The two girls were so close that they were not able to get close.

"Teacher, junior sister, what are you doing so close?" Luo Fanchen could smell the faint body fragrance from the two girls.

Bai Yingyue breathed quickly: "Brother, what did you do just now?"

"I didn't do anything. Didn't the teacher ask me to consolidate my cultivation?" Luo Fanchen was puzzled and didn't understand why the two girls were so abnormal.

"Are there any special changes in your body?" Bai Yingyue asked, she felt that her teacher would definitely not be aimless.

Luo Fanchen shook his head and said: "There is no change in my body, but when I was consolidating my cultivation, the soul power cyclone in my dantian accidentally added one more."

"What did you say?"

Bai Yingyue Kazilan's eyes were wide open, as if she had heard something extremely incredible.

"How is this possible?"

"This is impossible!"

Hearing Bai Yingyue's exclamation, Luo Fanchen said in confusion: "Junior sister, the extra cyclone is the same as the previous ten, there is nothing special."

Seeing Luo Fanchen's usual calmness, Bai Yingyue almost went crazy. This guy still didn't realize what kind of amazing thing he had accidentally done.

"Junior sister?"

"Don't call me junior sister, call me scum, you monster." Bai Yingyue bit her lip, and her heart was hit again.

Luo Fanchen cast his eyes on the female pope and lost his mind for a short time.

Too beautiful.

The bright moonlight flowed down the gaps between the leaves and fell on the beautiful and graceful face. The female pope looked even more beautiful, with her plump breasts, sexy buttocks, and slender legs, exuding an amazing charm that mortals could not resist.

But there are not many people in the world who can ignore the majesty and approach the female pope of Fengyi Tianxia like this.

"Teacher, what's wrong with Junior Sister?" Luo Fanchen felt that he couldn't ride on his master to destroy his ancestors, so he quickly adjusted his mentality.

Bai Yingyue widened her beautiful eyes: "What's wrong? You still ask me what's wrong? It's obviously you and the evildoer who are too scary."

"Fanchen, are you sure there are eleven soul power vortexes in your dantian now?" Di Weiyang seemed a little unbelievable.

"Yeah." Luo Fanchen nodded.

The teacher and I were shocked, and you are still so indifferent? Bai Yingyue felt it necessary to educate this "god damn" senior brother.

"Senior brother, one soul power vortex represents one level."

Luo Fanchen nodded, he knew this.

"If ten soul power vortexes are cultivated in the dantian, it means that the soul warrior has reached the tenth level, reaching the great perfection of this realm. If there is no soul ring, it is absolutely impossible to break through to the eleventh level."

"I see." Luo Fanchen smiled and said, "So it is because I don't need soul rings to reach the eleventh level, which scared you?"

"You know nothing." Bai Yingyue said, "If that's the case, I, a saint, wouldn't be so shocked!"

"What is that?" Luo Fanchen was puzzled.

Bai Yingyue smiled bitterly: "Soul warriors can only cultivate ten soul power gaseous vortexes at most. The sign of reaching the eleventh level is that one of the vortexes liquefies."

"Two vortexes liquefy, it's the twelfth level."

"When all ten vortexes liquefy, it's the twentieth level."

"As for your breakthrough, it's really weird. I, a saint, have never even heard of it."

Di Weiyang's phoenix eyes flashed with a strange light, and she opened her lips and said, "I didn't expect that I would accept a genius who broke the limit as my apprentice."

"Break the limit genius?"

Luo Fanchen and Bai Yingyue looked at him curiously at the same time.

Di Weiyang nodded: "It is said that those who have special opportunities can break the limits of mortals and achieve breakthroughs that ordinary geniuses cannot achieve in certain fields."

"Ordinary people can only have one martial soul. Having two martial souls can actually be regarded as a limit-breaking genius."

Bai Yingyue nodded. It is not certain that among the tens of millions of people in the Soul Martial Continent, there will be a person who can awaken a twin martial soul.

"And Fanchen can cultivate eleven vortices, which naturally means that in the field of soul warriors, he is a limit-breaking genius."

"And he can have one more vortex at the beginning, and the next level of vortex liquefaction, he can have one more advantage than others."

