The old man was so angry that he was so angry.


The green hat king made Jun Wuhui's blood rush, and his eyes were full of madness.

"You are so shameless to cheat other people's wives."


Before Luo Fanchen could speak, Ye Xiying laughed out loud, wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes and said:

"Sorry, I am a professional, unless I can't help it."

"No matter how I listen, I feel like you are scolding yourself." Ye Xiying pointed at Qiao Biluo: "I don't know which beast goes to other people's fields to loosen the soil, sprinkle water and sow seeds."

Jun Wuhui's breathing stagnated, and he was speechless.

When you are bullying others, you are actually very happy and exciting.

It was not until someone else bullied me that I realized what true pain and anger were.

Ye Xiying smiled sweetly and said, "Oh, Brother Fanchen didn't flirt with me. I took the initiative to pounce on him."

"Let's be frank. I'm greedy for his body. I'm cheap."

Tie Lao was shocked and his beard trembled: "Auntie Princess, you are of a high status. You can't say this in public."

Ye Xiying glared: "Why, Princess is not a human being, can't you say what's in your heart?"

"Blame the old slave for being too talkative." Tie Lao had a deep understanding of the lawlessness of the princess and dared not refute it.

Jun Wuhui was not only angry now, but also the fire of jealousy in his heart was burning.

This princess was a beauty he had booked in advance and must pursue.

But before he could make a move, someone else got there first?


At this time, Ye Youling sighed, her pretty face full of sorrow: "I also want to fall in love with him, but he doesn't agree."

"But now I can serve the master, I am also very satisfied."

Ye Youling looked at Luo Fanchen affectionately, with a happy smile on her lips.

Seemingly intentional, seemingly unintentional.

The three words "Luo Nuer" engraved on the waist reflected in Jun Wuhui's eyes, stimulating his brain nerves.

Luo Fanchen rolled his eyes.

It is true that Ye Youling deliberately angered Jun Wuhui, but in fact, there was something hidden in her words, implying that she wanted to become a regular.

But he was not in a hurry.

This matter will have to wait for a while.

The more a woman wants something, the less you can rush to give it, otherwise the other party will easily not cherish it after getting it.

But not giving it all the time is not good, it is easy to wear out the other party's patience.

So you should always be aware of the other party's emotional changes, grasp the scale, and give it at the right time, so as to get twice the result with half the effort.

Tie Lao cried out in his heart, what the hell, this young man?

They are so mean, they are clearly trying to piss Jun Wuhui off to death.

Every word of the women is like a knife stabbing into Jun Wuhui's chest.

He has never suffered such a great humiliation in his life.

He has always been a man who has used some tricks and shown his domineering spirit to get other girls to throw themselves at him.

Emotionally, everything is going smoothly.

Unexpectedly, the heavens will take their turn, and the retribution will come so loudly, giving him a heavy blow.

His wife was abducted.

His sister-in-law ran away with someone.

The goddess he planned to pursue was actually willing to be someone's licker.

The problem is that the male protagonists of these three things are all the same man, and Jun Wuhui's mentality exploded.

The only psychological comfort is...

Ye Xi'an hasn't spoken yet.

This means that this woman should still have him in her heart.

Ye Xi'an took a step forward, and a glimmer of hope appeared in Jun Wuhui's eyes.

He knew that his fiancée had always been kind and soft-hearted. Could it be that she finally changed her mind because she saw his pity?

However, the facts proved that he was just daydreaming.

Ye Xi'an said seriously:

"Jun Wuhui, you are not allowed to say that Brother Luo is shameless. He didn't cheat me. I spent a lot of money to make him not abandon me on the road."

"Crack, crack——"

That was the sound of Jun Wuhui's heartbreak.

At this moment, he suffered tons of critical damage, and the last glimmer of hope in his heart was ruthlessly trampled and crushed.


Jun Wuhui pointed at Luo Fanchen angrily, full of confusion:

"Where did I lose? Where did I lose to this guy?"

"Isn't he just a little more handsome and taller than me? I have strength and background, what does he have?"

"He has me." Ye Xiying smiled and said, "Sorry, my man doesn't need strength, because I am his background."

Luo Fanchen sighed helplessly when the woman interrupted him again. This has never given him a chance to speak.


But he had finally experienced the poisonous tongue of the princess.

Shrimp and pig heart.

Jun Wuhui groaned, his throat tasted sweet and fishy, ​​and he was really angry and vomited blood.

But this guy was also a ruthless man, he gritted his teeth and swallowed the blood back.

His fierce red eyes stared at everyone present.

If he had not been unable to break through the blockade of this old guy, he would have rushed up and killed this pretty boy.

As for the top-quality woman, she was naturally offered to Xuezi in exchange for the Blood God Pill.

