Two as One Princesses

Day 3 when gossip wishes come true * siel perspective

After Ayn (and I) get dressed, we go back to the room once after lunch.

Fi and I ate together for three, but I guess I'm the only one in this that needs a meal.

Besides, it should be unusual to say three meals a day.

I came back to my room, but I hadn't decided what I wanted to do in the end.

There are only a few things you can do in this mansion in the first place.

In that case, there's one thing to do. There's nothing I can't do in this room, but if I wanted a bigger place, Ayn groaned, "Shall I ask if I can use the garden?"

I'm so happy that Ayn was thinking the same thing.

"Right. That would be nice. Looking forward to it."

Then I had to go find Fi, so I grabbed Ayn's hand, but there was no sign of Ayn moving, and I snapped his neck.

"I'm going to ask you now, just wait a minute"

…… Oh, you did. Ein can get in touch with Fi right away, right? I'll take care of it, nice to meet you. "

Really? If it's a simple conversation, can Ein speak anywhere in this central land if it's Fi?

I'm sorry to hear that. I want to be able to talk to Ain anywhere, too.

But does that mean you could possibly leave Ein?

If so, you don't have to do anything else. Because I don't want to leave Ein.

When I was in the divine realm, it didn't make sense because even Fi didn't seem to be able to reach me.

What a thought, it seems Ein finished confirming it.

He said he could rent the garden, so he took Ayn's hand again and decided to go to the garden.

Fii's mansion garden is just a little special place for me.

For three days when Ain wasn't there - although I was stuck in my room for one day inside - I would say that the view from the garden... or because the spirits in the garden were comforting my heart.

But I don't see those spirits today.

Was it distracting for us to be together?

I'm a little concerned, but now that I'm with Ain, I'm happy to say it's just the two of us.

Because I don't want my time with Ein to be interrupted.

I've come this far to do my old routine.

I used to dance to Ain's songs every day. Perhaps it is our starting point.

As usual, I'll leave the timing to Ayn. Dancing to Ayn singing the way she wants to is the most fun.

I waited excitedly to see if it was yet, but Ain't been able to sing.

I wonder what's wrong? Ein finally sang it out if I thought so.

The voice was stretching like a clear breeze, soft as a leaking day, never heard of it before.

I've heard a lot of Ayn's songs before, but even if I don't know what they mean because I've heard them, I'm going to know what the language of Ayn's country is.

But the lyrics to the song Ain't singing now are different words than Ain was using.

But Ain's singing song.

There's only one thing I do because Ayn sings it in a comfortable way.

You can dance to this song.

Yeah. My body's already moving.

There's no way I'm not going to dance when I hear Ayn singing as if he were in the woods.

It's also the first time I've danced listening to Ain's song straight away.

Leave your body to move and listen to Ein's song.

Ein's voice song has strange powers. It's obvious because she's a singing princess, but when I heard Ayn's song before I got a profession (Job) instead of saying so, my heart shook.

I may have feelings because of Ein's song.

Now Ayn's song is more relaxed than what he always sang, with one sound and one sound stretching longer and a beautiful Ayn voice even more prominent.

I can't put into words this unspeakable emotion when I hear this song that gives me the impression of being in the woods.

I don't know if this emotion has a name or if it's an emotion no one can name.

But I like this emotion.

I like all the emotions Ein's song gives me, but I especially like this emotion among them.

Ein's song isn't all about fun. Some are sad, some are moya moya and cloudy hearts. I would also like that emotion if it was what Ain's song gave me.

But I still don't know the name of the emotion this song will give me. I like it.

If you turn to the one who can hear the song, there's Ayn and he looks right in the eye.

How wonderful that is.

If I laugh, Ein laughs too.

How full of heart that alone is.

Plenty of fun.

Overflowing fun replaces witchcraft.

Ein is watching me dance.

Fun, glad.

Keep dancing with your heart.

But I won't miss hearing Ayn's song.

Next song as soon as you finish one song.

I want to do this forever and ever.

If you're with Ain, you're going to be able to keep dancing forever.

That's what I was thinking, but I also had strength, and where I started to get tired, Ayn stopped singing.

I'm sorry my fun time is over, but I could have fallen like this breathing on my shoulders.

I don't know how long I've been dancing, but let's keep this a good one today.

