Twisted Destiny

Chapter 32: Undeadland


Sam gives me a final kiss and heads home.

I plop myself down on the sofa next to my sister.

“So, what do you think of Sam?”

“She’s a nice girl, definitely.” My sister pats me on the head.

“Yeah, that girl's a gem.” Nikki sandwiches me from the other side.

“And she’s incredibly cute.”

“So she makes a perfect match with you.”

“I’m happy both of you like her.”

Nikki looks over to Élise and they both nod. “And we’re happy you found someone who loves you the way you are.” they squish this little kitten in a group hug.

“Want to play some Turn of Destiny today?” Élise breaks the hug and pokes me in my sides.

“Hmm. I’m not that sure… I kind off just want to sleep.” I shrug.

“I understand. By the way, don’t you have stuff to do for uni?”

“Not really, I guess I could’ve started my storyboard for my manga already, but I’m not really in the mood for that right now....”

“Do you already have an idea?”

“I was thinking about a super gay vampire high school romance.”

Nikki bursts out laughing. “That sounds amazing!”

“Yeah! You should let us read it as well, I’m very curious to how it’s going to turn out.”

“I’ll definitely show you once it's done.”

“Yay!” Élise pretends to toast with a can of soft drink and pops it open.

“Would you like to watch some anime with us now? Maybe you’ll get some inspiration?”

“Yes, that’d be fun.”

“Maybe one day your manga will get adapted as well.” Élise drinks from her can of soda.

“That’s a big maybe, but it’d definitely be cool.”
Hmmm Vintage Red: The anime… That’d be soo cooool.
“So, what anime are we watching?”

“Undeadland: Tohoku. It’s an idol anime about a group of zombies that need to sing new life into the region of Tohoku without the people knowing they are undead.”

“That sounds… different.”

“Trust me, it’s the best thing ever since pizza. Even if you aren’t that much into idols, this show is pure comedy gold. It even has the voice actor from Stone’s Door.”

“Oh, the time travel one?”


“Hmm, okay then, let’s give it a go.”

“Okido.” She ruffles my hair and starts searching for the show on our smart television.  

Pocky and Mochi jump on the sofa just as Élise finds the show and start cuddling up with me as well.

“Aren’t you buried in all the love?” Nikki giggles as she gives Pocky and Mochi a quick pet.

“Yes, many love, such amaze.” I cuddle up against my sister’s shoulder. Mochi and Pocky already rolled up into a ball on my lap.

The show is indeed very good, the opening scene taking me completely by surprise.

“Wow, I didn’t see that one coming.” I say to my sister after the first episode is done.

“I know right?! I thought this was going to be your casual idol show until I saw that scene for the first time. And trust me, it’s getting even better. Even though the CGI drops its quality in certain points.”

“Is it that noticeable?”

Élise nods, “It is, but in my opinion that doesn’t take much away from the show in general. It’s just obvious its a show with a way lower budget than ‘Extraordinary Existence: Moonlight’”

“Budgets are always a big oof.”

Élise smiles. “They are. So, want to go for episode two?”


“And you, Nikki?”

“Of course. I love this show just as much as you do.” She smiles. “I guess we won’t be needing dinner today?”

“I’m still stuffed from all the snacks we ate.” I say, rubbing my hand over my belly.

“Same here.” Élise lets out a little burp.

“Maybe we should tone it down a little next time.” Nikki laughs.

“Nooo. Snacks good.” I pout.

“Amicia, you need to watch out or you’ll become a chubby kitten.”

“I guess you are right… Maybe I should look into some sports, or at least some exercise.”

Élise leans closer and whispers into my ear. “If you do so, I’m going to sign up Nikki as well.”

“Hey, I heard that.” Nikki throws a pillow into her girlfriend’s face.

“Watch it, or you’ll scare my cats.” I protectively huddle over Mochi and Pocky.

“Alright, allright, I’ll stop teasing her for now. That was a nice throw though.”

“Thanks, I’ve been practicing.” Nikki sticks out her tongue.

