Twisted Destiny

Chapter 14: Operation Neko Part I

“Let’s head down to the garage and take my car.” Nikki says pushing the -1 button inside the elevator.

“Oh, we aren’t going by bus?” I reply.

“Well... We could but I thought you wanted to have some privacy.” she subtly points at my tail and ears.

“Oh… Yeah. I guess that would indeed be better.” I laugh.

“We’ll probably get quite a lot of new clothes for you, it’s a bit of a pain carrying that back home with public transport.” Élise ruffles my hair.

“That’s true…”  

“Anyway, the car is just around the corner.” The lift’s bell sounds our arrival.

We all get into Nikki’s car and swiftly take off to the shopping mall.

On our way there we pass a couple of speed bumps making my breasts bounce beneath my shirt, making my sensitive nipples rub its fabric.

“Mhmm.” I moan softly, my face going red with a blush.

“What’s wrong?” Élise looks back at me after noticing my distress.

“Well, it’s just that…” We pass over another speed bump almost making me yelp. “These speed bumps and my n-nipples.” I cross my arms over my chest to try to keep them in place.

“Oh… I forgot to give you a bra didn’t I…” Élise also begins to blush.

I nod. “It’s not only on you though… I forgot it as well…”

“We’re almost there so don’t worry. Luckily we didn’t take our bikes or something, that’d have been… interesting.” Nikki hops into the conversation. “For short distances it’s fine, but any longer than a kilometer or two, let’s say you’d definitely feel it.”

“I’ll try to remember that.” 

We get out at the rooftop parking of the shopping mall, it looks like there aren’t that many cars around.

“It’s going to be pretty quiet inside, I guess it’s a school day after all.”

“Yep, that’s what we were aiming for.” Nikki holds out her hand. “Let’s go.” She smiles.

I take her hand and we start walking towards the escalator, Élise walking on the other side of me. It doesn’t take long for us to reach the first stop, the shoe store. The store clerk does look at us a bit strangely at first but greets us with a friendly ‘good morning’ immediately after.  

“So, what kind of shoes do you want?” Élise asks, walking us towards the women’s shoe section.

“Uhm, I don’t really know...” I look down at my feet. “I don’t really have any experience with this kind of thing…”

Nikki squeezes my hand. “Hey, don’t worry, we’ll just look around and see what you like, okay?”

I nod.

“Hey, I’ve got an idea, why don’t we just buy you a pair of loafers now, so we can come back here once we finish clothes shopping. I find it easier to buy shoes once you’ve got some outfits in mind already.” Élise proposes.

“That sounds good.”

“Wow, a good plan from you, that’s new.” Nikki teases.

“Hush.” Élise reaches over and gives Nikki a kiss. “I’m full of good plans from time to time.”

After grabbing a pair of white loafers we ask the cashier if I can start wearing them immediately.

“Of course! I’ll put your old shoes in the new box and you can be on your way!”

“Thank you!” Élise says, grabbing my old shoes and handing them over. We depart to our second stop as soon as we’ve payed for the shoes.

“So, bra’s next?”

“That might be best.” I say, my breasts getting quite sore already just from walking.

“Do you know what size you have?” Nikki asks, grabbing my hand again.

“Uhm… I think I selected a C-cup in the chara creator, they do look the same as in-game.”

“Well then you probably couldn’t have worn any of Nikki’s bras.” Lise says.

“Hey! You know I’m insecure about my boobs.” Nikki pouts

“You really shouldn’t be, lovely. Every girl is different, and I like yours just as they are now.” Élise scoots over and embraces her girlfriend from behind.

“I know, I know, but still…”

“We can always go for surgery if you really want to, just know that I’ll find you the most beautiful woman in the world, no matter what.”

“You flirt…” They both share a quick kiss before Lise takes Nikki’s other hand and we continue on.

I chuckle. “We must really look like a family now.”

“That’s because we are, you silly.”

It’s true, finally I have a family I can be safe with, be myself with. It feels so good not having to hide who I am.

A single tear of happiness runs down my cheek.

“I love you both.”

“We love you too.” 

When we finally arrive at the lingerie store, the two clerks react very similarly to what happened in the shoe store, just a quick surprised look-over before we are greeted with a smile.

“Wow, this plan is actually working.” I whisper to myself.

“Did you doubt it would? We are expert schemers you know.” Élise whispers back and ruffles my hair. “Excuse me, could we have your help measuring this girl here for a second?” she continues to one of the clerks.

“Of course!” She replies in a friendly tone.

“But I thought we knew my cup size already?” I look confusedly at my sister.

“Well yes, your cup size, but we don’t know what your band size is yet.”

“Band size?”

“The band size tells us how long the band of the bra needs to be, so it locks comfortably around your chest.” The clerk jumps in. “Is this your first time getting a bra, miss?”

“Uhm, ye…” my face grows red from embarrassment.

“Her parents basically left her locked up her entire life.” Nikki replies.

The clerk looks compassionately back over to me. “Okay, I’ll go get my measuring tape and you can wait over there.” she smiles and points towards the changing rooms.

We walk over and it doesn’t take long before she comes back to us.

“You can keep your shirt on for this. What we basically do here is, we measure your chest circumference under breasts, the underbust, to know your band size. And if you want to know your cup size, you just have to measure the largest circumference, your effective bust size, over your chest. Then look at the difference between your underbust and your bust size to find out which cup size you have. There are useful tables for this on the internet.” She smiles while showing me all the different steps one by one. “This way you can also do it at home if you ever want to know your measurements again.”

“Thank you so much!”

“No problem! That’s what we are here for.” She wraps up her measuring tape again. “I’ll go and get you a few bras in your size so you can fit them in there.”

“Thank you ma’am.” My sis says while pushing me in one of the changing booths.

A few minutes later the clerk comes back with a couple of different kinds of bras. With the help of Élise it doesn’t take that long to try them all on and take my picks.

“Wow, you definitely do prefer the frilly ones don’t you?” she says while holding the ones I picked.

“T-they just look and feel nice.” I blush.

“They are definitely very cute.” Élise pokes her head through the curtain and speaks to Nikki. “Hey honey, could you go and get some panties that match these.” Giving her a quick peak of the bras.

“Okay, give me a second.” as I hear Nikki walking off.

With my face even more red now. “Y-you didn’t have to do that!”

“Don’t worry Amicia, it’s always nice to have a couple of pairs. We’ll get you some more plain underwear later.” She comfortingly rubs behind my ears.

Nikki soon returns with the panties, which surprisingly enough fit me immediately.

“Wow, Nikki you choose well.” I say a bit flabbergasted.

“Thanks, I have a good eye for sizing someone’s bum.”

Élise can’t hold back her laughter. “So you’re saying you’ve been sizing up my baby sister’s bum?”

“I won’t deny she has a nice body.”

This entire conversation got me red as a tomato again. “C-can we please not do this in public.”

“Alright alright.” They both say in unison, with Élise still sniggering a bit. 

We ask the clerk to immediately start wearing one of the bras, which again isn’t an issue, as long as we pay for them.

After grabbing some more bras my size and a couple of sport bras just in case I’d want to be more active in the future, we leave the store, on to our next destination! I can’t help but feel even more excited about going shopping for ‘normal’ clothes, after having stared enviously at the women’s section in shops for years, it’s finally my turn to indulge!

Happy Amicia noises.

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