Turns Out I’m a Great Cultivator

Chapter 305: Maybe this is the fun of being a boss

It seems that Emperor Luo really doesn't understand.

Fairy Ziye said it was the manifestation of the underground palace, which should be true, but no one seemed to know why.

What's the matter with this underworld? How did you release all the ghosts? No one manages it?

Li Nianfan looked at the surrounding scenes countless times more exciting than horror movies, and couldn't help exclaiming in his heart. He opened his eyes and gained knowledge.

Luo Huang and Luo Shiyu are like the two most loyal bodyguards, guarding on both sides, any ghosts, as long as they have the intention to approach, will immediately be turned into ashes.

At this moment, the fog in front shook for a while, and two figures in black cloth robes came out.

The two figures walked silently, surrounded by gray air currents, and each of them had a big knife on their waist. The key was that there was a ghost character printed on the cloth robes.

Although surrounded by lifeless energy, they are different from those souls, but their bodies tend to be solid.

At first glance, there is an extraordinary presence in the ghost.

Nuan's eyes suddenly lit up, "Long'er, come on, here are two different ones!"

"It's so arrogant, all the words are printed on the clothes. This is for fear that others will not know that they are ghosts! Don't grab me, one person!"

Long Er was also excited, and ran up with his short legs, rubbing his hands, but he rubbed out a big water polo, ready to throw it out at any time.

Watching the two children kill themselves without saying a word, the two ghosts were obviously also taken aback.

Under what circumstances will you kill me when you come up?


Their expressions sank, and they also pulled out their sabers from their waists.

Li Nianfan saw his scalp numb, and hurriedly shouted, "Long'er, 囡囡, you guys stop me!"

Then he urged Huofeng to come closer.

These two bear children simply don't know that the sky is high and the earth is thick, and it is too uncomfortable.

This kind of dress, 80% of the servants in the underworld, can you play it? I'm still looking forward to reincarnation and walk through the back door!

This kind of organization must never be offended, otherwise how dare I die in the future!

Seeing someone coming by riding a fire phoenix, the pale faces of the two ghosts suddenly turned whiter, and they quickly stepped back two steps, "Don't come here."

This is the real fire of the phoenix, if you lean over, we will die directly.

Li Nianfan said kindly, "Do you two work in the underworld?"

One of the ghosts said, "Yes, I don't know the name of this young man, but is he a fairy in the fairy world?"

"My fellow Li Nianfan, what kind of immortal is there, it's just a bunch of wild and grassy people in the mortal world."

Li Nianfan paused, and then apologized: "Two of you, these two kids are ignorant and mistakenly think that you are no different from other ghosts. How offended you are. Please don't take it to heart.

"Nanny, Ryuuji, don't hurry to apologize to the two ghosts."

Ryuuji and Nun-nan stuck out their tongues, "Oh, I'm sorry."

The two ghosts almost nodded, how dare you to blame.

They looked at Li Nianfan carefully, and found that they couldn't see through at all. They clearly felt like a mortal.

But the more so, the more cautious in their hearts.

Big guy, this is a good guy.

You are riding a phoenix, and you say that you are a mortal. Is this insulting our ghosts’ IQ?

They were still calm on the surface, and at the same time they arched their hands and said, "It turns out that it's Li Gongzi, happy meeting, happy meeting."

Li Nianfan asked, "The two ghosts came here for these ghosts, right?"

A ghost said: "Exactly, ghosts do harm to the mortal world, but unfortunately we don't have enough manpower. This village just sent us to suppress it."

Li Nianfan asked, "Ghosts are rampant, why is this happening?"

The two ghosts looked at each other, then shook their heads at the same time, "I don't know."

Li Nianfan could see that the two people didn't want to talk, or didn't dare to talk.

After all, the ugliness of the family should not be publicized, and it is normal that 80% of the problems are caused by the underworld.

"Prince Li."

One of them hesitated, and said: "In the center of death, the ghost gate is wide open. Several immortals have already passed by. Please Li Gongzi can help."

"You want to ask Huofeng to do it." Li Nianfan smiled, and then said: "I know those immortals 80% of the time. I really have to go take a look."

They must be Ziye.

The two ghosts were overjoyed immediately, and said quickly: "Thank you Li Gongzi!"

Li Nianfan arched his hands and said, "I'm afraid this village will bother the two ghosts and adults."

The two ghosts immediately said: "It's within the limits."

Li Nianfan was also a little curious in his heart, and said, "Fairy Huofeng, or let's take a closer look."

