“Okay, Xiao Xi is also here, everyone is here, and now we can start our combat meeting.” Seeing Sawada come in, Reborn said.

“Then let me explain the equipment prepared for raiding the enemy’s base.” Johnny II spoke first.

“First of all, the ring.” Johnny II pointed to the big screen and said, “In order not to be detected by the enemy, the Pengellet ring and Mr. Sawada’s ring have a special protective shield, named the automatic Mammon chain ring cover. ”

“That’s it.” Sawada took the ring that Haibara handed over, looked at the transparent thing on it, and spoke.

“Yes.” Johnny Er nodded and said: “Although the name is very long, but simply put, when the ring is not applied, the lid will automatically close, thus sealing the power of the ring.” ”

“That’s pretty awesome.” Everyone looked at the ring in their hands, Yamamoto said first.

“Indeed.” Prison Temple nodded and said, “No need, every time I disturb the Mamon chain, I lifted it.” ”

“Because raid operations are equivalent to time wars, this can reduce wasted time.” Lal was also very satisfied with the setting, and said, “Thank you very much.” ”

“No thanks.” Johnny Er smiled and said, “Next, please put on the wireless headphones at hand and try it.” ”

Sawada then noticed that there was a small box in front of him, and there was a Bluetooth headset in the box, took the earphone out, stayed on the left ear, and adjusted the comfort, and then put his hand down.

“This headset allows the hands to move freely. At the same time, even in battle, they can be connected to each other. Johnny II converted the picture of the large screen into the headphone screen of Sawada Tsunayoshi and others, and said, “Because it can change the frequency of both sides, there is no need to worry about being eavesdropped by the enemy, and the frequency of the wireless headphones of both sides will be automatically adjusted, and the voice of the other party should be able to be heard clearly.” ”

“This is very convenient, big brother, can you hear it?” Sawada tested, “I have infiltrated the enemy’s main camp and waited for the order of the headquarters to launch an attack at any time.” ”

“Xiao Qi, what are you talking about?” Sawada Tsunayoshi said helplessly.

“Extreme Test !!” A roar came out of the earphones, so frightened that Sawada quickly took off the headphones, but Taihei asked calmly, “How is it?” Can my voice be heard? ”

“You idiot, it’s too loud!!” Prison Temple shouted first.

“Phew.” Sawada breathed a sigh of relief and said, “I almost died at the hands of Ping. ”

“My ears hurt.” Yamamoto also rubbed his ears and said.

“You talk so loudly, you don’t need wireless headphones at all.” Sawada Tsunayoshi also said helplessly.

“Okay.” Reborn walked over, pointed to a pile of clothes next to him and said, “Reasonably, there is another gift, clothes made of silk thread generated in Len’s body that is very resistant to the flame of dead qi. ”

“The thread in Len’s body?”

“Len is actually a baby silkworm?” Sawada asked in surprise.

“Everyone made one, and Len lost weight.” Reborn said, gathering Len in his hands, Sawada looked over, and sure enough, Len was skinny and boneless.

“Thank you, Len.” Sawada Tsunayoshi said gently.

“In this way, even if the preparation is strange, the rest, Ah Gang…” Reborn looked at Sawada Tsunayoshi and said, “The rest is up to you.” ”

“Ah, I see.” Sawada Tsunayoshi nodded and said seriously.

“What time does the battle plan begin?” Sawada asked.

“It’s 17 p.m., it’s dinner time soon, and the plan is to start sneaking into battle at 11 p.m., so you guys have some rest time after dinner.” Reborn said.

“11 o’clock, I see.” Sawada nodded seriously, reached out and touched his arms, where the box and the hilt of the sword were placed.

“Before carrying out the raid plan, let me explain the information that has been known so far. Wells spoke, “According to the investigation, the enemy’s base is in the underground shopping mall, and several unnatural pipes have been found in this shopping mall. ”


“It’s the ventilation duct, the pipe that replaces and keeps the underground air fresh.” Johnny II explained.

“Ah, this is it.” Yamamoto then understood what the pipeline was.

“Then, this is the floor plan of the Mirufiore base.” Wells projected the floor plan onto the big screen.

“Yes, you even got the floor plan.” Sawada exclaimed.

