Two as One Princesses

87.2 Sleeping and Dolls with People

One day I get my body, Master Fiyanamia briefly admitted to talking about doing what Syel wanted to do.

We don't have plans in the first place, so I don't have to worry about it anymore.

He wanted us to go to the Hunter Union once our position had been finalized.

Wasn't your position a customer of Fiyanamia?

That said, I just don't have to go until I get permission, so I don't mind.

I spent the rest of the day relaxing and going to sleep.

Though I do not need to sleep, I have lost consciousness so that I may be dragged to Siel's sleep.

My eyes (...) awakened (...) me (...).

My head is kind of blurry.

I know that's funny, but I don't have a head to wonder why it's funny.

There was a beautiful sleeping face in front of her as she opened her squishy eyes to the light.

Long eyelashes, white skin. I even adore having one hair as lustrous as silk thread, in my mouth.

Closed eyes are like puppets, but they tell me that my body is alive that goes up and down as I breathe. I kind of want to touch it very much, and if I reach for its cheeks, I feel comfortable with the skin that sucks.

Because I touched it, my eyes in front of me opened up squintly.

I checked this one and opened my empty eyes to my surprise, but I can narrow them quickly and happily.

Her hand touched my hand stretched out to her cheek.

And stroke my hand to be sure of something.

When I laughed at him like that, I held him in a relaxed motion.

At once the distance approached but there was no unpleasant feeling at all, and the fluffy happiness weighed naturally and the lid.

"Ain't that Ain't it? Morning, Ein."

I hear a prolonged voice, and I return my greetings in the same way.

"Good morning. Ciel."

"Hehe, that sounds like Ayn you slept with is cute too. How about falling asleep like this?

"That's good, too. It's kind of pompous and I'm so happy"

"Suggest, what is it, but we don't have time today, so let's get up?


Slowly wake up your body and wait for your head to even loosen up in a sitting position for now.

And just as my head had even started to realize a lot of things at last.

The feeling of waking up. Even though I was asleep when I was going to the Supreme God lately, that was clearly different today.

Before I slept for a long time, I even had a head as soon as I woke up. I never drowned in such a slight sleep.

So this is the first time I've come to this world to taste this feeling.

Then there's Ciel in front of me. And it touches me.

I mean, I guess the day my body goes by is today. Perhaps this was also why yesterday's forced sleep.

In short, I slept with Ciel, but I'm not nervous or guilty, and I have a strong sense of well-being.

Hmm, is it because you've gotten used to living as a girl?

"Ayn, Ayn. Did you wake up?

"Yes, good morning"

"Morning, Ayn. Yeah, yeah, Ain't cute. That's so cute."

"You look just like Ciel, so she's cute."

"No, no! It's more cute when you think it's Ain.

And I don't have black hair or black eyes. "

Something that does change your impression quite a bit, even if your hair just changes color.

Black hair is the opposite color to Ciel's, so it would change your impression a lot.

And the colour of my skin. I am yellow.

Ciel looks at me with joy.

Speaking of which, I wondered what I was dressed like right now, and I was wearing a thin fabric negligee. The shoulders and especially thin areas have clear skin and are kind of embarrassing.

Siel, who watched still, graciously, embraced me.

Ciel's temperature is transmitted because of her similarly dressed clothes.

"I finally got a hold of Ein. I've always wanted to touch you."

Ciel rubs her face around her neck, so she wraps her arms around her so she can hug her head and stroke it as it is.

As Ciel was, I have often wanted to touch Ciel, too.

How many times did you think that you wanted to stroke your head and praise him, that you wanted to give him a hug and comfort?

Quietly, but surely, my chest is pounding with Tokuntokun, in an extraordinary way that was unlikely to be in contact with Siel.

Though I was calm, gentle, and confident that I could be drowned at this hour all day long, as Ciel said, I only have time today.

With some time left, grab Ciel's shoulder and gently steer away.

Ciel, who was drawn from me, seemed somewhat unhappy, but when he looked at my face he laughed small.

The look was so adorable that I accidentally missed my eye.

Apparently he cared about it, and Ciel took my hand and walked out, "Let's go to breakfast".

There was one thing that bothered me when my body could.

In other words, can it use the same kind of juncture as before on Ciel?

Now I should be able to demonstrate sufficient defense even in a degraded junction.

But that's it. I'm not going to make a compromise to protect Ciel.

So I'll see what's going on with me as Ciel draws my hand.

First of all, magic. I don't feel magical. Instead, I feel if it's the power I felt from the Creator God.

Next magic. The junction could be used more smoothly on Ciel than usual. The defense seems impeccable, too.

Yeah. Yeah. I feel like this is becoming a god pseudo.

I'm not going to be a god yesterday in Boulder today, and the power I feel is not as immense as I feel from God of Creation or Fiyanamia.

I guess the current state of affairs is like a "god experience" to say something.

