“Really, why would Reborn play such a boring game?” Carrying his bag and walking on the mountain road, Sawada complained, “You too, you know it’s a scam and don’t say it earlier.” ”

“Does it matter? Wouldn’t it be nice to add some fun to a dull life? Haibara said with a sad smile.

“I said that, but I always felt like I was being played like a monkey.” Looking up at the few small monkeys above him who were chattering at him, Sawada felt even more upset, and these monkeys seemed to be laughing at himself.

“Aren’t you confident in your reasoning abilities? Why didn’t it be reasoned out? Haibara asked poignantly.

“How did I know that there is such a special function as [playing dead]? Just like the real thing, even the heartbeat stopped. Sawada rolled his eyes, not wanting to continue the topic, the more stupid he would become, so he diverted the topic and said, “Why do you suddenly want to come and climb the mountain?” ”

“Isn’t it nice to live in a polluted city and come to nature once in a while to enjoy the fresh air?” Haibara spread his hands, as if he wanted to embrace nature, did not hear Sawada speak, turned his head to look, only to find Sawada looking at him awkwardly.

“What’s wrong?”

“I just feel that this action is very different from your temperament.” Sawada shook his head and said, Haibara belongs to the kind of cold person, and he always feels a little incompatible with this big movement of spreading his hands.

“People, occasionally need to change.” Haibara was not angry and spoke.

“So, what’s your plan for today? You know, we only had three days off, and we wasted a day yesterday. Sawada said.

“I have done research on this mountain, and there is a lot of food in the mountain.” Haibara took out a pair of glasses and stayed on his face, and took out another notebook and said.

“Why do you wear glasses?” Sawada asked curiously.

“This glasses were invented by Dr. Doctor and have many functions, and Kudo left them for me when I left before.” Haihara took off the glasses and began to introduce the function of the glasses: “This can be adjusted to the same frequency as the tracker and then tracked, and it can also be adjusted to the same focus as the camera for long-distance observation, but it does not have the function of taking pictures, and there is a map in it to prevent us from getting lost, and so on.” ”

“So, have you chosen a camping site?” Sawada was relieved at this, and there are more mountains around it, some have been developed and built temples and gods, and some have not moved, so there are more beasts and birds in the mountains, and the mountain that came today was also found by Gray Plain, Sawada Qiu did not go back and forth, and when he went up the mountain, he was still a little worried about what to do if he got lost in the mountain, but he did not expect that Gray Plain had already been prepared, so he was relieved.

“Chosen, go over here, there is a small river in front, there is a good place for lunch.” Haibara fiddled with his glasses, pointed in one direction and said, and the two of them walked towards that side.

Sure enough, not long after walking, I heard the sound of water, and then walked over, and sure enough, I saw a small river, the small river is indeed a small river, not very large, normal adults can step over with a little force, the river has a certain depth, but can see the bottom of the river, not much deep, occasionally can see fish swimming in the water.

There is a clearing by the river, there are still some charcoal residues, and there are dilapidated hammocks between the two trees some distance, presumably people have come to camp here before.

“It’s nice here.” Sawada said with satisfaction, “I can see the sun, I can see the stars at night, and there is water.” ”

“This is just lunch time, we have to go up the mountain in the afternoon, and we will spend the night on the mountain tonight.” Haibara said, and then took out some ingredients for lunch from his backpack and so on.

“But we don’t have knives, pots, these things.” Sawada said.

“First, it’s just lunch, so I had sandwiches ready.” Coming out with a lunch box, Haibara mournfully said, “Second, there are plants, fruits, and game in the mountains that can be used, and dinner will depend on you, and third, the kitchen utensils you talked about are all in the backpack you carried.” ”

“Why is it so heavy, what did you carry?” Putting the backpack down, Sawada opened it and looked at it carefully, and the more he looked, the more surprised he became, “Pots, knives, cutlery…” Why do you still have a small gas canister? ”

“Of course, it’s for making a fire, although late April is about to be May, but the night in the mountains is very cold, so you need to live, and you have to use fire to make dinner, do you want to eat raw?” While opening the lunch box, Haihara said while saying, “But don’t worry, those tableware are all plastic products, they will not be crushed, give, eat quickly, rest for a while, we still have to go up the mountain.” ”

“Am I worried about this?” Taking the sandwich and taking a hard bite, he just complained and complained, which was much easier than the original training.

