Turns Out I’m a Great Cultivator

Chapter 308: This underground mansion is too bad (repair)

Bing San did what he said and couldn't wait to show himself. He immediately walked over and announced that he would recruit the man as a ghost.

However, the group of people was even more excited.

An old woman stepped forward and tremblingly said: "I haven't queued up for reincarnation in a full 20 years! Just soaking in the Styx, accompanied by endless ghosts, what will I do after death? what!"

"Yes, is this place where people stay?"

"A good ghost, you have to go crazy!"

"Can't die!"

Not to mention mortals, cultivators are also empty, after all, everyone has the day of death.

Bing San bit his scalp and said: "Don't worry, the underworld is already taking corresponding measures. It won't take long for the death process to be complete. At that time, the reincarnation will be very fast, and there will be more ghost areas, not just Styx. Many ghosts will go where they should go."

After that, he looked at the ghost of the man and said, "Hurry up and say goodbye to your wife. The longer you stay with her, it will harm her. We should go back."

Not long after, Bing San returned.

Li Nianfan also said anxiously: "Young Master C, that...do you really have to line up for the reincarnation?"

He could have heard that the underworld in the world of cultivating immortals is very pitted, just like a programmed computer program. After a person dies, the soul goes directly into the Styx, and then whether it is a human or a monster, good or evil, Take a bath in the Styx together, and then wait in line for reincarnation.

Styx is undoubtedly the phantom of the sea of ​​blood that I just saw, and it makes people shudder to think that he will be soaked in that after death.

Just like the recent battle between Xia Dynasty and the Nanbans, the death toll is naturally extremely high, and no one knows when the queue will be reborn.

And if you encounter plagues, natural disasters, man-made disasters, etc., you will only die more.

Originally, waiting in line for reincarnation is nothing, the key is to soak in the Styx and wait, it is a pot of hodgepodge, which is terrifying.

Can ghosts not be tyrannical? Can you not run?

Bing San said helplessly: "Don't lie to Young Master Li, the status quo of the underworld is not good, the situation is just like this."

Your situation is not good, but we are the one who harmed you.

Li Nianfan pursed his mouth, "You just said that the underworld is taking measures, is it true?"

Bing San didn't dare to conceal it, and smiled bitterly: "This... is fake for the time being."

What the hell?

Li Nianfan suddenly became a little vacant. If he died and his soul returned to the underworld, wouldn't he be soaked in the Styx?

He could only step back and ask: "Do you have anything similar to "Death Curse" in your underworld?"

Bing San was taken aback for a moment, "Death Curse? What is that? What is it for?"

Li Nianfan explained: "In fact, it is a kind of spell that can eliminate karma and return the soul to the pure land.

Bing San shook his head honestly and answered, "No."

Li Nianfan's brows wrinkled slightly, this netherworld is not good, there is nothing, once he dies, he is going to suffer.

Originally, he thought that the underworld had something similar to the Rebirth Curse, which could soothe the soul. Then everyone lived in harmony, even if they were bathed together, they would barely be able to accept it. This is not demanding.

Seeing that Bingsan was silent, Ziye secretly cursed that the person's EQ was too low.

Experts have all hinted to this point, you still can't understand, is it a pig's head?

Look, the expert's brows are frowning, is it waiting for the expert to take the initiative to give you the opportunity?

She took a deep breath and said: "Young Master Li, what is the "Death Curse" you just said? Is there really such a thing?"

Li Nianfan waved his hand, and said casually: "There is or there is, but it's just a spell, and it's not a valuable thing, and it's probably useless."

Ziye continued: "The little girl is a little curious, can Li Gongzi tell us?"

Bing San finally came back to his senses, wishing to slap himself.

I'm so stupid, I almost missed this "Death Curse".

It's just... eliminate the karma and return the soul to the pure land. Does this kind of spell really exist in the world?

"Of course it's okay." Li Nianfan nodded and paused: "This stuff is difficult to understand, I'll just write it down."

Ziye raised his hand and pointed, and a table suddenly hovered in the void, and smiled and said, "Lao Li Gongzi."

Li Nianfan picked up the pen, hesitated for a moment, and said: "This thing... you should have a good time."

