Everyone who understands the situation can rest assured to eat, drink and have fun on the boat, anyway, there is a face brushing machine of reborn, you can go anywhere.

Standing on the deck, enjoying the sea breeze, everyone looked at an island in the distance, which, according to Reborn, was the island of the mafia.

“I don’t want to go to Mafia Island.” Sawada Tsunayoshi crouched in the corner crying, mafia, one will be killed if he is not careful.

“Wow, big brother, look, what a big Ferris wheel, what a big playground.” Sawada took Sawada Tsunayoshi’s arm and motioned for him to look out, and Sawada himself was excited.

“You seem to be very excited.” Haibara asked poignantly.

“Yes, I’ve always been looking for amusement parks.” Sawada said excitedly, “I just remember that I went there once when I was a child, and I haven’t been there since, so this time I have the opportunity to have fun.” ”

“There’s a constant stream of guests here every day.” Bi Yangqi came over and introduced.

“In the ranking of vacation places where the mafia wants to be lazy to play, it ranks first out of 254.” Feng Tai also followed and said.

“Looks like fun, Reborn, can you go around once you get to the island?” Sawada turned his head and asked excitedly, only to see Reborn standing on the deck, the pacifier on his chest glowing brightly.

“Huh? Your pacifier is glowing. Sawada said, “Could it be that the wind is coming?” “The last time he fought against Rokudoku, Sawada noticed that when the wind appeared, the pacifier on both the wind and Reborn’s chest glowed, so Sawada always thought that this was a code word made by two people, and as long as the other party appeared, the pacifier would light up together.

“Ah, it’s a guy I know.” Reborn did not elaborate, Sawada did not care, but pulled Haibara or discussed what to play first and then after going to the island, as for Reborn? Hmph, who cares about that big head playing around?

After getting on the island, everyone found that it was much larger than it seemed, the amusement facilities were complete, and from time to time you could hear the screams of those who played, and the food was also very special, and many people lingered in the various food stalls, eating and chatting about the sky.

“Little mourning, little mourning, what do we play first? How about roller coasters? Sawada asked excitedly.

“Koharu also wants to go on a roller coaster, Azuna, shall we go together?” Koharu said equally excitedly.

“The roller coaster there is third in the category of entertainment ranked 8452 that terribly causes fainting past, so it’s guaranteed to be thrilling.” Kazeta said.

“Is it? Then I’m more interested. Sawada said excitedly, eager to experience it now.

“It’s so scary, I don’t want to sit anymore.” Sawada Tsunayoshi, on the other hand, and his younger brother are diametrically opposite, rejecting the ride all over their bodies.

“Gone, gone.” Holding Haibara’s hand, the two people ran out first, abandoning the people behind them directly.

I don’t know if it’s because it’s only for the mafia to play, or because it’s the off-season, anyway, there are not many people queuing up here on the roller coaster, Sawada counted it, and when the roller coaster stops, they can get on the bus immediately, which makes him very happy.

“Little mourning, are you afraid? If you’re afraid, grab my hand. Sitting in the car and getting the safety device ready, Sawada stretched out his right hand and said excitedly.

“Well, good.” Haibara nodded calmly, reached out and grabbed Sawada’s hand, looking at Sawada’s excited side face, Haihara smiled sadly: “I don’t care about anything today, let’s have fun.” ”

The car started slowly, climbed the highest peak little by little, Sawada tightly grasped Haihara’s hand, at this moment he was both excited and a little afraid, the car came to the highest point, suddenly slid down, the huge drop made many people on the car shout in fear, Haihara also closed his eyes, but Sawada shouted excitedly, “Yo roar!! ”

Getting down from the car, Haihara’s face turned a little pale, not because she was afraid, but because the continuous up and down made her body a little uncomfortable, but Sawada had nothing to do at all.

“What are we going to play next, little mourning…” Turning his head excitedly, but seeing that Haihara’s face was a little bad, Sawada asked, “Xiao Wei, are you okay?” Do you want to take a break? ”

“It’s okay.” Haibara shook his head and signaled that he could continue.

“You wait for me.” Sawada said, turned around and ran out, Haibara stood in place without moving, and after a while, Sawada came back, holding two ice creams in his hand and a bag hanging from his wrist.

