The two soul beasts fought in the shade of the oasis.



In the shade of the oasis, two soul beasts were roaring and fighting.

A half-human-high gray-haired monkey, with its tail and claws burning with dazzling red flames, jumped up and down.

It kept grabbing a three-meter-long python with red scales on the opposite side.

The scales of the python seemed to have magma flowing inside, emitting scorching heat, and it turned its tail and whipped back.

"Fire monkey, burning scale python, why are they fighting?"

Ye Xiying was slightly surprised. The eight of them were pushing aside the lush grass that blocked their sight and secretly observing the front.

Luo Fanchen, who was standing next to him, wanted to remind Ye Xiying that her black stockings were getting tangled, and her white thigh skin had already been exposed through the gaps in the black stockings.

However, the fierce beast fight in front of him attracted his attention.

Just kidding.

Which real man would ignore the monkey whose claws could start fire and the python whose scales burst into red flames, and look at the useless black stockings.

Tie Lao lowered his voice and said to everyone:

"Judging from the size, this blazing fire monkey is about 1,100 years old. The Burning Scale Python can suppress the blazing fire monkey, and it is obviously much stronger in cultivation."

He turned his head and looked at Li Hongpeng: "Young Master Li, your second soul ring is 600 years old, and I think the blazing fire monkey is enough for the third soul ring."

"Can't I use the Burning Scale Python?"

Li Hongpeng was a little unhappy. The Burning Scale Python was obviously stronger than the blazing fire monkey in terms of strength and appearance.

The quality of the soul rings produced and the quality of the soul skills given must be higher.

Tie Lao smiled and said, "I estimated it based on Li Shao's fighting power. If Li Shao is really ambitious, he can go and hunt the Burning Scale Python and give it a try."

Li Hongpeng gritted his teeth and hesitated.

He coveted the Burning Scale Python, but he had no confidence that he could beat it. With so many people watching, he couldn't bear to lose face in front of the goddess.

"Let's go with the Blazing Fire Monkey."

The crowd was lurking not far away, so Luo Fanchen naturally heard the conversation and looked strange.

Brother, you are already level 30, and you are still so cowardly to hunt a thousand-year soul beast, and you only pick on the weak?

Luo Fanchen's eyes swept across the bushes.

Looking at the Burning Scale Python with flashing red scales, which was much more majestic and handsome than the Blazing Fire Monkey, his heart moved slightly and he fell into thought.

He hasn't found his first soul ring yet.


This one?

But the female pope teacher told him not to attach soul rings beyond a thousand years, which would be life-threatening, which made him hesitate.

"Look over there!"

Yang Wei suddenly spoke, and everyone followed his gaze and found a small puddle with a diameter of less than half a meter in the distance.

A small green tree extended from the puddle, with several small fruits hanging from the branches, bright red and attractive.

"Red fruit?"

Tie Lao's eyes lit up.

"It seems that these two beasts fought because of this spiritual fruit."

"We are really lucky, these two beasts are not threatening."

He turned his head and said, "Young Master Li, I will help you stop the Fiery Monkey, the rest is up to you."


Tie Lao led everyone out of the bushes, and the two fighting beasts found human traces from a distance.

The triangular snake of the Burning Scale Python had a flashing pupil, and it gave up the fight at the first moment, swam in the opposite direction, and fled quickly.

The Fiery Monkey, which was covered with scorch marks, was extremely irritable and roared at the eight people in a demonstrative manner.

"The beast is looking for death!"

Li Hongpeng rushed over directly, and a shadow of a roc appeared behind him, possessed by his martial spirit.

Feathers grew on his cheeks, his mouth protruded forward like a bird's peck, his whole body flashed with lightning and fire, and two circles of yellow soul rings floated under his feet.

The blazing fire monkey jumped high, waving its flaming claws to tear at him.

"First soul skill: Thunder flash!"


Li Hongpeng suddenly accelerated and appeared behind the blazing fire monkey. His arms were like wings, and he slashed the blazing fire monkey out.

He showed a smug grin: "Not only did you not run, but you also dared to shout back? Who gave you the confidence?"

