Twisted Destiny

Chapter 16: The Gift

“So, you’re saying this package might come from a random NPC grandmother from inside Turn of Destiny?” Élise asks while she puts the package on the living room table.

Pocky approaches me and meows, making me pet her immediately. “Uhm...Ye...Pretty much…”

“Don’t you think that’s a bit far-fetched?” Élise comes over to pet Pocky too.

“Uhm, sis…” I motion towards my body.

“Oh ye… point taken…” She laughs awkwardly.

“Aren’t you going to open it?” Nikki stares curiously at the table.

“Last time I literally died from her gift.”

“Yes, but you are alive and a lot happier now. So I don’t think she meant you any harm.”

“That’s also true…”

“So, are you going to open it?” Nikki walks over to the package, “Otherwise we can do it together.”

“O-okay... that sounds good to me.” I leave Pocky alone in the sofa but both her and Élise and up following me to the table anyway.

“You ready?” Nikki puts her hands on the package.

“Y-yeah, go ahead.” I squint my eyes and turn away my gaze.

Nikki cautiously lifts the lid and almost immediately yelps, “Oh. My. Goddess. This is definitely meant for Amicia, alright.”

Élise bursts out in laughter “This is brilliant,” and even Pocky gives me a mocking meow.

“What is it?” I turn my head back towards the package and see Nikki already holding onto something, hanging between her two thumbs.

“Someone sent us a cute little choker for our new kitten.” Her grin almost reaching her ears.

I ignore their teasing, the best I can, and inspect the choker from up close. It’s a black choker, the band a centimeter and a half wide, with the two halves of the choker connected by a cat-shaped silver ring.

“It’s actually pretty cute…” I involuntarily let slip, to the great amusement of my family.

“Hey, look sis, there’s a card in it for you too.” Élise takes the card out of the box and hands it over to me. “Want to read it out loud?”

“Sure! Ahem. Dear Amicia, sorry for the rough transformation but sadly my magic doesn’t allow for it to be smoother than that. That said, I’m terribly glad you’re happy with the results. This choker I’ve sent you will help you blend in a bit better in your day to day life.”

“Oh, maybe it hides your kitten features or something.” Élise interrupts.

“It’ll hide your ears and tail from sight, although it does not get rid of them!”

“Called it!” My sister does a victory pose before getting hushed by Nikki.

I cough again. “To continue, so make sure contact with other people is on your terms, invisibility doesn’t mean untouchability. Oh, and as a final note, don’t worry yourself over all the paperwork around your new identity, Granny will take care of it. Live your life to the fullest Amicia! Or should I say ‘Kitten’ ;p”

“Wow, that’s something…” Nikki is still covering Élise’s mouth, but she finally manages to break free.

“Want to try it on?”

“Well, I can’t deny I’m very curious if it’ll work or not.”

Nikki hands over the choker “I can help you put it on.”

“Thanks Nikki.”

She gets behind me and guides my hand to close the choker.

Heh, this reminds me of that one time with…”
*RIIIIING* The doorbell suddenly rings.

“Are we expecting someone Lise?” Nikki puts her hands back down, the choker still unclasped.

“Not that I know off…” She walks over to the door and opens it wide.

“Don’t open it that much, you idiot!” Nikki yells out but it’s already too late. The person standing in the doorway has a full view of me standing there, in all my majestic catgirlness.

“Amicia? Is that you?” A familiar voice calls out, my mind still barely processing the situation.

“Oh, hi Hilda…. uhm… this is just...uhm… a new doll...?” Élise tries to explain while I can literally hear Nikki facepalm.

Hilda looks almost exactly like she does in-game, perhaps just a couple of years older although the difference is negligible, even her choice of outfit is almost spot on.

“Really? That’s your best excuse Élise?” She laughs.

“Wow, you look the same as in-game.” I comment.

“Well, apparently that makes two of us, Kitten.” Hilda smiles and turns back to Élise. “Can I come in?”

“Uh… yeah, definitely!” Élise still looks a bit confused. “Can I ask why we owe you the visit though?”

