PS: For the weapon diagram, I tried to find a friend to help me draw it, or make it, and if it is done, I will send it out for everyone to see.

“Hoo-hoo-huh.” Sawada was lying on the ground without any strength, although he didn’t know what time it was, but it was roughly speculated that at least three hours had passed since the battle after dinner, with two breaks in between, and since then it has been high-intensity training.

“Xiao Qi, how do you feel?” Sitting next to Sawada, Kaze asked.

“Tired, so tired.” Sawada replied weakly, and then fell silent, not without words, but really tired and did not want to speak.

“Xiao Qi’s talent is really good.” Wind said. “[Ye Dance] and [Half Moon Slash] are already familiar, and you need to integrate the rest.”

“Integration?” Sawada tilted his head.

“To say that you are familiar means that you understand how to use this move, but you can’t bring out the maximum power.”

“Oh~~” Sawada understood, “Your consciousness is that it is like playing a game, you can’t play it at first, and now you can play it when you get started, but you can’t beat the level with one life, right?” ”

“This analogy of yours is very interesting.” Feng said with a smile. “But that’s the truth.”

“By the way, this book is returned to you.” Kaze took out the ancient book and threw it to Sawada.

“Wind, do you know what is written in this book?” Sawada took the book and asked, “I only know the words on it [Ye Dance] and [Hangetsu Chopper], and only these two moves are recorded, and a lot of words written on the front are words that I can’t understand.” ”

“This one is written in Italian, and I don’t know it.” Wind shook his head and said.

“You don’t know either.” Sawada was disappointed, he was curious to know what was written in this one.

“However, when Reborn gave me the book, he told me what it was about.” The wind laughed.

“Huh? Hurry up, tell me quickly. Sawada suddenly came to the spirit.

“This really goes back to the original Pengellet period.” Wind said.

“The original Pengele? Is this book related to the original Pengele? Sawada touched his chin and said seriously, “Listen to Reborn, the original Pengele is the ancestor of our Sawada family, is this the legacy left by the original Pengele?” ”

“Almost, but not the original Pengele, but the first Pengele’s outside advisor.” The wind nodded and said, “Reborn should have told you that Pengele’s first outside adviser was also the younger brother of the first leader, and was called [Pengelle Gemini] during that period, the reason why it was called Gemini is because the first generation of outside advisers fish The first leader is inseparable, and every time it appears is two people together, in that era, the first generation of outside advisers also made a great contribution to the creation of Pengele. ”

“As for the book.” The wind looked at the book in Sawada’s hand and said, “It’s actually the autobiography of the first generation of outside consultants, telling about the founding of Pengele, but Reborn didn’t elaborate on this, so I don’t know very well.” ”

“So [Ye Wu] and [Half Moon Slash] were both left by the original outside counselors?” Sawada asked.

“Yes.” Feng nodded: “The original Pengellet leader Yu Azun also used gloves to attack, and the original Pengellet created a move called [Zero Point Breakthrough], but the specific content, Reborn is not very clear, and the original Outside Advisor created [Ye Dance] and [Half Moon Slash] two moves, which can give the Sawada family some self-preservation in the future, and the first Outside Consultant kept these two moves. ”

“The move of the original Outside Advisor?” Looking down at the book in his hand, Sawada muttered.

“So Xiao Qi, you have to practice these two moves with your heart.” Feng said: “The reason why the original outside consultant can become an outside consultant is precisely because of these two moves. These are all things Reborn told me, and let me find an opportunity to tell you. ”

“Are Wind and Reborn familiar?”

“It’s okay.”

“Can the wind tell me something about Reborn?” Sawada sat up and said, “I want to know more about Reborn.” ”

“I guess the reborn thing, let him tell you will be better, right?” Kaze shook his head and rejected Sawada.

“I always feel that there is a secret between you and Reborn, so I want to know about it too.” Sawada fell to the ground again.

“If you still have the energy, let’s practice again.” The wind laughed.

“Ha, I’m going to rest.” Sawada immediately shook his head, but today he was tired, come back? He couldn’t stand it.

“If you want to go to rest, you need to set up your own tent, and the tools are brought to you, right next to the table.” Wind pointed to the dining table and said. “In addition, there is a specially prepared anti-wind and cold medicine on the table, you drink some and sleep.”

“。。。。。。” Sawada kept opening his mouth, but did not make a sound, but even if he didn’t hear it, it is estimated that it was not a good word or something, the wind did not care, got into the tent to rest, as for Ippei, after the medicine was completed, the wind also pointed to Ippei’s dumpling fist, and after practicing for a while, Ippei went to rest early, leaving Sawada alone, crying against the cold wind, crying and crying and setting up a tent.

Sawada got up early the next day, but after getting up, he always felt uncomfortable, yesterday he sweated, but he didn’t bathe, his clothes were stuck to his body, and the second was that because he slept alone in a tent, Sawada, who was particularly defenseless to certain mysterious forces, did not fall asleep at all, and he was shivering all night, so he woke up in the morning in bad spirits.

“Xiao Yu got up early.” Seeing Sawada get out of the tent, the wind said hello while practicing.

“Wind? You got up so early. Sawada yawned and said hello incoherently.

“Since you’re up, let’s start today’s morning class.” The wind stopped moving and walked up to Sawada and said.

“What’s the morning class?”

“Put on your backpack over there and run around this mountaintop.” Feng pointed to the slow backpack on the side who didn’t know what to put on it and said.

