Twisted Destiny

Chapter 91: Overeating


And when the world it starts to burn

At the point of no return

Keep a hold of Your conviction

Tear out the affliction

Before the world turns black

Stand up and take it back

“Ami, there’s dessert.” 

“Huh?” I rub my eyes and open them. “Where am I?” 

“You fell asleep almost immediately after dinner because you ate too much.” 

“Oh! Did I…?” 

“Yes, you also came out to my parents.” I look around and see that Sam had moved me to the sofa in the meantime. 

“I’m sorry for being so rude.” 

“Don’t worry, my parents don’t mind. But they will if you miss the dessert though.” Sam smiles and brushes her hand through my hair.

“What is it for dessert?” I sit upright with Sam helping me a little. 

“We got some chocolate fondue with fruit and some crêpes.” 

“I like crêpes!” 

“Let’s get back to the table then.” She smiles again and helps me up from the sofa.  

“Did you have a nice nap, Amicia?” Sam’s mom asks once we get back to the dinner table. 

“Uh, yeah, sorry I fell asleep.”

“Don’t worry about that, dear. It happens all the time when I overeat myself on Carlos’ food, and I am not even a cat person.” 

“It’s called a catnap for a reason, isn’t it?” My sister jokes. 

“That’s true.” Lucy laughs.

“Where’s Hilda?” I look around the table and see her nowhere.” 

“She’s helping my husband with the chocolate fondue. They should be here shortly.” 

“Ah, alright. Thanks again for taking it so well by the way.”

“It really doesn’t matter to us, Amicia. We are just happy you told us. There’s no need to thank us for not being mean to you. That should be the baseline response. Come here so I can give you a hug.” 

I silently nod and give Sam’s mom a hug.

“But I do have a couple of questions I was wondering about, if you don’t mind answering.” 

“Of course!” 

Most of the questions Sam’s mom had pertained to my extra body parts. How they feel, if I can control them, if I don’t find them annoying, and things like that. When Carlos and Hilda enter the room with the chocolate fondue we were just talking about the logistics that come with having a tail. 

“Ah, good to see you awake, kitten.” Hilda puts the plate of fruit on the table while Carlos keeps himself busy finding a plug for the chocolate fondue pot. 

“Yeah! I heard there was dessert!” 

“Of course that’d wake you up.” She laughs and ruffles her hand through my hair. 

“Food is good.” 

“Thank you for answering my questions, Amicia. I’ll now get to work on the crêpes, it won’t take very long.”

“No problem!!”

Lucy didn’t lie as by the time the fondue had warmed up enough the crêpes were ready too and we began our last meal of the day with glorious, glorious chocolate. Although this time I’ll try not to eat so much that I will fall asleep against my girlfriend afterwards. 

Though I do try, seeing all this food before me, makes it incredibly hard to do so. But in the end I do succeed not to overeat myself for the second time today. This time however, it was Sam who got a little bit overzealous and I saw her head bobbing from side to side after we’d finished dessert.

“Do you want to go to your bedroom, Sam?” 

“Hmm, I don’t know, what about the guests?” She tries to concentrate but she’s clearly struggling. 

“You can go ahead, Sam, we don’t mind.” My sister reassures her. 

“See, you should go before you bonk your head against the table.” I stand up and try to pull my girlfriend along to her bedroom. “I hope you don’t mind if I keep her company either?” 

“Of course not sweetie, go ahead.” Lucy smiles and stacks my and Sam’s plate together with the other dishes. 

“We’ll come and get you when we leave.” Nikki says before Sam and I walk into the hallway.

When we get to her bedroom door I suddenly feel Sam’s body language change as her movements become more active. 

“What’s wrong, Sam?”

“Nothing actually.” She opens the door. Her drowsiness appears to have left her for the most part. “I just wanted some alone time with you.” 

“You were faking being tired?” 

“Maybe a little.” She smirks.

“Couldn't you have just asked?”

“Well it’s less rude to give them a white lie then to straight up tell them.” 

“I don’t think anyone would have minded though.” 

“But we did avoid some teasing in the process.” 

“This… that’s true I suppose.”

Sam closes her bedroom door behind me and walks over to her bed. Her big teddy is sitting against the foot end. 