In fact, after two attempts, he thought that if he really went crazy and used all his strength, he would be sure to kill Tie Lao, but it would take too long and make too much noise.

If King Tianwu came here, he would be dead today, so he had been enduring.

"Give me back the ring." Ye Xiyan stretched out her hand to Jun Wuhui.

Jun Wuhui snorted coldly: "You are dreaming."

Ye Xiyan's face was ugly. She felt that dumping all the resources on the ground was too embarrassing for Jun Wuhui and somewhat disrespectful.

That's why she gave the ring to the other party and asked him to transfer the resources directly.

After seeing the other party's rogue look, Ye Xiyan regretted it immediately and felt that she shouldn't be too kind to this guy.

His character is simply incomparable to Brother Luo.

Although Luo Fanchen had teased her before and was a little lustful, he had always been very sensible and would definitely not do such a shameless thing.

"What ring?"

Hearing Luo Fanchen asking, Ye Xiyan didn't know what was going on. She wanted to explain it to the man urgently.

She whispered it again immediately.

Luo Fanchen's expression suddenly became wonderful when he heard it.

"Break the engagement?"

"Breakup fee?"

"You are a talented person, but you are still giving him breakup fee after canceling the engagement? If I were you, I would not give him a single Tiger Coin."

Ye Xi'an bit her lip after being scolded, and stammered: "I want to break up completely."

"You are a fool."

Luo Fanchen shook his head repeatedly, and then looked at Jun Wuhui.

"Brother Yinhu."

"Leave the ring, and get out."

"Otherwise, don't leave today."

He said so, but in fact, Luo Fanchen had already planned to wear a mask and kill people in the dead of night.

Jun Wuhui bared his teeth, disdainful of Luo Fanchen's threat: "Are you teaching me how to do things? Come and get it if you have the guts."

Luo Fanchen smiled.

He felt that he might not have the patience to wait until night.

He shook his wrist.

All back off, brother is going to start pretending.

Just after taking a few steps, his arm was suddenly grabbed by a cold and soft little hand.

"Brother Fanchen, don't go."

Turning his head to look at Ye Xiying who was nervously stopping him, Luo Fanchen was speechless, and the BGM of "Small Knife Society" sounded in his heart.

Just waiting to beat Jun Wuhui to ignite the climax.

But it was forcibly terminated, and his emotions were not coherent.

"What are you doing."

Ye Xiying shook her head and said, "Although this guy is a beast, his strength is indeed powerful. Even Tie Lao, who is level 53, has to suffer at his hands."

She didn't say it clearly, but she actually thought that Luo Fanchen couldn't beat him at level 30, and she was afraid that the man would lose face in public, so she hinted wildly.

"Brother Luo, don't be so petty with this bastard." Ye Xiying also stopped him, concerned about Luo Fanchen's safety.

Ye Youling spat, "Master, fighting him will dirty your hands."

Luo Fanchen's mouth twitched. The beauties around him spoke more nicely than each other. In fact, they were afraid that he would fail to show off and get beaten.

How little confidence does this have in him! ! !

But it's no wonder that the women are so worried. Luo Fanchen is level 30, while the other party can already fight against Tie Lao, who is level 53.

"Don't stop me. Today I will do justice for the young ladies and kill this lewd tiger for them."

Luo Fanchen licked his lips.

To be honest, he wanted to devour Jun Wuhui's Wind and Thunder White Tiger Martial Soul and use it for himself.

Although it is definitely not as good as his little loach, no, it is now a big green python.

But it is one of the four strongest beast martial souls in the Soul Martial Continent anyway, so it is still worth playing with.

The little loach didn't realize it, otherwise he would have started to criticize the owner who gave him a random name.

You are the loach, your whole family is loach, I am the ancestor dragon! Chaos ancestor dragon!!

It's not appropriate not to respectfully call me Brother Long in public.

The more Luo Fanchen wanted to go up, the more active the three women were in stopping him, and Jun Wuhui was so angry that his face turned blue and purple.

Jealousy made him look completely different.

Ye Xiying put her ear close to the man and said in a soft voice: "Brother Fanchen, I'm almost done with my acting. I'm almost out of energy."

Luo Fanchen didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Did they all think I was acting for the sake of face?

I'm not pretending, I'm really going to do it.

Tie Lao saw the princess winking at him and hurried over to help stop him: "Hey, Brother Luo,

Brother, we meet again. "

"The idea is difficult, let me help you."

Tie Lao was very polite.

It's really not right to be impolite, others don't know, doesn't he know?

This kid is so popular with women, there are three women protecting him here, and there is a terrifying woman behind him who has been hanging them all night.

Obviously he can be a gigolo, but this kid insists on working hard, making others jealous.

Jun Wuhui didn't dare to beat Tie Lao and the princess to death, but he had already had the intention to kill Luo Fanchen, and provoked him:

"Luo thief, are you only good at talking?"

