Twisted Destiny

Chapter 20: Catnap


Hello, my name is Pocky, that’s the name my humans gave to me, I like it a lot! I’m only a couple of months old and I live together with a nice family. Before I met them I was together with my mommy, but I somehow lost sight of her and couldn’t find her anymore. My new family found me on the side of the road, shivering in the cold, they carried me to their apartment in a cozy shawland and took me in. Not a moment has passed since then without their love and warmth. At first I was a bit wary of them, since humans are scary creatures after all. Those ears are just weird. Can they even hear anything through them? But soon I got used to them. They give me lots of pets and cuddles, and the food they give me is nice too! Did you know some of their food comes in hard shells? I wonder how they hunt those without claws.

Anyway, I learned one of my humans is called Nikki, and the other one is Élise. Both of them are wonderful but I prefer Élise a bit more - her cushions are somewhat bigger and nicer to sleep on. But on the other hand Nikki scratches me behind my ears more... so I guess it's a tie. While they are away from home, I like to cuddle up next to a heater or sleep on their bed, or the sofa, on top of their clothes, in the closet, in a box, or on the rug, everywhere I fits, I sits! From time to time I get up from my naps and snack on a bit of the dry food they leave me before they go off, and then sleep a bit more! I love sleeping! Sometimes I meet my rival Mr. Fluffy Mouse on my way to the next sleepyspot. He just lays there on the floor, like a predator, waiting for a moment to strike me. But Mr. Mouse has never bested me in one-to-one combat, preferring the ‘play-dead’ tactic over all others, to no avail. I always let him go after a while though, for I am a merciful kitten. From time to time I even allow him to sleep with me - I take him by his fluffy neck to my lair and curl up around him. You must keep your food close, but your rivals closer...He’s actually more my friend than my rival, but don’t tell him that, or I’ll nom you! Later on in the day my humans come back home so I can play with them some more, and give me all the pets I desire until they go to sleep. One day a week they have a guest, I like her quite a lot, she smells nice and gives me pets as well! Although they do pay a lot of attention to pieces of cardboard when she’s here, I guess humans like boxes too, but only when they are cut up. But they are happy, and when they are happy, I am too!

One day my humans appeared to be pretty distressed, so I wondered what was going on, maybe something went wrong with the device they wear in their bed? But later that day I found out, as Nikki came home with a person I’ve never seen before. She smells very similar to Élise, so she must be related somehow. Nikki put her on the sofa and left her there for a bit. Her familiar scent made me want to investigate her up close and to say hi. And that’s when she took her top layer of clothes off. Wow! She has a tail and ears, just like me! I meow at her as she stares at me. “Do you have a cat, Nikki?” I heard her say. Why could I understand her? This made me even more interested! I jump on the sofa and start cuddling up to her as she gently stroked me with one of her hands. She’s a good person as well! It took a little bit of time for her to understand I knew what she was saying, but the moment she did my life got a whole bunch easier! She even managed to let my other humans give me some nice fish! On top of that, her cushions are very nice too - I tested them out and they are soft and squishy. Élise’s ones are still better though. 

I do still miss my mom a lot, but at least I still have a family that cares about me, and I care about them too. Especially my new sister Amicia. Although I probably should have a word with her sometimes, she got this new collar and it hides her ears and tail! Why would you do such a thing, it’s such a shame!! I also need to wake her up by licking her from time to time. I don’t really mind that much because she tastes pretty sweet, but a good kitten must be able perform her duties in a timely manner, without intervention!

*sound of a key turning in the door*

Oh, I need to stop talking to you all now because I can hear Amicia arriving again! 

Chapter 23 is now released on my Patreon!

I always try to stay at least 3 chapters ahead of time on Patreon.

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