Xu Minmin's face suddenly darkened.

"This request is not difficult, it will avoid any trouble in the future."

Chen Fan said in a very light tone,"After all, if I hear something like, we were engaged before, I will be very distressed."

Although Chen Fan's expression was very light, and even his eyes could not show any emotion.

But Xu Minmin could hear the tone of disdain in Chen Fan's words.

Xu Minmin laughed angrily, and took out a stack of paper from her bag on the spot, and quickly wrote a line of elegant big characters on it.

【I, Xu Minmin, swear here that the cancellation of the engagement is purely voluntary, and we have nothing to do with each other in the future. 】

And she stamped her official seal and signed her name at the bottom.

After writing, she slapped it on the table,"Is this OK?!"

Chen Fan took it and glanced at it, pointing to the middle,"Write it clearly, you are canceling the engagement with Chen Fan, and add a sentence at the end, you cannot regret it in any form, and try to avoid the other party when you meet him."

The tone is calm and firm. It doesn't look like a joke.

Xu Minmin: ? ? ? ? ?

Xu Minmin was a little unbelievable.

She just felt that Chen Fan's words were like two knives stabbing her chest.

She was so angry that her face turned red. After staring at him for a long time, she sneered,"Okay! Add it! Playing this kind of trick of playing hard to get is useless. I tell you, I will not be interested in a poor and stinky boy like you!"

Xu Minmin felt as if she had suffered a great humiliation.

When had she ever suffered such an injustice!

In the past, men always flattered her and were even willing to spend a fortune to make her smile.

But now, this man named Chen Fan in front of her, not only wanted to cancel the engagement with her immediately, but also asked her to avoid him when she saw him?

What kind of thing is this?

Xu Minmin took a deep breath and used all her self-control to prevent herself from cursing.

Xu Feng narrowed his eyes and said coldly,"Your son has a very unique personality! Sometimes it is not good for young people to be too arrogant."

Zhang Dahai's face changed and he waved his hands hurriedly,"This is not our son now, Zhang Li is. We have never brought him up. We have only met him once or twice, and we are not familiar with him. After this meeting, we will never see him again. If you are unhappy, I will let him go now! This time we let him come, but it is just to make this matter clear. Now that this matter is clear,……"

Zhang Dahai was interrupted by Chen Fan before he could finish his words."Let's make this clear. I've got the note. As I said before, you write a note that everything from birth to death, even going to jail or anything else has nothing to do with me, Chen Fan. Write it and I'll leave."

Chen Fan handed over the note that Xu Minmin had just given him."Write it here. You all have to sign it, and you need the official seal! I'm going to the bathroom. When I come back, I hope you can write it in full and don't waste my time."

The tone of his voice was very obvious as he wanted to draw a clear line with them.

After he finished speaking, he ignored the shocked looks of the people behind him and went directly to the bathroom on the first floor.

I don't know if the food at Zhang's house was not cooked today or what, but he had a terrible stomachache not long after he finished eating.

Speechless, looking at such an expensive dish, it actually gave him a stomachache.

If he had known that it was so unpalatable and would give him a stomachache, he would have refused to eat it.

He stayed there for a long time, and when he was about to leave, he suddenly heard the topic of their conversation in the living room change.

"I have another matter to discuss this time. Since there are only four of us now, I will just speak directly."

Xu Feng said in a very cold tone,"I have already found out who is responsible for the Xu family's case this time. It is a company with a registered capital of only one million yuan, called Mortal Game Company. If I remember correctly, the department your brother is in now is mainly responsible for combating illegal pyramid schemes?"

"That's true. They are cracking down more strictly now. Is there anything you need our help with?"

"Well, do me a favor."

Xu Feng took a puff of his cigarette and sneered,"This Mortal Game Company is playing tricks behind my back, and I can make them obey!"

Chen Fan's ears perked up.


Is it related to him?

He stopped his hand that was about to open the door. He continued to eavesdrop in the bathroom in silence.

The bathroom is a distance away from the living room. Normally, he can't hear what is happening in the living room.

But since his physical fitness has been strengthened, his hearing has also improved a lot.

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