Turns Out I’m a Great Cultivator

Chapter 348: My husband is going to benefit the world again

When Li Nianfan came here last time, there was no time to stroll around, but this time it was too much leisurely.

Moreover, the palace of the Xia Dynasty has obviously been improved and has become more luxurious.

But at this moment, there was a sound of footsteps, and then I saw Zhou Yunwu striding forward with a hurried expression. When he saw Li Nianfan, he suddenly smiled and said, "Yunwu has seen Mr.".

Li Nianfan also responded, "The King of Zhou."

Zhou Yunwu said sincerely: "Last time the Xia Dynasty had internal and external troubles and failed to entertain Mr. Yunwu well, Yunwu has always felt guilty. Now that Mr. Rare is here, I must do my best as a landlord."

Next, Zhou Yunwu personally took Li Nianfan to wander around in the palace, with an ardent attitude, so that many of the palace ladies and servants looked sideways and were very surprised, not knowing where this was coming.

You know, Zhou Wang has always been neither humble nor overbearing, revealing the king's spirit, and even put forward the theory that mortals should be self-improvement, but it has never been like this.

Humility, yes, it is humility!

From the main hall to the apse, then went to the prison to gain knowledge, then came to the back garden, and wandered around the palace of the Xia Dynasty.

Zhou Yunwu introduced various things along the way, and at the same time explained to Li Nianfan various major events that occurred in the Xia Dynasty, focusing on how the people live and work in peace and contentment, and how optimistic the current situation is.

He is obviously the king, but he feels a bit of reporting to work, and Li Nianfan's sentence is good, which immediately makes him happy.

When everyone came to the back garden, there were clusters of flowers, pavilions, pavilions, small bridges and running water, and several large koi carps were fluttering underwater.

Li Nianfan was enjoying the scenery and smiled at Long Er: "Long Er, look at him, your kind."

In exchange for Ryu'er's eyes, Nun Nu was giggling on the side.

Behind him, Meng Junliang looked at Zhou Yunwu, couldn't help taking a step forward, and whispered: "Sir, haven't you encountered a lot of problems recently? Why do you just report the good and not the worry?"

"Mr. has helped us enough, how can I be embarrassed to ask for everything?" Zhou Yunwu shook his head and continued: "Since the master has given me the burden, I should pick it up! People are satisfied, not what they say is a problem."

Meng Junliang fell silent.

He naturally understood this.

Zhou Yunwu said: "Sir, I have gone a lot, sit down and rest. I will let the servants go to make tea."

"Alright." Li Nianfan nodded.

On the side, 囡囡 couldn't stand her temper, and said, "Brother Nianfan, I want to go out for a stroll."

Of the topics Zhou Yunwu and Li Nianfan were discussing, Nun Nan and Long Er were naturally not interested at all, and they had long been impatient.

Li Nianfan saw it too, and said with a smile: "Go, don't make trouble."

Zhou Yunwu hurriedly called a court lady and solemnly said: "Take the two girls out to get better, remember, don't be negligent!"

When everyone sat down, Zhou Yunwu swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and said expectantly: "How do you think the Xia Dynasty is today?"

"Live and work in peace and prosperity, very good."

Li Nianfan smiled and said, "But... there is a little lack."

Zhou Yunwu and Meng Junliang were both taken aback, revealing their doubts.

Although the Xia Dynasty is now facing a bottleneck, as far as the city is concerned, it is definitely the largest city in the entire cultivating world. How can there be shortcomings?

Zhou Yunwu sternly said: "Please also ask Mr. to teach me."

"Hehe, it's not a big deal, it's just that the entertainment life is not enough." Li Nianfan smiled, "When the material life is getting better, only when the entertainment that matches it is enriched, can people feel more satisfied."

This sentence is actually half a joke, but it is also true.

In some cases, entertainment is more conducive to governance.

"Entertainment?" Meng Junliang and Zhou Yunwu both showed a thoughtful look. They are smart people, and they can naturally detect the mystery.

Meng Junliang couldn't help asking: "It's just... how can this enrich the entertainment life?"

"Look at this, playing cards!" Li Nianfan took out the playing cards again.

It didn't take long for this deck to be completed, so Li Nianfan still likes to take it out very much. This is one of his rare entertainment projects.

Seeing Zhou Yunwu and Meng Junliang's dumbfounded expressions, Li Nianfan's smile became stronger, "Stop talking, let me teach you, come and have fun?"

