Turns Out I’m a Great Cultivator

Chapter 322: Da Hei: I suspect I ate shit

Into the night.

The originally bleak sky became deeper, and even the moonlight seemed to be hidden in the sky.

Green Jade City.

Dark clouds overwhelm the city.

Two figures, one black and one white, slowly emerged above the void, wearing a high hat, holding two crying sticks, one black and one white in each hand, with a cold complexion and solemn eyes, behind them, they followed Many ghosts are bad.

And confronting them are countless ghosts in Qingyu City.

These ghosts are completely different from the ones Li Nianfan encountered along the way. Most of them have lost their human form, and their appearance is extremely ugly. The whole body is ghostly and daunting. This is precisely because they have no practice methods, and they have eaten their souls indiscriminately and become stronger. as a result of.

Above the heads of many ghosts, three figures are sitting on the tall gates of Qingyu City, and their bodies are full of death and imposing momentum. Even in the face of many ghosts, there is still no trace of panic.

It is precisely because of these three ghost kings that Qingyu City can be refined into a place of death, and even a radius of thousands of miles has become a paradise for ghosts and monsters, and even the sect of immortality on earth has been destroyed.

A blue-faced fangs with protruding eyes and a mouth like a crocodile. Sharp teeth are exposed along the mouth, and the cold light flickers. He claims to be the strongest fangs ghost king.

There are three heads hanging on one shoulder, each of them is like a ball of meat. The eyes are slanted, and the mouth is like a frog. It has been wide open, as if it can't be closed. There is a laughter that keeps coming out, and it makes people smell it. With straight hair, self-proclaimed invincible three-headed ghost king.

Another is a woman in a red dress, not only human, but also extremely beautiful, faintly headed by her.

If Li Nianfan were here, he would definitely be surprised, because the woman in the red dress was almost the same as the woman he had seen last time. The temperament alone was exactly the same.

The three-headed ghost king let out a weird laugh, and three different voices echoed, "Black and white impermanence, why are you two here, General Blood Sea?"

Hei Wuchang said coldly: "Huh, you don't need to bother General Blood Sea to deal with you little ghosts!"

"Jie Jie Jie, he doesn't have time to come over, right? We don't know the current manpower of your underworld?" The Fang Ghost King laughed wildly, as if he had seen everything. Go? But after all, it will be nothing! And you will all die here too!"

Bai Wuchang's face was extremely gloomy, as if he would make a move at any time, "Do you dare to pay attention to life and death?"

"This kind of magic weapon is for the natural energy."

The woman in the red dress gave a smile, stretched out her scarlet tongue, licked her lips, looked at the black and white impermanence and said: "You and I know that the underworld has long ceased to exist, what are you still protecting? At this time, It is exactly when we are fighting for opportunities for ourselves. Once we catch it, we can become the new master. You should learn from the Asura ghost generals. If we join hands, the whole world will be ours!"

"The Shura ghost general has been removed from my underground mansion! If you have solved you, the next one is him!"

The impermanence of black and white suddenly rises, seeming to be extremely angry, and he said in a majestic and stern voice: "My underworld is righteous, gods and ghosts, how can you group of lone ghosts and ghosts be comparable!"

"Die me!"

Black and white impermanence shot at the same time, raising both hands, a black chain shot out like a giant python, shook in the air, and swayed towards the three ghost kings.

"Little ones, kill this group of ghosts, we will have the final say in the underworld! Kill!"

With a loud shout, the Ghost King of Fangs rushed out first, his huge mouth snapped, and it bit directly on the chain. With a "cock", the iron cord was directly crushed by it.

Its eyes squinted, like a poisonous snake, flashing tyrannical and madness, and its mouth opened again, spraying out a black mist, shrouded in black and white impermanence!

"The body of ghosts and gods will not invade a hundred evils!"

The black and white impermanence gave a cold snort, and there was a gleam of light around his body, like a barrier, there was no need to do anything at all.

Guichai naturally has a unique technique for reducing ghosts.

In the next moment, the black and white impermanence raised the crying stick in his hand at the same time, and smashed it towards the ghost king of fangs!

Cry the funeral stick, conquer the ghosts and gods, hit the body with a stick, so that the ghosts will fly away. Even the ghost king, this stick will be enough to lose combat power instantly!

"Hehe, do you really think we have no preparations?" The Fang Ghost King let out a chuckle, flipped his wrist, and a big knife appeared in his hand and greeted him.

The sound of "clang" collided with the crying stick.

Surrounded by death, this sword has a scarlet aura of killing. Inside the blade, there are many souls gathered and crying.

"Bold!" Hei Wuchang's face was as black as ink, and his voice was billowing like thunder. "You slaughtered the people here and turned them into ghost weapons. Such evil deeds will never be supernatural when you enter the eighteenth hell. !"