“Want to have the teddy in bed too?” 

“Nah, I’ll have my Sammy to cuddle with so I’m fine.” I sit next to her on the bed.

She almost immediately hugs me and presses my back down against the mattress. I could feel her breath in my neck. It was slow and steady. “Today was so tiring. First the game and then eating this much. And with all the company too.” 

“Talking is exhausting, isn’t it?” 

“Mhmm.” She nods into my neck. “And I’m even an outgoing person. Or at least relatively so.”

“Yeah. Maybe we should stop talking for a while and do something else instead?”  

“Something else?” Sam lifted her head and looked at me. “Something like this?” She plants a soft kiss on my lips. 

I nod. “That’s exactly what I meant.”

“I’m not sure if that’s less exhausting, but I won’t say no to that.” She grins and starts kissing me again, this time for quite a bit longer. The weight of her body against mine worked incredibly relaxing. And the taste of Sam was intoxicating, she tasted even better than all the great foods we had before.

“I love it when you purr this loudly.” Sam giggles and runs her hand along my cheek. I hadn’t even noticed when I started purring. She stares into my eyes and whispers. “My beautiful girlfriend.” and then she continues making out with me.

“Hehe, no u.” 

-Some time later.- 

“Amicia, Sam, are you coming? We are going to leave in ten minutes.” My sister knocks on the door. 

“Is it that late already?” Sam looks up, I’m curled up against her. “Oh damn, we apparently skipped three hours.” 

“Time flies by if you’re having fun, doesn’t it?” My sister laughs. 

She knooooows...

Sam says nothing and just softly laughs with her. “So, want to get up, Ami?” 

“If I really have to.” 

“C’mon you potato catgirl.” She lifts me up from the bed and carries me to the door. “I have one catgirl special delivery here for you.” 

“Ah, thank you very much.” Sam hands me over to my sister. “Come, let’s go home, I still want to show something to Hilda before she heads home herself to play Turn of Destiny.” 

“What do you want to show her?” 

“You’ll see.” Lise smirks which gives me the impression it has something to do with me.

“I’ll grab some clothes and then I’ll join you in the living room.”

“Alright.” My sister starts walking with me still in her arms. 

“Sis… Could you, like, put me down, please?” 

“Euhm, lemme think about that for a second. Nah I don’t think I will.”


“Because I don’t want to.” She smiles and walks us into the living room. “Look, I found a cat. Isn’t she super cute.” 

“She definitely is.” Hilda already has her jacket on and is playing around with her helmet.

Nikki hands her something. “Here are the keys if you get there before us, which is more than likely. So you don’t have to wait outside.” 

“Thanks, I’ll be leaving then.” She walks over to me and rubs her hand through my hair. “Thank you for the great dinner, see you next time to play some mahjong?” 

“Of course, we’ll be ready for you.” Carlos shakes Hilda’s hand after she’s done petting me, Lucy just waves her goodbye. Just like the rest of the group as we will be seeing her soon anyway. 

It’s when Hilda leaves the apartment that my sister finally puts me down with a bit of a puff. “Damn, sometimes I wish I had the strength of my character in-game.” 

“Did you just call me heavy?” I pout. 

“Nono, it’s just been a while since I’ve been to the gym, that’s all.” She smiles. “Although eating a bit less probably wouldn’t hurt you.” 

“Oh!” I softly punch her shoulder.

“Ok, I’m ready.” Sam enters the living room as well. “See you later mom and dad.” She gives her parents a big hug.

“Have fun and keep your girlfriend safe for us, will you? We like her a lot too.” Lucy and Carlos smile at me.

“Definitely, although Ami can stand her ground just fine. Maybe even better than I can.”

Ah right, they’ve never seen me in action... 

The rest of us thank Sam’s parents for the amazing food too and their hospitality. After I put my choker back on, the four of us leave the apartment to follow Hilda home.

“So, what’s this present you were talking about?” Nikki asks my sis as we exit into the cool night’s air. 

“Don’t be impatient. You’ll have to see for yourself as well.” 

Sam is giggling next to me. This doesn’t bode well. 

What exactly am I missing here? 


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