The first reaction of ordinary people would be to ask what happened to the Pope.

Bai Yingyue and Luo Fanchen both showed their extreme qualities. They rushed to the back of the Pope at the first time.

If there were enemies in the dark, this would be the safest place, and they would not be captured by the enemy as hostages.

Neither Luo Fanchen nor anyone else spoke to interfere with the Pope's judgment.

The terrifying mental fluctuations surged out of the Pope's body, sweeping all around, covering every space.

"No one?"

The Pope raised her eyebrows and exclaimed in surprise.

"Is it an illusion?"

The vast amount of spiritual power retreated back into her body like a tide. The pope looked back at the brothers and sisters hiding behind her and laughed in surprise.

"You two are really cunning."

Luo Fanchen asked at this time: "Wei Yang, was there someone in the dark just now?"

The pope shook her head and rubbed her brows with her jade fingers.

"Just now I felt that the space over there seemed to be a change for a moment, but after checking, there was no one."

"I must be overly suspicious."

"If there was someone, I would not be able to detect it at all."

"It may be that the evil soul masters of the Blood Demon Cult have been causing chaos in many places on the continent recently, and the nine great priests in the temple are also restless. Dealing with these trivial matters has consumed a lot of mind, which will cause illusions."

Luo Fanchen did not ask more questions. He could not help the pope with this level of trouble at present, so it is better not to ask and spend more time practicing.

He didn't notice that Bai Yingyue's pretty face was full of surprise, because the Pope teacher has always been strong and cold, and has never shown such a tired look in front of others, which shows that Luo Fanchen's meaning in the Pope's heart is really special.

"What a keen insight."

In the dark void, the mysterious woman wearing a strange golden mask made a cold and surprised voice.

She just saw that Luo Fanchen's martial soul actually evolved in such a special way, and her emotions fluctuated, and she was immediately noticed.

Although this is just one of her clones, it is really strong that the female pope can detect it.

"It seems that this temple female pope is more powerful than the rumors outside. Little Qilin is far inferior. This woman should be very close to that realm."


After sighing, the mysterious woman put all her attention back on Luo Fanchen who continued to look for soul beasts.

She had planned to leave, but she came back for some reason.

Unexpectedly, she really found a surprise.

Just by taking a look, she was sure that this was definitely not an ordinary evolution, and it was different from the rough swallowing of evil soul masters.

It was a true perfect digestion, absorbing all the soul power and blood from the outside world without any waste.

Even after the young man took back the martial soul into his body, his own blood was also subtly transformed and sublimated.

What kind of person is this young man? Is this a martial soul that mortals can have?

The golden-faced woman could not suppress her surprise, but she tried her best to control her emotions.

Not sure yet, she will observe again.

Avoid the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment.

"Hey, Brother Eagle, Brother Pig, you are not taking a lunch break in the middle of the day, are you fighting?"

"Take me with you."

The giant wild boar with two scarlet fangs and the owl with a hideous face were fighting fiercely, and now they all looked at the strange young man who suddenly broke into the battlefield.

Luo Fanchen was not as serious as usual today, and acted a bit cynical.

He was trying to use the humorous way he could do at this stage to help this confidante relieve her mood.

All along, the other party has helped him a lot.

"Brother, be careful, this is the blood-toothed pig and the ghost-faced cat-owl. Judging from their size, they are both 2,300 years old." Bai Yingyue did not forget to remind him while picking up a smile.

The status of the female pope and the saint is very high, but no one dares to be so casual and unserious in front of them, which brings a refreshing feeling.



The blood-toothed pig and the ghost-faced cat-owl saw the human appear, and instantly showed hostile eyes.

The cat-owl's ghost face seemed to come alive, and the bird beak opened to emit black sound waves.

The blood-toothed pig's pair of fangs flashed a sharp red light, and trampled out.

Luo Fanchen's soul power traveled through his five internal organs in a special way, instantly activating the Qilin pattern. The handsome Qilin on his back emitted a fiery red light, which could be clearly seen through the clothes.

"Brother Ying is enthusiastic. He sang a little song for me as soon as he arrived, but the movement was too small."

Luo Fanchen shook his head and resisted the black sound wave attack. His will was as solid as a rock and was not affected at all. He looked at the trampling rush

The blood-toothed pig came.

He did not dodge or evade, but spun his feet and grabbed forward with both hands.


The soil under his feet exploded backwards, but Luo Fanchen did not take a step back.

He clamped the two sharp fangs and neutralized the violent force of the blood-toothed pig, holding it firmly in place, unable to rush forward.

Luo Fanchen bared his white teeth and said kindly:

"Brother Pig, you are sick, very sick, and your teeth are deformed and sticking out. It must be very painful. Brother will help you correct it."

He held the fangs tightly with both hands, and his feet shook the ground. He kicked the blood-toothed pig's head with both feet at the same time, and at the same time, he exerted force backwards and pulled hard with his hands.



Accompanied by the blood-toothed pig's screams, its two blood-toothed teeth that pierced through countless soul beasts were pulled out by Luo Fanchen.

"The bad teeth have been pulled out. It won't hurt now, right?"

Luo Fanchen threw two bloody teeth as spears and threw them at the "singing" ghost-faced cat-owl. The other party flapped its wings to avoid the attack.

"Tsk, that's nice. You can't even sing, but you dance for me to cheer me up."

Bai Yingyue was stunned. It was too shameless. You pulled out the teeth? You pulled out the weapon that people use to kill and eat.

And what's going on now?

Without opening the martial soul, you can beat the two thousand year soul beast with the physical strength blessed by the Qilin pattern? ? ?

"Teacher, the ghost cry of the ghost-faced cat-eagle directly affects the soul. Even a level 30 soul master will be dizzy for a few seconds after hearing it. How come senior brother has no reaction at all?"

The corner of the female pope's lips rose, and she squinted and said: "It shows that Fanchen is not only strong in the body, but also in the soul."

Bai Yingyue was puzzled: "But the power of the soul is not something that can be cultivated after the seventh ring. Isn't it the same for everyone at the same level before?"

"What do you think?"

The female pope asked back, but her eyes were always on Luo Fanchen. She could see the man's mind and felt very subtle in her heart.

"No way, senior brother is naturally stronger than others in soul strength???" Bai Yingyue opened her mouth in shock.

Doesn't this guy have any shortcomings in cultivation?

"Don't run, Brother Eagle!"

The blood-toothed pig had already fallen in a pool of blood. The ghost-faced cat-eagle saw that the situation was not right and immediately flapped its wings to escape.

The enthusiastic human youth below made it shudder.

Bai Yingyue reminded him, "Brother, stop chasing us. We can't fly before we reach the sixth ring, so we can't fight against this flying soul beast."

Luo Fanchen smiled at her, "Junior sister, let me show you a new trick I've figured out recently!"

He jumped up, and his martial spirit instantly possessed him. His whole body seemed to be transformed into a dragon, covered with green crystal scales, and he approached the ghost-faced cat-owl.

But after all, he was still a distance away, and fell down. The cat-owl made a strange cry, and his pupils flashed with ridicule and sarcasm.

"The distance is enough!"

Luo Fanchen raised his palm, and it seemed as if a green dragon phantom was hovering in his palm. Looking closely, it was the mini version of the little loach now.

A green vortex appeared, and the terrifying suction force immediately acted on the ghost-faced cat-owl...

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