Twin Cities: Hero Witness System

Vol 2 Chapter 17: it's not like that

On the second day, in the morning, Lin Wen first took Kai'Sa to Picheng, and when the explosion, Zeli, Kai'Sa, and Seraphine continued to work hard for the rehearsal, Lin Wen flew back to Zaun. .

Camille was there, but she wasn't going to go to Zaun with Lin Wen.

The reason why the rare thing is not in Zaun, the reason Camille gave Lin Wen was because of Fiona.

For some reason, Camille would feel inexplicably irritable whenever she saw Fiona, and this kind of irritability for no reason made Camille feel strange too.

Because in Camille's world, the only people who can make her emotional are the family, Piltover and Zaun.

Therefore, for the girl from Demacia, Camille was sure that she was seeing her for the first time, but it was annoying, it was annoying!

That kind of old enemy... even made Madam Grey feel very ashamed.

She's past the age to think like that.

Therefore, with the idea of ​​​​out of sight and out of mind, Camille planned to go to Zaun less during the time when the Demacians lived in Zaun.

Lin Wen thought for a while, then suddenly laughed.

Camille asked Lin Wen why, but of course Lin Wen didn't say anything.

This is a bond... it belongs to the bond of the top four sisters!

Since Camille would be annoyed when she saw Fiona, what about when she saw Riven and Irelia? Do you also feel irritable?

And who are the top four sisters headed? In fact, no one can give a convincing answer, but Irelia and Riven should be the last two. After all, in the canyon, from the perspective of winning rate, Qinggangying and Jianji are the top two. , although... Camille is not good at playing the blue steel shadow.

In terms of age, Camille sits firmly on the throne.

From the perspective of strength and some factors... In fact, the four sisters have their own strengths, Camille represents technology, Fiona represents martial arts, Irelia carries heritage, Riwen... er, Rui Mengmeng is on have what?

Well, in short, these are some digressions.

And now, Lin Wen is going to meet everyone in Demacia.

If during this period...the Demacian's favorability can be improved, and Fiona or Lux's cards can be collected, that would be great.

From Lin Wen's point of view, Lux and Fiona, the star rating of these two people will not be low.

At least a four-star start, and Lux ​​is more likely to be a five-star card.

Of course, Lin Wen is very active in the matter of increasing his strength.


"I'm looking for the Demacians who came to Zaun yesterday, the red-haired and the blond-haired women."

In mid-air, Janna's small radar activated.

As soon as the words fell, a cold voice sounded in Lin Wen's ear, it was Janna's voice.

She didn't come forward because Janna was unwilling to come forward since she was teased by Lin Wenkasha last time.

"Laboratory in the middle."

Lin Wen smiled and said, "Thank you."


In the middle level of Zaun, on the testing ground of Zaun Academy, Ike is taking the place of Bang Bang, introducing Zaan craftsmanship to the Demacians who come to Zaun.

"Hello, I would like to know how this is made?"

Lux was holding a hex flying board, her face was full of excitement, she pressed Ike: "Of course, you don't have to say that in detail, I'm just, I'm just curious. Ike, this is also a hex Made of gems?"

Ike explained: "Hex gems can increase the speed of the flyboard and increase the performance of the board, such as stability, persistence, defense, etc..."

"But in fact, if you just pursue the ability to fly, then alchemy technology can do it. What you need is energy that can be burned, such as special ores, and oil."

Lux nodded straight, "This is really amazing!"

Ike introduced Lux ​​to the next device, but he was clearly absent-minded, and Lux ​​saw it too.

Lux approached Ike, looked at him and said, "Are you worried now?"

"You see it?"

"Ike, you don't have to worry, Fiona will pay attention. Maybe you think she is impulsive, but that is after seeing the strong. Usually, Fiona is very calm."

Lux said with a smile.

She knew what Ike was worried about.

After all... Now, is Fiona supposed to be dueling Zaun's magistrates?

Ike nodded.

But is it Wei who worries him? No... he was worried about Fiona.

He was worried that Wei would use the Hexagon technology, and then beat the person to half death with two or three punches.

Lux didn't know what Ike was thinking, but when she was about to speak, she suddenly turned her head to the top of her head in surprise.


In the air, Lin Wen stopped and looked at Lux.

"Miss Lin Wen, you, you can fly?"

Lux looked at Lin Wen in surprise.

She knew that Lin Wen knew magic, but she didn't know what kind of magic Lin Wen knew. Looking at it now... is it wind magic?

Moreover, and he can fly!

Lux's eyes showed envy for Lin Wen.

"Just a little magic."

Lin Wen fell to the ground, first patted Ike's head with a smile, and then said to Lux, "By the way, how do you feel? Did Zaan get your approval?"

"Of course, Senator Lin Wen, I like it here very much."

Lux nodded and said, "These things are amazing and interesting, especially those machines that can play music. If I can, can I buy one back then?"

"No, that thing isn't really worth a lot of money, it's the records that are valuable." Lin Wen continued to Lux: "On the day you return to Demacia, I will give you one as a small gift. "


Lux said happily.

"By the way, what about Fiona?"

"Sorry, Senator Lin Wen, Fiona is dueling with someone. I tried to stop her. She agreed, but..."

Lux said hesitantly.

On the side, Ike approached Lin Wen and said, "Big brother, it's Wei..."


"I see."

Lin Wen raised his hand, patted his forehead, and immediately understood what was going on.

That is to say... Fiona may have seen that Vi is a good opponent, so she issued a challenge, but Lux stopped it, but the challenged Vi did not agree?

But it fits Vi's character well...

"Let's Let's go and see?"

Lin Wen said to Lux.

"Now? In fact, I prefer watching these things than watching Fiona's duel..." Lux's eyes flashed with reluctance, and Lux ​​was full of curiosity about the magical Hextech. Dueling what you can't see in Demacia... If she wanted to, Lilux could see duels every day in Demacia.

"But since you invited me, let's go see it together."

Lux said with big eyes.

At this time, Lin Wen discovered that Lux's eyes were the same as Bang Bang's, both of which were beautiful blue, but the difference was that Bang Bang's eyes were darker, sea blue, while Lux's eyes were darker. On the light side, it's sky blue.

The same age, the same height, even the same eye color?

With this thought in mind, Lin Wen and Lux ​​found Wei and Fiona.

Before entering the venue, Lin Wen heard Fiona's voice.

"too slow."

"Your movements are neat and clean, but still too slow."

Fiona's proud voice sounded, she was holding her left hand behind her back and a short club in her right hand.

With agile steps, Fiona sideways dodged the fist that hit the door, then swung a short stick and knocked on the opponent's arm.

Wei groaned, but with force on his toes, his body spun sharply, and he hit Fiona with his elbow.

"I said, it's too slow."

Fiona raised her hand and stabbed Vi in the waist lightly, bending over to dodge the attack.

"It's not like that."

"If this is a real sword in my hand, then you are dead!"

Fiona shook her head.


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