After a pause, he added, "Look at the situation first. If you are fighting, it's better to not intervene or not to intervene."

"Okay, I listen to Master Li."

Huofeng nodded, his body turned into a stream of flames, facing the mist inward.

The deeper the fog, the thicker the fog, the darkness is accompanied by the heavy fog, and there are gusts of cloudy wind raging around. Fortunately, there is the natural heater of the fire phoenix, otherwise Li Nianfan guessed that he might not be able to walk here.

Gradually, there was a light flickering in the front, and the sound of the wind became more urgent, and it was obvious that someone was fighting.

Moving forward, in the thick fog, a huge figure began to gradually emerge.

Like a hill, the mighty breath came from this figure, making people palpitate.

"Ding jingle bells!"

What followed was the sound of iron rope crashing.

It was a huge ball of meat. The whole body seemed to be made of fat. There was no skin at all. The fat dripped down layer by layer, and there were pustules all over the body, which was extremely terrifying.

Getting closer, Li Nianfan's pupils shrank suddenly, where there was a pustule on the flesh ball, it was clearly a skeleton and an evil spirit, all shouting with his mouth wide open.

Moreover, on the body of the meat ball, there are blood-red silk threads criss-crossed, like meridians, densely packed.

And around the meat ball, there are three figures standing, their hands are holding a black iron rope half the thickness of the arm, and the meat ball is bound in the middle. On the iron rope, there is gray surroundings, accompanied by the meat ball. Struggling, and constantly trembling.

In addition to the three figures, there was also a ghost in black armor, holding a Guan Knife in his hand, and blood red appeared on the blade's light, and he slashed towards the meat ball.


The meat ball let out a roar, ghostly, the huge meat ball opened from the middle, and half of its body was mouth, with sharp fangs all over it, and death gushing from the mouth was extremely terrifying.

Long Er couldn't help covering his mouth, and said disgustingly: "What an ugly monster."

Daji couldn't help but said, "My son, I'm afraid it will attract the other party's attention if he moves forward."

Li Nianfan nodded and said, "Well, let's watch the game here first."

"Prince Li, you are here too."

A surprised voice came from his side, but it was Ziye and the others.

Li Nianfan smiled and said, "Hahaha, yes, come over curiously and have a look, you guys are..."

Ziye blinked at Gongzi Li, "We are like Gongzi Li, temporarily hiding quietly to watch the battle."

Li Nianfan suddenly felt a little speechless.

Sure enough, the boss is different.

Hiding in the dark, watching people fighting secretly, probably because they want to wait until they can't fight, or the situation is wrong.

Maybe this is the fun of being a big boss.

During this period of time, the grey aura still spilled out, slowly blending into the darkness.

The ghost gate was opened wide, and there were too many ghosts and monsters emerging. They came out crazily. Many ghosts had already rushed out of the dust and wandered outwards. Even many places around them began to be affected. There were a hundred ghosts nearby. Night walk.

Most of these ghosts are not strong, but there are too many and too many, and they are basically in a state of mania and tyranny. They don't know what they are afraid of. They wander aimlessly, and they will rush to meet a creature.

The originally peaceful Luoxian Mountain Range suddenly blew a gust of wind.

The flowers, plants and trees trembled slightly, and ghosts began to appear.

"Crack, click."

"I'm smashing your head! There is more to be done!"

With a hammer, the black bear smashed a skeleton on the ground.

However, not far away, another skeleton slowly popped up, "Ka Ka Ka."

The black bear spirit frowned, "What is the situation, these skeletons in the ground are still brought back to life?"

The green snake spirit opened its mouth and spewed out a jet of water, which directly poured out the ghosts wandering around, "I don't know, it feels related to these souls."

The wild boar guessed: "Ghost possessed? No matter, kill it! Lord Demon Sovereign and Master don't know when they will come back. They must clean up here."


The gate of the courtyard suddenly opened.

Xiao Bai looked around, his eyes gradually glowing red.

"Found a lot of **** around, cleaning Xiaobai went online and entered cleaning mode."

Along with a mechanized sound, Xiao Bai's palms were slightly shrunk, and his arms became hollow.

Under his feet, wheels also began to appear.

The wheels rolled and flew out with a "swish" sound.

Surrounding the mountain road, like walking on the ground.

While galloping on the mountain, while holding his hands up to the sky, those two arms made a "hissing" sound like a vacuum cleaner.

Wherever they passed, the free ghosts around were sucked into the vacuum cleaner like a tide...

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