“Bang!” When Phils was surprised, Sawada raised a kick on his stomach, kicked Phils out, the whole person stood in place and closed his eyes, after assimilating the last bit of dead qi flame, Sawada suddenly opened his eyes, and the flames on the brain door suddenly emerged, much larger than before.

“You would actually [Dead Qi Zero Point Breakthrough Change?] Phils said with some surprise.

“This is thanks to the failure of my eldest brother and your [Asura Box].” Sawada laughed, it was precisely because he saw Sawada Tsunayoshi’s [Zero Point Breakthrough and Change] and the battle with Knowles that Sawada had a glimmer of understanding, and slowly realized his own [Zero Location Breakthrough and Change].

“Now, you can fight with confidence.” Sawada said with a smile, the ring in his right hand lit up, and at the same time opened the box, the golden phoenix and the fire phoenix flew out at the same time, Sawada Qi’s two-handed sword pointed below, and he shouted, “Form change!” ”

“Huh~~~” Two rays of light collided with Sawada’s body, Sawada’s wings flapped out, and the whole person instantly turned into an afterimage passing through Phils’s chest, standing still behind Phils.

“You…” Without looking back, Phils touched his body with a frightened expression, only to see that Phils’s chest and abdomen had two piercing holes, which were obviously pierced by Sawada’s sword.

“Plopping” with unwillingness, Phils fell to the ground, and the last thought before closing his eyes was “[Piracy is still piracy, after all, it is not as good as the original.] 】”

“What?!!!?” The group of people who were fighting, even Bai Lan was a little surprised that Phils would be killed in a second, and he was killed by a little ghost who was nearly ten years younger than him.

“I didn’t expect it, it’s worthy of Sawada.” Bai Lan said with a smile, he didn’t care about Phils’s death at all, it was originally cloned, if you want Ha, rely on technology to clone another one, moreover, Bai Lan does not particularly need the so-called outside consultant, and after the 3rd party of 7 is collected, he doesn’t need anyone else at all.

“In the face of the death of your subordinates, you are really cold-blooded.” Seeing that Bai Lan was still laughing, Sawada said sarcastically.

“Such a person can ask for as much as he wants.” Bai Lan said without care.

“Yes?” Sawada is not entangled in this matter, although he has been looking at Bailan, but Sawada’s gaze is also paying attention to others, I have to say that the A-grade ring held by Stara and others is indeed much worse than the ring of the sea, Stara is completely suppressed by the pomegranate, if it were not for the help of the six remains, it would have been defeated, and the others were inextricably beaten, which is also because Kirito they were injured, plus the assistance of Wells, this is just a tie.

“It seems that Bailan must be solved as soon as possible.” Sawada became serious, and once again used the [Shadow Thorn], and the whole person turned into a colored light and rushed towards Bai Lan, and instantly arrived in front of Bai Lan.

“Snap!” Bai Lan stood still, the big empty ring of his right hand burned, and when Sawada rushed to his face, his hands suddenly slapped a slap, Sawada’s figure was revealed, watching his two-handed sword was slapped in his hand, Sawada showed an incredible expression.

“How is that possible?” Sawada was shocked, this was the first time to see someone able to catch his own Xeon move so lightly, which was a little subverted Sawada’s cognition.

“Hah!” Although shocked, Sawada reacted quickly, raised his left foot, exerted force with one foot on his right foot, and kicked Bailan’s head with a whip leg on his left leg.

“Bang!” The right hand rose, Bai Lan blocked Sawada’s attack, and at the same time, the index finger of the left hand was aimed at Sawada, and an orange flame flew out between the fingers, very fast.

“Ugh!” With both wings, Sawada instantly flew in the air, and the fire phoenix in his left hand suddenly “roared”, and Sawada said in a low voice, “Calm down, fire phoenix.” ”

“Don’t attack?” Looking at Sawada, who stopped in the sky and did not attack again, Bai Lan asked.

