Twisted Destiny

Chapter 113: Bedtime


After our lovely and very delicious meal we sit around in Hilda’s garden for quite a bit longer. Talking about random things like the weather and a couple of history lectures from Hilda herself. However, the time to head home has come. Hilda walks us back to the front door. 

“See you all in a bit?” 

“Yep, we’ll shower and get there as soon as possible.” My sister smiles as she juggles her car keys around her index finger. 

“Okay, I’ll send you a message when I log in so I can do some scouting already.” Hilda says, waving us goodbye as we walk down the driveway. 

Sam and I wave back until Hilda closes the door. 

The drive home is uneventful. A Sunday evening was never that busy and today’s no exception. The only things we drove by were trams and from the look of it they were quite empty too. 

When we enter our apartment Mochi and Pocky are there immediately to greet us. They had to miss us almost all day so they had a lot of stories to tell. 

“What are they saying, Ami?” My sister asks while Pocky is brushing her head against my face, meowing all the time. 

“How much they’ve missed us and how they’ve slept while we were gone.” 

“So usual cat stuff?” 

“Pretty much.” I smile. “Oh, and Pocky says she’s thrown up on your bed. 


“Just kidding.” I giggle. 

“Phew.” My sister wipes the sweat off her forehead. Changing bedsheets right before going to bed is nobody’s favourite activity. “Now that you mention throwing up. They’ve not done that nearly as often as cats normally do.” 

“I’m just happy Ami doesn’t.” Nikki chuckles. 

“Just think about the size of those hairballs.” My sister continues. 

“I would never do such a thing.” I pout. “I don’t lick my hair. I shower like every good girl does.”

“You probably don’t even need to do that if you’d use your magic for it.” Nikki fills up a glass of water and starts drinking from it. 

“But that wouldn’t be nearly as fun for Sam, would it?” 

“She isn’t lying.” Sam giggles which makes me blush quite profusely. 

“What’s up with this anti-Ami coalition all of the sudden?” My blushy pout grows even further but luckily my girlfriend is quick to be at my side to give me a big hug. 

“It’s just because I like teasing you sweetie.” She gives me a kiss on my cheek, then she moves her mouth to my ear and whispers. “Although she was in fact telling the truth that I do like showering together with you.” 

My pout is now completely gone, yet my blush stays and turns my face even redder. 

“Want to go and shower now?” Sam stays on the offensive. 

“Le-let’s wait until Nikki and my sister have gone… so they can’t tease me about it…” I whisper back. 

“Is it okay that we’ll take the bathroom first?” Nikki asks, saving me the hassle of trying to convince them. 

“Yeah, that’s fine.” Sam nods. “Do we still need to feed the cats?” 

“If you’d be so kind.” My sister smiles and heads over to the bathroom. 

Of course we can’t let our soft and cute kitties go without their food so Sam and I prepare them a bit of lunch. However, Mochi and Pocky can’t agree on what they want to eat. 

“What are they saying?” Sam asks as Mochi is meowing next to her leg. 

“Well… Mochi wants to eat chicken with carrot while Pocky wants to eat beef with gravy.” I explain while Pocky is meowing next to me. 

“We can just give them a bit of both, can’t we?” 

“A baggy for each is too much.” 

“Hmmm.” Mochi climbs up Sam’s trouser leg, pawing at the bag she’s holding. “Aren’t you a bit too enthusiastic.” Sam laughs at the cat. 

“Pocky, Mochi, come.” I crouch down and let both of our cats walk over to me. “If we give you chicken today I’ll give Pocky a bit of the kibble she likes and then tomorrow morning we’ll give you the baggy of beef with the kibble Mochi likes. How about that?” 

Both of the cats agree with a meow. 

“Alrighty, it’s settled then.” I give them both a pet on the head. 

Sam opens the baggy of chicken while she’s chuckling about. “Are you running for cat president, Ami? The art of compromise.” 

“I can talk to cats so I might as well use that skill set, right?” I get back up and walk over to my girlfriend, giving her a kiss on the cheek. After which I walk over to the cat food cabinet to get a tiny bag of kitty kibble for Pocky. 

When the food gets placed in front of them both Mochi and Pocky immediately start eating. It looks like that even with Pocky’s reservations about what she wanted to eat, she’s still eating up the chicken as well as any other day. 