"Second soul skill: Thunder strike!"

Facing the blazing fire monkey's furious claws to counterattack, Li Hongpeng's hand surged with lightning, and he blasted against it, with lightning and fire splashing everywhere.

"Hey, are you stunned?"

Ye Xiying stretched out her hand and waved it in front of Luo Fanchen.

"This guy's martial soul is Lei Yanpeng, a seventh-grade martial soul, which is not as potential as Yang Wei's eighth-grade dragon scale spear. You are not scared, are you?"

Scare the hell out of him.

Although this guy is level 30, he fought back and forth with the thousand-year-old blazing fire monkey. Luo Fanchen is really not a coward.

He felt sorry for the Burning Scale Python that had just escaped. This beast was too cunning. It ran away as soon as it saw someone coming.

There was no way to chase it.

Ye Xiying was furious when she didn't get a response. In fact, the black stockings on her thighs just now

She cut it open accidentally on purpose.

Other men were fond of her, but this man turned a blind eye to her.

She doubted her charm several times, so she used some tricks, but this guy was still blind.

What future does a commoner have if he has no talent for cultivation? Wouldn't it be nice to cling to her thighs?

Is this guy crazy!

Luo Fanchen suddenly said: "Something is wrong, there may be something wrong with this blazing fire monkey."

"What's the problem?"

Ye Xiying didn't pay attention to the battle and kept staring at him angrily, while Yang Wei and others who were watching the battle were disturbed and looked over unhappily.

Luo Fanchen said:

"There are eight of us in our group, and Tie Lao didn't hide the aura of the soul power of the fifth-level soul king at all. Why didn't this monkey run away?"

Yang Wei said dissatisfiedly: "It shows that it has a bad temper. Can you stop being so startled? Can you understand soul beasts better than us?"

"Can you stop trying to make yourself feel important?"

Other young people also took the opportunity to speak up. Ye Xiying had been pestering Luo Fanchen all the way, and others had already disliked him to the extreme.

Ye Xiying scolded fiercely:

"Shut up, everyone. I am the only one who can scold the servants of this princess!"

Others immediately shut their mouths and dared not speak.

Yang Wei stared at Luo Fanchen with hatred. I wonder how long you can be proud. When the princess sees how useless you are, it will be the time for you to fall out of favor.

It is impossible for a talented civilian to not have a teacher's favor.

How powerful can a person who is so pitiful to come to the oasis alone to hunt beasts and obtain soul rings be?

At this time, a piercing and shrill cry came.

The Blazing Fire Monkey was head-blasted by Li Hongpeng's claw, and the white blood exploded, and the headless body fell to the ground.

Soon a circle of light purple soul rings emerged.

"Damn it!"

Although Li Hongpeng killed the Blazing Fire Monkey, his face was ugly.

Because he had used all his strength, but could only barely kill the Blazing Fire Monkey that had been fighting for half a day, it showed that Tie Lao's judgment before was correct, and he was in danger of absorbing this soul ring.

It is true that he is now a three-ring, but his talent is obviously much worse than Ye Xiying and Yang Wei.

It was not until his eyes swept across Luo Fanchen, who was wearing tattered clothes, that Li Hongpeng smiled and felt much more comfortable.

He was a little inferior to the real noble genius, but compared to this guy, he was much stronger than the sky and the earth.

Damn it!

Li Hongpeng cursed in his heart, I am so confused, what can I compare with this kid, no matter how depraved I am, I can't think like this.

The pattern, the pattern can't be forgotten!

Li Hongpeng's proud eyes were naturally noticed by Luo Fanchen, but he didn't take it to heart.

In his opinion, this kind of person is just a clown who grew up in a greenhouse, and there is no need to pay attention to him.

Instead, the green plants and red fruits in the puddle aroused his curiosity. Tie Lao was carefully picking the small red fruit from the tree and putting it in the jade box.

As if seeing his curiosity, Ye Xiying said: "This thing is Zhuguo, a spiritual fruit grown in a place with abundant spiritual energy."

