"A question?" Luo Fanchen couldn't think of any connection between this woman's lack of strength and going to Qianlong City. "Yes." Ye Xi nodded and explained: "Our family will regularly distribute cultivation resources and encourage young people to plunder." "And I saved all the distributed cultivation resources and kept them without using them." "My sister not only absorbs her own resources, but also plunders others, so her cultivation is much higher than mine." Luo Fanchen was shocked. Good guy, I thought you were a bronze, but you turned out to be a king? You didn't use any resources, and you broke through to level 41 at this age, just four levels behind Ye Youling? If someone else played like this, it would be normal to fall behind a few levels.

He puzzled: "So, what are you saving resources for?"


Ye Xiyan coughed weakly: "I want to bring all the accumulated resources to my fiancée in Qianlong City to help him practice and fulfill our ideals."


Luo Fanchen frowned when he heard this, rubbing his eyebrows and said:

"Wait, you messed up my thinking, didn't you escape from the White Tiger Empire, why are you looking for a fiancée?"

Ye Xiyan said: "At the beginning, our clan was a big brother of me and the White Tiger Empire. The princes are marrying, and I am also the eldest prince's fiancée. "

"But the eldest prince's mother died early, the second prince is more talented, and his mother's power is more powerful. He knows that practicing in the palace will only be suppressed and attacked by the other party's power, and he will die sooner or later, so he escaped, but only I know that he fled to Qianlong City to lie dormant. "

"The White Tiger Emperor and my clan leader father did not approve of his cowardly behavior of running away, so they decided to betroth me to the third prince three years later. "

Luo Fanchen listened and thought to himself, your circle is really messy.

"Isn't it good to marry the third prince? He should be more powerful than the escaped first prince, and he can be counted as a support."

Ye Xi'an shook her head and said, "How can a woman have two fiancés?"

"Women should remain loyal. Since my fiancé didn't cultivate me, no one can make me remarry."

"And it may be that tigers are lustful. Both the second and third princes are a bit perverted, but the first prince is more normal."

Luo Fanchen found that the sickly and weak beauty had a firm and powerful look at this time, exuding the demeanor of a loyal heroine.

He couldn't help shaking his head and sighing, "It's a pity that the first prince is a coward. It's not worth it for you to come all the way and risk your life to find him."

Ye Xi'an retorted, "He is not a coward! Before he left, he told me that he was just retreating strategically, and he would practice hard in Qianlong City, break out of a world, and then come back to kill the White Tiger Empire."


Look at the pie, it's big and round.

Luo Fanchen smiled. He didn't know whether others believed the eldest prince's words or not, but he didn't believe it anyway.

"Did he say he would take you with him?"

Ye Xiyan shook her head: "No, two people going together would be too conspicuous."

Luo Fanchen asked again: "Has he contacted you in the past three years?"

Ye Xiyan bit her lip: "No."

"You are too naive. Running away is not a coward, but leaving your woman behind is definitely a coward." Luo Fanchen said: "A real man would not leave his fiancée in a wolf's den and run away for three years without even sending back a word of concern."

"Doesn't he think that once he runs away, he will leave you alone to face the oppression of the second prince and his sister?"

Ye Xiyan's already weak face turned even paler. She was naive, not stupid. Of course, she had thought about these things.

"Maybe, maybe he has his reasons."

Luo Fanchen asked: "Do you know him well?"

Ye Xi'an shook her head: "We didn't have much contact, only met a dozen times, and he ran away a year after the engagement."

"So you just trust him? You even betrayed your family and took the risk of running away from the marriage." Luo Fanchen was puzzled.

Ye Xi'an asked curiously: "Be faithful to your fiancé, isn't that what a fiancée should do?"

"If I don't believe in him, who else can believe in him?"

Luo Fanchen was speechless, and was speechless for a while.

He saw the light in the eyes of the girl opposite him, a sincere and pure light, without any impurities.

In his two lives, this was the first time he saw such a sunny girl who was not polluted by any ugly side of human nature.

Unfortunately, she has an owner.

"Then the resources sent to you are of your own

Why do you insist on sending it to that guy if you don't keep it for yourself?"

Ye Xi'an said: "My Bright Butterfly Martial Spirit does not have destructive power, and it is a waste to improve my strength."

"It is better to leave all the resources to him."

"He promised me that he would help me realize my wish in the future."

Luo Fanchen asked curiously: "What wish?"

Ye Xi'an smiled brightly and said hopefully:

"I want to completely end the generation of killing myself. We use our strength to subdue the second prince and his sister, as well as all our peers. As long as I can win in the end, no one will have to die. He also agreed with my point of view. "

Luo Fanchen's mouth twitched. Hope is beautiful, but reality is always cruel. He will not pour cold water on people with dreams.

But it is difficult to achieve this because there are many obstacles.

First of all, you have to defeat all your peers, and secondly, you have to get the consent of the older generation. Don't expect a cowardly man who abandons his woman and runs away to have the courage to do this.

Luo Fanchen asked puzzledly: "Since you have other resources and treasures, why did you give me the source stone specifically?"

Ye Xi'an said reluctantly: "It is one of the relics left to me by my mother, and it is also my most precious thing."

"Since I asked you to escort me at the risk of your life this time, I naturally have to take out something of corresponding value and not let you suffer. "

Luo Fanchen's body trembled.

What kind of man deserves to have such a beautiful little angel, but it's a pity that she has already been taken.

He is the Sea King, not a scumbag, and he can't do such things as loosening the soil before going out and poaching people.

The eldest prince of Qianlong City had better be a human being, not a pure beast. To be honest, it is difficult for Luo Fanchen to hate such a girl. I believe that no man wants to see such a woman being betrayed.

Luo Fanchen threatened: "You have revealed all your secrets to me, aren't you afraid that I will rob you and eat you up?"

Ye Xi'an blinked her beautiful eyes and smiled sweetly:

"In fact, you haven't done anything to a weak woman like me until now. If you want to do it, you should have done it long ago."

"Eyes are the windows to the soul. I see sympathy and pity in your eyes, but no evil."

"Nonsense. "Luo Fanchen denied: "I'm not a good person. If you weren't so dirty, I would have pushed you to the bed and bullied you."

"Puchi." Ye Xiyan smiled sweetly: "You're so funny."

Luo Fanchen felt offended. He didn't have any villain temperament at all? He said viciously: "Close your eyes."

"Oh, okay." Ye Xiyan put her stocking legs together, placed her hands on her legs, and sat down obediently.

"You trust me so much?"

"Don't use people you doubt, and don't doubt people you use. I have now entrusted myself to you. I will listen to whatever you say and won't hold you back."

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