Turns Out I’m a Great Cultivator

Chapter 851: 'Borrowing' the Grey Fog Project

Chapter 852 'Borrowing' the Gray Mist Project

Three Lao Zhang took out a gourd from his arms and humiliated it to Daoist Jun Jun.

Then he didn't dare to say anything cruel, and left in a daze.

There is nothing to talk about with these lunatics, maybe they will really go crazy and kill people.

The onlookers felt incredible when they saw this scene.

The dignified Dao Pill Pavilion actually confessed, and from this moment on, the name of Tiangong is afraid to be higher.

However, some people feel that Tiangong is beyond its own power, and that a new force dares to offend an old force to death, which is no different from courting death.

Daoist Jun Jun and others did not take the Dao Pill Pavilion to heart at all, and immediately set off for the Seven Realms after getting the gray fog.

On the flying boat in the Dao Dan Pavilion.

The third elder looked gloomy, and his eyes almost wanted to kill.

A tyrannical aura raged around him, making people dread.

He gritted his teeth and said: "What a heavenly palace, today's gift, my Dao Dan Pavilion will be rewarded in the future!"

As an alchemist, where is he not respected?

Even the Dao Master would not dare to shake his face.

But today, Tiangong gave him a slap in the face, making his face disgraced.

Mu Tianhua stood beside him and said fiercely: "Third elders, do you want to let the Pill Pavilion send an expert to eradicate the Tiangong?"

The eyes of the three elders changed constantly, and finally shook his head and said: "In the recent extraordinary period, the pavilion master asked us to keep a low profile as much as possible, and everything is mainly to collect gray fog."

Speaking of the gray fog, his face twitched again, and he felt distressed.

The gray fog that was handed over to Tiangong, but he finally collected it, and it changed hands before it was warmed up.


On the other side, the Heaven Sweeping Alliance headquarters.

The masked man sat cross-legged above the void.

A disciple came to him and fell to his knees in awe.

He opened his mouth and said, "Lord, there is new news about the Tiangong that has come out of the ancient forbidden area."

The masked man's voice was majestic: "Say."

The disciple said: "The people of Tiangong are also collecting the gray fog and suppressing the mirage that was contaminated by the gray fog, but they conflicted with the Dao Pill Pavilion. In the end, the people of Tiangong defeated the Dao Pill with a strength far beyond the same level. An elder of the pavilion beat him."

"Far beyond the strength of the same rank?"

"That's right."

The disciple nodded and said in a shocked tone: "Everyone in Tiangong seems to be a genius, and everyone has the ability to leapfrog challenge, and they do things without any scruples, I'm afraid they have a great background."

"Hehe, it's really a big deal."

The masked man smiled coldly, and then he raised his hand in the void.

A crystal-like long sword came out of the sky and hovered in front of him.

"In order to speed up the progress, I should also release the second bait, Jiannu, it's your turn to appear."

"Yes, Master."


The people in the Tiangong handed over the gray fog to the courtyard, and then returned to the Lingxiao Palace to discuss the follow-up matters together.

In addition to inquiring about the gray fog, they also need to understand the changes in the source world.

During this time, Tiangong has heard a lot of news.

The Jade Emperor said solemnly: "In the source realm, there are many forces collecting gray fog like us. The most special are the three major forces, Shenxiao Pagoda, Daojun City, and Ice Sea! According to rumors, these three places There is a supreme power, the kind of supreme power from countless years ago!"

"The strongest?"

Daoist Jun Jun's eyes narrowed, and he said, "Could it be the strongest who lived in the same era as the Seven Worlds?"

The Jade Emperor nodded solemnly, "I'm afraid that's the case!"

After a pause, he said: "On the day when the unknown gray fog broke out, someone saw them take action with their own eyes. Except for Binghai, the supreme powers in Shenxiao Pagoda and Daojun City all took action, and this rumor has also been confirmed. "

Yang Jian wondered: "What do they collect the gray fog for?"

The Jade Emperor said: "Everyone has the same slogan for collecting gray fog, that is, the seal and suppression are unknown!"

Nu Wa couldn't help but said: "If these forces all come to help the masters collect the gray fog, it will save a lot of trouble."

Everyone nodded in agreement.

But the next moment, Xiao Chengfeng's eyes suddenly lit up, with a malicious smile on his face, he excitedly said: "Lord Nuwa reminded me that although they are not collecting gray fog for the masters, we can Go grab it!"

This sentence directly brings happiness to everyone's heart.

The Giant Spirit God said directly: "Good strategy! It's much faster to **** them than we can collect them ourselves!"

Yang Jian agreed: "I just robbed a lot of gray fog from the third elder of the Dao Dan Pavilion. It is really easy and solid."

"Don't talk nonsense!"

Daoist Jun Jun gave a cold drink and continued: "Let's not call it robbing, but borrowing! As for how to rob...cough, it's borrowing, we need to plan carefully and choose a target."

Immediately, everyone finalized a good plan.

While paying attention to the dynamics of the gray fog, collecting it independently, and then trying to figure out how to borrow it.

Xiao Chengfeng's eyes were attracted by another news.

"Sacred Sword Mountain has opened its gates to welcome swordsmen from all over the world. Those who can obtain the divine sword and recognize the master can directly take the sword, and it is unknown that they will be attacked together!"

The Jade Emperor said: "Sacred Sword Mountain is a holy place for swordsmen of the source realm. There is a mountain in it, and all the swords are placed there. It is rumored that countless years ago, the mountain master of Shenjian Mountain was enlightened by swordsmanship. That mountain challenges the sword cultivators in the world, and all losers need to keep their swords, and this is what makes this mountain of swords."

"Swordsmanship? So powerful?"

Xiao Chengfeng's eyes suddenly brightened, sword energy burst out, and he said unbearably, "I have to see this."

Taoist Jun Jun immediately said: "The reason why Shenjian Mountain has opened its doors is to give swords to the world, so that more people can suppress the gray fog. Maybe they also suppressed some gray fog. You can go and see if you can borrow it. ."

Xiao Chengfeng said with a swell: "Hahaha, don't worry, I, Xiao Chengfeng, will definitely be convinced by me, and I will give everything to myself."

"However, I can't be alone in such a fun thing, I'll call Jiang Liu."

Then, he immediately left the Heavenly Palace and came to the Luoxian Mountains.

At the foot of the mountain, Jiang Liu was still chopping firewood conscientiously with his long sword in hand, and a lot of firewood had been stacked under his feet.

He is like a moving picture, repeating the same thing every day without getting bored.

Xiao Chengfeng immediately leaned up and said, "Brother Jiang Liu, you are the only sword cultivator that Xiao Chengfeng can recognize in the whole world. This time I'm going to the holy land of sword cultivators in the source realm, do you want to go? ?"

Jiang Liu said while chopping wood, "Sword Cultivation Holy Land?"

Xiao Chengfeng nodded and said, "That's right, the swords of kendo geniuses from ancient times to the present are gathered into a mountain. I heard that it is difficult for ordinary people to get the approval of the swords on the mountain. This kind of prosperity must not be missed."

Jiang Liu stopped the movements in his hands and said with a smile: "You are afraid that your swordsmanship is not enough, so you asked me to support you, right?"

Xiao Chengfeng coughed lightly: "You are an expert woodcutter. After chopping firewood for so long, it's time for you to go out and give him a face."

Jiang Liu nodded and said, "I have to go and ask the master for a leave first. If the master agrees, I will go."

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