, and you can only be proud of it! With a long sword in my hand, I shall suppress all enemies in the world!"


The long sword collided with the horns.

Without any suspense, Xiao Chengfeng flew upside down like a kite with a broken line, blood flying along the way.

Facts have proved that Sao talk does not enhance one's own combat power, but is easy to pull hatred.

The five-color Shenniu's face was blue and silent, and he continued to move his hooves, staring at Xiao Chengfeng.

It doesn't think about anything now, it just wants to stab this sword repair to death.

Xiao Chengfeng's face changed suddenly, and he raised his hand, and the long sword swung under his feet, rushing in the direction of Ao Cheng, yelling: "Friends, help me!"

"Why do not you go to hell?"

Ao Cheng couldn't help but cursed, but he still stepped forward, directly revealing the Azure Dragon's body, the dragon's mighty, soaring into the sky, colliding with the five-color **** cow.

"You look at her here and continue milking. I have to help."

Huofeng's figure flashed, and the wings of the phoenix spread out behind him. His figure was like a flash of fire. Together with Ao Cheng, he surrounded the five-color **** cow one after another.

Huofeng's eyes condensed slightly, and he said: "The five-color sacred cow is born with a complete law of strength. When it grows up to adulthood, it can easily cultivate into the Taiyi Golden Immortal. In addition, it is against the various methods of the world. The cultivation will be extremely fast!"

"Dragon, phoenix, nine-tailed celestial fox?"

The five-color sacred bull stood above the void, and the four hoofs trampled violently on the spot, and said gloomily: "You have actually fallen into what you are now, and organized a group to grab my milk and deceive people too much!"

Ao Cheng opened the mouth and said: "Shenniu Daoist, may as well listen to me, this milk is not for us to drink, but a..."

"I don't listen, I don't listen, I don't listen!"

The five-color **** cow shook his head, interrupted directly, and said coldly, arrogantly: "Who wants to drink my milk, let him come here in person! Even the disciple of the saint's door back then, he respectfully pleased me for three years before getting a drink. Nothing! Tonight, I will never finish with you!"

As soon as the voice fell, its whole body was filled with colorful glow, illuminating the world, and rushing towards Ao Cheng.

The fire phoenix waved his hand, and the phoenix was full of flames, forming a fiery red flower in the sky, wrapping the five-color **** cow.

The three great beasts fight each other, the laws are mighty, the brilliance is like tide, and the sky is falling in chaos.

Ao Cheng struggled to support, and said with difficulty: "Shenniu Taoist friend, give face, let's talk about it."

The five-color sacred bull is already burning with anger, "Hehe, three declining races, relying on you? What kind of face is there?"

Ao Cheng frowned, and then said: "I'm not afraid to tell you that my ancestors have not yet died, and my dragon will rise sooner or later!"

On the other side, Daji's whole body was surging with cold, and the ground had formed a piece of frost. The ice locked the calf and couldn't move.

She pressed the calf and was milking hard, while the little fox was lying in Daji's arms, poking her head, and watching without blinking.

At this moment, a stream of milk shot out suddenly, forming a straight line, sprayed on the face of the little fox, spraying it all in a daze.

"You can get milk!"

Daji was overjoyed, and quickly stood up and said: "This calf should be enough!"

Huofeng said: "You go first, we break it!"

Daji didn't talk nonsense. As soon as Fa Jue was drawn, the two-meter-high calf was lifted by her with ice, and then stepped out and shot out quickly.

"Let go of my daughter!"

The five-color **** cow roared sharply, the wind was blowing under his feet, and he stepped on clouds like flying. The speed unexpectedly surpassed Ao Cheng and Huofeng. In a blink of an eye, he caught up with Daji, and stomped on Daji with his front feet!

Daji's face was calm, raised her hands, and wiped it in the void, suddenly forming a thick ice crystal, and even more frost emerged, wrapping towards the hoofs of the five-color **** cow.


The ice crystal shattered, Da Ji's body trembled, then turned and left.

The five-color sacred bull chased after him.

The little fox looked behind him and was so nervous that he couldn't help but exclaimed, "Sister, come on, hurry up! I'm going to catch up!"

Daji's face was pale, if it weren't for her time, she would really like to squeeze the little fox, and said coldly: "Are you going to show your magical powers when your sister is dead?"

The little fox stuck his tongue out, and then he remembered his magical powers.

It jumped to Daji's shoulder, suppressing the shame in his heart, and looking affectionately at the five-color sacred cow, with nine tails rippling slightly.

The surrounding environment was suddenly filled with pink bubbles.

The five-color **** cow couldn't help but was taken aback, feeling that his heart was about to melt away, "What a beautiful little fox, so cute."

When he came back to his senses again, the little fox was already waving at him from a distance.

"Ahhhh, deceiving people too much!"

It chased up wildly again, and the earth seemed to feel its anger, and was shaking, "Stop me!"

Daji glanced behind her, and suddenly said, "By the order of Immortal Monarch Liuyun, we are waiting for you in the Liuyun Palace!"

"Liuyundian, wait for me!"



The sun disperses the darkness and shines through the air.

Li Nianfan slowly walked out of the spirit boat and stood on the deck, stretching towards the morning sky.


Aside, Yao Mengji smiled and said hello: "Mr. Li, it's early."

"Old Yao, early." Li Nianfan returned his salute, and then saw Gu Xiruan and Qin Manyun just walking out, and continued: "Old fairy, girl Manyun, early."

Gu Xirou smiled and replied: "Li Gongzi, I have heard Man Yun talk about you. I have also respected your talent for a long time."

Li Nianfan smiled modestly and said, "I've passed the award, but I'm just thinking about it in my spare time, it's nothing."

"Your song is the only one in the world. You can give us this song. It really benefits us a lot."

Gu Xirou paused, and when she turned her wrist, the quaint red box appeared on her palm, "We met for the first time, a little polite, please don't dislike it."

Yao Mengji's pupils shrank and almost choked on the spot.

Although he knew that Master was going to give this box that he didn't know what it was, he never thought that Master was so rigid and unprepared, so he took out the box so abruptly, he really didn't think about it. Is it?

Li Nianfan was taken aback for a moment, and did not decline, "Thank you."

The scene is worthy of being a fairy, the scene is full.

When he came up, he gave a meeting ceremony.

Seeing Li Nianfan took the box, the eyes of the three were all focused on the box.

Qin Manyun and Yao Mengji held their breath even more, their hearts throbbed, almost touching their throats.

If this box cannot be opened by an expert, or if it is a trash after opening, then the fun will be great.

This is playing with fire!

Li Nianfan first glanced at the box briefly, and said with a smile: "The workmanship of this box is quite special."

Then he took the box and twisted it lightly. With a "click", the box was easily divided into two parts.


Sure enough, it can't be difficult for an expert.

The three of them breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, and then cast their eyes into the box with anxiety.

But I saw that there was a seed quietly placed inside.

There is no lingering light, no tangy fragrance, and it looks ordinary.

The shape of the seed is not round, but a long strip, similar in appearance to a triangle.


Li Nianfan took the seed in his hand, looked at the sunlight carefully, and said: "This seems to be... a gourd seed?"

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