"I don't dare to ask you as I wish."

Immediately, a human emperor, a great scholar, and a saint of merit, the three gathered together to play poker...

Outside the back garden.

A group of ministers are looking forward to it, most of them are entering old age, looking inwardly.

At this moment, a court lady walked out of the back garden.

Immediately, they surrounded them one after another, eagerly and anxiously.

"How? What are the king and the military division doing inside?"

The palace lady was taken aback, and she trembled: "Play poker in..."

"Playing poker?" Everyone was taken aback, you look at me, and I look at you, showing doubts and surprises.

"Who is poker? I want to play it as soon as I hear it."

"How can you let the king do it yourself with such a rough job? This poker is so courageous, we should let us play it."

"I get it!" An old official suddenly revealed what he had realized, and started to analyze it eloquently: "Isn't the king here to receive a distinguished guest? It is estimated that the talk is broken, and this poker is the name of that distinguished guest!"

"What you said makes sense."

"There are reasons and evidence. Eight achievements are like this."

"Play well, play well!"

The ministers stroked their beards and smiled with relief. The king turned his head from the road of licking, which is gratifying.

"Everyone misunderstood." The palace lady shivered, she was almost crying, weak and weak: "Poker is a game, and the king is playing happily with that distinguished guest."

"Game? Play?"

"Confused, confused! At such a critical moment, what kind of poker is going to play in the future of my Xia Dynasty?"

"Playing things to lose their will, playing things to lose their will!"

The ministers suddenly showed distraught expressions, wishing they could rush in and speak out.

"Hey, this distinguished guest of the king really...will affect the national fortune of my Xia Dynasty!"

An veteran sighed suddenly, shook his head and sighed: "I just inquired about it, do you know? Along the way, the king is not like a king at all. He is obedient to that distinguished guest, and has a humble attitude. Extremely, many people even think this is a fake king!"

"What happened? It's an evil! This is definitely an evil! The king is not like a king, my Xia Dynasty is going to die!"

"Where is the military division? What does the military division eat? How come I have been bewitched?

"Military Master? Don't mention it!"

A military commander stepped forward, with grief and anger on his face, and tears down his voice: "Not long ago, the military commander took the distinguished guest to Dianjiangtang. They actually... actually...oooooooo..."

Everyone was anxious, "What's the matter? Come on!"

"I actually made a mockery of our training at the general hall. General Lin just refuted a few words. Guess what, the military commander asked him to apologize!"

"What? What happened?!"

"Confused, confused!"

"This person is going to kill my Xia Dynasty!"

The anxious eyes of the ministers were red, and some emotional ones had left hot tears, and they felt sad.

"This matter can't be delayed, you all let me speak!"

"Yes, you can't wait anymore, go together, you will die if you die!"

Immediately, everyone hit it off and headed toward the back garden mightily.


At the door, a row of guards drew their knives neatly and uniformly, their knives were sharp and murderous.

"The king is entertaining distinguished guests, trespassers, and killing without mercy!"


"It's not that you can't wait, don't worry for a while."

"This is very true, very true!"


"Right three."



Li Nianfan put down the last card, "A four, sorry, I won again."

"Come again, come again!" Zhou Yunwu's heart was frustrated to the extreme, the key is that he could not accept the last failure.

He couldn't help looking at Meng Junliang, "Military teacher, how do you feel that you have been absent-minded?"

"Oh, I'm sorry, I'm a little distracted when thinking about something." Meng Junliang's brows were slightly furrowed, and his eyes were fixed on the card. He always felt that there was something very important in his mind, but he was always a little bit distracted. It's fleeting and hard to grasp.

what exactly is it?

He stared blankly at Li Nianfan's shuffle, then dealt the cards, then took the cards in his hand and stared at the numbers on the cards with eyes blankly.

Zhou Yunwu couldn't help but joked: "Military Master, this round is your local leader, why are you in a daze? You don't even know the numbers on the cards, do you?"


By the way, numbers!

Meng Junliang's body shook suddenly, as if waking up from a dream, staring at the numbers on the playing cards with wide eyes.

At the beginning, the scenes Li Nianfan taught them seemed to be replaying.

This is one, this is two, this is three...

"This, this is..."

His soul seemed to begin to tremble, and his whole body was covered with goose bumps, and he felt that his scalp was about to explode.


He stood up abruptly, and the chairs under his buttocks were all arched out by his buttocks for several meters and collapsed to the ground.