Eating sandwiches, the forest is full of birds, making the quiet forest add life, the surrounding air is also very good, take a deep breath and feel refreshed, I have to say that the mountain chosen by Haibara, although there is no people, but it is indeed very comfortable to stay here.

After lunch, Sawada and Haibara continued on the road, although the mountain has not been developed, but it seems that there are many donkey friends coming, so there is a road that is artificially stepped on, which is convenient for Sawada and the two, and it is much easier to walk the mountain road.

“Wow, there is actually a waterfall? It turned out that the sound that I heard rumbling like thunder before was the sound of a waterfall. “In the evening, Sawada and the two have climbed very high, here is like a small pingyang, can also be said to be the top of the mountain, in front of a small lake, from the front of the mountain wall there is a waterfall left, the mountain wall in front of the mountain is the highest, and then to both sides is to shrink the front of the waterfall The stone wall is very wide, all the way to both sides, but the more Sawada left and right sides are getting shorter and shorter, until the mountain wall behind Sawada is gone, the rest is down the slope and dense woods, if you look from the side, At the top of the mountain, it looks like a capital L, the horizontal L is where they are standing now, and the vertical is the waterfall.

“How did you find this place? Held and held for so many years, I didn’t know there was such a place. Sawada said in surprise, “Next time, I can take everyone to camp together.” ”

“Hmph, they want to camp, let them find it themselves, why come here?” Haibara suddenly snorted coldly, and Sawada touched his nose, not knowing why Haibara was suddenly unhappy.

“Look at what? If you have time to see it, you might as well quickly set up the tent and see if there are any fish in that small lake, and I’ll make a fire. Haibara said sadly.

“Hi hi.” Sawada didn’t know what was wrong, but he was also afraid of touching the mold of Haibara, so he immediately put down his bag, took out two tents, and began to set up it, surrounded by land, which was also very convenient.

“I’ll go to the forest to see if I can get anything to eat, after all, it’s not appropriate to just eat some matsutake mushrooms.” Sawada set up his tent and turned around and walked towards the forest, on the way up the mountain before, he found some matsutake mushrooms, and then they were all picked by Haibara, there is water, you can make a soup, but there must be some other food, go into the forest to see if there are any fruits and other things around, if you can touch hares, pheasants or something, it would be better.

“Well, I’ll make the soup.” Haibara said intently as he handled the matsutake mushroom without raising his head, and Sawada pouted and walked into the forest.

“This fool actually said that he would bring someone else.” Sawada left, Haibara only then looked up, looking at Sawada’s back, Haibara said sadly, the knife in his hand was a little harder, this place she spent nearly a month, and even asked the doctor to help them find the place with satellites.

Walking into the forest, there are a lot of fruits in it, but Sawada did not dare to pick indiscriminately, who knows which fruit is poisonous and which fruit is not poisonous, so you can only see if there are other fruits on this tree that have been picked by animals, or whether there are traces of being bitten by insects on the fruit, if the animals also eat it, it means that this fruit is safe… Relying on this [clever] method, Sawada picked a lot of fruit and put it in his backpack.

“Sasha~” There was a sound in the grass, and Sawada immediately became vigilant, this is an undeveloped forest, who knows if there are wild beasts, poisonous snakes or something, be careful.

“Sasha~” The voice came out again, Sawada was sure that it was in the grass in front of him, and Sawada who was standing on the tree did not move, staring at the grass in front of him deadly.

The things in the grass seemed to be very cautious, and after moving for a while, they did not move again until they were sure that there was no sound around, and then they came out of the grass.

