Turns Out I’m a Great Cultivator

Chapter 270: High mountains and flowing water, reverberation around the beam


Yao Mengji and others saw the scalp numb, and the whole body was cold.

However, even though they were frightened, they did not ask for mercy at all.

Yao Mengji raised his hand, and also took out the Tianxin Qin, flicking the strings, the sound of the piano came out melodiously, and he played with Gu Xirou with his inner determination.

Luo Huang's face also sank. He took out his golden bowl and drew his magic. The fiery red flame rose from the golden bowl and turned into a fire dragon. It rolled around the crowd, flaring his teeth and claws towards the **** of profound Yin. The water washed away.


As soon as the flame touched the mysterious water of Xuanyin, it made a soft sound, and then turned into green smoke and dissipated, with no resistance.

Luo Huang's face sank. Although this was the doomed ending, he still felt a bit weak.

"Keng Keng!"

Yao Mengji and Gu Xirou’s piano sound interacted, as if thousands of silk threads were formed, rippling in the void, condensed into waves of ripples, spreading, and shrouded everyone under the sound of the piano like a shield.


The mysterious mysterious water surging, shrouded everyone in the center like a small river, and between the tumbling, it hit a huge wave, like a huge mouth of a wild beast, to swallow everyone up.

Yao Mengji and Gu Xirou are obviously more and more struggling, and the range that the piano can resist is getting smaller and smaller.

"Hahaha, why make unnecessary resistance?" The skinny old man smiled cruelly, and then said: "My generation of monks, seek good luck and avoid evil, cater to the general trend, and only then can live long, now it is too late to beg for mercy!"

"Please forgive you!"

Luo Huang cursed and only hated his incompetence.

He looked at his golden bowl, but his eyes flashed, suddenly blessed to his soul!

"Old Qingfeng, don't be stunned, help quickly!"

As soon as the voice fell, he snorted, and the golden bowl in his hand shattered, and then the fragments began to melt and reorganize.

The old Qingfeng was taken aback for a moment, and was shocked: "Luo Huang, what are you doing? The magic weapon to break your life?!"

"If it's broken, it's broken, I don't want it! Did you forget what the master said? Horn, we made a loudspeaker on the spot to increase their piano sound!"

With blood on the corner of Luo Huang's mouth, he gritted his teeth and said, "Don't be in a daze, is it possible that you are afraid of death?!"

"I'm afraid of death? I only have three hundred years of life left. What does it matter if I die?"

The old Qingfeng immediately exploded, "Able to fight against the immortals before death, and still fight for the human race for the mortal world, I am proud! I died just right!"

Then, without saying anything, a blue wind chime appeared in his hand, and then it cracked directly!

"The magic weapon of our two is combined! The main style of my magic weapon can make the sound of the piano spread farther!"

The corner of Qingfeng's mouth was frantic, "Come on! Ning!"

The rapid fusion of the two magic weapons quickly condensed into a huge loudspeaker, on which the light shines, filtering the sound of the piano, and the sound suddenly increased by more than five times!

"Keng Keng!"

The sound of the piano was like a tide, and the huge ripples almost made the space fluctuate, layer by layer, squeezing the mysterious water away!

"Hahaha, I'm still useful for Emperor Luo!" Emperor Luo immediately laughed in relief.


At this moment, accompanied by a long sigh, the scroll in her hand also spontaneously flew up into the sky, emitting a glowing light, covering everyone.

The scroll was spread out, the copybook appeared, and the old fairy with white beard and white hair resurfaced, and a phantom floated above the void.

The girl looked at him and quickly said: "Grandpa Fairy!"

"囡囡, I got a ray of wisdom from the master's gift, which is actually to protect you."

The old man looked at the 囡囡, his eyes were kind, "The time has come, let me finally help you improve your path!"

His whole body was rippling with immortal energy, and the white light fell with the sound of the piano, covering the surrounding mysterious mysterious water.

A wave of swallowing laws emerged, and began to swallow the mysterious water!

It's just that, what kind of existence is Xuanyin Divine Water, born in a desperate place, growing longer than death, and inherently corroding everything, even if a true immortal sees it, he must avoid three points.

As he absorbed the mysterious water, the old man's body became more and more illusory, as if it would drift away with the wind.

"Grandpa Immortal." Naun quickly took down the picture scroll, but found that the writing on it had disappeared and became a blank paper.

The old man's expression was indifferent, "Since you are on the path of swallowing, how can you go for a long time by swallowing mana? You should swallow everything in the world, not to mention Profound Yin Divine Water, you should be able to swallow both the real fire of Samadhi and the fire of Golden Crow!"

He is using himself to help the nun gain the experience of devouring and perfect the path.

"Compared to the hole cards?"

The thin old man smiled, and he raised his hand, and the bracelet was suspended in front of his chest. Then, a terrifying coercion suddenly erupted from within the bracelet!

