Turns Out I’m a Great Cultivator

Chapter 342: Following an expert really benefits for life

Ao Cheng led Li Nianfan to the main hall and quickly said, "Master Li, please sit down."

In the main hall, the materials of the tables and chairs are also extremely extraordinary. They are all carved from the special wood and stone in the ocean, and they even shone with bright light.

Li Nianfan has really seen the so-called "backing on mountains and eating mountains" and relying on the sea to eat the sea.

There are not many other things in the sea, but there are many shiny things, and there are many seafood.

When everyone sat down, Li Nianfan picked up the crystal cup at the table and looked at it.

The crystal glass is very small and warm at first. It contains transparent wine, which is slightly rippling, with a hint of wine overflowing.

Li Nianfan first sniffed lightly, then drank it all.

I smashed my mouth and found that this wine is not strong, but has a hint of sweetness, which is a good wine.

Ao Cheng opened the mouth and said: "Prince Li, the wine here is far from yours, please don't dislike it."

"Old Ao is polite, this wine is considered a rare wine." Li Nianfan smiled. He knew the difference between the two, but he couldn't explain it, and it's not appropriate to take out his wine at this time.


Ao Cheng clapped his hands gently.

Immediately, a large number of clams came in, gathered in a clearing in front of the hall, and began to perform hard.

The Kraken's body is actually like a water snake, twisting extremely smoothly in the water, and its body rippling gently like water.

The musical instrument is even simpler, with a few conch spirits blowing the snail horns, which is also pleasant to the ear.

Li Nianfan couldn't help but feel a little bit in his heart when he watched the performance. Not long ago, he had just watched the performance of the female ghost. This time he actually watched the performance of the sea monster again.

In fact, the female ghost is changed from person to person, so there is some popularity in the composition of the performance, but the sea monster is different, giving Li Nianfan a taste of another exotic style.

The Hai Clan’s program is very rich. After the clam dance, there are dolphins and sharks playing, and then there is a blue whale fountain activity.

Let Li Nianfan cry inwardly that this trip to sea is worthwhile.

Li Nianfan curiously asked, "Old Ao, is your carp essence family so powerful in the ocean?"


Ao Cheng was stunned for a moment, his thoughts turned sharply, and he quickly organized the language, and said: "Young Master Li, in fact...mainly because of the ancestor, the so-called carp jumped over the dragon gate, but our ancestor had a real dragon.

"So that's the case." Li Nianfan can understand. This is the same as a cultivator. The ancestors who have ever had a celestial being are not in the same class as those who have never been.

It's no wonder that carp spirits have a relationship with dragons.

Li Nianfan raised his wine glass and said with a smile: "Then I wish Ao Lao will turn the dragon into a dragon."

This sentence was different in Ao Cheng's ears, and he was extremely excited. The expert is willing to change the definition for us, and is willing to recognize our dragon's identity!

Although he was originally a dragon, they felt that he had to be considered by an expert.

Now that an expert recognizes the identity of the dragon, there is an achievement in my heart inexplicably. It is as if a child has been recognized by the parent. Others say you are excellent, and you will listen. Only when the parent says you are excellent, you It's really good.

It must be his performance recently that satisfied the expert.

Ao Cheng was so moved that he even wanted to cry, and solemnly said: "Don't worry, Li Gongzi, I will definitely work hard to transform the dragon as soon as possible!"

At this time, a clam spirit came in, "My lord, the crab seems to be steamed."

Ao Cheng hurriedly said, "Hurry up, and give Master Li and them a copy first."

Not long after, a group of sea women walked in. They were wearing thin silk pink belts and their hair in a bun. They still had some scales on their bodies. The colors of the scales were different, and they were obviously different kinds of fine products.

Everyone dragged a small dish in their hands. On it was a crab that had turned red. Some of them were still waving their tongs and fell into peace.

Li Nianfan said: "Forgot to say, when steaming crabs, you need to tie the crabs together, so as to make the meat compact and taste better."

Ao Cheng's brows suddenly frowned, and he hurriedly said: "Young Master Li, I'm really embarrassed, the servants don't understand this, I will let them do it again."

"It doesn't have to be so troublesome, it's just a small trick. Pay attention later." Li Nianfan waved his hand casually, and then focused his attention on the crab.

The first feeling is fat!

Look at the big and powerful tongs, look at the generous back, and look at the luxuriant and sharp hairs. In the past life, they are definitely the best of hairy crabs!

