The dishes on the table were untouched.

Chen Fan's appetite was aroused when he looked at the pile of delicious dishes on the table.

This abalone is good.

Damn this caviar!

Isn't this Australian lobster?

It turns out that the rich second generation is extravagant!

Chen Fan has basically never eaten these things since he was a child.

Even in his previous life, even at banquets, the Zhang family disliked him for having no table manners and eating too fast, and basically only brought Zhang Li.

And he has always been forgotten in the corner.


After he was full, he looked up and saw Xu Minmin looking at him with a smile on her face.

Her smiling face almost made him spit out his food.

Before he could drink the water, a glass of water was handed to him.

"Be careful, don't choke.……"

The tone was gentle, with a scent.

He looked up, and the woman over there smiled like a spring flower waving in the wind, her waist swaying, and her green suspender skirt made her skin glow pearly under the light, so white that it was blinding.

Chen Fan's hand trembled as he took the water.

This woman has bad intentions, she wouldn't poison you, would she?

He stared at her warily,"The sharp drop in your Xu's stock price was caused by me."

"I know……"

"It was me who got your brother detained."

"I know that too."

"Your milk powder matter……"

Xu Minmin propped up her chin and blinked her eyes."I know all this. My dad is almost mad at me. He talks about you every day at home. If you look into these things, you will know that you did it. You can't hide it at all.""

"If I dare to do it, I have no intention of hiding it."

Chen Fan had already made plans to confront Xu.

He paused and said lightly,"Since you know everything, you should stay away from me, and my status with your fiancé Zhang Li is awkward, so it's better for us to have less contact."

Xu Minmin suddenly approached, like a curious little wild cat that found a new toy,"Because... I find you are much more interesting than Zhang Li. Zhang Li is too boring and uninteresting. If you don't like Zhang Li, then I will cancel the engagement with him. Do you want to... marry into his wife's family?" When the word"marry into his wife's family" came out, Chen Fan almost spurted out the water in his mouth.

He laughed angrily,"Please stop saying these unrealistic things. There will never be a possibility for us."

Looking at her high interest, his mind suddenly thought of his previous life. She was just like this at the beginning. When she saw him, she chased him relentlessly and insisted on being with him.

At that time, he just felt a little strange in his heart, but he didn't figure out what was wrong.

But now, he finally understood.

The way she chased him relentlessly at that time was exactly the same as it is now.

And now her eyes are just like a little kid who saw a new toy, a little wild cat full of curiosity and doing whatever it wants. She is just curious about him, and she doesn't like him at all.

This was also verified in the previous life.

In the previous life, she also looked down at him impatiently, with a smile on her mouth, but her eyes were cold,"You are so boring... Why do you believe everything? I'm just playing, why do you take it seriously?"

She lifted her hair, smiling brightly, and even her tone was sweet and greasy.

But unfortunately, there was no trace of love in her eyes.

"It was obvious that you didn't dislike me or look down on me at the beginning, you were very charming that way, and now you look so emotional, it's really not challenging."

She lazily slumped on the sofa, and even the way she said breakup was very casual, her slender fingers painted with red Dankou held the remote control to change the channels, and she was still as chic as ever with her clothes coming and going freely. When he heard this at that time, it was like a bolt from the blue.

Now, it was like a scene being repeated.

Chen Fan pushed her away coldly,"Don't use the same routine you use to deal with men on me, I'm not interested in you."

After saying that, seeing that the security guards outside seemed to have left, he got up and left without thinking.

Xu Minmin behind him was stunned for a moment, and then a strong interest emerged in her eyes.


This time, he did not succeed in seeing the ring.

However, he did hear some useful information.

This person seemed to know him.

Moreover, this person seemed to know Zhang Li.

The words of the man in black kept lingering in his mind.

【Don't even think about it anymore, he can only be Zhang Li. 】

What does this mean?

What is Song Meijuan hiding?

