The light snow fell on her curled eyelashes.

Xu Minmin was not surprised at all and smiled,"Well, as careful as I imagined."

Looking at Xu Minmin at this moment, Chen Fan suddenly felt that he did not quite understand this girl.

He could even feel that when she said those words that day, she must have spoken from the heart.

But she took the documents without explaining.

She knew clearly that the documents Xu Feng asked her to take would lead to the collapse of the Xu family, but she did not explain.

At this moment, Xu Minmin's face was very calm, and she even took out a cigarette from her pocket and lit it.

A smoke ring blew out of her red lips happily, and her tone was very lazy,"Why, you are not going up to celebrate the New Year's Eve, is there anything else you want to ask me?"

Looking at her at this moment, he asked inexplicably,"Will you leave a man just because he is poor?"

When he said this, he regretted it a little.

Xu Minmin on the other side was stunned for a moment, and then her tone was very light,"Yes..."


"Being poor is not scary, but being poor all the time and refusing to change the status quo is scary."

She shrugged,"If you are poor all the time and refuse to work hard to change the status quo, you will separate sooner or later."

Chen Fan looked at Xu Minmin's familiar face, and suddenly many details of their time together popped up in his mind.

For example, at the beginning, her attitude was very good, and he even asked her out, even if it was to take her to the cheapest roadside stall. Although she was dissatisfied, she did not complain too much.

For example, at the beginning, she, a young lady, would clumsily cook for him.

These scenes that had been forgotten for too long flooded into his mind.

Suddenly, in an instant, the memories of the two lives overlapped, and Xu Minmin in front of him became more and more colorful.

The previous depression that was pent up in his heart suddenly dissipated.

Compared with the efforts in this life, in his previous life, he did want the attention of Zhang Dahai and Song Meijuan, always wanted to compete with Zhang Li, always wanted to meet the expectations of Zhang Dahai and Song Meijuan, and wanted to surpass Zhang Li, but in this life he discovered that those in his previous life were just obsessions. What he did in his previous life was also meaningless.

He breathed a sigh of relief,"Do you want to go upstairs and eat dumplings? Today is the Little New Year."

Suddenly, all the blame he had for Xu Minmin in his previous life disappeared.

"You asked me to go up?" Xu Minmin flicked the ash off her cigarette."They probably don't want to see me, after all, I stole your plan."

"You shouldn't care what they think.……"

"That's true."

Xu Minmin patted her clothes happily and smiled widely,"Well, since you invited me, I will reluctantly give you a chance."



Chen Fan rolled his eyes. He didn't know who was sitting downstairs in the snow.


When they got home, they were already busy cooking dumplings.

Old man Song was sitting in the middle. He brought the food to the table. When he saw him, he waved at him,"Come and sit down quickly. The food is ready!"

Qin Susu said happily,"Come on, what were you doing just now? The dumplings are cooked! What flavor do you want? Fresh shrimp? I've scooped a few into the bowl for you!"

When Qin Huanhuan and Zhang Duo took a bite of the dumplings, they saw Chen Fan and waved to him happily,"Big brother, eat dumplings! Today's dumplings are delicious! There are also many dishes! They are all saved for you!"

Chen Fan made way a little embarrassedly and said,"We have to have one more person at home today, Old Song, go prepare an extra set of bowls and chopsticks."

After that, Xu Minmin came out from behind with her high heels on and waved to everyone,"Hi!"

When Xu Minmin's words came out, everyone around was shocked.

The laughter in the whole room seemed to disappear.

Xu Minmin... why did she come here?

Qin Susu stared at Chen Fan with scrutiny and displeasure in her eyes,"Why is she here? She stole our plan, why did you bring her back!"

All of a sudden, everyone understood what Chen Fan had been doing just now.

Feng Qingxue raised her eyebrows,"So he went downstairs to pick someone up."

Qin Huanhuan and Zhang Duo were stunned for a moment, unable to react.

Looking at everyone's questioning eyes, Chen Fan touched his nose and felt a little embarrassed,"Um... I saw she was sitting downstairs……"

He paused and said hurriedly,"It's just a matter of having an extra pair of bowls and chopsticks at home."

He was interrupted by Qin Susu just after he finished speaking,"Why, one document is not stolen enough, and you want another one?"

Qin Susu stared at Chen Fan angrily and aggrievedly,"Did she drug you or something? She has stolen your company's documents. If you hadn't been on guard this time, you would have gone bankrupt! And you brought her up now!!"