“Run? How many laps to run? Sawada asked.

“Let’s run for two hours.”


I don’t know whether I know that the resistance is ineffective or I am afraid of resisting and being beaten, but Sawada, who was just surprised, obediently closed his mouth, put the heavy backpack on his back, and ran on the top of the mountain.

“Phew!” A sound of breaking the air sounded, and Sawada, who was running, felt strange, and just turned his head to look over, and a stone was right in the brain.

“Oops!” Sawada, who was hit, covered his head and said angrily, “Wind, what are you doing?” ”

“This is one of the practice contents of the morning class, five minutes are added to being hit once, and you have just been hit, so the time is increased by five minutes.” Kaze turned the stone up and down in his hand and looked at Sawada and said.

“So that’s what you mean by [running first] earlier?” Sawada immediately understood what the previous wind meant by “running first”, did not speak, and continued his morning class morning run with his backpack, but compared to the previous leisure, Sawada is indeed much more cautious.

“Phew, phew!” The sound of breaking the air sounded again, Sawada had been watching the movements of the wind, and when he saw the wind raise his hand, Sawada immediately realized that it was not good, though.

“Bang, bang.”

“Oops!” A stone hit the left shoulder, a stone hit the head, even if he noticed the movement of the wind, but the speed of the stone was too fast, Sawada could not react at all, and was directly hit.

“It’s going to add another ten minutes.” Feng said with a smile.

“Abominable wind, like Reborn, is the Great Devil.” Sawada ran and cursed in his mouth, “Wait, you two little babies, big-headed dolls, wait for me to find an opportunity, grab you two, take off your pants, and spank your ass hard, make you cry, hum.” ”



“Oops!” Because he cursed Wind and Reborn in his heart, Sawada was a little distracted, did not notice the stone thrown by the wind, and was hit again.

“Now you’ve added twenty minutes of morning jogging.” Wind said.

“Hmph.” Sawada huffed and turned his head away, ignoring the wind, but he also knew that he could no longer be distracted, and while running, he always paid attention to the movement of the wind.

“Phew!” Hearing the sound of breaking the air again, Sawada turned his head, but did not see the wind, no, it was behind him…


Sawada squatted down with his head covered, and a large bag was raised on the back of his head. , Turning his head to look at the wind behind him, Sawada said angrily, “Wind, you are playing tricks, why are you still following behind me?” ”

“I never said I only attacked in one place.” Wind said.

“You…” Sawada wanted to fight with the wind, but think about the gap and accept the harsh reality.

From the morning when the sun just rose, to now noon, Sawada is still running, in the morning, he can dodge only a handful of attacks, most of the time he was hit, and I don’t know if the wind particularly likes Sawada’s head, stones always greet the head, just this morning, Sawada feels that his head is about to be beaten like a Buddha [all over the head is one by one].

“Master, Mr. Xiaoqi, it’s time for lunch.” Ippei’s voice is simply heavenly for the current Sawada Aki, and he can finally rest.

“In that case, let’s have lunch first.” Sure enough, the wind also stopped, signaling Sawada to eat lunch and training, Sawada was very happy, dragged his backpack, and was ready to run over.

“Xiao Qi, carry a backpack for lunch, and the backpack can not be taken off until evening class.” The wind turned to Sawada and said.

Sawada, who opened his mouth, but just sighed, picked up his backpack again, came to the dining table, and began to gobble up without saying hello, he was too hungry, and he was too tired in the past two days.

After lunch, it was still running and a game of stones, of course, the game was relatively windy, it was just pure beating, and at night it was to continue the battle practice in super dead mode, and then fell to sleep.

The third day was the same, except that unlike the second day, on the evening of the third day, a plane flew by, stopped in the sky at the top of the mountain, and fell vertically from the top of the plane a large box, which contained not only ingredients, but also three large barrels, the bucket was filled with water, and a note was pasted on the bucket [Xiao Qi, this is for you to bathe, thank me —tutor Reborn].

Moved the barrel out, there was a small box inside, opened it, it was actually a weight suit, Sawada was stunned, only then did he react that he had been wearing a weight suit for three days, and he had long been used to it, and he forgot the existence of the weight suit.

“Oh? The weight jacket was brought over. The wind looked at it and said, “Xiao Qi, take off all your negative and try to use [Ye Wu] again.” ”

“Good.” Sawada nodded, took off the weight jacket with difficulty, and after entering the super dead gas mode, Sawada suddenly found that the gap is so big, speed, strength, etc. have been greatly improved, can a weight suit that has been worn for three days actually do this?

“As I expected, with Xiao Qi’s qualifications, such a weight suit needs to increase weight for three days at most.” The wind nodded and said, “In that case, Xiao Qi, put the old weight clothes in the box for them to take away, you put on the new weight clothes, just like before, you can’t take them off after putting them on.” ”

“Okay, I see.” Sawada nodded and obediently complied.

After that, life has entered a pattern, causing running and stone throwing games after getting up every day, of course, this is a game for the wind, and for Sawada, this is abuse, from “playing” in the morning to the afternoon, and then it is the super dead mode battle training of the evening class.

The plane also came every three days, in addition to sending ingredients and water, it was also a new weight suit, and this life lasted for a whole month.

There were no years in the mountains, and no one noticed that a month had passed, until Reborn brought the news that Sawada needed to prepare for the final exam, and after the exam, the second grade would be divided according to the results, and Sawada, Kaze, and Ippei came down from the mountain and returned to Kamisheng.

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