Turns Out I’m a Great Cultivator

Chapter 364: Bodhi enlightenment, Huangquan Naihe

The golden flame bounced in the void, and soon, Yue Tu's figure slowly disappeared. Then, the golden flame gradually extinguished, and there was nothingness there, as if there was nothing at all.

The audience was silent, with only a little wind blowing.


The monks put their hands together and chanted silently.

The death of Yue Tu did untie the knot of Buddhism today.

"Hey, I lost another friend." Li Nianfan shook his head and couldn't help feeling deeply.

With the more contact with the cultivator, the more things he experienced, and he has a lot of different insights into the world of cultivating immortals. I heard that many things are always different from personal experience.

In many cases, it is the path chosen by others, let alone lack of strength, even if there is strength, there is no way to help.

The cultivator sometimes has a scent of fireworks, and sometimes he does look like a fairy.

This is Li Nianfan's evaluation of the people around him. Generally speaking, it is very friendly.

"Yue Tu's death should mean entering the underworld. Take the time to say hello and let her have a good baby." Li Nianfan thought in his heart, that's the only thing that can help.

The Buddhism Lijiao Ceremony ended perfectly. Although not perfect, it ended with a good ending.

The Yuetu Bodhisattva is gone and the Buddha is gone. Buddhism is in a very embarrassing situation. Many guests have left one after another. What happened today is estimated to be a long time after dinner.

Li Nianfan and others did not leave.

Nowadays Buddhism is unstable, and he can take care of it a little bit if he stays.

Fortunately, these monks' dispositions were okay, and no accidents happened. However, the originally thriving prosperity was now a bit more lifeless, and almost everyone's face was a little confused.

Regarding this, Li Nianfan said that his love was helpless, and he had to pass this test by himself.

After three days, he was about to leave.

Before he left, he came to the Buddhist backyard and prepared to say hello to the little monk Jiechi. Today's acquaintances are the only little monk.

When I came to the backyard, the sky was full of fallen leaves and endlessly flying. From a distance, I saw a small figure holding a broom. The broom was propped on the ground, and the body was leaning on the broom, so I fell asleep. .

The mouth is closed, and it looks a bit funny and cute.

Approaching, I heard him muttering to himself.

"Master Yuetu, brother rebooting, I don't believe you are demons. You will come back, right?"

"I will try my best to sweep away the fallen leaves all over the floor, and when the sweeping is done, you will come back, OK?"

"I have a new understanding of Buddhism, and I don't know who to talk to and listen to."

Li Nianfan smiled bitterly, but didn't wake him up.

It's not easy to endure pain that shouldn't be endured at a young age.

He shook his head, ready to leave.

At this moment, from the corner of his eyes, he saw a line of handwriting faintly, carved beside the stone under the linden tree.

"The body is a bodhi tree, and the heart is a mirror platform. Wipe frequently, and don't make it dust."

Li Nianfan was stunned for a moment, and looked back at the sleeping monk, slightly surprised.

This is... the Dharma he learned from sweeping the floor?

This savvy is really not covered, and it would be a pity not to be a master.

He looked around, picked a branch, smiled, and slowly wrote another poem beside this poem.

"Bodhi does not have a tree, and a mirror is not a platform. There is nothing in the first place, where can the dust be caused."

"Little monk, goodbye."

Li Nianfan said softly, and then walked out of the backyard slowly.

An hour later.

Accompanied by a "click" sound.

The broom fell to the ground, and the little monk uttered "Oh," and fell a dog to eat shit.

"Bah bah bah!"

He threw up the fallen leaves in his mouth, rubbed his bald head, and suddenly recovered.

"Oh, why did I fall asleep? I have to sweep the floor quickly so that the master and brother can come back soon!"

He lowered his head and picked up the broom, but he was taken aback for a while, looking at the writing on the ground.

"Huh? Who wrote this here?"

He squatted down and slowly read it word by word.

After reading it, the whole person was taken aback, his mouth opened slightly, and he wandered into the sky.

"This, this...this Zen theory..."

He swallowed a sip of water, and sat cross-legged under the Bodhi tree, his eyes constantly flowing between the two Zen poems, "Smart, much better than mine."

The previous poem emphasized the need to frequently wipe away the obsessions in the heart, reflect on one's own heart, and keep it pure, while this poem by Li Nianfan is even more absolute, directly showing that there has never been an obsession in the heart, so why bother wipe?

Set a verdict on top of one another.

"The fallen leaves in this courtyard are just the obsessions in my heart. The obsessions will not disappear. The fallen leaves will not stop. Just let go of the obsessions and the fallen leaves will naturally dissipate."