"After taking it, it can detoxify all poisons and improve the spiritual power of soul masters. It is a rare treasure."

Luo Fanchen nodded. He didn't expect that this princess, apart from being savage and fierce, had a wide range of knowledge and was much better than him.

"Do you want it?" Ye Xiying raised her pretty face and said: "Beg me, this princess can consider giving you a few, Uncle Tie will listen to me."

Luo Fanchen raised his eyebrows: "This thing should be very valuable."

Ye Xiying smiled.

"This red fruit is naturally worth a thousand gold to ordinary soul masters, but a thousand gold cannot buy this princess's happiness, as long as you ask me for it."

"I'll give it to you."

"Tsk, I despise the faces of you rich people the most." Luo Fanchen smiled and said, "Keep it for yourself."

"I don't need it."

"No need?"

Ye Xiying stared, she didn't expect that this guy was not tempted by beauty, and had no idea about this natural treasure?

"Impossible, you are playing hard to get, right?" The beautiful and spicy princess said firmly.

Luo Fanchen shook his head, his face normal.

Although the immortal body given to him by the system has not yet shown its domineering side, it is born with eight meridians, nine orifices, and is immune to all poisons, so it does not need to be detoxified.

And it is even more unnecessary to improve the cultivation.

If you want to be fast, just let the little loach swallow it. What he should worry about is that the speed of cultivation is too fast and affects the foundation.

Ye Xiying was surprised and felt a little unbelievable. The noble youths around were staring at the jade box containing the red fruit with fiery eyes.

But this guy's face was really calm.

She was curious and said, "This princess always keeps her word. You don't have to worry about not keeping it."


She saw the man's handsome black eyes revealing a strong sense of impatience, and a cold male voice came out.

"Princess, you can use this trick to mock others. Frankly speaking, my cultivation speed does not need this thing.

Ye Xiying was stunned, and her spirit was shocked.

For many years, people around her have been pretending to flatter her, please her, and indulge her.

Maybe because of her identity, or because of her beauty, or because of her martial arts talent.

For the first time,

This is the first time that someone has clearly shown such a disgusted and cold attitude towards her.

They all disdain her and the treasure.


She suddenly came to her senses: “You don’t need this thing for your cultivation speed? What a joke! Even I, with the talent of the eighth-grade martial arts spirit, dare not say such a thing. "

Luo Fanchen's mind kept flashing back to the image of the Burning Scale Python.

The crystal red scales seemed to have a karmic fire burning inside and magma flowing inside, which made him like it very much.

It complemented his little loach and was just right.

He missed the soul beast he liked, and the princess was still talking non-stop. He was very annoyed. He turned his head and locked onto the pair of heroic phoenix eyes, and said coldly:

"Eighth-grade martial soul, is it very strong?"

"What's your tone? Isn't the eighth-grade martial soul strong?"

Ye Xiying glared at first, then seemed to think of something, and suddenly calmed down, and her beautiful eyes even flashed with pity and sympathy.

"I forgot that you can't have a teacher with your background, and no one must have told you the difference here."

"I'll take you out of here later, and when you go to the outside to try to attach a hundred-year soul ring yourself, you will know the difficulty."

"Boom! "

A loud noise was heard, and Li Hongpeng stood up gracefully. Lei Yanpeng's martial spirit swirled three soul rings, two yellow and one purple.

At the same time, the surrounding grass rustled.


Dozens of red-scaled pythons rushed in from all directions, and the one leading the way was the Burning Scale Python that had escaped earlier.

Now the circle of land has returned and killed back.

Everyone stared around vigilantly, and Luo Fanchen was amused. Good guy, is he going to shake people, no, shake snakes?

But the strongest one seems to be the Burning Scale Python from before.

It seems to have some wisdom, but not much.

Tie Lao shook his head: "These beasts are not strong, you six can take action to solve them, it's just an opportunity to exercise."

Li Hongpeng had just absorbed the soul ring, and the whole person was eager to show off, and rushed to the Burning Scale Python that he had no confidence to deal with before.