“Grab some ice cream, I bought a drink.” Handing over the ice cream in his hand, Sawada said, “There is a carousel down from the roller coaster, let’s go and sit.” ”

“Well, good.” Sticking out his tongue and licking a bite of ice cream, the cold with milky aroma and sweetness made the bad-faced Haibara recover a little, and came to the carousel area with Sawada.

After passing the ticket and getting on the wooden horse, the two of them chatted happily while eating ice cream, looking at the concerned gaze that Sawada cast from time to time, and the relaxed expression that his face showed after his face recovered, Haibara smiled sadly.

After playing for a long time, Haiyuan Mourning was already tired, originally her physical fitness was not too good, and if she kept playing like this, her small body could not support it, so the two discussed going back to gather with everyone, and they could rest in an instant.

“Your physical fitness is still not good.” Walking back with Haibara on his back, Sawada said.

“That’s really sorry, my health is not good, I can’t continue to accompany the tenth generation of the consultant outside the door of Pengele, I am really sorry for sweeping the consultant’s interest.” Wrapping his arms around Sawada’s neck and resting his head on Sawada’s shoulder, Haibara said weakly.

“Hmph, obviously I am tired and have no strength, and my mouth is still so poisonous.” Sawada said angrily, “Blame me too, you are not in good health, you should not be pulled like this to play all the time.” ”

“Well, it’s all your fault.” Haibara said sadly.

“I…” The guilt in Sawada’s heart suddenly turned into anger, this woman really climbed the pole, and instantly pushed the fault onto his head, but thinking of Haihara’s current appearance, forget it, don’t fight with each other.

Because of the previous play, the farther and farther away from where they lived, so now go back, the time is also much longer, Sawada did not speak, just walked forward, while watching the people around from time to time playing, Haibara was also watching at first, but the feeling of tiredness hit, and fell asleep on Sawada’s back in a daze.

Back to the hotel, take the elevator, come to the room, Sawada wanted to put Haibara Mourning down, but found that even the sleeping Haibara Mourning was still just grabbing his clothes, gently pulling is not pulling, Sawada did not dare to work too hard, for fear of waking up Haibara, did not get it down for a long time, but made himself tired enough, so Sawada Qiu directly lay on the bed, and Ash was lying on his back, originally thinking of letting Haibara slowly roll off him, but did not expect that Haihara did not move, But he fell asleep vaguely.

“Huh? How did I fall asleep? Sawada, who suddenly woke up, muttered, the heaviness on his back disappeared, and when he turned his head, Haibara was lying next to him, gently got up and corrected the quilt for her, and Sawada gently exited the room.

Sawada, who walked out of the room, came outside, looking around for everyone, his mother was lying on the beach sunbathing, Lanami and Koharu were swimming, and Gakudera, Yamamoto, and Sawada Tsunayoshi didn’t know where to go.

“What are you doing?” Walking around the station, he saw Gakudera and Yamamoto, and Sawada stepped forward and asked.

“Yo, little one.” Yamamoto greeted with a smile.

“I was a little worried that I hadn’t seen Toyome come back, so I went out with a baseball idiot to look for it, and just asked a guy who said that he could get to Toyome just by getting on this train, so we were going to go.” Prison Temple said.

“That’s right, I’ll go with you.” Sawada nodded, and the three of them got on the train.

The car bypassed the play area and came to the island another time, and then stopped, got out of the car and saw that Sawada Tsunayoshi was indeed here, and not only Sawada Tsunayoshi was here, but Reborn was also here, and there was a big-headed doll like Reborn and Wind, with a pacifier on the chest, but the color was different, Reborn was yellow, the wind was red, and the pacifier in front of him was blue.

“Prison Temple, Yamamoto, Xiao Qi, why are you here.” Sawada Tsunayoshi asked.

“Jail Temple and Yamamoto came to find you, I came to find everyone, and then I met them, they said they could find you by car, and then we came over.” Sawada explained.

“It’s great to meet you.” Prison Temple said excitedly.

“I think it’s better not to see it.” Sawada Tsunayoshi said with a sigh.

“By the way, even these guys can exercise together, Cole Nilo.” Reborn said.

“Looks like there’s something to look forward to, kola,” Cola Nilo nodded.

“You better run away.” Sawada Tsunayoshi said quickly.

“The enemy is coming… The enemy is coming… Please go to the shelter… “A huge sound resounded throughout the island of the mafia.

“Enemy attack?” Sawada Tsunayoshi was taken aback.

