In the company

"Xiaofeng, it's our turn to play games today."

Wang Li sighed and patted Wang Feng on the shoulder,"Sister Qin said that no matter what, we have to finish the test in the next two days and speed up the game. I think you should not go home tonight and stay in the company honestly."

Wang Li made some instant noodles and took a big sip.

Wang Feng and Wang Li are employees of Mortal Game Company.

This time their job is to test the newly developed game of Mortal Game Company - Gu Jian Qi Tan.

When he saw this kind of plot-oriented game, he was not optimistic.

After all, the people who play games are boys, and don't boys love the thrill of fighting?

Unless the plot is as good as the previous"Legend of Sword and Fairy 1", it will definitely not sell.

Wang Feng sighed,"I think this game is going to lose money. For plot-based games, I think this time it will definitely not surpass Plants vs. Zombies."

Wang Feng sighed," Who said it wasn't? Everyone in our group said so. They said that although the gameplay of this game is not bad, it would be too difficult to surpass"The Legend of Sword and Fairy" as a stand-alone game. Also, I heard that"The Legend of Sword and Fairy" is about to update and launch a revised version of"The Legend of Sword and Fairy 1". I heard that it is a soft version. How can we compete with that game for the market? Wouldn't that be courting death?"

"Well, since everyone says that, no one is optimistic, let’s test it first."

The two began to test it.

After playing for five minutes,——

"Eh? It seems pretty good."

After playing for half an hour, Wang Feng didn't even eat his instant noodles. He stared at the computer with his eyes wide open, looking serious.

After playing for two hours, the whole picture changed.

"Where can I buy the recipe for the sweet-scented osmanthus cake on the Jiangdu map? Help!"

"Pearl Beach!"

"How many treasure chests have you found in Qinchuan map? Help!"


"Nine? Where are they? I can't find them. I only found five: the hotel, the West School, the East School, the college, and the pharmacy."

"You're so stupid! Don't you even look for the bun shop or the inn? Usually this kind of map has something."

""Oh oh oh, thank you brother."

After three hours, almost no one spoke.

Everyone’s eyes were focused on the computer, staring intently, as if afraid of missing anything.

They were as serious as they could be.

The next morning, when Chen Fan arrived at the company, the scene he saw was that everyone was holding a pack of tissues in their hands, staring at the computer screen with tears in their eyes, sobbing and cursing,"Fuck, who the hell wrote this crappy script! The ending I typed out all night turned out to be this crappy ending! Xiang Ling is gone! Lan Sheng’s sister died! Lan Sheng and Xiang Ling broke up! Your Baili Tu Su is going to die!"

The person who typed out the ending stared at the ending in front of him and was furious,"Which idiot wrote this BE ending for everyone! ?"

The people behind him also cursed,"That’s right, it’s too stupid! I’ve never seen such a stupid plot!! Woo woo woo…"

The whole group was protesting

"No, I strongly request that the script be changed!"

"The script does not need to be changed, but the ending needs to be changed!"

""Yes! Strongly request to change the ending!"

Everyone was indignant.

Chen Fan felt guilty looking at their indignant expressions.

The plot of Gu Jian is notoriously cruel, even not inferior to Xian Jian.

This is also the selling point of these plots.

Chen Fan looked at their crying and wailing, and couldn't help but muttered softly,"Isn't it this kind of ending that people will watch? The happy ending will be forgotten after watching it." As soon as he finished speaking, in an instant - several people's death rays shot straight at him.

Those red eyes and the aggrieved looks of several people were as if... he had cheated on them.

Chen Fan coughed awkwardly twice and walked away.

When the evaluation results came out, he flipped through the manual.

Almost all of them were asking for a change in the ending.

Qin Susu also stared at Chen Fan with red eyes, gritting her teeth,"Are you sure you don't want to consider changing the ending?"

Chen Fan sighed,"This is called the aesthetics of cruel writing, you just need to get used to it."


Qin Susu glared at him angrily, then turned and left.


The upcoming version of Gu Jian Qi Tan was announced on the official website

【The online version will be released on Saturday, priced at 59.】

It is still the same price as Plants vs. Zombies.

