Twisted Destiny

Chapter 23: Blue

I wake up with a tiny fur ball on my chest. “Hey there little Pocky, how was your night?” I say while taking off the D3u5XMachina. She immediately starts pawing my breasts.

“Oh I see, that’s what you’ve been doing, huh?” I giggle as I softly take her from my chest and put her on my bed instead.

She meows.

“I’d love to let you go at it for a bit but I’ve got a date to prepare for. Want to help me pick which clothes to wear?”

She meows again.

“Great!” I walk over to the closet and start browsing through all the clothes we recently bought. I take out the white dress with the birdies and the thin leather belt.

“Maybe this one with a pair of light green heels?”

Pocky tilts her head inquisitively.

“It fits the colour of the birdies.”

She nods.

“Alright, let’s go with this then.”

I smile and give Pocky a little pet on her head. Opening the door to the hallway a little bit more, I can’t hear any activity yet. “Nikki and my sis are probably still resting in bed.” I look over to Pocky. “I’ll take a quick shower, it won’t take long I promise.” I take the dress with me to the bathroom and start showering. I’m actually pretty nervous for my date with Sam but at least the warm water helps me to calm my nerves a bit. I still can’t really get used to water flowing over my new body though. You’d think that after a couple of days in the real world and almost a week in-game I would already be accustomed to my new self ... I do very much prefer this body though! I smile to myself and continue washing up. Just a side note for all cat girls out there, washing your tail with shampoo and conditioner is very important if you want to keep the fluffiness intact. And don’t forget to clean your ears!

After having dried and combed myself, tail included, I put on my dress and head towards the living room.

“Hey there Amicia. Looking good, girl!” I get greeted by Nikki who is preparing breakfast in bed for my sister.

“Thanks Nikki! And good morning to you too. Élise hasn’t gotten out of bed yet?”

“Nope, she’s gonna stay in it for a bit longer, the lazy bum,” she giggles.

“Well, you’re totally enabling her.” I laugh and look at the assortment of food Nikki put on the plate.”

“Maybe I am.” Nikki smiles. “I already gave Pocky her food so you can just relax a bit before heading to your date.”

“Okido!” Nikki passes me with the plate of food and leaves me alone in the kitchen.

I quickly grab myself some chocolate milk and get a small plate with bread with some charcuterie. 

Prusciutto di Parma is soooo gooood. I slip a slice of it into my mouth, the meat basically melting on my tongue. Hmmmmm. Thank you for the food, Veanya… Why did I just thank my Goddess in real life? Heh, I guess it doesn’t really matter much, if magic is real, maybe so is she, so I better stay on her good side. 

I shrug, head over to the sofa and plop myself down in the corner, opening the message app on my phone the moment I’m settled in.

“Heyaa, ready for today? <3” I send to Sam.

A few seconds later I get a reply. “Of course! Also, is that a cute little heart I see? uwu”

“Maybe :3 I see you are one of those uwu-people.”

“Maybe :3”


We continue texting each other with some small talk for a little bit longer while I’m slowly eating my breakfast.

“Sorry to disappoint you Amicia, but I still need to get my stuff ready before the game :<”

“That’s fine, make sure you don’t forget your shoes are something like that.”

“That’s never happened before!”


“Okay, maybe once, but that was when I was little.”

“I mean, you are still not that tall, I’m even taller than you!”

“Hey, you were wearing heels last time, that doesn’t count!”


“I really need to prepare now, bbye!”

“Okayy, I will see you before your game starts!”

“I’m looking forward to it :)”

“Me too ^-^”

Somewhere in another part of town~

“Aaaaaaaargh she’s just tooo cuuuuute!!”

“Calm down, you raging lesbian! And get ready for your game!”

“Okay mom!”

When I’m done with my food I head back to the sofa to play on the gaming console, my sister and Nikki joining in ten minutes later.

“Had a nice breakfast?” I ask my sister, while Nikki takes the other controller.

