The voice was sharp and harsh, and Sawada frowned and looked left and right, but did not find where the person was.

“Pengellet 10th generation, hum hum, just cheap me.” The voice sounded again, and then Sawada felt as if something was coming, and without thinking about it, he threw himself on Sawada Tsunayoshi, who was unable to move due to detachment.

“Boom!” Sawada’s location exploded, kicking up dust.

“Sawada!!” Haibara was just about to rush over, but was stopped by Reborn.

“The current battle is not something you can meddle in.” Reborn spoke, but his eyes kept an eye on where the explosion was.

“Fow!” The orange flame flashed, spreading the dust, Sawada entered the super dead gas mode, the whole person blocked in front of Sawada Tsunayoshi, his eyes looked at his right, Haibara and Reborn looked over, there was a person on the right wall, like Spider-Man, with both hands and feet on the wall.

The man, no, is it unknown to him, covered in green, and there is a green tail swaying back and forth behind him.

“Who are you?” Sawada asked, “Are you in a group with Rokudo?” ”

“It’s okay if you say that.” The creature slowly walked from the wall to the ground, still in that harsh voice: “At least, I have the same goal as the six skeletons, both to destroy this world.” ”

“Lord Lan Zi, please make a move!” The fallen Jojima dog struggled to stand up, but couldn’t, so he had to speak.

“Shut up, you three waste.” The creature, no, blue and violet, seemed to be enraged by Jojima Inu’s words and roared.

“You are not allowed to insult Lord Remains.” A thousand openings.

“Hmph, a little devil can’t solve it, isn’t it a waste?” Lan Zi spoke, turned his head to look at Sawada Qi, “I have seen your information, Peng Gelie 10th generation outside the door.” ”

“You…” As soon as Sawada opened his mouth, he instantly felt wrong, and the sword in his right hand slashed “bang bang” in the void, and he didn’t know that something exploded.

“Oh? Didn’t expect you to find out. Lan Zi sighed, and the whole person suddenly rushed to Sawada, and in the middle of running, Lan Zi disappeared.

“What?” Sawada was stunned, and before he could react, the face door was suddenly hit, and the whole person flew out upside down.

“Xiao Qi.” Sawada Tsunayoshi shouted a little anxiously, but now he was unable to step forward to help, so he turned his head to look at Reborn, but Reborn ignored him, just frowned slightly, not knowing what he was thinking.

“Bang!” Before Sawada, who had just gotten up from the ground, could stand firmly, his right face was suddenly hit by someone, and the whole person flew out again.

“Squeak~~~” This time Sawada stood still, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and carefully looked around.

“Xiao Qi, sometimes, the eyes are not easy to use.” A voice sounded, and Reborn turned his head to see that it was the wind, and walked in with his hands folded.

“Heart?” Sawada was stunned for a moment, and then closed his eyes, but it was pitch black, and he couldn’t see anything, except that he could feel that the flame above his head was still burning. Flame?

Sawada, who was deep in the darkness, only felt the flames above his head drifting to the left, and without thinking much, a sword slashed at his right side.

“Ding!” A knife slashed over, made a sound of metal colliding, opened his eyes, blue and violet was in front of him, deep in his right hand, the elongated nails blocked Sawada’s sword, but he ignored that Sawada’s sword was also formed by the flame of dead qi, and the high-density sword gradually cut through the blue and purple nails.

“Ugh!” Lan Zi was shocked, moved back in an instant, opened the distance with Sawada, and then ran back and forth, and the whole person disappeared again.

“Xiao Qi, don’t forget, you have [super intuitiveness].” Reborn spoke.

Sawada didn’t speak, but he understood what Reborn meant, and since he couldn’t see it, he obeyed his hunch, and on the right, he felt it.

Sawada felt that the blue purple was on the right, did not hesitate, the whole person instantly moved to the right, the right hand sword cut over, still made a “ding” sound, this time Sawada did not hesitate, the left hand sword smoothly cut laterally.

Blue-purple tail swept over to resist, and after colliding with Sawada’s sword, it “poofed”, the tail broke, Sawada was stunned, taking advantage of Sawada’s stunned kung fu, Lanzi opened the distance between him and Sawada, “His sword is very sharp and needs to be restricted.” ”

“Like a gecko with its tail broken?” Sawada was a little surprised, what the hell is this?

“It is worthy of being Pengele’s person, and it seems that the six bones have not been wronged.” Lan Zi said, the nails of his right hand reached the arm of his left hand, and he slammed it hard, as if he had dug something out, and casually threw it at Sawada.

Sawada did not block, but sideways and directly dodged, the green light flashed, Sawada saw clearly, it was something like scales.