Hilda walks over to me. “Did you forget we normally play boardgames today?”

“Oh, confound it. I completely forgot.” Nikki facepalms for the second time, Élise nods, mimicking the same feeling.

“And you both weren’t at work today so I was kinda worried something had happened, I guess I know why now.” She gently rubs behind my ear, making me purr slightly. “Oh, that’s new.”

I blush. “I-I guess I’m already comfortable enough with you…”

“Well, it’s hella cute.” She sits down next to me at the table. “Do you want to explain what happened? If you don’t want to, you obviously don’t have to.”

Pocky jumps on my lap and I give a quick look at Nikki and my sister.

“It’s up to you, Amicia. Hilda is one of the most trustworthy people I know off.”

Pocky looks up to me and gives a nod.

“And Pocky likes her too.” Nikki giggles.

“Ye, she just said so too.”

“Talking with cats as well?” Hilda says confusedly, but with an amused smile on her face.

I nod and after a quick pause explain the entire story, just up to the package I just received.

“Wow… so basically everything we know about how the world works could be wrong since magic is apparently a thing.”

“Yep, pretty much.” Élise nods.

“You are all pretty darn calm about this.”

Nikki shrugs. “Amicia is what matters most to us now, she is clearly a lot happier than she used to be, and that’s the most important part.”

“Exactly, the rest is practically meaningless compared to her happiness.” My sister adds, giving me a big hug from behind, making me tear up a little.

“I understand.” Hilda smiles. “Don’t worry, your secret is safe with me.”

“T-thanks.” I say, trying to keep my emotions somewhat in check.

“So, do you want to test the choker now?” Nikki picks up the choker again.


Nikki walks back up to me and just like before the interruption, she guides my hand to lock the choker.

The second it locks Hilda gasps. “This is amazing!”

“Did it work?” I look behind me and don’t see my tail anymore. “Wow.” Although I can still definitely feel it.

“Your ears are also gone.” Nikki checks my head. “I wonder if you can see them if you put a cloth on your head, I’d assume you would if I can still touch them.” She sneakily scratches behind my ear.

I smile. “I guess I’ll need to watch out while cosplaying ghosts I guess.

“Your canines are also still pretty visible though, but that shouldn’t be super obvious.”

I take the choker off again after checking myself out in a nearby mirror. “Now I can go to uni looking without attracting attention.”

“Well, you are still incredibly cute though.” Nikki jumps in.

Hilda and Élise nod in agreement.

Their comments bring a warm glow to my cheeks
Being called cute is so aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.
“Do you and Hilda want to pick out a board game while your sister and I order you a bed online?” Nikki takes out her laptop.

“Oh? Are we playing?” Hilda looks a bit surprised.

“You are here now anyway, and it’s not like we have anything else to do today either. We can also order some Asian food later. If you are up for that.”

“Of course!”

“What about you, Amicia?”

I nod gleefully, already heading towards the board game collection.

We end up playing some Battlesun Milkyway and some Ticket to Train for almost the entire evening. Just laughing and having fun together, eating together, I went for the frog legs with garlic this time, and generally laughing at my sister’s misfortune in the games.

“I really thought I was going to win this time.” She puts her face on the table.

“Better luck next time ‘Lise.” Hilda pats her on the back before looking at her watch. “I think it’s about time to head home. Are you both coming to work tomorrow?”

Nikki and Élise look over to me. “I kinda want to try going to uni tomorrow, I still want to pass my courses.” I smile.

“In that case I think we will. We’ve set the bed delivery for tomorrow evening anyway.”

“Great, it’s always a bit lonely at work without you two.”

“I understand, I’m incredibly entertaining after all.” Élise sticks out her tongue.

They get into a big group hug. “Amicia, come in for a hug as well.”

They don’t need to tell me twice. “I love you all so much.”

“We love you too.”

After that Hilda says goodbye and it’s practically already time for bed.

As me and Pocky get cozy for another good night’s rest I can’t help but think that tomorrow will be my first day at uni as my true self. I wonder what’s going to happen.
I hope it’s going to be a good day.

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