The two sides of the battle were in chaos, and the two sides had a lot of difficulties.

Miao Teng'er can't be considered a beauty, but her voice is soft, sweet, and like a spring breeze caressing a willow, which makes people feel comfortable.

After her explanation, Luo Fanchen quickly understood the rules of the game.

This three-city battle competition is divided into two modes, team round-robin and individual challenge.

It's just that the competition method is slightly different from the normal competition.

In the team round-robin competition, five against five will go on the field directly, and each team will fight with the other two teams separately.

After each battle, one hour will be given to rest and recover.

The first team to achieve two consecutive victories will get five points.

The remaining two teams will have a final duel, the winner will get three points, and the loser will get one point.

Luo Fanchen analyzed: "This kind of team competition is a bit tiring if the strength of the three teams is not much different."

"Huh? You react quickly."

Miao Teng'er was surprised, and the other three looked over with a little surprise.

When they first heard about this competition system, they didn't realize the problem, and it was only after others reminded them that they understood it.

Luo Fanchen muttered: "If the strength of the three teams is close, one wins two, two wins three, and finally three wins one again. If this situation keeps repeating, how many games will it take for one team to win two games in a row."

Ye Longhe nodded: "Indeed, if the strength of the three teams is close, it depends on which team has more endurance. A good support is crucial."

Click me, click me, right?

Luo Fanchen smiled politely: "Don't worry, my support is so strong, we guarantee to win."

Li Xukun snorted: "What's so strong about you as a support? What's the matter? You still have to lead the charge. Just hide behind and protect yourself."

Heh, I'm so angry. When will the support stand up?

Just --


Luo Fanchen listened quietly without refutation. Little Kunkun, don't worry, I will refresh your understanding of support tomorrow.

The rules of the individual challenge are also very interesting.

The first team sends a player to defend the ring, and the second team sends someone to attack the ring.

The loser is eliminated and cannot appear again.

The winner stays and accepts the attack of the third team.

When all ten players of two teams are eliminated, the only team with players left on the ring wins.

At this time, the winning team can get a few points based on how many players are left who have not been eliminated.

The other two losing teams will both get zero points.

The scores obtained in the final team competition and individual competition are added together, and the one with the highest points will be the champion of the Three Cities Fighting Tournament.

Luo Fanchen thought: "It seems that this individual competition is far more important than the team competition. One team can get up to five points, while the other two teams will not get any points. Even if they are the last in the team competition, they will definitely win the championship with six points."

After Luo Fanchen finished speaking, he found that there was no sound around him. He turned his head and saw that Ye Longhe and the other four were staring at him.

Miao Teng'er's delicate face was strange.

Yang Meng's mouth twitched: "Brother Luo, you are so bold. It is impossible to get five points."

Li Xukun said speechlessly: "I have reason to suspect that you have never played in actual combat and don't know how terrible this competition system is. There is no time to breathe and recover in the individual competition."

"What does it mean to get five points?"

"It means that the only person on the field, without stopping, has killed ten people from two enemy teams."

"They are all geniuses of the same age. How can someone be so awesome?"


"Absolutely impossible."

Even the steady Ye Longhe couldn't help but say: "In previous years, only two people were left in the individual challenge competition. "

"In most cases, there is only one person left."

"So the team competition is the most important. Often, if you win the first place in the team competition, the championship is secure."

Li Xukun rolled his eyes and muttered:

"In the end, a noob came to support us and dragged us down. I give up. If Hu Qi was here, we would be secure."

"Zhao! I have no hope of getting married this year."


Luo Fanchen hinted: "The tree-lined path you long to step on may have been covered with frost in the morning and evening."


"What are you talking about?"

Li Xukun didn't understand, and the other three looked confused.

Luo Fanchen hinted wildly: "Is it possible that the pink you thought was actually tarnished by the years?"

"What are you talking about!"

Li Xukun was very angry because he didn't understand a word, but he thought these words seemed quite charming.

Luo Fanchen

He was almost making a face:

"Some carriages look new, but in fact, the mileage is scary. It will be a loss if you work hard to buy them home."

The four people were confused and Luo Fanchen was speechless.

Isn't his hint obvious enough? He was afraid that Li Xukun would be so angry that he would die on the spot and spiral up.

Luo Fanchen said: "Excuse me, have you ever held your girlfriend's hand?"

Li Xukun looked righteous and snorted disdainfully: "Unmarried physical contact, isn't that pure hooliganism?"

Luo Fanchen was shocked: "Not even holding hands?"

"She asked me before if I wanted to hold hands, I think she was taking the opportunity to test my character and whether I was suitable to be a husband."

"Then how could I agree? I just refused."


Luo Fanchen was shocked after hearing this. This is too awesome. Even a straight man has to give you a cigarette and call you the ancestor.

Looking at Li Xukun's proud and boastful demeanor, Luo Fanchen sighed:

"When one day you can easily break through and enter a new realm, I hope you can remember what I said today."

"It's not that you have the ability, but that many predecessors have come forward and broken through the obstacles for you."

"Do you need to say this?" Li Xukun said: "Whose breakthrough is not based on the foundation of the predecessors."

"The predecessors planted trees and sowed seeds, and the descendants took advantage of the shade and coolness. Relying on the cultivation experience of the predecessors, we can break through the realm unimpeded."


Luo Fanchen coughed violently.

I told you about the city gate tower, and you told me about the black donkey hoof, right?

But Jun Wuhui did sow for you, so we hope that it will not bear fruit.

Otherwise, after raising a son for eighteen years, suddenly looking back, that person turned out to be someone else's white-eyed wolf, too surprised.

The four people looked strange,

Now they all suspected that Luo Fanchen was not confident in his strength, so he deliberately looked for an opportunity to show off his literary talent.

Luo Fanchen didn't care, after all, these four would know about Qiao Biluo sooner or later.

It would be interesting then.

He was thinking now, according to Jun Wuhui's cool and awesome personality, would he show off his cheating on others tomorrow?

It's possible.

After all, he was injured, and he couldn't let others have an easy time.

A crisp voice of Shao Yu sounded.


"Father, you are hiding here and not going out. What are you peeking at here?"

Luo Fanchen and others focused their eyes on her.

Ye Xiying came at some point, her beautiful legs wrapped in fishnet stockings, her white skin showing through, and she was wearing black short boots.

Her peach blossom eyes were staring suspiciously at the back of the rockery.

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