“What are you doing?” When Sawada rushed to the shrine, he only saw Sawada Tsunayoshi and the others gathered together, looked left and right, and did not see Asari Yugetsu, Sawada asked strangely, “Hasn’t the exam started yet?” Time has passed. ”

“Xiao Qi, the exam is over, Yamamoto passed.” Sawada Tsunayoshi said happily.

“Passed?” Sawada was stunned and turned to look at Yamamoto.

“Yes.” Yamamoto smiled and nodded, but after seeing that Sawada still didn’t quite understand, Yamamoto opened his mouth and explained, “At the beginning of tonight, I attacked the same as yesterday, but when Yugetsu-senpai used the [Nine-headed Dragon Collapse] to reveal the flaw, I stopped at the last moment. ”

“Oh?” Sawada looked at Yamamoto with interest and said, “It seems that Yamamoto you have figured it out.” ”

“Actually, at first, I was very confused.” Yamamoto shook his head and said, “I don’t understand what you mean at all, Xiao Gang, but when I was at home, my father told me [don’t think about what I should do, but think about how I want to do it], plus Ah Gang said before the game to let me not force myself, I stopped at the last minute, just like Ah Gang and my father said, I should follow my heart and do it, and there is no need to force myself to change.” ”

“That’s right.” Sawada nodded and said, “You are [Rain], the [Rain] that washes everything, last night you were already confused, the [Rain] that originally moisturized everything has also become a [Torrential Downpour], how can such [Rain] wash everything and pray for the role of a soul-calming song?” Isn’t this completely contrary to the mission of [Guardian of Rain]? ”

“Huh?” Sawada’s words made everyone stunned, although what Sawada said was similar to that of Asari Yuyue, but Sawada’s metaphor was more appropriate.

“Haha, it’s worthy of being a little one.” Yamamoto, who had recovered, laughed and said, “I couldn’t have imagined this at all.” ”

“yes, I didn’t expect it at all.” Sawada Tsunayoshi also nodded and said.

“This is actually [the authorities are confused, the bystanders are clear], because you are deep in it, so many things are not seen.” Sawada shook his head and said, “And I, because I am not a guardian, I have seen more than you, but Yamamoto, I still have to apologize to you.” ”

“Apologize?” Yamamoto didn’t understand.

“What I have always thought is that you are the guardian of the rain for ten generations of Pengele, so for the mission of the guardian of rain, you need to understand and understand it yourself, simply relying on the help of others to understand, in my opinion, you can’t really become the guardian of rain, so I have not told you what the real topic of this exam is, so about this, I want to apologize to you.”

“Nope.” Yamamoto shook his head and said seriously: “Xiao Yu, you are right, if you tell me directly, I’m afraid I just do it to pass the exam, not really understand and understand, just like Cronilo said, I can’t rely on others, more still need to understand by myself, so, it should be me thank you for not telling.” ”

“It’s okay, it’s okay, Yamamoto passed the assessment today, it’s a very happy thing.” Watching the two apologize and thank each other, Sawada Tsunayoshi came out and said, which made the two stop.

“You actually gave him a second chance.” On the roof, the G of the first generation of Arashimoru suddenly appeared, standing beside Chao Liyue, holding a pocket watch and saying very unpleasantly, “You are still as naïve as before.” ”

“Don’t you think they’re similar to us?” Chao Liyue laughed, also took out a pocket watch, and said with remembrance.

“It’s really similar.” The first door suddenly appeared, and said with a smile: “The same talent above kendo, the same optimistic and naïve.” ”

“Sir.” Seeing the appearance outside the original door, G and Chao Liyue nodded slightly to say hello.

“What do you think of that kid?” Hatsuyo waved his hand outside the door, looked down at Sawada and asked.

“Mr. Xiao’s strength is very strong.” Chao Liyue said with a smile.