You shouldn't leave the mansion in the street.

God, if I let go of Modki, I don't know what's going to happen, even if it's just for one day.

Specifically, if we use divine power to strengthen our bodies and attack the castle with all our might, we could destroy one nation. Though I won't.

Attacking won't do any damage, but if you go to the royal family and stab a knife around, you can say one country is doomed. Though I won't.

The other thing I can say is that it could probably be Ciel or me, or both, if they deified, in their present state.

I don't assure you because deification is an unknown story, because now I am made up by the power of God, and then it is certainly my body.

In the meantime, my worries were over, so I headed to the breakfast venue with Ciel pulling my hand.

Master Fiyanamia was already waiting, and Ciel did not hesitate to sit in the chair.

Now I wondered what was wrong with me, but the maid pulled the chair next to Ciel, so I sat there.

As I sat down, Master Fiyanamia turned an intriguing gaze towards me.

"Oh, you look like Ciel, Einsel."

"She's being pulled by Ciel."

"Is that indeed what will happen? Whatever you do, you look like a twin and you smile."

"You have my share of breakfast, by the way. I'm surprised you realized this happened this morning. The people at the mansion aren't surprised either."

"There are plenty of people in the mansion, so make a lot of them beforehand. You won't have any trouble with one more."

If you ask me, there will be many maids, and there will be cocks.

With more to make, spreading out one person's share of the reduction would be less per capita, and it certainly doesn't seem like a problem.

"Besides, the maid is a professional on the road. I wouldn't be surprised, and I wouldn't talk about you."

The maid is amazing. Does the boulder mean it's real?

Because I was round my eyes, Lady Fiyanamia began to laugh when I dull.

"Yeah, yeah. That's a lie. I'm surprised, but I've been raised not to show it to my face. That's why I'm surprised in the back right now.

Though there shouldn't be any talk. Then I'm sorry about the dismissal. "

"That's a relief."

Though I don't think you'll have any trouble being talked about.

And when we talk in the center, Master Fiyanamia will definitely find out.

Master Fiyanamia told me to "eat fast," so the chatter decided to pound my tongue at the meal prepared there.

When I was wondering what I was going to do after breakfast, Master Fiyanamia snapped, "For now, I need Einsel's clothes".

With that said, I was walking in Negrije. Even though there are only women around, it would be embarrassing if I remembered.

Yet why is Ciel, dressed similarly, laughing at me?

"But I can't go outside today, can I?

"Not at all, not at all. You have nothing to worry about. From what I've seen, Ciel and I are exactly the same size, aren't we?

"Rationally, you will."

It's based on Ciel, so he won't change his shape.

In fact, I've tried it so far and it doesn't make me feel very uncomfortable.

If I insist, is my hair as black as it gets in my sight?

Ciel's hair was also originally golden, not as much because of her experience of turning to white now.

With that said, the circuit is also in my hair...... Well, okay. There is no inconvenience.

Finally, Ciel's circuit can be used as well as you like. Perhaps Ciel can use my circuit as well as he wants.

Simply because the circuit is doubled, I think that's the only good place out of standard right now.

"Yeah, yeah. Then I have some ready, so no problem.

It would be difficult if Ciel didn't get used to wearing proper clothes. "

"I don't like it. We're going to have Ayn alone today."

Though he cools his heart to just Ciel's refusal, Master Fiyanamia doesn't look particularly concerned, but rather begins to tease Ciel like a prank.

"Oh, is that good? Now, Ayncel, can you get dressed and be a doll?

"I wonder what that is? Ain't no matter what she wears, she's adorable."

"Sure, sure. Ayncel is adorable. But dressing makes you cuter?

"Is that true?

"Yes, of course," Lady Fiyanamia chuckles at Siel, turning her suspicious eyes, slapping her hands with bread.

And out of nowhere - there's no such thing as a maid who normally appears.

When he comes behind me, he says, "Excuse me," and makes me stand up.

Fluffing the pale colored stall that was in my hand over my shoulder, I have observed it circling around me.

The last time I thought I snorted loudly, I said, "Excuse me," and I let him sit in the chair.

I was concerned that my skin was clear, so I'm happy with the stall you hide, but what was it?

And this stall is strangely good to the touch. Is this the luxury item?

If it is comfortable to touch this, it may be somewhat expensive or bought.

Because this shouldn't hurt Ciel's skin either.

"What do you think?

"I see... you have a point about Fi."

"You will, you will. So how about looking for Einsel's clothes?

"Fine. Fine. Let's do it. But half a day?

"I know that. I'm not going to let Ciel and Einsel consume their time."

"Then let's hurry. Where am I supposed to go?

If Stahl had been conscious, at some point Siel and Lady Fiyanamiya would have been willing. I had a feeling this was going to happen, but I got a slightly worse feeling Ciel was riding than I thought he was.

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