The color of enlightenment appeared in his eyes, his hands clasped together, he closed his eyes, and there was Buddha light flowing slowly around him, and the holy light wheel appeared in the back of his head, making the originally bright bald head brighter, as if entering a kind of The state of emptiness.

In the sky, pieces of fallen leaves danced with the wind beside Jie Chi, and the next moment, they slowly dissipated like a mirror flower.

At the same time, the fallen leaves all over the courtyard began to ripple, and even the fallen leaves all over the ground disappeared little by little...

At this time, Li Nianfan and the others had already left Lingshan, and came to a larger city nearby with clouds.

There is a city **** in this city.

Inside the city god, fireworks flourish and several statues are enshrined.

The statue in the middle is an old man with a goatee, wearing a round hat and looking very kind.

If there is a fairy here, you will find that following the incense, there is an incense floating in the air, during which a strange force sinks into the statue.

This is the incense aspiration power, condensed to a certain level is the merit of belief, and it is also the foundation for the soul of the city **** to survive in the world, and to cultivate through it.

As soon as Li Nianfan entered the city god, a soul separated from the statue, moved slightly, got up and arched his hand to Li Nianfan, then motioned for a moment, and floated towards the back of the Chenghuang Temple.

Li Nianfan and others followed and came to a side room in the backyard.

The old man said respectfully to Li Nianfan: "Luohua City City God Zhu Chengming has met Li Gongzi and all the immortals."

"I have seen Zhu Chenghuang." Li Nianfan replied, and continued: "I'm here to disturb Zhu Chenghuang again this time, I'm really sorry."

When he passed here last time, he also asked Zhu Chenghuang by the way to let him ventilate with the prefecture if it was convenient, and pay attention to Yun Yiyi and rebooting.

"Young Master Li is polite, I can become a city god, after all, I still have your blessing."

Zhu Chenghuang’s tone is sincere. He can be a city god, and his character naturally has nothing to say. He went on to say: "Li Gongzi, the two adults of black and white impermanence sent me a message. The monk and the girl in red are all in the underworld at this time, but I don’t know if they are the people you are looking for."

Li Nianfan was dumbfounded, feeling a little unacceptable, and said in surprise: "All in the underworld? Are they dead?"

Zhu Chenghuang nodded, "It seems to be."


Li Nianfan let out a long sigh, frowning involuntarily, and then said: "Would you bother Zhu Chenghuang to give an announcement, I...want to visit the underground palace."

The Holy Physique of Merit can be found in the heavens and underground. He really wants to go to the legendary underworld to see, and that is, rebooting, Yun Yiyi, and Yue Tu, he can help or take care of it.

"Young Master Li, wait a minute, I'll go to contact the two adults, Black and White Wuchang." Zhu Chenghuang greeted him, and then left.

Only half of his work came back, and there were two figures in black and white behind him.

Black and white are not common to Li Nianfan, with a smile on her expressionless face, and politely said: "Young Master Li."

Li Nianfan also smiled and said, "I have seen two adults, black and white impermanence."

"Xiao Zhu has already told us the matter. Li Gongzi wants to come to the underworld as a guest, and we welcome it." Bai Wuchang paused, then said: "It's just that the underworld is a heavy land after all, and it's not too stable now. I'm afraid it shouldn't be too much. Many people enter."

After speaking, his eyes fell on the group of people behind Li Nianfan.

The meaning of targeting... well, it's somewhat obvious.

Zi Ye suddenly said: "Two adults, it's been a long time since we saw each other."

"You are..." Black and White looked at Ziye, suddenly his expression changed, surprised with surprise, and said: "Fairy Ziye? You, you..."

Ziye smiled and nodded, "It's me."

"Since it is the seventh princess, then our underworld is naturally welcome." Bai Wuchang smiled and nodded, his eyes fell on the others.

Lingzhu shook his head, "I won't go, and there is nothing delicious in the underworld."

Pei An and the others are also extremely friendly, and smiled at the black and white impermanence: "We won't bother you."

This is the **** of death, people are inherently dead, and they can't accept it.

Black and white impermanence looked at Xiao Chengfeng again.

Xiao Chengfeng raised his brows, and he was immediately unhappy, "What do you mean? Could it be that someone from Xiao is not qualified to enter the underworld?"

Pei An and Gu Yuan knew that he was going to talk sorrowful words, so they hurried to the left and right, and dragged him out.

"Do you know who I am? There are three million sword immortals in the sky, and you need to lower your eyebrows when you see me! The same is true for the underworld!" Xiao Chengfeng struggled, "Let me go!"

"Sorry, there is no sword fairy in my underworld."

Hei Wuchang gave a cold smile, then changed his face very naturally, and said kindly to Li Nianfan: "Master Li, do you leave now?"