Chen Fan just felt that this seemed to be... a very complicated matter.


The next day, the weekend.

When Chen Fan arrived at the company, it was noisy, it seemed that Qin Susu was organizing a physical examination. All the employees were lining up for physical examinations.

Some were measuring their height, and some were measuring their blood type.

It was very lively.

Chen Fan just walked into the room in slippers and was stunned by the scene inside.

When he met Qin Susu who was measuring his height, Chen Fan asked curiously,"Why did you suddenly think of organizing a physical examination for the company?"

After measuring the height, Qin Susu walked towards the place where blood was drawn, and said with a smile,"It was proposed by Senior Sister Feng. She said that our company employees are forced to work overtime every day, and they still need a physical examination."


"Don't worry, this medical examination center seems to be opened by a senior's friend. It's very cheap and doesn't charge any money."


In the blood drawing area, the doctor in a white coat showed no expression.

"Next, Qin Susu."

Qin Susu looked at the silver-glowing needle, her face wrinkled into a bitter gourd.

She sat down trembling, rolled up her sleeves, and closed her eyes.

Chen Fan was about to leave when his hand was suddenly grabbed.

" wait a minute! I have something to tell you later."

In the palm of his hand, Qin Susu's little hand was very warm, and her voice was trembling with fear.

Chen Fan said with a sigh,"How can you be afraid of something when you are not afraid of anything?"

Qin Susu got angry instantly," are talking nonsense! How could I be afraid? I am not afraid!"

"Oh, really?"

"Yes! I am not afraid of anyone! It's just an injection!... Ah! Be gentle, doctor!"

Chen Fan rolled his eyes speechlessly.

This guy, isn't it typical to use the most arrogant tone and say the most cowardly words.

Because Qin Susu's claws were holding him tightly, Chen Fan was bored, and suddenly, the gossip of the two girls came into his ears.

"Alas, I am the only one with type O blood in my family, and mosquitoes target me every day. It’s so annoying!"

"Haha, my dad is also type O blood. He is the only one in my family with type O blood! My mom is type A blood!"

"Oh, what type are you?"

"Oh, you are so stupid, my dad is type O, my mom is type A, what else can I be, I can't be type B."

The girl over there rolled her eyes.

Chen Fan almost laughed out loud.

So stupid.

The girl over there also suddenly realized,"Oh, that's right, type O blood and type A blood cannot give birth to type B children."

Chen Fan shook his head. He didn't even know such simple common sense.

How could type O and type A give birth to type B.

Isn't this the simplest biological knowledge?

This... Shit!!

That's right!

How could type A and type O give birth to type B?

Chen Fan suddenly felt like he was struck by lightning, and he couldn't recover for a long time.

If he remembered correctly, his adoptive parents who died early seemed to be one type O and one type A.

And Zhang Li!!

He turned out to be type B blood!

If the two of them had taken the wrong baby, then Zhang Li was not his adoptive parents' child, then whose child was he?

In an instant, he felt like his Ren and Du meridians were opened, and he felt that a secret buried deep inside seemed to be exposed to the sun.

His adoptive parents have been dead for many years. If he hadn't overheard their blood types by chance, perhaps even he wouldn't know.

Chen Fan took a deep breath.

If he connected it to what he said yesterday...——【Don't even think about it anymore, he can only be Zhang Li. 】

Considering Song Meijuan's attitude, he suddenly had a very outrageous guess.

If that was the case, then he suddenly understood why Song Meijuan favored Zhang Li.

It seemed that he should change the direction of his investigation.


After buying the game company, there was almost no money left in the company account.

With five million in funds, he had to maintain the operation of two companies and pay the salaries of the employees of the two companies.

It could only last for two months.

Every day, he was busy and exhausted.

Fortunately, the Feimaotu Toy Company probably knew that he was short of funds. Because the design drawings were ready, the moment the design drawings were in place, production began instantly.

A week later, he received a call from Feimaotu Company.

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