“Sam, Ami, the bathroom is free!” My sister calls from the hallway. 

“Thanks!” I call back. 

“Shall we?” Sam reaches out her hand to me. 

“Yeah… let’s go…” 

We get ready for our shower and it doesn’t take long before the two of us are getting cleansed by the nice, hot, water. 

“Sometimes I wish that we could shower forever.” Sam says after she tenderly kisses me on the lips. 

“Hmm… me too… but my sister probably wouldn’t like the water bill.” I kiss her back. 

“If we ever travel to Japan for a holiday, I wouldn’t mind hiring one of those expensive nature hot springs and make out with you all day long with a great natural view for the both of us to enjoy.” 

“Am I not beautiful enough for you?” I tease her. 

“Of course you are!” Sam gives me another set of kisses. “But don’t you think it would be nice?” 

“Yeah. I would definitely like that.” 

“And if you learn how to teleport we don’t even need a plane to get us there.”

“Can I learn teleport spells?” I push her off me, just a little bit so I can look up into her eyes. 

“Uh… I actually don’t know. You can teleport to towns, right?” 

“But that requires attunement.” 

“Hmm….” Sam puts her thinking face on. 

“Well…let’s think about that later and kiss a bit more for now.” 

“I do agree with that, my lady.” She chuckles and kisses me again.

To save my sister a huge water bill, Sam and I stop showering shortly after and get ready for bed. Doing our usual bedtime routine of first disconnecting Sam’s leg and then cuddling a bit before saying goodnight to our lovely cats. 

Mochi climbs up on the bed and sleeps next to my stomach while Pocky goes over to Sam to sleep on her thighs. 

“Goodnight, kittens.” Sam says as she pets Pocky. 

“Nini.” I say good night to them too, giving Mochi a scritch on her back as my arms are too short to reach Pocky.   

“Ready to go adventurin’, sweetie?” Sam hands me my D3u5XMachina. 

“Mhmm.” I nod, taking it off her so she can take hers as well. 

“See you on the other side.” She gives me one more kiss before she puts on the console and clicks the startup button. I decide to do the same as it’s way more fun to cuddle up with a conscious Sam. 

And just like that I found myself being cuddled by my catgirl girlfriend. 

“Hehe.” She chuckles, her deep purring making me feel even more comfortable in her arms. 

“Hey there.” I giggle pulling myself a bit closer. While it is relatively cold in our tent, the heat Sam is giving off makes me completely ignorant of it. That is, right until the moment my sister’s voice calls out to us from outside of our tent. 

“Are you guys awake?” 

“Somewhat…” I reply. “Why?” 

“Well, we’ve been here for an hour already and Hilda still isn’t back yet. Nikki and I would like to go and look for her.”  

“Oh.” I look up to Sam, just like me I can see she has a concerned look on her face. “We will get up immediately.” 

“Alright.” My sister replies and walks off. 

We quickly get dressed and get out of our tents. When we leave we see that both Nikki and my sister are already fully armored up and kitted out. Their tents, however, are still in place. 

“Sorry for the rough wake-up call.” My sister apologizes. 

“Don’t worry.” I shake my head. “Have you tried sending her a message?” 

“Yes.” Nikki nods. “We’ve not gotten an answer yet.” 

“Are we going to leave the tents here?” Sam asks. 

“Yep. Just in case she comes back she knows that we will return here as well.” Lise nods. 

“Okay, that’s smart… So, what direction are we going off in?” 

“Direction of the road, probably.” My sis points her sword to the north. 

When she does so a crack of a piece of wood alerts us, coming from the exact direction my sis pointed at. Nikki immediately starts preparing a spell while Sam draws her bow in a split second. 

“Don’t shoot, don’t shoot.” Hilda suddenly comes rushing out of the wood carrying someone wrapped in a blanket. “Ami, can you please heal her. She’s badly injured.” She puts the small figure down in front of me. I quickly realize it’s Ruva who she put down in front of me, from the look of her clothes it’s clear she’s lost a lot of blood. 

I immediately get to work, casting my healing magic on her. 

“What the hell happened?” My sister gets on her knees, looking at my healing at work. 

“Well…” Hilda sits down on a tree trunk, quite clearly out of breath. “Let me tell you what I know…” 


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