“How should I deal with it?” Sawada thought to himself, then laughed, and took the initiative to rush towards Lan Zi for the first time.

“I don’t know if I’m alive or dead.” Lan Zi was furious, clasped the scales on his arms with both hands, and threw them at Sawada.

“Ye Mai” quickly struck out with his left hand, except for Reborn and Wind, no one could see clearly that Sawada fell to the ground and took out a few swords, only knowing that all the scales that flew over in the blink of an eye were shot out, and Sawada was already in front of Blue and Purple.

“Half Moon Slash!” The orange light of the right hand sword flashed, Sawada Qi’s right hand waved from the bottom up, an orange crescent flame flew out, Lan Zi was very vigilant, when Sawada Qiao was in front of him, he knew that it was not good, the whole person instantly distanced himself from Blue Violet, and the orange crescent flew out without any obstruction, hitting the opposite wall.

“The left hand relies on the reaction of telling to quickly strike, and the right hand has been accumulating strength to solve the problem of shaking long before the half-moon chop, hmph, Xiao Yue has grown.” Reborn said with a smile.

“Hmm. And it’s not small. The wind nodded, seemingly satisfied with Sawada’s performance, and Sawada Tsunayoshi looked up, leaving a deep hole in the movement trajectory of the half-moon chop.

“The wind has said that there can be no respite from the enemy.” It was not surprising that the half moon cut down Nakasawada, moving with Lan Zi, so the two were not separated by the distance.

“Ye Dance” Sawada Qi’s left-handed sword and right-handed sword cooperate with each other, the left-handed sword attack is on the way to the hand retracted, the right-handed sword attacked, and the left-handed sword takes care of its own defense after retracting, and the left-handed sword alternately attacks This is the essence of Ye Wu.

Lan Zi’s reaction is not so fast, he can only attack very little at the moment, most of the attacks are resisted by his body, and the scales on Lan Zi’s body can not only be used as a weapon to attack the enemy, but also as a defense to resist the enemy’s attack.

But for Lan Zi, it was still unbearable, the scales were constantly picked up by Sawada’s sword, and at the same time, the flame of dead qi was attached to Lan Zi’s scaleless body and burned him, so Lan Zi retreated while fighting.

But Sawada did not give him a chance to open the distance, blue and purple to the left he also followed to the left, blue and purple retreated he also retreated, the attack has never been broken.

“Xiao Xi is so good.” Sawada Tsunayoshi shouted in surprise.

“Hmph.” Reborn laughed and said, “If you go on, you can do it too.” ”

“Me? I can’t do it. Sawada Tsunayoshi immediately shook his head, indicating that he couldn’t.

“You guys who have [Super Intuitive], the enemies of the biological department are very disadvantageous.” Reborn smiled, in the face of creatures, the Sawada brothers, who have [super intuitiveness], are very advantageous.



This side is talking, the battle over there has not stopped, the more it fights, the more irritable Lan Zi becomes, the ability to rely on “stealth”, even the six skeletons will suffer, but I didn’t expect this little ghost to crack, the attack and defense of the scales also made this little ghost crack, feeling the burning heat on the body, Blue and Purple is getting angrier and more irritable, and the reaction is slower, but Sawada seized the opportunity, kicked out, hit Blue and Purple’s stomach, and Blue and Purple flew out with force.

Before Lan Zi Xinxi finally opened the distance, Sawada had already arrived in front of him, pointing his right sword at Lan Zi’s neck, looking condescendingly at Lan Zi who fell to the ground.

“The Pengellet family, really unfathomable.” Lan Zi didn’t struggle, just sighed and said, “Let’s do it.” Then he closed his eyes.

At this moment, Sawada was in trouble, he didn’t think about killing, just like the eldest brother said when he faced the six remains, “I… Can’t start”

“So, you will also die in your innocence and kindness.” Lan Zi smiled, the whole person disappeared in place, and then Sawada felt that his hands were caught, fixed his eyes, Lan Zi appeared in front of him, grabbed his wrists with both hands, and his nails were deeply inserted into Sawada’s skin, and at the same time he stretched out and kicked on Sawada’s stomach.

“Ah~~~” Sawada was in pain, and his two-handed sword fell to the ground, without the flame of dead qi, leaving only the hilt of the sword.

“I won’t give you a chance to live like the six remains.” Lan Zi said as the knee of his right leg lifted and hit Sawada’s chin.

“First of all, fix your hands.” Lan Zi’s nails were hard, and Sawada felt the pain even more.

“Mr. Reborn, aren’t you going to make a move?” Haibara asked a little anxiously.

“I can’t shoot.” Reborn said with some seriousness, the only person who can be counted on at this time is Sawada Tsunayoshi, but looking at Sawada Tsunayoshi’s current situation, even if he wants to help, he can’t do anything.