Speaking of this, Di Weiyang was also moved. The bigger reason why he decided to accept a disciple was that he valued Luo Fanchen.

I think that if the talent is a little worse, I can find a way to make up for it. If the character is bad, no matter how much resources are spent, it will not be helped.

As a result, this is called poor talent?

Di Weiyang's always calm heart lake was rippled. He really picked up a golden phoenix from the ravine.

Bai Yingyue smacked her lips: "Brother's fighting power is obviously stronger than that of soul masters in the same realm. Now that his soul power has broken the limit, isn't he invincible in the same realm?"

As she spoke, the little beauty looked at Luo Fanchen sourly and let out a cute "evil dragon roar"


“Damn it!”

“I told you to consolidate your cultivation, not to break through!!!”

“It’s so annoying.”

“That…” Luo Fanchen scratched his head and said, “I feel like I haven’t reached my limit yet, I can still consolidate it.”


Bai Yingyue’s face was puffed with anger. Listen, is this human language?

“Hey, senior brother, you really deserve a beating like this. Just break through once, but you want to break through several times? It’s impossible. Dream on!!”

Di Weiyang has such a high status that it’s hard for him to remain calm now.

Bai Yingyue looked at the handsome man who sat cross-legged and went back to practice, blinking her beautiful eyes, and said in confusion:

“Teacher, senior brother is too calm. If it were Huang Yan, he would be so arrogant. "

Di Weiyang praised: "Yingyue, this is the stability that a man should have. I can see that he has ambitions in his heart, which is a good thing."

"How can a golden scale stay in a pond?"

"A dragon in the abyss will soar to the sky."

The cold voice of the royal sister echoed softly. Bai Yingyue didn't expect that the teacher would be so optimistic about the senior brother. Her beautiful eyes subconsciously stole a glance at the handsome and focused figure, and a blush appeared unnaturally on her face.

Senior Brother Fanchen is indeed countless times better than the annoying guy of the Holy Son.

"Teacher, are you going to take senior brother back to the temple to compete for the position of the Holy Son?"

"No, I have my own plans." Di Weiyang looked in the direction of Luo Fanchen, slightly absent-minded, as if considering something.

Bai Yingyue was a little strange, thinking that the teacher seemed to have something to say.

"By the way, teacher, senior brother's breaking the limit this time, doesn't it mean that the number of years attached to the first soul ring can be increased again?"

"Of course. "Di Weiyang nodded.

"He was able to break the limit of 400 years and challenge the record of 600 years of spirit rings before. Now, to what extent can he break the limit?"

Bai Yingyue didn't dare to think further. It was too abnormal. This guy was a monster in human skin.

She stole a glance at Luo Fanchen for some reason.


Damn it! This evil senior brother is so handsome. I wonder how many girls he will fascinate after he finishes his studies.


No words were spoken that night, the moon disappeared and the sun rose.

In the morning, the branches and leaves were covered with dew, and strange birds chirped in the distance of the jungle.

It was very quiet here with one man and two women. There was a female pope exuding pressure, and no spirit beast dared to approach.

Luo Fanchen finished his meditation, got up and stretched, greedily inhaled the fresh morning air, and had to say that the air was much better than in his previous life.

"Get ready for dinner, senior brother. "

Bai Yingyue was using a spoon to take out the milky white animal milk from the iron pot and put it into a crystal bowl.

On a square table next to it, there were also exquisite date cakes cut into small pieces, placed on clean green leaves.

Luo Fanchen was surprised. Junior sister was too virtuous, and these two beauties brought everything they went out with.

The table was loaded.

Chewing the soft, glutinous and sweet date cakes, drinking the mellow animal milk, and facing two beautiful beauties with beautiful faces.

Luo Fanchen just felt that the years were quiet and good.

"Junior sister, why are you always staring at me."

"Humph, can't you just look at it?"

Bai Yingyue curled her lips, stroked her chest and sighed:

"Fortunately, you really just consolidated your cultivation this time and didn't break the limit again, otherwise it would be really scary."


Luo Fanchen took a sip of milk slowly, and a handsome arc appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Who told you that I didn't break through?"

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