The sky above Su's house.

The sea of ​​fire was tumbling, and the thunder shocked the world.

Nun Nu and Long Er are in it separately, as if wrapped in the last days, they will be annihilated at any time.

Their movements did not dare to stop in the slightest, and they resisted the attacks of flame and thunder with combat skills.

"Die to me!"

Both the electric master and the thunder master showed hideous expressions, and at the same time burst into a loud shout, endless flames and thunder burst out instantly, engulfing the nun and dragon in an extremely domineering way!

The sea of ​​fire and thunder covered everything, obscured the line of sight, and could no longer see the situation inside.

However, everyone can feel that powerful power, erupting from the power master and the thunder master, combining with thunder and flames, and frantically suppressing 囡囡 and Longer!

"How to stop this?"

Su Changhe pursed his mouth, his eyes filled with worry.

Under this circumstance, it was not easy for Nun Nun and Long Er to be refined in an instant.

Even Su Chen stopped talking, but stared at the sea of ​​fire and thunder closely, holding his breath. Diminish

Time passed slowly.

Thunder Lord and Dian Lord have never stopped their supernatural powers.

Half an hour, one hour...

Everyone's expressions gradually became weird, and some people were even a little sleepy.


For such a long time, even the half-step Domination Realm can't hold it, right, what are the Thunder Lord and Electric Lord still practicing?

"No, for so long, is it possible that the two little girls are still insisting?"

"How is this possible? How can they have so much power in their bodies?!"

"This is the Burning Heaven Divine Fire and the World Extinguishing Thunder, all of them are the terrifying power of the Lord's killing and killing, how can the supreme stop the third step?"


"Look, the faces of Lord Lei and Lord Electric seem to be getting more and more serious."

"The flame and thunder have changed!"

Everyone looked intently, only to find that the flame and thunder seemed to be drawn by some kind of force, and a whirlpool emerged in the center.

Two figures gradually emerged, still punching, it was Nun Nun and Long Er.

They actually didn't stop!

I don't know if it is an illusion, everyone feels that the aura on their bodies has become even more terrifying, and there seems to be a kind of shocking power in their bodies that is awakening!

The pupils of the electric master shrank suddenly, and then screamed in horror: "They are actually breaking through with our pressure!"

The scene of the fight from the beginning began to replay quickly in his mind.

From being blown into the air by the initial confrontation, to later being able to unload strength at close range and fight against oneself, and then to fight in the midst of the fire...

The 囡囡 is clearly honing his combat skills, and then break through with battle!

All of this was done deliberately by them!

The Lord Lei also trembled, and roared: "Quickly, stop them!"

Where did this freak come from? It's really hard to guard against!

At this time they are so difficult to deal with, if you really let them break through, then it will be difficult to suppress them!

They shouted sharply and stepped out at the same time.

The electric master raised his hand, and the endless sacred fire was instantly drawn and turned into a terrifying fire snake, wrapped around the body and entangled the girl in it, and then the Burning Heavenly Ding in his hand flew out instantly, like a lid In general, I want to cover my daughter!

The thunder master is also leading the thunder, the endless thunder converges into a huge thunder sword, and it is cut down at the dragon's head!


However, at this moment, a shocking wave of air burst out of the bodies of Nan Nuan and Long Er, as if awakening, the coercion in the body soared into the sky.

This coercion is not weaker than the mine master and the electric master, it is half a step to dominate!

They all chuckled lightly, then raised their little hands slightly, and slammed out with a punch!


The flames and thunder all over his body were instantly dissipated.

In the next instant, it directly collided with the Burning Heavenly Ding and the Thunder Sword. It was obviously the power of the master of the avenue, but there was no terrible aftermath.

Just because the powerful power is perfectly controlled by the nan nun and the dragon, no trace of waste is crushed on the electric master and the thunder master!


The body of the electric master and the mine master burst into a burst of blood mist, and their bodies flew upside down, crossing an arch bridge in the void.

The bones on his body are all shattered, and his hands are directly turned into powder!

It's just that their life's origins flickered, so that their injuries returned to the original state, and they looked at Nun Nun and Long Er in horror.

As for the other people in the Sky-grabbing League, they couldn't wait to stare out their eyes, and their faces were filled with incredible.

"Oh my god, what did I see? One of the thunder master and the electric master used lightning to strike others, and the other burned them with fire. After so long, not only did they have nothing to do, they also broke through?"

"How could this happen? Lord Lei and Lord Dian were blown away. They are no longer the opponents of those two little girls!"

"Half-step master, they have become half-step masters!"

"These two little girls are enough to make those geniuses on the Source Realm list feel inferior to death!"

Everyone in the Su family, who had been desperate, was even more confused.

The corner of Su Chen's mouth showed a smile, "Genius of the Origin Realm? How can they be compared with these two fairies, they follow the adult! Not to mention the two fairies, even if it is me who picks dung? To be humble, it is enough to suppress those geniuses!"

"Strong, too strong!"

Su Changhe was already looking silly. He suddenly realized that all his common sense was not applicable to this group of people. As Su Chen said, the people behind them were beyond imagination!

"It is such a courage to face the master with the strength of the third step supreme and use coercion to sharpen oneself."

The eyes of the three elders were full of sorrow and amazement.

It's not that you have a high degree of self-confidence in yourself and you are not afraid of life and death. Who dares to do this? At this point, Nun Nun and Long Er are already worthy of the name of genius!

The electric host's face was distorted, and he said with extreme anger: "You actually use us as a sharpening stone!"

She blinked her eyes and said innocently: "Don't you feel honored to be our whetstone?"

"Honour? Ha ha ha, then, it should be your honor to die under the bow of God Zhu!"

The Lord Lei's angry sneer, the killing intent on his body was already shocking, and he was extremely cold and severe.

He raised his hand and turned it over, took out a piece of jade, poured in the mana around his body, and then threw it into the sky.


Between the whole world, all the power of the origin has gathered, condensed into a golden longbow phantom!

As soon as this bow appeared, an extreme killing aura enveloped the audience, making everyone cold.

It seems that it was born to kill, every time it shoots an arrow, it must decide a life to die!

"what is this?"

Nun Nan and Long Er frowned at the same time.

They felt a familiar breath inexplicably from the phantom of the bow. Mi He Mi

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