"Well, I bother the two adults."

"Not in the way, not in the way."

Black and White Impermanence waved his hand, then raised his hand at the same time, and with his hands, waves of fluctuations began to appear in the space. After a while, a dark portal appeared in front of everyone.

"Prince Li, please."

Black and white impermanence opens the way, and everyone enters the portal together.

As soon as I entered the portal, I felt a gloomy air.

This feeling is like entering an air-conditioned room suddenly from outside in a sweltering summer.

His eyes were in a trance. When I looked again, what appeared in front of me was a huge river. The water was turbulent, the color was ocher, and huge waves were set off. Constantly resounding through the sound of the stormy waves hitting the shore.

The river is very wide and the water is very urgent!

Li Nianfan didn't expect that there would be no process in the middle of the mansion. It was really like just entering a door and changing from one room to another.

In an instant, he was shocked by the river in front of him.

This world tends to be dim, and it seems to have maintained the scene at sunset. The sky is reddish, and it seems to roll down, giving people a feeling of depression.

Li Nianfan licked his lips and sighed, "Is this... Huangquan?"

"It's Huangquan." Bai Wuchang nodded and introduced: "It is also the place where the soul will go after death. Generally speaking, the people here can only be regarded as lonely ghosts. Only when you find the bridge of Naihe and reincarnated can you get rid of it. The identity of a ghost."

"So that's the case." Li Nianfan looked up. On the opposite bank of Huangquan, there was a fire-like red on the bank. They were blooming flowers of the other bank, which seemed to be guiding everyone in their direction.

Li Nianfan suddenly raised his brows and found the problem, "Why don't you see other ghosts here?"

Hei Wuchang said: "Li Gongzi, only ghosts can walk this road, ordinary ghosts are on the other side."

It turned out to be a fast track.

Li Nianfan nodded, indicating that he has gained knowledge.

To be honest, Huangquan Road is very boring, and in the dim world, only the endless yellow spring water and the red and colorful otheran flowers can relieve a little boredom.

Fortunately, the express passage was very fast. After a while, everyone saw an arch bridge in front of them. On the bridge, people crowded and formed a long line.

As they approached, many ghosts lined up, with tired and frustrated faces, standing in the line uneasy.

In addition to humans, there are souls of various animals, and the number is also huge.

Around, there are ghosts in uniforms in charge of order management.

Coming to the bridge, in front of the bridge, a stone tablet was erected with the words Naihe Bridge inscribed in blood red.

"Sure enough, it is the Naihe Bridge." Li Nianfan's heart is not uncomplicated. This is the famous Naihe Bridge. I didn't expect that he would be lucky enough to stand on this bridge as a living person and visit it.

It's a pity that such a big criticism has no target.

Hey, people in a foreign country are really lonely as snow.

Looking up, there was a wrinkled old woman standing on the bridge, slightly crouched, with an amiable smile on her face, and she was giving soup to the soul who had crossed the bridge.

Seeing Li Nianfan, her kind smile suddenly became more kind, and she nodded to show her friendship.

Li Nianfan smiled stiffly in response, looked at the soup, a chill in his heart, and looked away.

This soup... is not a good soup, definitely not drinkable.

"No, I don't want to drink!" There was a desperate voice suddenly.

It was a middle-aged man. His face was full of horror. When Meng Potang brought him in front of him, he finally broke out, trembling all over, ready to escape.

But before he took the first step to escape, he was caught by the ghosts on both sides, fixed to death.

"Boy, dare to make trouble here?" Guicha smiled coldly, threateningly said: "Drink quickly, otherwise you will be remembered on the road of reincarnation!"

"No, two bad guys, I also want to cooperate, the key is that this soup is really awful, this taste... vomit!"

The middle-aged man was almost crying, "Oh! I can't do it anymore, I really can't hold it. Anyway, it's my last meal. Can it not be so bad?"

"Drink this soup, make sure you forget what it means to be unpalatable." The two ghosts smiled grimly, apparently taking no surprises at this phenomenon, and easily detained the middle-aged man, and then "gurgled." A bowl of soup didn't fall, so I poured it straight down.

I saw that the middle-aged man's body was trembling crazily, his mouth trembling, his face twisted, and it seemed extremely painful.

But soon, this struggle disappeared.

The middle-aged man became expressionless, his eyes blank, looking forward blankly, apparently forgetting everything, and then drifted across the Naihe Bridge quietly and drifted away.


Li Nianfan took a breath, his scalp numb, and he was really startled by the brutal scene before him.

Terrible, terrible!

Fortunately, I am not in this team, fortunately, fortunately!

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