"Don't interfere, let me deal with this strongest one! "

Ye Xiying was eager to try, and turned to Luo Fanchen and said: "You can't interfere in this level of battle, just stay here obediently."


The black silk princess summoned the Sakura Dragon Martial Spirit to possess her body, and before rushing out, she shouted savagely: "Uncle Tie, protect this guy well. If he gets hurt, you will be held responsible."

"Boom boom boom! "

All six noble youths attacked the red pythons that were rushing around.

Tie Lao followed the princess's order and came to protect Luo Fanchen.

Luo Fanchen calmly focused on the battlefield. They were all at the second and first rings, and there was only one Li Hongpeng at the third ring.

Now that Li Hongpeng has broken through to the thirty-first level soul master after absorbing the soul ring, he can only fight the Burning Scale Python on equal terms.

It is enough to show that the bloodline of the thousand-year-old Burning Scale Python is powerful, far stronger than the Fiery Monkey.

After observing the combat power of both sides, Luo Fanchen did not feel any pressure, and his feet spun, ready to move.

Tie Lao seemed to have noticed it and reminded: "You kid are not going to attack, don't mess around!"

"Third soul skill: Fiery Claw!"

Li Hongpeng's claws burst into flames, tearing the Burning Scale Python seven inches.

"Swish! "

The scales shattered and blood gushed out.

But the Burning Scale Python dodged at the critical moment, causing Li Hongpeng's hands to deviate half an inch.

The Burning Scale Python's triangular pupils flashed with ferocity.

The scales all over its body burst into hot flames, and the snake's tail rolled back to Li Hongpeng's arm, locking the opponent and burning his skin and flesh.

Li Hongpeng screamed.

Only then did he realize that he had fallen into the beast's trap, and deliberately let him be caught in the snake's body so as to take the opportunity to attack him.

He struggled to break free from the restraints of the snake's body, but the snake's head had already turned around and spewed fire poison from its mouth.

It hit his chest and flew out, and Li Hongpeng howled in panic:


"Tie Lao save me! !"

"Don't run around, kid, I'll be back soon. "Tie Lao reminded Luo Fanchen and was about to rescue him, but he didn't expect that there was a bang beside him, the soil exploded, and a confident voice sounded.

"Tie Lao, let me do it."

Seeing that it was Luo Fanchen who rushed out, Tie Lao was about to shout loudly to stop him, but he was instantly silenced, with a look of surprise in his eyes.


"How could it be! How could this kid's burst speed be stronger than that of the princess! ! "


Luo Fanchen flashed into the battlefield, blocking the Burning Scale Python and the fleeing Li Hongpeng, and summoned the Little Loach Martial Spirit.

The Burning Scale Python opened its scarlet giant mouth and rushed towards him to bite.

Other people in the battle noticed this scene


"Fuck!" Yang Wei was shocked: "Are you crazy? Are you so eager to die?"

Others were also shocked and shouted.

"What is this guy doing? Does he want to die? Is he trying to die?"


"Heading without thinking? How dare he!!!"

Li Hongpeng was stunned and completely dumbfounded.

The civilians he despised the most risked their lives to block the road to save him? What is repaying kindness with evil?

Luo Fanchen didn't hear his inner voice, otherwise he could only say that you are just thinking about nothing and simply want to collect this soul ring.

Ye Xiying cursed angrily: "Luo Fanchen, retreat!!! That is a thousand-year soul beast, do you want to die!!!"

"Tie Lao, stop it quickly..."

Shielding the surrounding shouts, Luo Fanchen merged his soul and body, and his body was transformed.

Without dodging or avoiding, he raised his hand and aimed at the thousand-year-old burning scale python that opened its mouth and bit at him.


The fist burst out.

It instantly pierced through the giant mouth of the Burning Scale Python, and the hot snake blood fell from the sky, splashing on the grass with a hissing sound.

Ye Xiying's unfinished words were stuck in her throat, and her face was full of disbelief.

Li Hongpeng opened his mouth, forgetting the pain of the burning fire poison.

Yang Wei and others stared with their eyes wide open.

Tie Lao was also stunned.

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