Twisted Destiny

Chapter 6: Sisters

I quickly hide behind Hilda again and I hear my sister approaching.

“So where’s my little brother? You did bring him with you right?”

Hilda turns her head to look at me and then looks back. “Of course I did.”

“And who is the cutie hiding behind you?” Élise peaks over Hilda’s shoulder and meets my gaze.

“I… I…” I try to mutter.

Hilda moves back in front of me and stares my sister straight in the face.

“I-is she…?” Élise’s eyes go wide.

Hilda nods.

I close my eyes, fearing what my sister will say next, but I hear nothing, no tirade, no cursing, no crying, nothing.

Until I hear the heavy clonk of her armour hitting the floor, followed by her warm embrace.

“Hey Lucas, there’s no need to be scared of me, I would never hurt you.”

I hear someone whispering in my sister’s ear.

“Oh.” Élise pauses for a second before she whispers to me “Do you want to be a girl?”

I nod and start crying, all the stress falling from my shoulders.

“Shhh, you’re safe with me.” her embrace tightens. “Is it alright if I call you Amicia as well then?”

I nod again as put my arms around my sister.

“She really is a good kid, Élise, I was kinda surprised to find out she was your sister.”

“I know, I’m very proud of her, Hilda.” she tightens her embrace once more before letting go.

“Shall we get some food? I’m starving. Oh, and that lovely vampire lady over there is Nikki.”

“Hey there, cutiepie.” She winks

“Nikki, I’d appreciate you’d only flirt with me and not with my sister, thanks.”

“C’mon sweetie, look at her, she looks adorable.”

I blush and wipe my tears from my face.

“Well’ that’s definitely true.” Élise help me dry my face with a clean handkerchief.

“Hey Nikki, long time no see.” I finally manage to utter. “Sorry that you have to see me like this emotional wreck.”

“Don’t worry that’s normal. Coming out as trans isn’t easy.” She smiles.

“Trans?” Is that what I am? 

Hilda looks over to my sister with a questioning look “Wait, she doesn’t know?”

Élise shakes her head. “You know my parents aren’t very keen on LGBT stuff, they blocked every source of information about it. And if you asked they’d say they are all degenerates or misguided souls…” She looks over to me. “I got out eventually, if only I knew sooner, then I could’ve let you live with me and Nikki.” following with another deep embrace. 

I’m still not entirely sure what being trans meant and it was clearly visible on my face.

“Being transgender means that your gender identity doesn’t match the gender you were assigned at birth. So people thought you were a boy when you were born, but now we know that they were wrong.” Hilda explains. This woman is waaaay too perceptive. 

“Oh, so I’m transgender?”

“Probably.” Hilda ruffles my hair.

My stomach suddenly decides to interrupt my sister’s embrace with a big rumble.

“Oh ye, food.” Élise breaks her embrace and takes up the chair on my left. “Soooo, fish?”

I nod. “Fish.”

She smiles and calls over the barmaid. While waiting for her to approach, she looks over at me again. “This is definitely going to need some getting used to.”

“To what?” I ask, already anticipating the juicy fish in front of me.

“Having a cute sister instead of a brother.”

I blush but instantly also feel some regret building up. “Well, in game anyway…”

My sister puts her hand on my leg. “Don’t worry Amicia, we’ll figure something out. Modern medicine is incredibly advanced.”

By now the barmaid has reached our group. “What will it be?”

“For me, the steak with pepper sauce and fries please.” Élise answers.

“Same for me.” Hilda nods.

“Oh, and the best fish you have for my little sister here.”

I feel my face redden again. Élise calling me sister just feels so good; I’m so happy she accepted me.

“That’s all?” The barmaid confirms by repeating our order, staring at Nikki in particular.

Nikki nods. “That’s all indeed.”

“Okay ladies, I’ll be right back with your order.”

“Aren’t you hungry, Nikki?” I ask, quite confused.

“I’m fine, I’ll get my dinner later.” She smiles and looks at my sister.

Hilda leans over to me and whispers in my ear. “Just like in the books and movies, vampires drink blood. If you look closely at your sister’s neck…”

I sneak a peek at my sisters neck and see two dimples in her skin that could be some bitemarks.

“They say that a vampire’s bite is incredibly erotic, both for the vampire and her ‘food’” Hilda continues. At the same time Nikki notices me staring at Élise’s neck and gives me a wink.