The three-headed ghost king held a big hammer and killed it as well, and said proudly: "We refine the magical tools of the mortal cultivators, how can the underground palace stand us?"

At the same time, even the other ghosts in Qingyu City, most of them have ghost weapons in their hands, and they begin to fight with the ghosts.

The ghosts in the hands of the weapons used to restrain the ghosts and gods, the effect is naturally greatly reduced.

The horrible atmosphere is even more like a landslide and tsunami, swirling in this world.

The fighting between ghosts and monsters is not as dazzling as the cultivator, but it is more cruel and bloody. The scene of mutual biting, devouring and splitting between souls can be seen everywhere, and it is extreme.

at the same time.

Five miles away from Qingyu City.

Suddenly there were waves of waves in the darkness, and a light blue halo lit up.

This light blue forms a water wave shield, like a small yurt, emerging on the earth.

Within the water wave, a very fashionable tent was erected like this.

Li Nianfan sat outside the tent and said, "It's time to sleep on the street again tonight."

He looked at the water wave in front of him, and he had to say that it was convenient to bring Longer by his side, and to fully embody the convenience of cultivating immortals, he immediately laid a water wave enchantment, beautiful, defensive, and capable of isolating sound , Is simply an essential medicine for home travel.

Long Er curiously said, "Brother, don't you keep going? It seems to be coming soon."

"Never go!" Li Nianfan shook his head without hesitation, and touched Longer's little head, "The situation there is unclear and extremely dangerous. You must remember that things that are easy to fall into danger must be avoided as much as possible. If you can be more stable, then be more stable."

"Oh." Long Er nodded, "Then are we waiting here?"

"At least you have to wait until tomorrow. Just just lean over it a little bit."

Li Nianfan sighed lightly, "The best situation is that when we arrive, the ghost chase has already captured Qingyu City. Everything is safe. In the worst case, it is estimated that we should run away quickly."

Speaking of running away, Li Nianfan couldn't help but glance at Da Hei.

Da Hei's dog showed a seemingly understanding look on his face, and he said softly.

The girl said, "Brother Nianfan, tomorrow morning, I can help you find out the situation first."

Li Nianfan pondered for a moment.

"Let Long'er go, Long'er is much more stable than you." Li Nianfan looked at Long'er, "Remember, touch it quietly, just look at it from a distance, don't force it."

Long Er nodded, "Brother, I understand."

"Okay, it's time for me to sleep. I hope everything goes well tomorrow." Li Nianfan looked at the starless sky, opened the tent and walked in.

As time passed, the night became darker, like a beast covered in pitch black, wanting to swallow everything in the world.

Long Er and Nun Nun tilted their heads, talking in a low voice, guessing curiously.

Long Er: "Nanny, what do you think your brother wants to fix? He is so spicy, what else can he fix in this world?"

She shook her head, twitched her small nose, and said, "I don't understand either. I feel that Brother Fan was just looking for a reason to take us out to play."

"You seem quite reasonable."

Long Er suddenly realized, and then looked at Da Hei and curiously said, "Da Hei Dog, what do you want to do, brother?"

"I don't think you need to guess, just follow the master." The **** dog rolled the dog's eyes, and then said: "The master plays the world, there is no purpose in doing whatever he wants."

Long Er suddenly gave birth to a trace of sympathy, and said with emotion: "Yes, the so-called gains and losses, my brother is too strong, he must have lost a lot of fun."

"When the host is happy, he will sprinkle water everywhere, so that everyone can enjoy life together. Life is endless. If you are not happy, it is not impossible to ruin this world. It is all his own heart."

Da Hei's dog's ears moved suddenly, seeming to be listening.

Then he stood up slowly, "In short, we only need to follow the master's suggestion to act, and let the master keep a good mood. For example, now, I am going to help the master share the worries."

"I agree. Stay alive. The ultimate goal is not to be relaxed and happy. If Brother Nianfan is playing games, then we must accompany him well."

The girl nodded frantically, then looked at Da Hei, "How are you going to help Brother Nianfan share the worries?"

"Just now the master glanced at me when he was saying the'best case'. This is of course a hint. I have to help the master make the way."

Da Hei walked out of the water wave and slowly walked towards the darkness in the distance. His figure gradually disappeared, "I will go back."


The killing in Qingyu City still continued.

The number of ghosts is far greater than that of ghosts. Although there are many combat powers that are not strong, ghost sea tactics still make many ghosts feel extremely difficult, and there are many ghosts that are torn and swallowed.

Black and white impermanence is seen in the eyes and anxious in the heart.

Nowadays, the underworld is extremely short of people. If one died, there would be one less. How will it work in the future?

They looked at each other, their eyes condensed at the same time, and they raised their hands in a very tacit understanding, "Escape!"


Inside their bodies, countless black chains were shot out.

Like a spider web, covering the sky and sun, instantly locked the three ghost kings who were fighting with them.