“Interesting, really interesting.” Sawada laughed, flicked his left hand, the blade came out of the sheath, Sawada swooped down, and slashed at Bailan with his two-handed sword.

“Oh” Bai Lan dodged sideways, Sawada stopped in front of Bai Lan, both hands of the sword swung at the same time, [Cross Slash], an X-shaped flame flew out, Bai Lan still calmly clapped his hands again, easily defusing Sawada’s attack.

“It’s worthy of being a person who wants to collect 7 cubic parties, it’s really powerful.” Sawada did not care, the two-handed sword flashed, and Sawada attacked back and forth alternately.

Although it is said that he has the Ring of the Sea that surpasses Sawada’s ring, Bai Lan is still a mortal in the flesh, and if Sawada’s attack speed is very good, Bai Lan does not dare to hard connect, and can only dodge and retreat to distance himself from Sawada.

However, Sawada Qiu obviously also discovered this to him, pressing step by step, while increasing the speed and strength of his attack, taking advantage of Bai Lan’s accident, a sword stabbed Bai Lan’s arm, and then Sawada Qiu approached, and an elbow blow knocked Bai Lan out.

“It’s worthy of Sawada, it’s really powerful.” Bai Lan was knocked out, but did not fall, but after turning twice in the air, he stood firmly and looked at Sawada, Bai Lan spoke.

Sawada did not speak, just frowned, this Bai Lan is worthy of Bai Lan, really not so easy to deal with ah, but Sawada Qiu also probably tried out, simple personal strength, Bai Lan is not as good as himself, the reason why he is stronger than himself, is stronger than the sea ring.

“The third dimension of 7 is not easy to get.” Sawada muttered.

“Huh~~~” The fire phoenix in his left hand shouted, and the wings on his back also flapped a little, Sawada was stunned, and then said with a smile: “Also, I still have you, golden phoenix, fire phoenix, to exert the greatest strength, Wells, they can’t bear it.” ”

The blade of the sword in the left hand disappeared and was replaced with a barrel again, Sawada rushed towards Bailan, and the sword in his right hand was wrapped around the colorful flames and slashed at Bailan, but it was held in his hand by Bailan with a clapping hand, as if it was Sawada Tsunayoshi’s [empty-handed into the white blade], holding it deadly.

“Ha!!” No matter how Sawada Qiu smoked, he still couldn’t pull the sword out of Bai Lan’s hand, looking at Sawada’s appearance, Bai Lan laughed and said, “Isn’t this okay?” I’m not even a warm-up. ”

“Speaking of which, I’m also warming up.” Sawada suddenly stopped drawing his sword, and looked at Bai Lan with a weird smile, Bai Lan was strange, Sawada’s left hand was raised, the eyes of the fire phoenix lit up, a colored ball of dead qi swirled at the mouth of the barrel of the left hand, and then suddenly ejected, the powerful recoil force pushed Sawada back two steps.

“White…” Bai Lan was just about to clap his hands, but it was too late, and a steady stream of colored flames directly wrapped Bai Lan, and flew out behind Bai Lan.

“Boom !!” The building in front collapsed, so that all the people who were fighting were evacuated, so as not to be harmed by the pond fish, and the 6 bow flowers were the group outside the door of Sawada, and immediately ran to the ruins of the building, to find Bailan in the ruins.

“Chief, are you all right?” The group outside the door withdrew, and Wells asked Sawada.

“I’m fine, hurry up and withdraw, now is not the time to fight Bailan.” Sawada said, “And your rings are still a little worse than theirs, and if you continue to fight, you will lose.” ”

“Hmm.” Wells nodded, and the others also nodded in agreement, this is not simply a matter of strength, but the difference between the height of the ring, which is not easy to make up.

“Let’s go quickly, hurry up and find the eldest brother.” Sawada opened his mouth and said, “Bailan will not be defeated by my blow, I have a new idea, but I need my eldest brother to help them experiment.” ”

“Well, let’s go.” Wells nodded, taking advantage of the fact that the large army had not yet attacked, Sawada and the others all turned and ran, as for the six remains, they had already been torn off because of insufficient strength.