"Do you dare to come out from behind the woman to fight me? Even if I tie one hand, it will be easy to kill you. "

How could Luo Fanchen tolerate his bad habits?

As a result, the sisters Ye Xiyan grabbed his arms, fearing that he would act impulsively, and the lines that were about to be spoken were also snatched away.

Ye Youling shook his head sarcastically: "Sorry, I have personally verified that the master's device is good for everyone."

This sentence stimulated more than just Jun Wuhui.

Ye Xi's cherry blossom eyes were full of fierce light, but there was an enemy at this time, so she had a grudge and did not choose to destroy the unity.

United against the outside world.

"Green-haired tiger, believe it or not, this princess will make you kneel down and kowtow in three sentences."

Jun Wuhui's arm muscles were coiled like a dragon, and his veins were throbbing. He laughed in anger:


"I respect you as a princess, so I don't want to hurt you."

"You want me to kowtow and kneel?"

"What a joke."

"I am the eldest prince of the White Tiger Empire. Kneeling to a mere princess like you, where is my dignity? "

Ye Xiying nodded: "Very good, very energetic."

She looked up at the sky.

The midday sun was a little dazzling, and the yellow wind mixed with sand and dust was blowing in the city.

Jun Wuhui hugged his shoulders, fearless, and sneered.

Luo Fanchen was curious about what this sick girl wanted to do. Would she shake someone?

Ye Xiying raised a slender finger to indicate that this was the first sentence, and then she sank her qi into her dantian, gathered her strength on the tip of her tongue, and shouted coquettishly.

"Dad, someone is bullying me! ! "


She really is calling for help.

Even though he had predicted the princess's move in advance, Luo Fanchen was still shocked.

When other people fight, they shout "Come on, sword!", but you just yell "Daddy" when you can't win."

The sisters Ye Xi'an looked at each other.

Tie Lao looked normal, as if he was used to it and knew that the princess was just like that.

Jun Wuhui's face twitched, and his expression became extremely wonderful. He reached into his trouser pocket and crushed a ball silently.

"It's so far away from the City Lord's Mansion, can King Tianwu hear it? "

When Luo Fanchen was wondering, he saw the soul power flowing out of Ye Xiying's other hand, activating the jade bracelet on her fair wrist.

The corner of his mouth twitched.

Good fellow, you city people are really good at playing, shouting is just a cover, in fact, it is still relying on the jade bracelet to sense and summon.


The space screamed: I was torn apart.

The deep and dark space portal appeared, and a mighty middle-aged man appeared, walking like a tiger and a dragon, wearing a bright yellow dragon robe.

The appearance is three points similar to Ye Xiying, and he was very handsome when he was young.

Everyone felt the oppression from the gap in strength, and the aura of the middle-aged man who was intimidating without anger.

As a result, as soon as he opened his mouth, the tall image of King Tianwu, which had just been erected in everyone's mind, collapsed instantly.

"My princess, father is late to save you!"

"Are you not hurt? Are you okay? "

King Tianwu was as anxious as a 40-year-old child.

Ye Xiying glanced at Jun Wuhui and raised two fingers: "Father, this bastard wanted to rape me."

King Tianwu's face turned cold in an instant, and the flattery disappeared. It seemed that he had changed into a different person, cold and majestic, and full of murderous intent.

Luo Fanchen exclaimed, "Wow, it turns out that the little sickly girl's face-changing skills were passed down from you."

Ancestral face-changing.

Jun Wuhui felt that he was locked in by a strong murderous intent, his scalp was numb, and his face turned pale with fear.

"I'm not."

"I didn't."

"Don't talk nonsense."

He stepped back and waved his hands repeatedly, denying three times.

King Tianwu said slowly: "You mean, my daughter is lying?"

Jun Wuhui said anxiously: "She is lying to you, it's true. "

King Tianwu nodded: "You are right, she always lies to me, and you don't have the guts to do such a stupid thing on my territory."

Jun Wuhui was overjoyed: "King Wu is wise! He sees everything clearly."

King Tianwu asked: "But does it matter whether it is true or not? She is my daughter. If I don't believe her, who else can I believe? I will believe even if it is fake."

Jun Wuhui's joy froze and his whole body trembled.

Luo Fanchen almost laughed out loud.

Ye Xiying raised the corners of her mouth proudly. She liked the feeling of being unconditionally spoiled and raised three fingers.

"Father, let this beast kneel down

Kowtow to my man."

"Your man?"

King Tianwu frowned immediately, his eyes swept over and finally landed on Luo Fanchen's head.


Luo Fanchen couldn't laugh anymore.

It felt like seeing a house on fire at the head of the village and discussing it with others, but in the end it turned out to be your own house.

Damn, eating melons has ended up on your head.

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