The rapid contraction of the iron cable disturbed the other two, but the three-headed ghost king was the main entanglement!

They are going to do their best to kill one first!

The two crying sticks were raised, and the two heads of the three-headed ghost king were hit.

Seeing that he was about to succeed, the three-headed ghost king suddenly spit out a long tongue with his mouth wide open, but it was a scary blood-red snake, with his mouth wide open and biting towards the black and white impermanence!

This is a game of the same end. I can’t fight the black and white impermanence and can only helplessly stop.

The three-headed ghost king suddenly laughed strangely, and said: "Hehe, black and white impermanence is nothing more than that, what other means is there to use it?"

Black and white Impermanence did not speak, but suddenly took out a black jade bottle, the mouth of the bottle was outward, and drops of rain and dew fell down suddenly!

There seemed to be a hazy drizzle in the sky, which easily penetrated through the ghosts and dripped on each ghost. At first they didn't care about it, but soon, their faces showed fear.

The body of Fang Gui Wang Shen quickly backed away, screaming: "Meng Po Tang, this is Meng Po Tang!"

Some of the ghosts' eyes have begun to fade, lose their direction in life, and begin to wander around where they are, dementia.

Black and white impermanence sighed, and said distressedly: "Meng Po soup, once you use it, you will lose one time."

"It's worthy of being an underworld, so it's still quite sufficient."

The woman in the red skirt was surrounded by blood and water, she actually blocked the Meng Po Tang, and said leisurely: "However, you may have forgotten that I am not a ghost. I was born in Styx."

The blood water all over her suddenly became rich, covering the gradually demented fangs ghost king and the three-headed ghost king. The blood became thicker and thicker, and the phantom of the Styx appeared, like a roaring dragon, seeming to chew the two ghost kings. .

The woman in the red dress also melted into the blood, and the three were united, giving birth to a monstrous power, staining the sky red!

Gradually, a woman's grimace made up of blood and water began to appear, and the blood and water flowed, making the grimace appear to float up and down, and the sharp laughter of a woman came, terrifying.

"Gluck, a godsend, a godsend! This so-called snipe and clam fight for the fisherman's profit, you two, I am sure! Just take this opportunity to repair my Asura body."

The sound of **** grimace was long, and he opened his mouth abruptly, and suddenly, countless ghosts and monsters around him rushed toward its mouth like a thousand rivers returning to the sea.

These ghosts have become idiots. They don’t know how to resist, and they are easily swallowed. Their grimace is getting bigger and bigger, and their sucking power is getting stronger and stronger. Even ghosts are hard to resist. They rise up into the air and face the mouth. Fly away.


There are chains flying out, entwining those ghosts.

"Everyone, hold on, work together, and let it go!" Hei Wuchang's ghostly energy circulated to the extreme, binding the iron cable to each ghost chase, connecting them into one piece, desperately resisting.

Bai Wuchang also murmured, "Quickly, throw out the ghost chain, and pull all the ghosts, as much as you can!"

"Wow, wow!"

The chain sound keeps on, and more and more ghosts and ghosts are connected together to resist.

"Glitter, it's better to make a skewer, let me swallow it in one go, this way of eating must be very cool!"

The **** grimace laughed and laughed, and he was sure of winning, and everyone was sure of it, but it was a matter of sooner or later.

too strong.

The bodies of the ghosts leaned towards the grimace a little bit, the black and white face of impermanence is hard to see the extreme, and despair and unwillingness appeared in the eyes.

If there are no more people like yourself, then the underworld is really complete!

With twists and turns, even Styx has its own calculations.

Is my underworld really going to be annihilated?

Their hearts are beating violently, they don't want to die, they can't die!


At this moment, there seemed to be a sound of footsteps in the distance.

Afterwards, a black dog slowly emerged in the sight of everyone, and the black dog's fur was flying with the wind, standing there quietly, with his eyes calmly watching here.

This... black dog?

Everyone was taken aback, almost unable to believe their eyes.

Before he died, how could such an illusion occur?

The grimace was also dumbfounded, but he didn't think about it. With a puff of his mouth, the suction power became stronger, and Da Hei was also included.

"Unexpectedly, at the last moment, there will be an extra dog to add a meal, yes."

It's just that it quickly discovered a problem. The dog still stood quietly on the spot, let alone move, even the dog's fur didn't seem to be affected, and the dog's eyes were still calm.


This dog... seems a little extraordinary.

But when he listened, the dog said, "It seems that your suction is not enough, or look at me."

Afterwards, the dog’s mouth was a little bit like a straw, and just a little bit like that, the grimace couldn’t even resist even a trace of resistance, and it turned into a pool of blood, like juice. , Entered Da Hei's mouth.

The dog's mouth chewed a little, followed by swallowing sounds.

"Well, it's terrible, I suspect that I ate shit."

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