This breath is very unfamiliar, it is certain that it does not come from the mortal world, it seems to come from the fairy world, with the bracelet as the carrier!

Gu Xirou's face changed drastically, and she trembled: "This acquired treasure is not yours!"

"Naturally not, the Xuanshui ring is only used by my master." The skinny old man shook his head and said with pity: "Since my master is forced to do it himself, you will definitely die!"


The ring of Xuanshui trembled violently, and the level of the mysterious water of Xuanyin suddenly skyrocketed. Between the surgings, the silver surface of the water actually condensed into a huge silver dragon, enveloping everyone, and hovering around them. Entangled, the dragon's mouth opened wide, as if it could swallow everyone in the next moment.

With the help of the mysterious water ring, across the endless distance, this person only leaked a little breath, but it caused the power of the mysterious water to soar, and everyone's living space was instantly compressed to the extreme.


Yao Mengji's face was as pale as paper, and he spouted a mouthful of blood. His eyes were diffident and cold sweat was like a waterfall in his pupils.

He kept moving his hands, and said to himself: "Don't worry about me, vomiting blood is my strong point, so I get used to it."

Out of the dust town.

Li Nianfan slowly walked out of the room, looking at the distant sky, with a look of surprise on his face, "Who is so interested in playing the piano at night?"

In the compound, Qin Manyun stood outside Li Nianfan's courtyard, anxious in his heart.

"It's the master's piano sound, the piano sound is eager, obviously fighting against people, and... life and death!" She kept wandering in the yard, biting her lips, her fist tightened and loosened, loose and tight.

She wanted to help, but restrained.

Master and Master are together, if neither of them can handle it, not only will he not be able to help in the past, but he will also become a burden.

How to do? what can I do?

She looked at the sky from Qin Yin, and then at Li Nianfan's door, wondering if she should disturb the expert.

No matter what, it must not disturb the master's clean cultivation. If it makes the master unhappy, it will be even more impossible to save people.

But Uncle Dog is in Gaoren's yard, I can go to Uncle Dog!

She listened to the sound of the piano, and felt that the sound of the piano was getting more and more rapid, and she seemed to have entered a desperate situation. She was struggling to the death. Her eyes were abrupt, showing a sense of decisiveness, and she must not watch Master and Master die!

He took a deep breath, and was about to knock on the door, but when he heard a "squeak", the door opened by itself.

Li Nianfan walked out of the yard and saw Qin Manyun at the door for a moment. Then he smiled and said, "Is Ms. Man Yun not asleep?"

Qin Manyun's heart was beating wildly, and he quickly said, "Master Li, you didn't sleep either."

Li Nianfan nodded, "Well, I haven't been able to fall asleep, so I got up when I heard the sound of the piano. The same goes for Girl Man Yun."

"Yes." Qin Manyun felt bitter in his heart.

She glanced at the **** that followed Li Nianfan's feet without a trace, tangled to the extreme, anxious.

On his forehead, there was already cold sweat overflowing, and he opened his mouth, not knowing how to speak.

But when he heard that, Li Nianfan suddenly said, "Did Girl Man Yun bring the piano?"

With piano?

Qin Manyun's body trembled, and almost all his scalp began to jump suddenly, blood flowed faster, and could not help but think of a possibility.

"Take...Take it."

Her voice trembled, because she couldn't help it, even a little bit of crying.

With a hurried wave of her wrist, an exquisite guqin appeared in front of her, nervously and expectantly: "Young Master Li, do you want to...play the piano?"

"Well, I can't sleep because I heard the sound of the piano, so I feel itchy and want to make peace with it."

Li Nianfan smiled, and then said, "Miss Man Yun, can I borrow this piano to play?"

"Yes, of course!"

Qin Manyun nodded hurriedly, and quickly stepped aside, "Mr. Li, please."

"Thanks a lot."

Li Nianfan nodded, sat in front of the piano, and looked at it first.

"It's a girl's violin. It's really exquisite and beautiful. Unlike the one in my own home, I don't know what age it is, and it looks shabby."

Li Nianfan took a deep breath, but the aura on his body suddenly changed, and a dusty temperament spilled out. Qin Manyun kept staring at Li Nianfan, his small hands could not help but tighten.

She found that Li Nianfan who was in the state was like a figure walking out of the painting. The background world was painting, and Li Nianfan stepped out of the painting.

Moreover, there seemed to be a gap between this endless night and Li Nianfan. He seemed to have transcended everything and got rid of the shackles between heaven and earth.

The person among the gods, this is the real person among the gods.

Just when Qin Manyun was addicted, Li Nianfan had already put his hand on the piano, and gently pinched the strings with his fingers, lifting it slightly.