“As the successor of the tenth generation of Pengele, he is indeed the most satisfying to me.” G nodded and said, “It’s really much better than that arrogant guy who doesn’t know what to call it.” ”

“Don’t say that.” Outsider and Chao Liyue glanced at each other, then laughed together and said, “Weren’t you like this back then?” ”

“Hmph, I’ve already figured out how to conduct the assessment.” G turned his head away and said unpleasantly.

“Oh? So you’re the next person to take the exam? Chudai said outside the door.

“Nope.” G shook his head and said, “That guy from Giotto seems to intend to let Sapphire conduct the certification assessment first. ”

“Sapphire?” The first generation was stunned outside the door, and then laughed and said, “That twisted guy, maybe he is making trouble with his brother now.” ”

“Speaking of which, too.” The words outside the original door made G also laugh and said, “I said, pearl… ”

“Ugh!” Before G’s words were finished, a large air flame struck, but it was dodged by G’s turn, only to see the original door looking at G angrily and said, “I have said many times, don’t call me [Pearl], either call me [ReiKi] or directly call [Sir].” ”

“Well.” G waved his hand indifferently, he had long been accustomed to the anger outside the first generation of the door, after all, he grew up with the first generation and the first generation of the door since childhood, and they knew each other very well, so this kind of joke would not really make the first generation outside the door angry.

“Words, sir.” Chao Li Yuyue smiled and asked, “What are your plans for Mr. Xiao’s assessment?” ”

“Intending?” Outside the first door, he turned his head to look at Sawada, and after thinking about it, he said, “Let’s wait until he gets the 7 seals of the Pengellet ring, I’ll go first, and that little guy still has to practice.” After that, the first generation disappeared outside the door, G and Chao Liyuyue glanced at each other, smiled at each other and shook their heads, and disappeared with them.

The night training was carried out late because of the rest of the next day, but when Sawada returned home, his mother still fell asleep on the sofa, and Sawada was also a little helpless, saying many times that he didn’t have to wait for him to come back, but his mother would still be worried.

Washing, sleeping, morning exercise the next morning, and at the same time talking to Xiao Wei about the inheritance ceremony, but was notified of another thing by Xiao Wei.

“What? Going to an amusement park today? Why? Looking at Haibara, Sawada said in surprise, “Why didn’t anyone inform me?” ”

“Reborn informed me last night.” Haihara said sadly: “It seems that the original Thunder Guardian has appeared, and the notice is to be identified and evaluated today for the Blue Wave of the Guardian of Thunder, and his current location is the castle of Hesheng Amusement Park, so everyone has to go over.” ”

“It turns out that the second session is Lanbo’s certification assessment.” Sawada nodded, and then asked in surprise, “But it’s not right, Lanbo Assessment, why are you going too?” ”

“Because we just happened to take Yuni to play.” Haibara said sadly: “Yuni wants to go to the amusement park to play, just happened to rest today, so I wanted to go over together, and Reborn also knew that we were going to the amusement park today, so he specially told me, but I didn’t expect that you didn’t know.” ”

“Ah, I came back too late last night, I guess Reborn hasn’t said it yet.” Sawada thought to himself, and then said, “That’s right, come home with me, after breakfast, we just happened to go to the amusement park together, Lanbo has to go for the recognition assessment, I also have to follow and see when I have the imprint trial.” ”

“Hmm.” Haibara nodded, it was not the first time she went to Sawada’s house, and Sawada’s mother seemed to like her very much, so she often went when she had nothing to do, as if it was her second home.

“Little mourning is here, you haven’t come to see your aunt for a long time.” Came to Sawada’s house, when she saw Haihara mourning, her mother immediately said with a straight face, and then suddenly laughed, pulled Haihara mourning into the room, and directly ignored Sawada.

“It’s true, I haven’t married yet, but I have such a good relationship with my mother-in-law.” Sawada said in a low voice, but his mother and Haibara heard it, Haibara didn’t say anything with a red face, and his mother was full of smiles, especially when he saw that Haihara didn’t refute it, and smiled even happier.