He was really embarrassed to write, feeling that he had become a magic stick. The point is that "Death Curse" is not like a person's normal words at all, and it may lower his image in the hearts of others.

But the arrow had to be sent on the string.

I can only write the words as beautifully as possible to make up for the lack of content.

Pen down.

"Nanwu Amituopoye. Dota Gadoye. Dodiye he..."

"Mangsheng Mantra" is not long, less than a hundred words, as Li Nianfan said, it is difficult to understand, and most people cannot read it.

However, as Li Nianfan started to write, everyone's complexion changed, staring at the paper unblinkingly, with golden light flashing in their eyes.

This golden light is not their eyes shining, but the light of the reflecting paper.

Li Nianfan clearly uses black ink with a brush, but every painting he writes is golden all over, and it is extremely eye-catching and sacred.

The golden light shines on the body, making people feel a sense of peace in the bottom of the heart. As for the ghosts of Bing San, the feeling is deeper, the brain is instantly empty, the past karma is repented in the mind over and over again, and the inner obsession is gradually relieved. , Let the heart return to a peaceful harbor.

Compared to living people, ghosts are actually more afraid of obsession.

And as Li Nianfan wrote more and more characters, the golden light on the copybook rose to the sky, brilliant.

At this moment, within a radius of thousands of miles, the ghosts that originally floated out, without exception, including those crazy and killing ghosts, all faced the direction of the golden light, kneeled on their knees, and showed repentance.

They no longer flee, but sincerely regret their past. The anxiety and tyranny in their hearts are instantly washed away, returning like a pilgrimage, preparing to return to the underworld, quietly waiting for reincarnation.

"All right."

Li Nianfan stopped writing, seeing everyone staring at the spell blankly, touched his nose and said: "I know this spell is not good, just write it casually, just look at it, don't take it to heart."

Write casually?

Not bad?

Master, you are so humble, you hurt us a lot.

Bing San, these ghosts shivered even more, and did not dare to breathe.

They looked at the copybook, wishing to stare their eyes out, feeling that one more glance would be a profit.

As ghosts, they can clearly feel that this copybook is definitely a monstrous treasure for ghosts! The effect is immeasurable!

Writing casually is a priceless treasure. If you write it seriously, it's pretty good. I can't imagine it!

They didn't understand before, but at this moment, they finally intuitively felt what kind of person Ziye and the others worked hard to please. This copybook alone deserves to be the most noble guest in the entire underworld!

Expert, the real peerless expert!

Bing San swallowed a mouthful of water, and said with endless anxiety and excitement: "Master Li, can this copybook be given to me?"

If in normal times, he would never dare to ask for it, but now in extraordinary times, he can only bite the bullet and speak.

As soon as he said this, his whole heart was raised, and he dared not look into Li Nianfan's eyes, waiting for Li Nianfan's reply in seconds.

Li Nianfan saw Bing San staring at his copybook with a look of despair, and couldn't help but smile, and said in amazement: "Could it be that Young Master B is also good at writing?"

Bing San nodded repeatedly and said with a smile: "Yes, it's been good since childhood."

Li Nianfan was overjoyed in his heart, and said in a big way: "If you like it, just take it."

I think this guy is an educated person.

Many of the so-called ghosts must be taken after people die. If you have a good character before you die, you will naturally have a good character after death. Sure enough, there is a skill that can be used anywhere. This is another good fate. .

If you soak in the Styx in the future, you can also take care of it.

"Thank you Li Gongzi."

Bing San was overjoyed, almost shaking, holding the copybook in his hand.

Carefully and carefully put the copybook close to your body.

Bing San knew that the matter was important, so he didn't dare to delay, and said apologetically: "Everyone, now the underworld is in chaos and the manpower is scarce. Now that the matter here has been handled, I have to go back to my life and look at Haihan."

Li Nianfan and the others knew that the situation was urgent, and they said, "Your business is important, leave."

"Thanks to all of you for helping me today. After I go back, I will definitely tell my boss that you will be the guests of my underworld in the future!"

Bing San solemnly bowed to everyone, then greeted his subordinates, hurriedly concluded the matter, and rushed back to the underworld as quickly as possible.

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