"Simplified figures! Yes, we count population, count food, count many things, why don't we know how to use a simple number to count? It is so clear and easy to understand, even the elderly and children are still easy to know!"

He seemed to have been opened the door to the new world in an instant, his lips trembled, his face flushed with excitement, and he trembled: "Why didn't I expect it, why didn't I expect it! A magical pen, it's a magical pen!"

His voice was hoarse and high, and it passed into Zhou Yunwu's ears, causing his pupils to shrink suddenly and his heart beating.


The stool behind Zhou Yunwu was also arched out, hesitatingly said: "Army...military division, you, what did you just say, say it again?"

Meng Junliang said excitedly: "Wang, this is a simplified version! If this method is popularized, statistics will be too simple in the future!"

"Yes, it is a simplified version of the figure, and it is the blessing of our Xia Dynasty!" Zhou Yunwu was already a little unable to himself, as if seeing a grand occasion beckoning to him, he quickly took a deep breath and faced Li Nianfan with a kind of piety. With an extreme attitude, he bowed respectfully, and said with gratitude: "Thank you, Mr., Mr. has benefited the world again!"

Meng Junliang also raised his hand and bent over and bowed deeply, "Where is the gentleman playing games, he is clearly reminding us! Junliang's brain is dull, until now, he is really ashamed of his teaching!"

You are ashamed, I am ashamed!

I really just want to play cards quietly.

Li Nianfan stared blankly at the two people who were really bothering, his lips moved, and finally showed a smile of relief, "Yes, you can teach you a child, just understand it!"

No matter, it's all like this, now that the forced grid gets up, it can only continue to pretend.

Zhou Yunwu reverently said: "Mr. is really an inexhaustible talent. Even this method can be thought of. This is a new number that will be passed down through the ages."

Meng Junliang even suggested: "Sir, this number should have a name, so why not name it after you."

"Don't!" Li Nianfan immediately raised his hand to stop. "It's better to call it Arabic numerals. It's smooth and smooth."


Meng Junliang and Zhou Yunwu were both dumbfounded, and then nodded in unison, "Good name, obscure and esoteric but catchy. It's a sir! Names are unique."

"Come on, come on." Li Nianfan waved his hand, feeling that these two were a trick, couldn't help but smile and said, "Do you think that Arabic numerals are the only thing?"

"Is there a mystery?" Zhou Yunwu's spirit was shocked, and he said respectfully: "Please sir to teach me."

"Ahem, sit, sit down, and learn slowly."

Li Nianfan made a please gesture, and then said: "Little Daji, take out our pen and paper."

He began to write on the paper.

"I'll teach you how to add and subtract numbers first. It's optimistic, this is 1+1=2."

"1+1=2?" Meng Junliang frowned and thought for a long time, then wondered: "Why is this? I don't understand."

"This is a symbol, easy to calculate..."

"So that's it, 1+1=2, I finally learned it."


"Next, I will teach you the nine-nine-nine multiplication table, come and memorize it."


After more than an hour, both Meng Junliang and Zhou Yunwu's cheeks were numb and stiff, because their mouths remained wide open for such a long time.

As Li Nianfan's explanation came to an end, their brains exploded directly, and it seemed that a magical door opened.

"Taigu initiation, Twilight Drum and Chenzhong! It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a saint in this method, sir!"

Zhou Yunwu was so excited that he was trembling all over his body. This one method was enough to cause earth-shaking changes in the entire Xia Dynasty. This is a blessing for millions of people!

"Indescribable, simply indescribable!" Meng Junliang didn't know what to do anymore. In the end, he bent his legs and knelt down directly. "Only five bodies can express my admiration for my husband!"

No wonder he was so.

As the saying goes, if you hear the Tao, you can die at night.

As a great scholar, Meng Junliang has been pursuing a Tao from beginning to end. However, now Li Nianfan has shown him another vast world. If it were not for Li Nianfan, he would probably not be able to see it in this life and this world. This is equivalent to remaking Grace!

Under extreme excitement, it is inevitable that this will happen. It is not so much worshiping Li Nianfan as it is worshiping this brand new Tao.

Li Nianfan lifted Meng Junliang up, and said with a smile: "Okay, you don’t have to be like that. This is just a new subject. It will be called mathematics in the future. This is the top priority. Remember to let the children learn more. Practice more!"

Meng Junliang and Zhou Yunwu nodded their heads at the same time, "Definitely, definitely!"

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