“Xiao Qi, have breakfast and let’s go to the amusement park, there is a certification exam for Blue Wave today.” As soon as he sat down at the table, Reborn spoke.

“Got it, Xiao Mo told me, if you come to tell me, the yellow cauliflower will be cold.” Sawada said angrily.

“Now that you know, let’s get ready to go.” Reborn drank coffee, stretched Erlang’s legs, and said very pleasantly. Looking at Reborn’s leisurely appearance, Sawada had an urge to clean him up, but unfortunately…

When everyone had breakfast, they went to the amusement park together, originally Yuni and Haibara still wanted to be with everyone, but unexpectedly, just arrived at the amusement park, Yuni and Haibara were pulled away by Kyoko and Koharu, the beautiful name is not to disturb everyone’s approval exam, to put it bluntly, I just want to play by myself.

“In other words, what is the content of today’s assessment?” Looking at Lan Bo, who was struggling to play with everyone in Sawada Tsunayoshi’s arms, Sawada turned his head and asked.

“That’s it.” Reborn spoke, holding a piece of paper with three circles drawn on it.

“This… Is it a philatelic mark? “Sawada feels that there are black lines in the brain door, what kind of test is this? Actually stamp stamp on the line? That’s child’s play, isn’t it?

“What does that mean?” Yamamoto asked.

“Just get on the set rides and collect the postmarks,” Sawada Tsunayoshi explains, “and if you finally make it to the castle where Sapphire is located, you will be considered qualified.” ”

“It’s really simple.” Prison Temple spoke.

“Isn’t simplicity bad? After all, Lan Bo is just a child. Sawada said, “Simpler, it means that it is easy to pass the exam, is this not good?” ”

“Say… That’s exactly what I said. Sawada Tsunayoshi nodded and said, “I think it should be Lanbao, because Lan Bo is a child, so let the water go.” ”

“But will there be some traps in the middle?” Prison Temple said suspiciously.

“Since Sapphire has already said so, I think, just do it.” Reborn said: “As for things with traps, is it normal to even have them? Let’s go. After that, several big-headed dolls walked towards the amusement park with Lan Bo.

“I always feel a little uneasy.” Prison Temple frowned and said, this is the assessment of the first guardian, how can it be so simple?

“Haha, then it’s time for us to support Lanbo.” Yamamoto said with a smile, still so optimistic, but Sawada did not say a word, but followed everyone to the amusement park, and did not know what he was thinking.

“Xiao Qi, what are you thinking?” Sawada Tsunayoshi noticed his brother’s situation and asked, “Did you find something wrong?” As soon as these words came out, both Jiji and Yamamoto also looked at Sawada.

“Nope.” Sawada shook his head and said, “Lanbo’s assessment is just a collection of postmarks, I was wondering what my assessment content is?” This is what the original Lei Shou, always feels like a child is unreliable. ”

“This is the first one.” Coming to an amusement ride, Reborn spoke, and Sawada looked up to see that it was a rotating teacup.

“Hurry up, Ah Gang, I want to play this, I want to play this.” Lan Bo said impatiently while jumping on the side.

“Good, good, good.” Sawada Tsunayoshi nodded, was pulled by Lan Bo to play, Prison Temple and Yamamoto also followed, but Sawada did not go, it was too awkward to play with the big man, and he still wanted to play with Xiao Moi.

“It’s really a relaxed exam.” Looking at the blue wave who was having fun, Cole Nilo sighed and said.

“Perhaps, the original Guardian of Thunder has some other ideas.” The wind spoke.

“Then who knows, maybe nothing is thought of.” Reborn said with a smile.

“But is this wrapped up?” There was actually no one. Looking left and right, Sawada said.

“Ah~~~~~~~” Suddenly, the screams of Lan Bo and Sawada Tsunayoshi came out, only to see that the teacup they were sitting on suddenly rotated at high speed, and faster and faster.

“What’s going on?” Sawada asked.

“It looks like it’s going to change.” Reborn suddenly said something incomprehensible.

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