Take it up, it's bigger than a palm.

However, as Li Nianfan said, because there is no rope tied, the crab's shell has been a little bit up, and the meat quality will be affected to some extent. For Li Nianfan, who is pursuing perfection, it is slightly imperfect.

But it is also harmless.

Li Nianfan took out the condiments he brought with him. It was not complicated. It was vinegar and ginger. He smiled at everyone and said, "Crab and vinegar are more suitable."

Ao Cheng responded: "I have been taught..."

Everyone looked at the crab and couldn't say anything. They could only watch Li Nianfan eating from the side, and then draw the gourd.

Fortunately, everyone is not stupid, so you can take a look.

"Kacha, Kacha!"

One after another, shelling began to sound.

At this time, everyone was surprised to find that under the crab’s strong appearance, there was so much white tender meat hidden. Moreover, it was obviously only steamed, without any seasoning at all, and it could exude bursts of fragrance. This greatly exceeded everyone's expectations.

Ao Cheng learned that Li Nianfan was dipped in vinegar, and then slowly brought a crab leg into his mouth.

First, the taste buds were stimulated by the sour taste of vinegar, and then, the tender crab meat seemed to bounce in the mouth. The fragrance of the crab meat itself burst out instantly, swallowing everything, not much crab meat, but the fragrance was extremely overbearing. Almost all human senses are invaded.

Soft and strong, fresh but not greasy, with a long flavor and endless aftertaste!

How can it be a fragrant word.

"good to eat!"

Ao Cheng stared at the crab legs in his hand with wide eyes, showing an unbelievable look.

"Unexpectedly, there is such a delicacy just under my nose?!" He took a deep breath, and suddenly felt that he had lived for so many years to be a waste of life, so terribly failed.

Li Nianfan smiled slightly and said, "This is more than that. If the crab shell is peeled off, the crab paste in the male crab and the crab yellow in the female crab are the most delicious things."

"This thing can be so delicious!" Ao Yun was also shocked, feeling that his worldview had been subverted.

Suddenly a trace of desolation appeared, and tears blurred his eyes.

Why, why should I taste such delicious food before I die?

This is not only a kind of happiness, but also a kind of torture. When I was alive, I missed countless such delicacies. I realized before I died that this is more than a hundred million wrongs! The most painful thing in the world is this.

There is only one thought in his mind, "Eat, I must eat enough before I die!"

Xiao Daji completely removed a crab leg, handed a whole crab leg meat to Li Nianfan's mouth, and said softly, "Master, I'll peel it off for you."

Li Nianfan opened his mouth to eat, and said with satisfaction: "Well, it's so delicious, Xiao Da is so good."

Xiao Daji smiled and said, "Hehe, thank you son, I'll peel another pliers for you."

"Brother, look at me." As if offering a treasure, Long Er pinched a magic trick in his hand, with water ripples, and then easily separated the whole crab's shell and flesh. The white crabmeat made Li Nianfan jealous. .

The magical skill is definitely the magical skill of eating crabs!

He screamed in his heart, being able to eat crab meat with big mouthfuls, this is what many people dream of.

However, Long Er obviously didn't mean to share with him. With a small mouth, he immediately wrapped the whole crab meat in his mouth. The small cheeks on both sides were bulging, and he looked at Li Nianfan, as if waiting for praise.

Li Nianfan looked at the crab in his hand, and suddenly it no longer fragrant.

However, he said: "In fact, the reason why crab meat is delicious is also related to the process of shelling. If you don't poke the shell away with your hands, the crab meat you eat will be soulless."

After speaking, he seemed to peel off the crab shell in his hands intently.

However, Ao Cheng and the others, who were preparing to peel the crab shells with force, suddenly stopped their movements silently, followed in Li Nianfan's footsteps, settled, and manually peeled the shells bit by bit.

Peeling a crab's shell is obviously an extremely boring thing, but soon everyone discovered that when peeling the shell, they would involuntarily become focused, and even gradually calm their heart.

There are only two very simple thoughts in my mind, one is to peel the shell and the other is to eat it.

As their abilities become more capable, their hearts gradually become impetuous, because many things are within easy reach, which leads to their lack of concentration. If they do more tricky things, their mood naturally appears. A large area is missing.

However, at this moment, they suddenly found themselves, with a sense of peace of mind of returning to the harbor.

How is this peeling? This is clearly refining the heart!

