Twisted Destiny

Chapter 80: Forgetful


“It’s been a couple of days since I had an eventful day at school.” I roll around in my bed while Sam is getting ready. 

“Somehow you just attract weirdness, sweetie.” Sam gives me a head pat and reattaches her leg.

“I guess you could say that.” 

“Hey, what about us two having lunch at our spot? Just you and me.”

“I would like that.” 

“Maybe I’ll even buy you another milkshake.”


“But, I’ll only do that if you get out of bed now.” 

“I don’t wannaaaa.” I pout. 

“So, you don’t want a milkshake?”

“I doooooo.” 

“C’mon then.” She reaches into my bed and gives me a kiss. “I thought you said you weren’t even tired.”

“Bed comfy. Tiredness is of no consequence.” 

“I guess that’s true.” Sam laughs. “But quickly now, or you won’t have time to get breakfast.”


With enough convincing Sam finally manages to pull me out of bed so I can get ready for another day of uni, hopefully a lot less eventful than usual. When we arrive in the living room Pocky and Mochi are already waiting, both of them sitting on the dinner table. 

“Hey, Ami, can I feed them this time?” Sam asks, looking at their bowls. 

“Sure, why not.”

Both Pocky and Mochi tilt their head at Sam when she walks towards the cupboard that holds their food.

“Sam’s going to feed you.” I tell them with a smile, to which they immediately run over to her and start rubbing their heads against Sam’s legs.

“I still wish I could talk to cats too.” Sam laughs.

“At least you can use me as an interpreter.”  

“That’s true. Could you ask them what they want to eat?” 

I relay Sam’s question and immediately get a response from our two kitty cats. “Mochi wants to eat beef and Pocky says it doesn’t really matter to her as long as it’s tasty.” 

“Alright, beef it is then.” Sam laughs again and grabs a baggy, filling up the food bowls of the cats. “There you go.” She puts the bowls on the ground and Pocky and Mochi immediately start eating. 

“Don’t eat too fast okay, otherwise you’ll upset your bellies.”

Pocky and Mochi meow affirmatively and noticeably slow down their eating.

“Alright, now we just have one more kitty to feed.” Sam softly pokes my belly. “Cornflakes with milk?” 

I nod enthusiastically. “With extra milk please.” 

“Of course.” Sam sets out two bowls and starts making us breakfast while I patiently wait for her at the table. It doesn’t take long before the two of us are both eating as well.

“What’s your favourite kind of cereal?” I ask after eating a couple of scoops of my food. 

“Hmm, I generally don’t eat cereal actually. But when I went to my friend’s houses I liked the chocolate ones the most. At home we usually eat bread or fruit.”

“Oh, healthy.” 

“You should eat more fruit too, sweetie.” 

“I know I should but for some reason it’s hard.”

Sam nods. “It’s hard to break habits like that. But you know what? Next time I’ll make an Ami fruit special, just for you. Would you eat that?”

“I’d eat anything Sam makes for me! ...Maybe not sprouts though... ”

Sam laughs. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

Right when we finish our breakfast and start cleaning up, my sister walks into the living room with Nikki. 

“Ah, heading out for school?” 

“Yeah, we were just about to leave.” Sam replies.

“Have a nice day at school.” Élise joins us in the kitchen and grabs a couple of plates. “Oh, by the way. We won’t be playing today - we just got an email that there’s a reception at work in the evening.”

“Isn’t that a bit late?” I look at them in confusion. 

“Your sister wants to say that she only just noticed.” Nikki replies.

“Hey, you got that mail too you know?” 

“Haha.” Sam laughs as the two of them start bickering while I just let out a huge sigh. 

“C’mon Sam, let’s go. Oh, we fed the cats already by the way.”

They stopped fighting for a second to say goodbye to us. “Have fun!”

“Go and receive knowledge, young ones.”

We say goodbye to Pocky and Mochi too and then leave the building.

As usual our tram ride didn’t take very long either, and this time there was no blue-haired catgirl tech goddess to talk to us either, which was actually quite refreshing.

“Looks like today is going to be a normal day…” I idly comment when our university comes into view. 

“I was thinking the same but I didn’t want to say anything so I wouldn’t jinx it.” Sam laughs and pats my head.

I quickly put my hand over my mouth. “I shouldn’t have said that…” 

“It’s fine. It’s superstition anyway. Don’t fuss about it too much.”