Seeing that thing come out, Sawada Takichi, it was a hare, gray hair, red eyes, was cautiously jumping forward, look at the figure, this rabbit is very fat.

“You can add food tonight.” Thinking in his heart, Sawada began to think about how to catch this hare?

The hare jumped under the big tree where Sawada was located, and his two front paws held some fruits that fell when Sawada picked wild fruits before, sniffed them but threw them away, this action surprised Sawada: “Is the fruit you picked poisonous?” ”

Then the little rabbit picked up another fruit and sniffed, and then bit it, which made Sawada relax, fortunately, the rabbit also eats this fruit to show that this fruit is not poisonous and can be eaten, so next, how to catch this rabbit.

Looking left and right, except for the leaves around, there are branches, and it is useless to pluck the leaves, and Sawada will not pick any leaves and fly flowers, and the branches do not dare to skim, in case the sound scares away the rabbit, it is not good.

Just when Sawada was worried about what to do, the little rabbit had already jumped away from Sawada’s feet and ran to the other side.

Carefully climbed down the book, dug out a few pieces on the ground, and turned it upside down in his hand, “Hmph, although I am always hit by stones when practicing with the wind, but with my current strength, it should be no problem for a stone to knock a little rabbit unconscious.” ”

Turned around and looked at where the rabbit had left.

The rabbit didn’t run particularly far, but perhaps Sawada’s movements were bigger, and the rabbit, who was eating tender grass, suddenly stopped moving and stood up, his ears kept moving, as if listening to where the previous sound came from.

Sawada squatted behind the tree, holding the stone tightly with his right hand, always paying attention to the rabbit’s every move, he had to strike when the rabbit relaxed its guard to forage, so that he had the best chance of catching the rabbit, otherwise he accidentally disturbed the rabbit, in this dense grass, he did not think that he could catch the rabbit.

After waiting for a long time, the rabbit finally put down his body and continued to eat the tender grass, but Sawada did not make a move, he found that although the rabbit was eating grass, its ears kept moving, it was obvious that even in the process of foraging, the rabbit did not relax its vigilance.

“It’s really cunning.” Secretly cursed, Sawada had to continue to wait for the opportunity.

After eating some tender grass, after stopping for a while, he jumped forward a few steps and continued to eat, perhaps to make sure that there was no danger around, and the rabbit’s ears finally stopped moving.

“Hmph, here comes the opportunity.” Sawada was overjoyed, took the stone and threw it hard, “swoosh”, the stone flew out, and the rabbit who lost his vigilance was suddenly hit, rolled forward a few times and then did not move.

“yes!” As soon as the blow hit, Sawada immediately ran over, grabbed the rabbit’s ears and looked, the stone hit the rabbit’s head, and the head was bleeding, I don’t know if I died or fainted, but it didn’t matter, anyway, tonight was dinner.

Carrying the rabbit and carrying the fruit, Lin Yi returned to the camping site, and Haihara Moi kept stirring it in the pot where the soup was boiling, tasting it from time to time, and adding some condiments to it.

“Back?” Feeling the movement, he turned his head and looked, and sure enough, it was Sawada who returned, “Yo, good luck, I actually caught a rabbit.” ”

“How’s that, good luck.” Sawada held up the rabbit and said proudly, “Not only the rabbit, but I also picked some fruit.” ”

“Exactly, the soup is almost ready, you wash and peel the rabbit, find a branch to wear, and you can bake it.” Haibara said sadly.

“Huh? Wash and peel clean? Holding the rabbit and looking at it, Sawada was very embarrassed.

“How? No? ”

“Nope.” Sawada shook his head, he hadn’t cooked again, where would he do this?

“Then you go and find more dry firewood, this rabbit is handed over to me.” Haibara also understood, took the rabbit by the hand, and walked towards the small lake.

Sawada was overjoyed and immediately ran back into the forest to collect firewood, thinking, “I need to use it at night, so let’s get more.” ”

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