“Yep! My sweetie knows what I like.” She smirks.

“Indeed I do.” Nikki smiles. “Anyway, open split screen so I can whoop your cat girl butt.”

“Waaah!” shocked by Nikki’s sudden competitivity. Now that I think about it, it’s the first time I’ve ever played against Nikki. I glance over to my sister.

“She’s surprisingly good at this game, even though she isn’t much of a console player.”


One solid asswhooping later…

“Holy fishsticks. How did you even do that.”

Nikki dusts off her shoulder. “Pure skill.”

“She’s just button mashing.” My sister whispers in my ear.

Nikki taps the controler lightly on Élise’s head “Is that jealousy I hear?” she laughs.

“Nah, I could easily take you on.”

I can already see the writing on the wall and hand my controller to my sis and head back to the kitchen to get some water “Good luck, sis.”

“I don’t need it.” (Spoiler alert, she did.)

After our little gaming session, it’s almost time for me to leave for my date.

“Hey Amicia, do call us if anything goes wrong, okay?” Nikki hands over my choker.

“Yep, I already promised Hilda I’d do that.”

“And no lewding on the first date!” My sister adds, with a smirk.

“Y-you know I wouldn’t do that.” My face goes fiery red.

“We know,” she laughs.

I put on my choker, grab my purse, and do one last tour through the house, making sure I didn’t forget anything. Pocky is sleeping on my bed, so I give her a quick pet and a kiss on her head before I go out. “See you later, Pocky.”

She meows goodbye too.

My sister and Nikki both give me a kiss before I leave.

Luckily the sun is shining pretty brightly outside, which makes it pretty warm for a late-October day.

It’s actually pretty fun wearing a dress, feeling the wind flutter with it while I’m walking, and the soft breeze on my legs. I do get a couple of stares from some random guys. Sadly you aint the right gender boys, although your parents should’ve taught you that staring is incredibly rude. The trip to uni doesn’t take terribly long, trams are incredibly useful to get somewhere fast if you don’t have an electric bike lying around and soon I make my way towards the gymnasium. It’s only a short trip through the park in front of our campus but I check my phone to be sure. 13:15… I guess I’m a bit early, teehee. That’s when I suddenly see Sam sitting around on a bench in her tracksuit, chatting with some guy. She waves at me, she must’ve seen me coming.

“Wow, you are early!” She yells out and stands up from the bench when I approach.

“Hehe, I might’ve been a little overenthusiastic.” I pat the back of my head.

“Oh I see! You look beautiful by the way! I really like the bird and cat combo.”

I blush “T-thanks.” That's when I look over to the guy who was sitting next to Sam just a moment ago but also stood up when Sam did so. He’s pretty handsome, just as tall as Sam with short styled hair, dyed blue and has the same university jacket Sam had on when we first met.

“Hey there.” He smiles and waves when he sees me looking over.


“Oh, this is my friend.” Sam adds.

“And that friend's name is Thomas.” Thomas laughs out. “Me and Sam used to be on the same team together. I take it you are the notorious Amicia?”

I blush “Notorious?”

“Oh, she couldn’t shut up about the girl she met at the mall, and when she finally got your name..”

“Shushh! Don’t tell her!”

“Okay, let’s just say she was incredibly enthusiastic.” He winks.

Sam’s borderline devastated reaction makes me giggle.

“Anyway, I gotta go now, my part-time job isn’t going to do itself.” Thomas waves goodbye and leaves us alone.

“He looks nice.” I say while still waving at Thomas.

“Ye, he’s one of my best friends, I’ve known him for ages.” Sam smiles.

“Oh cool!”

Sam nods. “By the way, would you like to get some snacks before the game? I’ve got like 10 minutes before I need to go to the locker room so we can go buy you some now. It’s on me of course.”

“I’d like that.” I smile and we are on our way to the gymnasium’s store.

Maybe they have fish and chips?

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