Qin Susu's angry look was like a cat whose tail was stepped on.

Xu Minmin sat over there very familiarly,"Then you are not bankrupt now, right? Okay, don't be so stingy, it's just a few dumplings from your house."

Xu Minmin's eyes flashed with a trace of envy.

Such a lively Little New Year... She had never felt it before.

After Xu Minmin came, the atmosphere suddenly became very strange.

Qin Susu's face turned black.

Although Qin Huanhuan and Zhang Duo were still young, they were used to having a better relationship with Qin Susu, so they just sat next to Qin Susu and didn't say anything.

The most normal person was Feng Qingxue.

The beautiful Feng only glanced at Chen Fan with interest, and then ate dumplings by herself, with no extra expression on her cold face.

The celebration banquet for Xiaonian ended in this weird atmosphere.


Chen Fan had expected the news of Xu's bankruptcy.

When countless supermarkets and retailers chose to sue Xu for compensation, Xu Feng had no choice but to choose bankruptcy.

During the bankruptcy auction, the news of Xu's bankruptcy was also published in the newspapers.

【Xu's bankruptcy!】

【Xu's bankruptcy liquidation enters auction process, the former instant noodle king Xu's is a thing of the past!!】

【Xu's collapsed, and the star entrepreneurs of City C lost to Dafu Food Factory】

【Xu was taken over by Bai He、】

【Bai He announced that he would take over Xu's. 】

Bai He?

Chen Fan was stunned when he saw this name. Didn't he ask the old man to be ready? Why didn't the old man take over?

He called.

The call was quickly picked up.

On the phone, the old man's voice was very unhappy.

"Now you know to call the old man? You have no conscience, you didn’t even call the old man on New Year’s Eve!"

Bai Jun snorted,"You completely forgot about the old man, didn’t you?"

Chen Fan said helplessly,"How could that be, I’m calling you now... Old man, didn’t you go to acquire Xu’s? I asked you to prepare in advance! How come you let others get there first!!"

Chen Fan was very distressed,"Such a big piece of meat!! I don’t have the money to eat it, you have money but you don’t eat it!! What a waste! What a waste!"

Bai Jun coughed a few times, feeling a little guilty,"Actually...……"

He paused, and when he saw Bai Wei next to him, he thought of the Bai family... and swallowed the rest of the sentence.

What if he told him now and he got scared?

Once his identity was revealed, the kid would definitely be scared.

Finally, there was someone he could talk to!

Bai Jun changed the subject,"Actually, I don't have enough money. The funds from the Xu family auction were too much. How could a small family like me succeed in acquiring it? That's why I didn't move."

Not enough money?

"Oh."Chen Fan sighed,"This is such a pity, I will go check who this Bai He is later!" It is not as convenient now as it will be in the future.

Now there is no Internet, and there is no way to know what the legal person of the company looks like.

At most, he only saw a name on TV.

Therefore, it is very troublesome for him to check

"What is there to check? He has already taken over anyway."Bai Jun said guiltily,"Shouldn't you focus on developing your markets in other provinces now?"

When talking about the markets in other provinces, Chen Fan nodded,"That's right, he has already acquired them anyway, and now I have to take advantage of the vacancy in the instant noodle market in other provinces, and I have to rush in quickly, but now it's almost the New Year, and Old Man Song will definitely not allow us to go out to do business every day."

Chen Fan knows what kind of personality Old Man Song has.

Especially on days like the New Year, he will not allow them to be busy with work every day.

"This Lao Song... give him the phone number and I'll talk to him!"

Bai Jun rolled his eyes."Chinese New Year is Chinese New Year, but job opportunities are gone if you don't catch them. The instant noodle market is blank right now, but this is your best chance to expand overseas. If other companies come to their senses after the Chinese New Year and make some instant noodles that imitate your taste,……"

Bai Jun paused and added,"Although your turkey noodles taste good, other factories may be able to develop instant noodles of a lower grade. This is a competition of who can seize the market first."

Chen Fan sighed,"Okay, I'll go talk to Old Song!"


After talking to Old Man Song for a long time, Old Man Song finally agreed reluctantly. He even added a condition that no matter how busy he was, he had to come back on the New Year's Day.

Chen Fan and Qin Susu both raised their hands and promised.

Taking advantage of these few days, Qin Susu also began to call the original merchants outside the province.

