Turns Out I’m a Great Cultivator

Chapter 319: Culture is great

"Ouuuu, brother Nianfan, they are so pitiful." The two girls, Nun Nun and Long Er, also started crying.

Li Nianfan sighed softly and shook his head.

These five female ghosts are indeed miserable and tortured physically and mentally. It is quite rare for them to avoid direct harm as much as possible.

In fact, what I was doing just now was also a brothel activity, but as a female ghost, the currency for charging was Yang Qi.

Beautiful is beautiful, but it is more laborious.

He looked at the five female ghosts who were "babbling", and suddenly said: "The shame day covers the sleeves, and the spring is lazy to put on makeup. It is easy to ask for priceless treasures, it is rare to have a heart."

The sobbing of the five female ghosts stopped, their delicate bodies trembled, and their eyes flushed red. They looked at Li Nianfan blankly, the poem reverberating in their ears.

It's easy to ask for priceless treasures, it's rare to have a heart.

This sentence could not describe them more suitable, it can be said that it directly touched their hearts.

Just now, that group of men were obsessed with themselves, and the moment before they shouted that they would die for themselves, they encountered danger and ran faster than rabbits.

As women in the brothel, they have already taken it off from this phenomenon, otherwise they would not jump into the lake in despair and commit suicide.

It turns out that the one who knows them best is the immortal long!

Suddenly, when they looked at Li Nianfan, the fear in their hearts faded a little, but they were full of emotion, with a blush on their cheeks and spring water in their eyes.

Seeing such a strange man and hearing such a poem, they felt that they had no regrets.

A woman suddenly tidied up her appearance, got up and did a blessing to Li Nianfan, and said softly, "Master, please be respected by the little girl."

The other female ghosts also followed, "Please be worshipped by the little girl."

"The hateful little girl didn't meet the son in her lifetime, otherwise she would definitely do her best to satisfy the son."

"Under the whole world, only the son pity me and wait."

"If the son can be my guest, Rou'er will definitely die of happiness."

While talking, the five of them couldn't help but leaned their bodies over, looking at Li Nianfan, with eyes full of obsession.

Throughout the ages, beautiful women have loved talented people, especially women in brothels, not to mention that this poem has included their softness, which makes it difficult for themselves.

Li Nianfan just sent it out with feelings. He didn't expect a poem to be so powerful, and he was directly granted a pass for prostitution.

Nun Nu and Long Er jumped up together, opened their arms, and stood in front of Li Nianfan, like a chick protecting food, "What do you want to do to me, Brother Nianfan? Don't come over, go back, go back!"

The five female ghosts immediately sobered up and said bitterly: "I am so ashamed that I wait for the decayed flower to lose the willow, and approach the son is an insult to the son."

Li Nianfan gave a light cough, opened the topic, and said: "Five girls, I have a few questions I want to ask."

The five female ghosts didn't even think about it, and sincerely said, "My son, please say, we must know that everything is endless."

There was joy on his face, happy to be able to help Li Nianfan.

Culture is great, and even female ghosts can directly impress.

Li Nianfan smiled, and then said with some expectation: "Can ghosts have a way to practice?"


A woman nodded, and then shook her head again: "But we don't. The yang energy we inhale is equivalent to mortals eating. They grow very slowly and are not considered cultivation."

Another female ghost said: "My son, ordinary ghosts have no cultivation method. Even if the soul is strong and obsessed, it can swallow other ghosts and become stronger soon, but this is not authentic. The method of cultivation."

Li Nianfan nodded, frowned and said, "In other words, only ghosts are there."

Even if you want to, how could the cultivation method be passed on to the ghost's hands, if that is the case, an individual can commit suicide and then practice, which is more nonsense.

Li Nianfan continued to ask, "Can mortals practice?"

The five female ghosts shook their heads at the same time, "This little girl doesn't know."

Li Nianfan was a little disappointed.

"Young Master Li, the little girl stayed by the Ghost King some time ago, but she heard a news." The woman who played the flute pondered for a moment, but suddenly said.

Li Nianfan raised his brows slightly, "What news?"

"They seem to be looking for a book, saying that as long as they get this book, they can gain the Tao and become ghosts and gods. The little girl guessed that it might be a method of ghosts and gods cultivation."

"A book?" Li Nianfan's heart moved, and he arched his hands and said, "Thank you girl for telling me."

Although he is curious about this book, he has no idea, mainly because he knows his own weight and is not qualified to write this book.

Li Nianfan continued to ask: "Do the five girls know where to meet ghosts?"

"The son can go to Qingyu City. We escaped from there. Ghosts are being organized over there, preparing to resist the attack of the ghosts."

Another female ghost said: "My son, there is already a ghost town, and there are countless ghosts. If you go, I'm afraid it will be dangerous."

Li Nianfan asked them the way and nodded, "I know, thank you."

Seeing that Li Nianfan was okay, the five female ghosts glanced at each other, bit their lips, and made a blessing to Li Nianfan together, and whispered: "My son, we should say goodbye."

Li Nianfan was taken aback for a moment, "Are you going to... go back?"

"Today we are able to communicate with the son, we are satisfied, if we are lucky enough to reincarnate, in the next life, we hope to be with him and serve him."

"Prince, before leaving, please allow us to give you a light dance."

The sound of the piano resumed, and Xiao Sheng emerged.

The five female ghosts are graceful, dancing with tulle and fluttering skirts, dancing in the moonlight.

This dance music is no longer the dance of a woman in the dust, it is as elegant as snow in the sky, lotus blossoms step by step, light and graceful dance, slender hands dance, graceful waist, and eye waves.

Gradually, the sound of Qin and Xiao became more and more illusory, and the figure began to become illusory.

"My son, don't pass this."

With a farewell, the five figures disappeared into the mortal world.

The moonlight is still there, and the night breeze is like water, everything just seemed like a dream.

In the sound of the music, the eyes of the men gradually became clearer, and then an excited spirit quickly knelt on his knees, and said in fear: "The villain is obsessed with ghosts. Only then will he be disrespectful to the three immortals. A large number of adults, spare my life."

Li Nianfan waved his hand, "Go back and live a good life."

He didn't return to the village again, and walked towards Qingyu City with Longer, Nuan and Dahei.

Immortal world, Yunluoge.

In the void, many auspicious clouds floated quickly, making it extremely panic.

A hurried shout came from inside, "Quick, quick, open the guard tower, and all the disciples will take their place for me!"

"Where is the elder too, I ask you where is the elder too? Go ahead and ask the elder too!"

An old man walked out of Yunluo Pavilion with a displeased expression, with a calm face, "What needs to disturb the elders too much? Pavilion Master, isn't the Pavilion Master with you? Why didn't he come back?"

"Elder, the pavilion master is gone!"

"Nothing?" The elder stunned slightly, "What does this mean?"

"Evaporated, there is no hair left!"


The great elder opened his mouth slightly, revealing an unbelievable look, "What did the mortal man do? What is going on? What is the realm of the mortal man?"

"There is no time to explain, the other party's person has already called, and you have to hurry up and ask the elder too."

"Elder Taishang can't leave the customs easily, don't panic, first tell me how many people have come."

"Several Taiyi golden immortals, and many golden immortals."

"How many do we have?"

"Three Golden Immortal Elders and..."

"Okay, needless to say, I'm going to invite the Supreme Elder!"


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