“What kind of new show is this?” Yamamoto, who had never been in the situation, asked.

Only the prison temple changed his face and said, “Mr. Reborn, if you talk about attacking here…” ”

“It’s the Kalukasha family.” Reborn said.

“The Kalukasha family?”

“That should be a mafia too, right? Why did the Mafia attack Mafia Island? Sawada asked strangely.

“Yes, isn’t this place paid for by several mafia families?” Sawada Tsunayoshi had the same question.

“The construction here is just an alliance family centered on the Pengellet family.” Reborn said: “Kalukasha is a hostile force. ”

“That means war is going to break out here?!!!

As he spoke, both Reborn and Cole Nilo’s pacifiers lit up, and Sawada was stunned and then said, “Reborn, is there a problem with your pacifier?” When I was on the boat, it lit up, now it’s lit up again, and the pacifier of this colonilo is also lit, if it’s broken, hurry up and fix it, it’s not good if you get electrocuted. ”

“This pacifier will glow as long as it is the same titty approach.” Reborn said.

“The pacifier is lit, which means there are people we know in the Kalukasha family, kola,” Cola Nilo said.

“The only one who would make such a boring move is Scaru.” Reborn nodded and said.

“Boom, boom, boom!” The back of the island was talking, and the sound of artillery explosions was heard from the front of the island, and even through the mountain in the middle, you could see the black smoke floating in front.

“It’s a little tricky.” Colanilo said, “The people who were supposed to be in charge of the island’s security have returned because of the death of the boss, and now the people on the island are people who are not combative, kola”

“So what to do?” Sawada Tsunayoshi asked.

“Of course, as long as I am there, I won’t let them do whatever they want, but it’s nap time.” As soon as the words fell, bubbles appeared on Cola Nilo’s nose.

When Sawada Tsunayoshi turned his head and was just about to do what to do with Wen Reborn, he found that Reborn’s nose was also hanging with bubbles, and the two big-headed dolls were actually asleep at this critical moment.

“Big brother, leave them alone for now.” Sawada said a little anxiously, “I’m worried about my mother and them, and Xiao Wei is still sleeping in the hotel, let’s go back quickly.” ”

“That’s what I said.” Sawada Tsunayoshi nodded, and several people came to the subway, only to find that the subway had stopped running because of a power outage.

“What about this?”

“No way, walk back along the tracks, at least so you won’t get lost.” Sawada said, several people jumped off the car, walked back along the railroad tracks, walked from the side of the road to the tunnel, walked along the long tunnel, and finally saw the light, and the four people quickly ran out, and in front of them was a huge castle.

“I didn’t expect to come out here, the symbol of the mafia, the mafia castle.” Prison Temple said.

“Yo, Ah Gang, Xiao Qi.” Mother’s voice sounded, and when she turned her head, everyone gathered together, even the sleeping Haihara Mo was standing next to her, but her face was still sleepy.

“It’s good that everyone is okay.” Both Sawada brothers breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately everyone came to take refuge and were not affected by the pond fish.

“Xiao Qi, Ah Gang, are you going to fight against the hostile mafia in this castle? Right, huh? Mom asked excitedly.

“Huh?!” The Sawada brothers looked at each other, did mom know this?

“It’s a really interesting show.” Mom said.

“Yamamoto-style delusion.” Sawada Tsunayoshi and Sawada looked at Yamamoto at the same time, which made Yamamoto feel a little inexplicable.

“Just now they said that mom and these women are going to cook for everyone in the castle, so the outside will be handed over to you.” The mother said, and took Bi Yangqi and other girls into the castle, leaving the boys standing there.

“Are we going to fight next?” Sawada asked.

“You say that, and so do I…”

“This struggle is led by our Nilo family, which controls Asia.”

“Wait a minute, the commander of the Coalition Army should be our Bechio family, which has tradition and specifications.”

“No kidding, leave our Nubo family behind, what are you talking about?”

“You dodge.”

“Want to fight? Bastard. ”

“This hasn’t started fighting yet, and my own people have already started infighting first.” Sawada watched several mafia families quarrel over the position of commander, and said with some headache.

“Hmph, if you talk about the boss, naturally it is the most suitable for the tenth generation of our family.” Prison Temple suddenly spoke.

“What did you say?”


“Which family have you not heard of?”

Prison Temple’s words made everyone’s eyes look over, and asked with a bad face and a bad tone.