When those merchants heard about the turkey noodles, after Chen Fan showed them the previous test report and soaked a pack, they all placed an order without saying a word.

Because of the collapse of the Xu Group, Chen Fan also asked Qin Susu to find out the merchants that the Xu Group compensated and contact them one by one.

They also posted a message in the flooding area.

Some merchants came by themselves, but most of the merchants did not know the existence of this forum and did not go online, so they still had to go one by one.

"How about we separate into different areas, starting with the south and the north? The north is too far away, the south is a little closer, for example, we can contact the cities of Magic City and Flower City first."

Qin Susu frowned and began to divide

"In this case, it will be too late before the New Year." Chen Fan looked at the picture, helpless,"If only there was a phone, we could just call and ask the merchants to come and sign the contract with us. It would be much faster than us running to each store one by one."

Qin Susu rolled her eyes,"What the hell are you talking about? The question is, do you have it?"

Who doesn't know this?

If we could just call and ask the merchants to line up to sign the contract, everything could be done in a few days.

But isn't this phone only available to the Xu family now?

And just at this moment - ding-ling-ling, someone rang the doorbell.

Chen Fan glanced at the door, feeling very surprised.

It was already six o'clock in the evening, who else could come at this time?

He opened the door, and was stunned when he saw Xu Minmin standing at the door.

"Why are you here?"

Xu Minmin panted, her hair was still messy, and there seemed to be slap marks on her face.

They were very light, although they were covered by a layer of powder, but if you look closely you should be able to see them.

" went to see your dad?" Chen Fan frowned,"Didn't you cut off ties with him? Why did you go to see him?"

Xu Minmin said in a very light tone,"I rented a house for him. After all, he has raised me for so many years, and I can't just watch him starve to death."

She paused,"This should be what you need."

Xu Minmin handed him a piece of information,"It's the merchant contact number that Xu's had on file. I saw it before and copied it. I should be able to use it."

Qin Susu in the back looked at the information in her hand and fell silent.

She said awkwardly,"Give us this, then you……"

Xu Minmin's tone was extremely cold."I'm only giving it to you because you happen to need it. I don't like to owe favors to people. Just give it to you for the two meals."

After she finished speaking, she turned around and left.

Meal money...

Holding the still warm information in his hand, by the time Chen Fan realized what was happening, Xu Minmin had already left.

His heart skipped a beat. He even felt a little distressed.

He couldn't help but look out the window. Outside the window, Xu Minmin was wrapped in a coat, holding a white umbrella, walking alone in the snow.

And her coat... He recognized it with his sharp eyes. It was a very ordinary piece of clothing, not one of those branded ones from before.

It seemed that she should have sold all those things to pay off Xu Feng's debt.

What a weird person.

"What, are you heartbroken?" Qin Susu looked at Chen Fan, who was concentrating on looking at the balcony. She was so angry that she put her hands on her hips and stared at him with her almond-shaped eyes."Just chase after her if you feel sorry for her."

Chen Fan was helpless."I just don't understand. She knew that the information was fake, but she still gave it to Xu's. Xu's went bankrupt, but she still wanted to sell things to help Xu's debts, and even rent a house for Xu Feng."

In this way, wouldn't all the pressure be on her?

Qin Susu was silent for a moment."You said...she knew that the information was fake?"

She was stunned."Didn't she come here specifically to steal the information that day? How could she know it was fake and take it back?"

""Yes." Chen Fan put his hands in his pockets."My computer has not been touched. Only the information on the table is missing. If someone really came to steal the information, she would definitely look through my computer. And if she didn't want us to find out... she could have just written down the formula, but she didn't. She took it away directly."

Qin Susu was completely stunned.

That's right.

Then she...

She looked at the phone list on the table with mixed feelings.

"Anyway... then……"Qin Susu blushed and lowered her head in shame, stamping her feet in anger,"Oh, at most I'll ask Lao Song to make her a few more big chicken legs next time she comes!!"


After getting the phone number, the following things went much more smoothly.

Chen Fan called the numbers on the list one by one.

When the supermarket owners on the other end of the phone knew that they were the turkey noodle company, they were all very interested.

Except for a few who didn't watch TV and didn't know that Xu's was competing with Dafu Food Factory, the others who knew the news agreed without thinking.

On the third day, the heads of major supermarkets began to sign contracts with them one after another.

One batch, one batch, and another batch.

In an instant, their turkey noodles spread across the country.

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