“This floor plan is the intelligence brought by the lark.” Wells said: “After comparing this floor plan with the floor plan of the shopping mall, the location of the ventilation ducts was exactly the same. ”

“That is to say…”

“That is to say, not only does it prove that the enemy base is in the shopping mall, but after overlapping the two maps, it even grasps the correct location of the enemy base.” Wells showed the map to everyone, and the result of overlapping the drawings with the cableway’s survey was that the route of the invasion of the enemy base was determined, which was the underground parking garage of the mall. ”

“The underground parking garage in the mall?” Sawada asked.

“Yes.” Wells nodded: “There are power rooms on the two underground floors of the mall, and the pipes from there sneak in, which is the best route to invade.” I have prepared a portable intelligence service terminal that has entered the floor plan according to the number of people, and everyone can sneak into the operation according to the terminal. ”

“Well, with the route, it’s much more convenient.” Sawada was also more relieved in his heart.

After explaining a little more things in the conference room, everyone also dispersed, and Sawada also went back to his room to take a nap, and after a while fell asleep, knowing that Haibara came to call him to eat before waking up.

Came to the restaurant, different from the lively atmosphere in the past, today’s dinner atmosphere is very solemn, no one spoke, they were eating their own dinner, even Lan Bo felt the solemnity of the atmosphere and obediently ate his dinner.

After dinner, everyone returned to their rooms, and Sawada sat down in the dining room and said, “This kind of solemn atmosphere is really not used to it.” ”

“After all, it’s about to start sneaking into the battle plan, and everyone is very nervous.” Kyoko spoke.

“Huh? Kyoko do you already know? Sawada asked strangely.

“Well, Xiao Wei has already told us.” Kyoko said with a smile.

“Little mourning told you.” Sawada nodded, he didn’t hide anything from Haihara, but he didn’t expect Haihara to tell Kyoko these things.

“After all, this is ten years later, it is too dangerous outside, if they still don’t know and suddenly run out, they are likely to encounter danger, in that case, it is better to explain the situation to them.” Haibara mournfully spoke, while Koharu stuck out his tongue a little embarrassed.

“That, Sawada, can this battle succeed?” Kyoko asked with some concern.

“Yes, it will work.” Sawada said seriously, “Don’t worry, we will all succeed in returning to the past, and we will let all this come to an end.” ”

“Well, I trust you.” Kyoko also said seriously.

“Well, leave it to us.” Sawada laughed, got up and walked out of the restaurant, back to his room, time was running out, he also needed to recharge.

Back in the room, Sawada sat cross-legged on the bed, carefully practicing the breathing method taught in the book, adjusting his state to the maximum to achieve the best state.

The alarm clock in the room suddenly went off, and Sawada opened his eyes and turned to look, 22:55, and there were five minutes to go.

Sawada got up, washed, changed clothes, and got ready to come together, and came to the conference room, where the big guys were waiting, looking at this state, it seemed that everyone was adjusting the poison well.

“Well, it seems that everyone is in good shape.” Reborn walked in and said with a smile.

“It’s almost time, get ready to go.” Lal looked at the time and said seriously, then turned to look at Sawada Tsunayoshi, and the others also turned to look at him.

“Okay, let’s go!” Sawada Tsunayoshi took a deep breath and said seriously.

“Good!” Everyone ran out with Sawada.

“Chief, be careful.” Muse stood there and said with a smile.

“Well, it’s over to you guys here, I’m leaving.” Sawada nodded seriously and ran out with him.

Running out of the base and running directly onto the street, seeing that there was no one on the street, Yamamoto said, “It’s okay, there is no one on the eldest sister.” ”

“Of course, if it’s normal, it’s still time to sleep.” Ping followed and said.

“yes, it’s the same in the morning.” Sawada quickly caught up with everyone, heard everyone chatting, and also said.

“That’s right.” Yamamoto nodded.

“How do you know so well?” Prison Temple asked strangely.

“Because I have morning exercises with Yamamoto, it’s clear.” Sawada said with a smile.

“Stop talking nonsense, hurry up.” Lal ran to the front, heard the people behind him talking, and couldn’t help but speak.

A few people did not speak again, ran all the way down the street, turned left and right all the way out of their homes, bypassed the commercial street, and ran to the underground parking lot.

“It’s coming soon, don’t lose it.” Lal reminded, and everyone followed closely.

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