“Family?” Prison Temple said proudly, “We are from the Pengellet family, do you have any opinions?” ”

The words of the prison temple made everyone around quiet down, and finally bowed at the same time and said, “It’s really rude, I didn’t expect it to be the next leader of Pengele, so our commander and decision.” ”

Because of a sentence from the prison temple, the commander was instantly decided, with the commander, everyone instantly had no contradictions, facing the enemy who rushed up, everyone fought, and for a while bullets flew everywhere, and people fell to the ground everywhere.

However, the fall was a local battle, and after a while, the attacking personnel were repulsed, and everyone just chased out, and with a “boom”, two large trees fell to the ground, and a small baby wearing a motorcycle safety helmet, wearing purple clothes, and hanging purple pacifiers appeared.

“Is that the Karukasha family’s military master Shikaru?”

“You can’t be wrong, that purple pacifier is proof of Arcobaleno.”

“Arcobaleno?” Sawada was stunned for a moment before he reacted, “I remember that it seems that the six bones were also called reborn. ”

“Arcobaleno refers to the rainbow, and represents the 7 strongest babies in the mafia world.”

“Seven? There are 7 like Reborn? “Sawada Qixin, “Now I have seen Reborn, Kaze, the cola Nilo I just saw and this Scaru, this is already 4, who will be the other 3?” ”

“Whoever it is, let me blow him up first.” Prison Temple said and threw out the bomb, the purple shadow flashed, the bomb flew out, Sawada saw clearly, is that a tentacle?

“I heard that Scarlu has been manipulating the ironclad octopus that has always been purple.” As soon as the words fell, a large octopus climbed behind Scaru.

“Sure enough, you’re a fool, Scaroo.” Reborn stepped out of the crowd.

“Hmph, Reborn, I didn’t expect to be guessed by you to be me.” Scaru snorted coldly.

“Stupid, your pacifier is glowing, didn’t you notice?”

“Enough, reborn, don’t call me stupid.” Shkaru became angry and made a gesture with his right hand, and the octopus’s tentacles entangled Reborn and grabbed him.


“Mr. Reborn!!”

“Little ghost head!”

“Hmph, Reborn, I’ll fix you today.” Scaru shouted proudly.

“You idiot.” Reborn said, holding the gun in his right hand, directly fired two shots, Scaru’s reaction was very fast, and immediately commanded the octopus to resist with tentacles, but no matter how fast it was, it was not as fast as Reborn, although he blocked one bullet, but another bullet hit Scaru’s hand.

“Sure enough, it’s reborn.” Scaru said unscathed, “But that’s the end of it. “The right hand made a gesture, but the octopus remained motionless.

“What’s going on with you? Why not solve reborn? The octopus didn’t move, and the angry Scaru turned his head and cursed.

“Stupid, look at your right hand.” Jumping out of the octopus’s tentacles, Reborn said, and Scaru raised his right hand to see that it had swollen into a large fist.

“Ah, it’s a fist bomb.” Sawada Tsunayoshi reacted.

“Xiao Qi, solve it.” Reborn said.

“Ah, I know.” Sawada’s voice sounded, everyone turned their heads to look, but found that Sawada didn’t know when he entered the super dead gas mode, holding the two-handed sword and instantly disappeared in place, appearing on top of the octopus’s head, the two-handed sword was combined into one, the two hands grasped it, and raised it above the head “One knife and two breaks, Ruyi Excalibur!!” No, half moon chop! The orange flames flew out and hit the big octopus and Scaru directly.

“Bang!” The explosion sounded, and Scaru and the Great Octopus, as well as the people of the Kalukasha family, all flew out.

At the same time, the warships at sea were also hit by inexplicable attacks and all exploded.

“What’s going on?” Sawada Tsunayoshi asked.

“It’s Cola Nilo, and his rifle is also powerful.” Reborn said.

“Cole Nilo?” The appearance of Cole Nilo flashed in his mind, and Sawada Tsunayoshi secretly said, “Is Cole Nilo also so strong?” ”

The attack of Karukasha ended in a hurry, the attackers were repulsed, and the island of the mafia returned to its usual liveliness.

Without enemies, everyone played on the island, some went to the rides, some continued swimming, some tasted the food, and all had happy smiles on their faces.

At the same time, two figures were scurrying around, one attacking, the other fleeing in resistance, looking like that, it seemed to be coming towards the concordance.

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