Fans of the official website are instantly looking forward to it.

Posts in the spam area have also started to be posted.

【Gu Jian Qi Tan? This name is very exciting!】

【I feel like it should be pretty good, right?】

【Isn't this a bit similar to Xianjian?】

【I think it should be similar to Xianjian, a story-based game】

【I hope it won't be as cruel as Xianjian】

【WTF!! Look at the comments section!

Suddenly, the original spam section had a lot of spoiler summaries.

One of them was a post that revealed the ending.

【Revealing the plot of Gu Jian Qi Tan: All the characters are BE in the end, some die, some break up, Baili Tu Su will not live long, the only one alive Feng Qing Xue also lost her lover, Xiang Ling Lan Sheng broke up...]

There are even various strategies posted in some posts.

The moment this post appeared, within five minutes, Qin Su Su called Chen Fan

"Oh no, the plot of Gu Jian Qi Tan has been leaked."

Qin Susu clenched her fists, blaming herself very much,"Several posts revealing the ending have just appeared in the spam section, and now our people are controlling the deletion of posts, but that post is still popping up continuously. Looking at the picture, it should be an internal leak."

Leaked plot?

Chen Fan narrowed his eyes and said lightly,"Don't worry, let me take a look first."

Qin Susu's voice was filled with tears,"Fanfan, I'm sorry, I was in a hurry to recruit people this time. The testers this time were temporarily recruited from outside, and there was no further review. I didn't know they would post all these things."

"It's okay."

Chen Fan quickly opened the website.

At this moment, new posts were constantly popping up in the flooding area of the website.

The new posts were also revealing the ending.

Chen Fan narrowed his eyes and his fingers quickly flew on the keyboard.

The whole computer suddenly became like a highly precise instrument. White characters on the black interface floated down like snowflakes. The whole movement was elegant and smooth.

This Xu Group really didn't let go of any company that had anything to do with him.

But... he had the nerve to use this method.


Chen Fan had long anticipated the possible situation.

As for the ending being leaked, if it was a novel or a TV series, or Maybe he will still be worried.

But this time it's a game. If the hype of everyone being BE is good, it will become a gimmick!

If the gimmick is used well, it can be a free publicity method.

Think about it, it's like an extremely bad movie, with an online rating of only 0.1.

It is so low that it is almost a new low in history.

Everyone is criticizing the ending of this movie.

Are you curious

? Do you want to watch it or not?

This is why many movies are criticized as shit, but there are still people who buy tickets just to satisfy their curiosity.

What's more... their plots are excellent.

It will definitely not suck.



In the company's office building, a man slammed the keyboard with a gloomy face.

"There is a master on the other side, I can't handle it."

The man's eyes were full of anger and fear.

The man on the other side was too powerful!

He was like a god wandering in the dark. Every time he made a little move, the other side could quickly capture it.


He even felt that he was the mouse and the other side was the cat!

But if he was such a powerful person, how could his name not be on the hacker list!?

"This guy is so powerful, I have never met such a terrifying opponent!"


The scarred man next to him sneered,"Waste, what kind of master can this small company have? Get out of the way, I'll do it!"

The people next to him also laughed.

"Lao Liu, your skills have regressed. You can't even handle the programmers in a small company with a registered capital of one million?"

"That’s right, go back to the factory and find a job, and don’t bother us hackers anymore!"

""Just wait and see, the boss will solve it in minutes!"

Everyone's eyes were focused on the computer in front of them.

One minute.

Two minutes.

Five minutes passed...

The cold sweat on the forehead of the man in front of the computer broke out little by little.


How could the person opposite be so strong!

How could such a strong person not be ranked on the hacker list?

He had met such a strong person before, and he was the so-called Red Alert who was ranked first on the hacker list all year round!

But who is he?

His style is very different from Red Alert!

He can be sure that he is definitely not Red Alert!

The people around him also looked at each other in surprise!

This is impossible!

The boss actually... lost?

The people around him swallowed their saliva, and their eyes almost popped out of their heads in surprise.


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