My face goes completely red and I immediately stare at my own lap. The smell of fish quickly distracting me as the waitress finally arrives with our food. “Here you go ladies.”

Élise swiftly orders some drinks for herself and Nikki and we start to dig in.

“Hey sis,” I say after taking a bite of the godly smoked salmon. “I’m really happy I can play games with you again.”

“Me too Amicia, me too.” She rubs my back. “Has Hilda been nice to you on your way here?”

“Yes! She’s amazing! She has taught me a lot of things.”


I lean closer to my sister: “She even taught me how to put on a bra.”

“Did she now?” Élise laughs. “It’s pretty hard isn’t it.”

“It is, but I think I got it now.”

“That’s good.” She pats my head. “By the way, thanks Hilda.”

“No problem, Lise.” She takes a swig from her jug of ale.

“Didn’t know you were good at teaching other people things like that?”

“I’ve done it before, so I got some experience with it.” Hilda winks.

We all finish our food in a timely manner before we start discussing what to do tomorrow.

“So, would you like to party with us for tomorrow Amicia?” Nikki asks, my sister eagerly nodding at the suggestion.

“That’d be fun!”

“Nice! What about you Hilda?”

Hilda thinks about it for a second but agrees in the end. “Sure, but I’d like to take a +1 with me then.”

“Of course! Who are you bringing?”

“My niece, she also just started out, might as well show both newbies the ropes at the same time.” she ruffles my hair again.

“That’s true. Now for the sleeping arrangements.” Élise picks up where Nikki left off. “I kinda want to sleep together with my sister, but Nikki hasn’t eaten yet…”

“No problem sweety, I’m sure Hilda also tastes pretty well.”

Hilda’s face explodes in a bright red, completely losing her composure she’s usually so good at keeping. “I...Uhhh... Amicia can sleep in my room again…”

“Are you sure?” Nikki gets up and walks over to Hilda. “Like you said earlier…” she leans in closer to Hilda’s ear and whispers “it feels reeeaaaalllyyyy goooood...”

I laugh, happy it’s not me being teased for once. Hilda’s flustered face is also incredibly funny to watch.

“Stop teasing her Nikki.” Élise laughs “I’ll leave Amicia in your care once more, Hilda. If you are okay with that of course, little sis.” She winks at me.

“Of course. We can always have a sleepover later on.”

“That’s true.” Élise gives me one last hug, after which she wraps her arm around Nikki’s hip and they head off to their room. “Dinner’s served, sugar.”


“Geez, finally some rest.” Hilda pufs “Those two are always so energetic but they definitely are a good couple.” She finishes her ale. “Anyway, should we go to bed too? Tomorrow will be a pretty active day as well.”

“That’s probably for the best.” I get out of my chair and follow Hilda towards our assigned bedroom.

“Damn, this is definitely a lot nicer than Argus’ inn, it even has a rug!” I stare in awe at the fancily decorated bedroom.

“Haha, you shouldn’t tell him that or he won’t serve you fish anymore.”

“Nooooooo! Not the fish!”

Hilda laughs and pats me on the head. “By the way, want me to leave the room for you to undress?”

“Uh...n-no, I’ll just turn around, you don’t have to leave.” I quickly claim the bed on the right and start taking off my clothes, I can hear Hilda doing the same behind me.

“Hilda?” I ask when taking off my breeches.

“Hmm? Yes, Amicia?”

“D-don’t you feel uncomfortable sharing a room and undressing together with someone who is... was a boy?”

“You never were a boy, Amicia. Sure, people thought you were when you were born, but you definitely aren’t. You are just as much a girl as I am.”

“Thanks H-Hilda.” My voice breaks and tears start running down my cheeks until I feel Hilda’s hand on my head.

“Want a hug?”

I nod and Hilda brings me close to her.

“If you ever want to talk or just vent, you can always come to me okay? I’m sure your sister and Nikki are open for that too.”


“It’s absolutely no problem kiddo.” Her hug tightens a bit.

We break the hug after a couple of moments and finish getting undressed.

I jump beneath the extremely puffy blanket, wrapping myself like a burrito, with only my eyes popping up above it.

“Good night, Hilda.”

“Night night, little purrito.”

Luckily Hilda can’t see my flushed face like this. It doesn’t take long before I fall asleep in my cozy cocoon.

Thank you so much for reading my stories!!!

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