Just like the dingdong of spring water, people's hearts jump with it. Just the first rhyme makes people's ears sound of running water, and a small stream slowly emerges in their minds.

"Ding, ding, dong, dong—"

Li Nianfan flicked the strings, his body was elegant, his fingers were not in a hurry, and he danced on the piano like a spirit, showing a sense of relaxation and comfort.

The night was as cool as water, silent, as if it began to flow with the sound of the piano.

Even the moonlight in the sky became clearer.

Wan Lai was all quiet, only the sound of the piano was gurgling.

Soon, Qin Manyun's eyes began to blur, indulged in the sound of the piano, unable to extricate himself.

She seemed to see a high mountain rising, as if she had met the gurgling water, wandering in the forest, and her soul was washed by waves.

Gradually, the tune of the piano changed slightly, jumping slightly, turning into a beautiful and bright style.

Like many lines, the water flows together, the insects, song and birds are staggered down, round and delicate.

After that, the rhythm began to fluctuate, slow and rushing intertwined, endless, sometimes as if the cloud floats to the sky, hugging a light cloud, sometimes the cloud suddenly accelerates, rubbing sparks in the air. , Suffocating.

"Ding, ding, dong, dong—"

The power of music is unstoppable, and the jumping notes can surpass thousands of mountains and rivers, rippling away, as if sunlight penetrates the darkness.

"Old Qingfeng, did you hear the sound of the piano?" Luo Huang sat on the ground and suddenly said.

At this moment, he didn't even have much gasping energy, and his whole mana was exhausted. He just looked at the mysterious water that had formed a huge wave and died indifferently.

The old way of Qingfeng isn't much better, he shook his head in a daze, "The sound of the piano? Of course I heard it, the two next to me are not playing."

Luo Huang shook his head, "Not this piano tone, but another one."


The mysterious water of Xuanyin swayed again, and the water dragon stared at the people mercilessly, with a long mouth, swooping down!

Want to swallow everyone up!

"My master, played the piano."

The fairy old man had turned into nothingness, turned into a cloud of white air, and let out a last comforting voice, "I can go away with peace of mind."

The white gas fell like smoke, slowly blending along the top of her head.

"Grandpa Immortal." The nun had already cried into tears.

"Ding, ding, dong, dong—"

The sound of the piano is subtle, it seems to come from another world, but it overshadows Gu Xi's and Yao Mengji's piano, overwhelming the sound of Taotao water, overwhelming all the sounds of time, and it spreads to everyone clearly. In the ears.

The water dragon that swooped down abruptly stopped, and the mysterious waters around his body poured down like a raging wave, and began to roll violently, seemingly struggling.

It was just a few breaths, and the mysterious water of Xuanyin directly returned to calm, as if following the sound of the piano, it turned into a trickle, flowing slowly.

"Where does the piano sound come from?"

The skinny old man's face changed drastically, his whole body was hairy, his scalp was inexplicably numb, as if the sound of the piano contained a terrible crisis, it was about life and death!

"What's the matter? How could this happen?!"

The inexplicable irritability in his heart was shrouded in fear and anxiety. He tried his best to control the Xuanshui ring, but found that he still couldn't arouse the mysterious water of Xuanyin.

The ring of Xuan Shui suddenly burst into light, and the aura of the thin old master reappeared, and it seemed to be accompanied by a cold snort, but under the sound of the piano, the light of Xuan Shui ring dimmed in a blink of an eye, and then fell. On the ground, all traces on it were directly erased.

"This this……"

The skinny old man opened his mouth wide and was too frightened to speak. He trembled in despair and said, "Forgive... forgive me."

I don't know when, those Profound Yin divine waters have surrounded him silently, just like ordinary currents, covering, swallowing, and submerging them bit by bit.

Gu Xiruan Yao Mengji stopped.

At this time, there was no blood on their faces, and their mouths were still coughing up blood, but they laughed.

Gu Xirou whispered: "Is the master playing the piano? The sound of the piano... is really good."

"Ding ding dong dong dong."

The sound of the piano is the same, melodious and tactful, moist and silent like a silk, and like a spring breeze and drizzle on the face.

Everyone closed their eyes uncontrollably, as if it turned into a note in the piano's sound, wandering in it.

At the end of a tune, there is endless reverberation around the beam, which seems to turn into flowing water, swimming farther and farther.

Everyone slowly opened their eyes, filled with wonder and aftertaste, and even the injuries on their bodies seemed to have been soothed, and the mood became more relaxed and happy for some reason.

As for the surroundings, the sky full of mysterious water of profound Yin had disappeared without a trace. If it hadn't been for the mysterious water ring to fall quietly to the ground, everything just now seemed to be just a dream.

PS: About out of chapter.

I didn't break it deliberately. This chapter is indeed over, and the next chapter has not been coded yet. I am also very helpless, readers, forgive me.

Sin, sin.

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