Twisted Destiny

Chapter 64: Amiroll

The little Nekote girl is greatly enjoying her meal between me and my girlfriend - she had squeezed herself in between the both of us, but both Sam and I don’t really mind.

“Are you enjoying the meat?” Sam asks while taking a chicken leg for herself and putting it on her plate.

“Yesh!” The little girl smiles with her mouth full of some exquisite ham that I also was enjoying greatly.

“Good to hear.” My girlfriend pet her on the head.

“Aren’t you going to get jealous, sis?” My sister asks, looking at the three of us.

“How so?”

“Well, with her taking so much of Sam’s attention away.” She winks.

“Nah, she has too much of a little sister vibe. Don’t you?” Now it’s my turn to scratch the little neko behind her ears.

“Yesh!” The little girl happily repeats herself while nomming on some more meat.

My sister just smiles until Nikki pulls some of her attention away from me.

“Do you think Ami would’ve been like that when she were younger as well?”

“You mean as a catgirl?”

“Mhmm.” Nikki nods.

My sister stares at me attentively, squinting her eyes so she could imagine me in a younger form.

I’m also curious for her answer so I stare back at her while I wait.

“I don’t know…” My sister shakes her head after a while. “It’s really hard to imagine. Sis was always a quiet kid when she was younger, for obvious reasons.”

Sam starts patting my back while my sis continues. “But if she had been a catgirl growing up… maybe she would’ve been a sporty energetic kid?”

“I don’t know if there’s a chasing laser lights competition though.”

“Oh, we should try that!”

“I know right!”

“Hey!” I pout. “Mean.”

“In all seriousness though.” My sister laughs. “I do think having a tiny kitten sister would’ve been really fun. But not less fun than having a cute kitten sister now.” She winks at me, making me blush.

“It’s more fun to have a cute kitten girlfriend.” Sam suddenly whispers in my ear, making my face even redder.

“Sam! There’s kids here.” I pant.

“She’s too busy eating.” She whispers back and hugs me.

“Eeeh! You’re squishing me!” The little Nekote complains.

“Sorry little one.” The both of us apologise with headpats. 

After the meal is finished the townspeople start dancing around the fire, which starts to look increasingly more beautiful in the upcoming evening. The little Nekote girl rejoins her parents as the mayor comes over to our table, seemingly to discuss something.

“I think it is without question that we want to provide your group with anything you need for the rest of your trip.” He addresses the entirety of the table.

“Food, drinks, tools, equipment, mounts, you name it.”

“Mounts would be useful…” I can hear Hilda debate with herself while the rest of the group is also thinking about his offer. “I think we’ll take you up on that.”

“What kind of mounts do you have?” I ask him.

“Mostly horses. The more exotic mounts are for the richer settlements.” He immediately replies with a bow.

“Will four horses be good?” Hilda asks the mayor.

“Four? But doesn’t your party consist of five people?” He looks around the table at our party.

“I know, but I saw your stables earlier and wouldn’t want to take any more horses than we need.”

“It is true that we are currently in a bad spot but please don’t let that dissuade you.”

“I can ride on the same horse as my girlfriend, it’s really no problem at all.” I inject myself into the discussion. With Sam enthusiastically nodding along with my reply.

The mayor starts smiling and bows his head towards us again. “You people are really too good for this world. At least allow us to offer some extra of our best smoked and dried meat for the rest of your journey then.”

“We won't say no to that.” Nikki agrees with the rest of the party humming in agreement.

“Alright, we will prepare everything for your departure tomorrow. That is, if you don’t want to stay longer of course.”

“We should really get going as soon as possible. But thank you for your hospitality anyway.”

The mayor bows to us one more time before heading off, presumably to start preparing our care package.
Our party continues looking at the feast for some time before I finally start yawning.

“Can’t believe I’m tired already, even though I slept so long…” I whine which makes Sam squeeze me tightly to her chest.

“You might not have fully recovered yet. Want to go to bed?” She gently pats me on the back of my head.

“I think that might be best…”

“We won’t stay up for that much longer either.” Hilda replies. “Good night you two.”

“Good night.” Me and Sam say goodnight to our party and also wave the little Nekote goodbye, who’s still enthusiastically dancing with her parents. After which we retreat back into the mayor’s guest rooms and start undressing.

When I turn around after having undressed I look at Sam’s body and I’m completely awestruck. Even though she is very toned and muscular in real life, her Nekote body accentuates her muscles and curves even more than normal. On top of that I do feel a bit intimidated by how tall she is as well.

“Ami, your staring is making me feel things.” Sam blushes and shyly looks away.

“I’m sorry, it’s just like ... wow.”
I also like her sudden bouts of shyness, a lot. 

I decide to give her a bit of privacy and look away for a second while I sit on the bed.

“Do you like that body?” “Myeah, it’s pretty fun. I don’t know if I would trade my own body for it, but I like it better than the dragon one in the last game we played. Learning to undress a new body is sometimes a bit hard though.”

“Mhmm. I had a lot of issues at first too, want me to help you?”

“It’s fine, I need to learn to do it myself. But thanks for the offer, sweetie.”

Luckily for me it doesn’t take her that long to undress as she comes to bed and cuddles up with me, with me being her little spoon and her hugging me tightly against her with her strong but soft arms.

“Are you comfy Ami?” She pulls the blanket over us both making sure my head still sticks out from underneath it.

“Mhmm. It’s nice.”

“Good.” She pulls me even closer to her and that’s when I start hearing a purr, not that dissimilar to mine, but definitely a lot deeper sounding.
It feels reaaaalllyyy nice against my back… 

“Oh, well that’s new.” My girlfriend giggles. “I guess I can’t hide anymore how much I love cuddling with my small, cute and super pretty girlfriend.” She energetically kisses my neck.

“It’s really comfy…” I admit to Sam who immediately squeezes me, making me start purring too.

“Ok, maybe this is better than my own body.” Sam starts laughing and nuzzles her nose against my head.

“I love you Sam.” The purring has made me even sleepier as I feel I start drifting away.

“Love you too, Ami. Good night.”

And with that I go off to dreamland where I dream of fishies, meat and cuddles and kisses with my lovely girlfriend. 

“Hey Ami, wake up.” The voice of my girlfriend rouses me from my sleep.

“Already? I want to sleep a bit longer… too comfy…”

“I know, I know.” Sam giggles. “But we really should get up now and grab some food before we leave. I heard they made some delicious tomato soup with rolls of their special ham around goat cheese.”

“Oh!” I immediately sit upright in bed. “You could’ve started with that.”

“Hehe. Here, your clothes, otherwise your tiddies will get cold.” She throws my undergarments over my head.

“Ohno.” We both start laughing now as I quickly get dressed and go out to the living room part of the guest rooms.

“Good morning Ami.” My sister is happily slurping some soup at the dinner table. “You should really try these.” She offers me a plank of the ham rolls I was told about when I sit down next to her.

I take one of the plank and put it in my mouth, the ham is so soft it literally melts in my mouth. Together with the taste of the well seasoned goat cheese, it’s just great.

“Oh my… this is so good.” I immediately take a few more from the plank and put them on my plate.

“Yeah, I heard they made this especially for you. They are calling these Amirolls.”

“Wow, first a day and now a foodstuff.”

“You are happier about the food aren’t you?”

“Of course I am.” I stick out my tongue and drink some of the soup too.

Not as delicious as the Amiroll, but still very nice though!

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