“Snap!” On the other side, Sawada, who had a painful wrist, suddenly grabbed Lan Zi’s wrist with both hands, looked up at Lan Zi, and said with a smile: “I forgot to tell you that my gloves and my eldest brother’s gloves are made of the same material, so…” ”

With both hands forced, the black gloves glowed brightly, “Fu”, the gloves were gasped with dead qi, the flames penetrated along the wrist of the blue and purple, and suddenly the blue and purple also shouted in pain, the hands unconsciously relaxed their strength, and the nails were drawn out of the skin of the wrist.

“Hah!” With a fist in his right hand, he punched Lan Zi’s head and knocked him away, and he fell unconscious on the spot.

“Whew~~” Sawada then relaxed and lifted the super dead gas mode, shook his hand, fortunately, this time the injury was not very serious, bent down to pick up the hilt of the sword from the ground, looked at Reborn and said, “Reborn, what now?” ”

“It’s over.” Reborn said: “I have notified Pengele’s medical team, and someone will be able to deal with the injured immediately, including your brothers. ”

“I’m okay, there is nothing injured, mainly the eldest brother.” Sawada said.

“You are better than Ah Gang in all aspects, but it is more difficult to fight than Ah Gang, don’t you mean?” Reborn asked.

“What, didn’t you see? I’m in super dead gas mode now, and I went in by myself, so I don’t have to rely on what you said about dead gas pills. Sawada said dissatisfied, not that he was not dissatisfied with Reborn saying that he was not as good as his eldest brother, but that he was dissatisfied with Reborn’s tone of despising himself.

“Yes?” Reborn said: “The original Pengelle can freely turn on or off the super dead gas mode, and even turn on the super dead gas mode for a long time, and the original Pengelle outside the door can also be turned on or off freely, you just do what others can do, although it is only a few, but this is not surprising.” ”

“。。。。。。” Sawada felt a little autistic.

“Reborn, what about the six remains?” Sawada Tsunayoshi asked.

Reborn didn’t speak, because the door was opened, and three figures appeared in the doorway.

“Ah, someone from the medical class?” Sawada Tsunayoshi shouted.

It’s just that the three people who came in flicked their hands, flew out four iron chains, and locked the necks of the six skeletons and four people.

“It’s coming so fast.” Reborn said solemnly.

Only then did the Sawada brothers notice that the three people who came in were all bandages, like mummies.

“Who the hell is it?” Sawada Tsunayoshi asked.

“Avengers.” “They’re the enforcers of the mafia world, punishing guys who can’t be punished by the law,” Reborn said. ”

The Avenger in front of him pulled hard, dragged the six skeletons and four people turned and left.

“Wait a minute, what are you going to do?” Sawada shouted.

“Xiao Qi, stop.” Reborn said, “It’s going to be troublesome to go against them.” ”


“This is the rule.”

“What will happen to those four people?” Sawada Tsunayoshi asked. “Could it be that Mr. Lanzia is also…”

“It should be sanctioned and punished.” Reborn said, but because their backs were to the Sawada brothers, the brothers didn’t notice that Reborn and Wind looked at the Avenger with serious expressions.

“What is the punishment?” Sawada Tsunayoshi asked.

“I don’t know, anyway, it’s definitely not light.” Reborn looked up at Sawada Tsunayoshi and said, “Our world is not easy to mix. ”

Sawada Tsunayoshi and Sawada Taki did not say anything, and at this time, Pengele’s medical team also came in and hurriedly put the injured prison temple and others on a stretcher and sent them away.

“Ah~~~~ It hurts, it hurts, it hurts.” Everyone was sent away, and Sawada Tsunayoshi suddenly felt pain all over his body, and the whole person knelt on the ground.

“Because the combat mode of the criticism bullet will control your body to the limit, and the burden on your body will turn into pain.” Reborn said with a smile.

“Wouldn’t you?” Sawada Tsunayoshi was so painful that he couldn’t kneel, and the whole person lay on the ground, shouting, “Save me, Xiaoqi, hurry up and save me.” Then there was no sound.

“I fainted because it hurt so much.” Reborn shook his head, “I still have to exercise more, but I have already completed the order of the ninth generation, and as a tutor, I am also very sleepy.” As he spoke, Reborn leaned over to Sawada Tsunayoshi’s side and leaned over.

“Order of the Ninth Dynasty? Who is Kyushirome? Sawada asked strangely, but saw that Reborn’s nose appeared bubbles, and suddenly a black line on his face, fell asleep so quickly? I wanted to reach out and pick up the bubble, but Sawada didn’t dare.

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