“But Sam… I’m literally a goddess.” 

“It’s fiiiiine.” She softly massages my shoulder as we start getting off the tram. “I should probably be going now.” Sam halts me just in front of the uni’s park. “My lesson starts a bit earlier today. 

“Awh, see you for lunch then?” 

“Yep, call me if something happens okay?” 

“Mhmm. I will.” 

She gives me a long kiss and after that starts quickly walking towards the gymnasium. Almost walking into the fence because she was still staring at me.

“Hehe, she’s so in love with you it’s almost funny.” Carol’s voice came from behind me, making me turn around. Hailey was there as well, both of them walking towards me. 

“Good morning.”

“Good morning to you too, Amicia.” Hailey smiles. “I’m glad you’re feeling better, now I’m no longer stuck being alone with Carol.

“Mean.” Carol pouts. “But I’m glad you’re okay too, Ami.” Carol gives me a quick hug. 

I hug her back. “Nice seeing you two again as well. But Hailey, I’m sorry but I’ll need to leave you alone with Carol for lunch. I got a private lunch date with Sam.” 

“I’ll live, I think.” 

“Wow, why are you both so rude today?” Carol laughs.

“Because we love you.” I squeeze her tighter. 


“Well, at least Amicia does.” Hailey laughs. 


“Anyway, let’s go to class.”

I stop hugging Carol and together we follow Hailey towards the first lesson of the day. During our walk Carol pokes my shoulder. 

“Hey, Ami. Do you think that if I become a cat girl that I’ll get that sickness you had too?” 

“Probably. But we’ll have some medicine ready for that so don’t worry.” 

“How did the medicine taste? It doesn’t taste like those effervescent tablets, does it? Those are really yucky.”

“I wouldn’t know, I didn’t need any. My body got better by itself.” 

“That’s handy.”

“Yeah, but sadly you won’t have it that easily.” 

“I expected that having another magic user probably wouldn’t be in the cards. It would be cool to be able to fire fire out of my hands though!” Carol takes a weird pose. 

“Why’s Carol doing Karate?” Hailey has turned around and is watching her friend. 

“She’s mimicking how she thinks it looks like to shoot fire out of her hands. But I think I’ve seen that pose somewhere before.” 

“Yeah! It’s from this old cartoon!” Carol puts on a big smile.

“Oh, I think I know which one!” I enthusiastically nod. 

“I rewatched it recently, when I was a kid I often would do the poses when I was playing make-believe.”

“Dork.” Hailey laughs.

“Hey! I can’t be the only one who did it. What about you, Amicia?” 

“Mhmm… My parents really didn’t let me do a lot when I was young and they’d often punish me and my sister for doing stuff like that… So I probably didn’t...”


“But it’s fine now, me and my sis are in a better place now.”

“Talking about your sister…” Hailey continues. “We were supposed to meet her yesterday but you got sick, is there any news on a new date?” 

“Wow, I completely forgot about that!” I put my hand against my forehead. 

“Don’t worry, you got sick, it’s not your fault. We thought it would be best to let you rest anyway. But a new date would be useful.”

“We still have some time before class, right?” 

Carol looks at her phone. “About ten minutes.” 

“Alright, I’ll call her real fast then.” 

“Damn, I completely forgot about that!” My sister makes exactly the same comment I did. “Uhm, let’s see... I think we have to leave around 8 in the evening, right?” She’s probably asking Nikki. “Okay, right. What time does your class finish, sis?” 

“We have class ‘till 4, right?” I ask my friends, they both affirm my statement. “Yeah, ‘till 4.” 

“Good, is it good for your friends to do this today then? Otherwise we might forget again.” 

I relay her proposal to Hailey and Carol and they both immediately agree.

“Great. You girls can order some food then after we leave, we’ll pay, so you can have a girl’s night without us. Sounds good?” 

Yet again, I relay the information to which Carol replies with a ‘Hell yes.’     

“Sounds good to them.” I smile. 

“‘Kay. See you later, sis.” 

“Byebye, Lise.”

“Yay, now I don’t need to eat leftovers!” Carol is practically singing while Hailey tries to tone her down a bit.

“You can eat ours if you really want to.”


We laugh as we continue our way to class.

Good thing we have Hailey to remind us of things we forgot...


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