An expert is an expert, such a state of mind is simply embarrassing, no wonder he can do it, clearly possessing unparalleled strength in the world, and can completely integrate into the role of a mortal.

If we were replaced by us, I would have never known that the sky was so high and the earth was so arrogant that I would be mortal with peace of mind.

From an expert, even if it is just a little comprehension, it is enough to benefit us for life!

Everyone shouted inwardly that they learned.

The ocean show on the other side continues.

What surprised Li Nianfan was that the seafood was actually a group of seafood.

Aolong, king crab, squid and salmon, etc., there are a lot of them. They are not dancing, but swimming happily, seeming to show themselves hard.

"Mr. Li, this is a show specially prepared for you at the seafood gathering."

Ao Cheng smiled slightly, and continued: "They are all elites in seafood, and the meat is very good. If Li Gongzi is interested in something, he can directly tell me, wouldn't it be beautiful to take home and make a dish? If you like it, you can take it all away."

"Old Ao is really interested."

"By the way, such delicacies as hairy crabs can never be buried!" Ao Cheng suddenly thought of something, and said to the opposite hand: "Come on, go and find the king crabs quickly and let him get fat I'll pick the sturdy hairy crabs, and in the future, I will list the hairy crabs as my carp palace delicacy. Remember to cultivate them."

Then everyone's topic changed naturally, and they began to comment on the seafood that was performing, discussing which part of them had more delicious meat.

"Cough cough cough!"

At this moment, Ao Yun coughed again. This time he couldn't stop coughing, and a lot of blood overflowed from his mouth.

The mouth still reluctantly said: "I'm sorry, it's rude, it's rude."

Li Nianfan noticed that the blood that Ao Yun had coughed up had turned black, and the damage to his internal organs was extremely serious. He couldn't help but said: "Old Ao, your brother's injury may not be optimistic."

Ao Cheng sighed lightly, shook his head and said: "Young Master Li, it is true that this is poisoned by my brother. I am afraid it is his last time."

Is this helpless?

Ao Cheng and his elder brother were quite optimistic, and they were waiting calmly for death.

Li Nianfan stared at Ao Yun for a while, but found no signs of poisoning. He was surprised: "Mind if you let me take a pulse?"

Ao Cheng immediately said excitedly: "Don't mind, don't mind, Li Gongzi just get your pulse!"

Anticipation is indispensable in his heart, and his eyes are full of eagerness.

After a while, Li Nianfan withdrew his hand and frowned. As expected, he couldn't say anything. Ao Yun's pulse was just weak.

Li Nianfan said strangely: "What kind of poison is being poisoned?"

Ao Chengdao: "It is a kind of demon insect. It likes to swallow blood, flesh, and mana. Once it enters the body, it is like a tarsus maggot. It will never be full, and it will never stop if you don't swallow a person clean."

"There are actually such insects." Li Nianfan was a little surprised, this has gone beyond the scope of medical skills, I am afraid that he is powerless.

But this is also normal, after all, even the gods are helpless.

Li Nianfan asked, "Is there no way to force this bug out?"

"It's impossible. This worm is absorbed in the flesh and blood, and because the blood and mana between the heart vein and the dantian are the most delicious, it stays there forever. If you force it out, or attack, you will be the first to be damaged. ."

Ao Cheng paused, and said: "As the insect sucks, it will make people weaker and weaker, and the recovery will not be as good as before. Not only will the injury not heal, but it will worsen and worsen until the final painful death."

This is similar to a certain virus in the previous life, sucking the essence of humans, making people's immunity worse and worse, and eventually dying weakly.

Although Ao Yun's injury is not light, if there is no poisoning, the injury will heal in a short time. But because of the poison, the injury is not only bad, but it is getting more and more serious, and the worm is still devouring him. His blood and mana, falling into such a situation, really makes people desperate.

Seeing Li Nianfan's silence, Ao Cheng couldn't help feeling bitter.

He naturally did not doubt the ability of the expert, he could only say that the expert did not intend to make a move.

This is not surprising, and there is nothing to complain about.

Ao Yun's eyes dimmed slightly, and he smiled freely: "Hahaha, I was ready to die from the moment I was poisoned, and I will be able to last for a while before I die. , Death is death, and contentment."

Worms possessed...like to devour flesh and blood and mana.

Suddenly, Li Nianfan's inspiration flashed, he pondered for a moment, and suddenly said, "Actually... it's not impossible, but I don't know if this method will work."

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