After signing the contract, he looked at the remaining money. He had spent 12,000 yuan on the computer, and now he had 3,000 yuan left.

In addition, there was the 800 yuan returned by the hospital, plus the 800 yuan for living expenses.

4,600 yuan.

In other words, he had to earn a few thousand yuan to pay her the original painting fee.

After signing the confidentiality agreement, Chen Fan wrote down all the zombie types he could think of.

【Zombie: Regular zombie, low health, slow movement】

【Flag Zombie: Slightly faster than normal zombies】

【Roadblock Zombie: A zombie with a roadblock on its head, medium health】

【Pole Vaulting Zombie: A zombie holding a pole, with low health.】

【Barrel Zombie: A zombie with a barrel on its head, high health.】

【Newspaper Zombie: A zombie holding a newspaper】

【Toy Box Zombie: A zombie holding a clown box】

【Balloon Zombie: A zombie with balloons tied to its body】

【Miner Zombie: Miners turned into zombies】

【Jumping Zombie: A zombie riding a jumping stick...

He listed a bunch of zombie names at once.

Qin Susu, who was standing next to him, was stunned when she saw the names of all these zombies."What is this?"

Chen Fan said calmly,"This is what you want to draw."

"Zombies? The ones with bloody mouths?" Qin Susu's expression froze.

How could this zombie be connected with sunflowers???

She couldn't imagine it no matter how hard she thought.

After Chen Fan listed the 49 plants and 26 zombies, he handed her the form,"This is what you want to draw. Just keep the style consistent with sunflowers. You are in the animation industry and you should know what I need. It's up to you to pay. You can come to me to pay for as many as you draw. It's one hundred yuan each. If the game is launched, I will give you a certain percentage of extra bonuses. It depends on how popular the game is at that time."

The price Chen Fan gave was definitely not low.

One hundred yuan today is not one hundred yuan in the future.

Nowadays, thirty thousand yuan can buy a house.

Seventy-five sheets are seven thousand five.

Don't mention college tuition, the tuition for these four years is out.

Qin Susu's expression was very solemn,"Okay, but if you want to keep it confidential, maybe... it would be more convenient to come to your computer at home, okay?"

Chen Fan nodded,"You can use it during the day, I happen to be out during the day"


After finalizing the details, Qin Susu looked at the time and went into Chen Fan's room to paint on the spot.

Chen Fan took the pile of second-hand things and prepared to go out to set up a stall after repairing them.


He had been setting up the stall for several days in a row.

All the students in Xingguang School knew him.

When a few middle school students who had bought his things saw him setting up the stall, they hurried over and said,"You are setting up the stall again? I bought a fountain pen from you a few days ago! It's quite useful. What did you bring today?"

Everyone gathered around him with great interest.

Chen Fan spread out the cloth and put all the things on it.

Because he didn't have much time today, he brought some small things.

Radio, alarm clock, watch

"How much is this watch?"The boy in black sportswear asked curiously,"This watch looks pretty good."


"I bought it." The boy in the black sportswear suddenly seemed to remember something and said to Chen Fan,"Can you repair computers? My friend's computer is broken and he hasn't found anyone to fix it these days."

Repair computers?

Chen Fan said indifferently,"Yes, the price depends on what is broken."

The boy's eyes lit up,"Then wait for me, I'll go call him!"

The boy ran away after saying that.

The rest of the people gathered around again.

"Boss, how much is this radio?"

"A 99% new radio costs thirty dollars"

"What about this alarm clock?"

"This is a pendulum clock made of pure solid wood, and it costs one hundred and fifty yuan."

Perhaps it was because Chen Fan had already made a name for himself in this area.

His things were not only cheap but also easy to use.

The people who gathered around picked out some good things and bought them in a short while.

Just as Chen Fan was about to close the stall, the boy in black clothes in front of him suddenly waved at him,"Boss, I'm here with some people."

After that, he turned his head and said happily to the boy next to him,"It's this young boss. He's really good at repairing things. Ali, isn't your new computer broken? It's a good opportunity to let him help you fix it!"

Chen Fan raised his head and his eyes met Zhang Li, who was wearing a high-end white sportswear in the distance.


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