After the second episode I slowly lift up Pocky from my lap so I can stand up.

“Are you going already?”

“I think I should go to bed early, I have morning lessons so I shouldn’t make it that late.”

“Alright, we can continue watching it another day then.” Élise switches the tv back to the overall menu.

“Can you quickly give our kittens some food before you head to your room?” Nikki looks over her shoulder at me once I’m in the living room.

“Okie. What did they have last time?”

“Salmon I think, just give them some beef or lamb.” She smiles.

“Aren’t you two lucky.” I crouch to give Pocky some chin scratches and her mommy as well. I stand back up and take a baggy of beef with tomato sauce and start dividing it between the two bowls.

“There you go kitties.” I place the bowl on the floor next to their water fountain and head off to my room. “Goodnight Nikki and Lise.” I send a blow kiss towards them.

“Goodnight to you too kitten.” They both reply in choir.

When I enter my room I can immediately jump in bed. PJ’s are awesome! Especially when they are so cute as these. I get under my blanket when I suddenly hear my phone start vibrating on my nightstand. I smile the moment I see who’s calling me and pick up my phone.

“Hey there sweetie.”

“Hey kitten.”

“Did you arrive safely?”

“Yeah, I actually only arrived a couple of minutes ago. The trams were having issues, some idiot parked his car on the tram tracks and it took them so long to get it towed.”

“Awh. Does that mean you still need to do all your work?”

“Yeah...” I hear her sigh.

“Remind me to give you a big hug and a kiss in the morning then.”

“Oh, even if I forget I’d give those to you anyway.”

I smile. “I know.”

“So, are you in bed already?”

“Mhmm, I just got in.”

“Do you want me to leave you alone so you can sleep a bit?”

“No no, I’m fine. I love hearing your voice.”

"That's actually why I called you."

"To hear my voice?"


"You absolute sugar muffin."

"I know I know." she giggles softly into her mobile phone.

“Hey, Sam, how did it go at Amicia’s house? You didn’t do anything…” I can hear Sam’s mom's voice call out.

“Mom! Shhhh!”

“Oh, you’re on the phone?”


“Ahhh… I’ll leave you alone then…”

“Thanks mom.”

I start giggling.

“You heard that all didn’t you?”


“Darn those cute and overly sensitive cat ears of you.”


“By the way. How do you hold your phone?”

“Huh? How so?”

“I mean your ears are on the top of your head right?”

Huh, I actually never paid attention to that before either.

“Aaaah. Just like a normal human I guess. My ears are sensitive enough that I can perfectly hear you like this.”

“That’s interesting, I always imagined cat girls having to switch between their mouth and their ears all the time.”

“I’d probably buy some kind of headset to call if that were the case.” I continue giggling.

We keep talking for a while, while Sam puts her phone on speaker so she can do her school work until I slowly but surely start to drowse off after an hour.  

“Sam, I’m going to have to hang up now.”

“Mhmm. I heard you yawning. Goodnight kitty cat. See you tomorrow.”

“Goodnight sweetie.”

I put down my phone and snuggle up with Mister Snuggles. It doesn’t take long before Pocky and Mochi join me as well. Mochi walks up a bit closer to my pillow and gives me a friendly meow.

“You want to thank me for bringing you back to Pocky?”

She nods.

“Don’t worry about it Mochi, every decent human being would have done the same.” I pet her with my free hand.

She meows at me again.

“It doesn’t matter that your thank you came a bit late. You were just preoccupied with your little kitten here.” I smile. “I completely understand.” 

She meows once more and rubs her head against my hand while she starts purring slightly.

“And I’m also happy you both like Sam as well.”

Pocky moves up to my chest and gives me a meow too.

“What do you mean with ‘her pillows look comfier’.” I blush. “Well, you are not wrong but they are my pillows to play with okay?”

Pocky meows for one last time.

“Goodnight to you too Pocky, and Mochi as well.”

Mochi cuddles up to my side. I start purring slightly just before I can’t hold my eyes open anymore and fall asleep.

Hmmm pillooowss...

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