“Chief, the way back is here.” Wells held the terminal, and several people finally ran to the designated place and said, “How are we going back?” ”

“Take advantage of inflammatory pressure. Fast! Sawada shouted, firing flames at the device in the air, and the others did the same, fortunately, when Sawada Tsunayoshi and the others left before, they left a lot of hot pressure, so Sawada and others were able to quickly return directly through the device and Mori Town.

“Ugh!” The light flashed, and Sawada and the others immediately appeared at the Nagamori Shrine, and the first thing they saw was Sawada Tsunayoshi’s concerned expression.

“Xiao Qi, are you all right?” Sawada Tsunayoshi asked with concern.

“I’m fine, but didn’t I let you go first?” Sawada shook his head and said.

“They have already been sent to the base, a few of us are not at ease, come to you.” Sawada Tsunayoshi spoke.

“Let’s go quickly, it is estimated that Bailan and they will chase after them soon.” Sawada said

“Okay, let’s go.” Sawada Tsunayoshi nodded, and several people immediately left the shrine and ran down the mountain, but instead of running to the Sawada house, they ran to the school, which was Pengele’s new base, because the Sawada family kept going in and out, and there was a high chance of being discovered, so this time everyone moved to the new base of the school of Sumori.

“Squeak” walked into the base from the basketball hall in the school, and saw that everyone appeared in the base safe and sound, and Sawada was also relieved.

“Xiao Qi, are you all right?” Seeing Sawada come in, Haibara asked mournfully.

“It’s okay, I’m not hurt.” Sawada shook his head, touched Haihara’s head and said with a smile.

“Everyone is tired today, hurry up and rest.” Sawada Tsunayoshi spoke.

“If it weren’t for Xiao Yu today, you would all have lost.” Reborn said suddenly.

“What?” Reborn’s words made everyone stunned and wanted to refute, but they couldn’t say anything.

“What are you talking about, Reborn?” Sawada Tsunayoshi asked.

“Isn’t it?” Reborn said, “The battles are almost all fought by Xiao Qi, Lily of the Valley and Phils as well as Kirito and Phantom Knight were defeated by Xiao Qi, Wolf Venom was defeated by the Six Skeletons, and what about you?” What have you done other than being entangled in them and unable to get out? If Xiao Yu can’t participate in [Choice] today, based on your performance today, it must be you who loses. ”

“This…” Reborn’s words pulled all the people who were immersed in the joy of victory into reality, thinking back to what happened in the battle, especially the people who participated in the battle were extremely ugly, and it could even be said to be very ugly.

“Do you really understand your mission as a Guardian?” Reborn asked, but no one spoke, and the others lowered their heads.

“You are the guardians of Pengele, did you really decide to put all your hopes on Xiao Qi?” Reborn spoke, “If that’s the case, I think I should take back your Pengellet ring.” ”

“Mr. Reborn!!” Reborn’s words made everyone’s faces change, especially the prison temple, and they felt that the sky had fallen, and quickly said, “Mr. Reborn, I understand my mission as a guardian!” ”

“However, I don’t see any manifestation of your Guardian mission at all.” Reborn turned his head to look at the prison temple and said very ruthlessly.

“Including you.” Reborn looked over one by one, and then said, “If it weren’t for Xiao Qiu today, you would even have lost the Pengellet Ring. ”

“That… I went to take a shower. “Sawada is not good to stay here, so he found an excuse to leave, and with Sawada’s departure, the other [unrelated personnel] also quickly left, here is still left to a few parties of Pengelle to solve.”

And Sawada, was taken to the room by Haihara Sorrow, took a comfortable bath, and washed away the exhaustion, Sawada Qi, lying on the bed thinking about Bailan’s affairs and the idea in his heart, in a daze, Sawada Qiu fell into a deep sleep, and even Ashbara Mourning didn’t know that he walked in.

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