My breathing got rough and I couldn't seem to speak properly, so I decided to ask her about the first song when I calmed down.

When I was listening to the song I had no other option but to keep quiet, but now it seems like it would be nice to hear it.

"I've never heard Ain's song this way.

I wonder what the first song was? I've never heard that before. Besides, it didn't seem like the usual word, did it?

"I heard it from somewhere, so I sang it with you."

"Really? You didn't hear me, did you?

"Perhaps my condition now has something to do with it"

Could it be that Ayn didn't quite sing at first because he was hearing that song?

I'm sorry I didn't hear you, but you were satisfied because you could hear Ain through his voice.

Besides, it's kind of interesting and delightful to say the only song that Ayn ever heard.

"Yeah, yeah. That's weird. That was weird. But it was a good song.

Will you sing it again?

"Yes, of course."

Talking to Ain, the wind goes through.

It feels good to be exercising and cool my lit body reasonably well.

I was wondering if I was too obsessed with dancing, and Ein was making the call.

When I approached him wondering what was going on, Ain was sitting on the ground.

Sit next to Ein without hesitation as he slaps his neighbor with bread.

I feel soft grass crushed, but protected by Ein's junction, I have no more irritation.

I remember having Ayn unbound once when he sat like this outside, but at that time he had tingling and skin stabbing pain.

And why did you suddenly encourage me to sit down?

Why is Ein's arm around my neck?

Slowly defeated, is this Ayn's lap?

I blinked in a flash because of the sudden, but if you want to explain my situation now, I'm laying down with Ain's knee on my pillow.

When I realized that, I kind of couldn't calm down.

"I wonder what this lovely posture is, what it is!

"It's a knee pillow. You seem tired, so rest like this."

"Right, right. Let me do that."

Ein is close. Ein's face looks good. What a great position!

She told me to rest, but I kind of didn't feel that way anymore.

Ein finds out that too, Ein sings a serene song.

To calm my heart, so that I can rest.

At the same time Ain's hand strokes my cheek.

I seemed to feel Ayn's feelings on that tender hand, and my heart tickled and went out on my face.

Ain is looking at me and smiling.

Now I realized I could reach for that smile, so I reached for that slippery cheek, too.

Ein's cheeks are dandruff.

You have Ain so close.

How happy I am. What a luxury.

I can see my cheeks loosening sloppily, but still I can't possibly let go of my present happiness.

I can't believe I touched Ain's cheek listening to Ain's song, because I don't know when I'll be able to do it next.

Though I don't know when the next thing I've experienced on this day will be.

Once you're satisfied with your cheeks, set your aim in Ain's hands next.

Then Ein gave me the hand that was stroking my cheek.

tangle my fingers in that hand.

Be sure not to unwind.

With the feeling that we'll be together forever.

The sky is blue. Calm time passes. I'm just holding hands with Ain, and I'm relieved.

Slowly I closed my eyelids and fell asleep.

The awakening was happier than ever before.

If I open my eyes, I have Ayn.

If I wake up and sit down, I can hold Ayn like this.

If you hug me, Ein turns his hand around my back, too.

That's all that makes me feel safe and filled.

That's what I can think Ein accepted.

Sleeping heads allow me to drown in this happiness without thinking about anything extra.

After holding each other for a while, Ein made me stand up so I could hold him.

It's already getting dark if you look around.

I see, is it dinner already?

"I think it's time for dinner, but I want to sweat before it does."

"Right. Then take a bath..."

"You're going in with me, aren't you?

Something I promised Ein that if I could face Ein this way, I would wash him.

Naturally, you're coming in with me, aren't you?

Asked with the thought, Ein looked a little like he had eaten his face, but said, "Uh, yes. If Ciel is good, I'll be with you," he acknowledged.

Viviana took the bath with me, but she said I was the first to wash it. I'm glad we can have Ein's first time together.

Ein got permission from Fi to change and towel a servant who wasn't Luna along the way.

I kind of took care of us. I did, but I'm still happy that Ain't turned it down.

Because I think Ayn takes care of her time with me, too.

I came with you to the strip room, but from there, Ain and I are alone.

I had a lot of opportunities to take a bath, so I took my clothes off without getting lost, but Ain had her eyes blinking like she was kind of calm.

Are you nervous?

I don't think you need to be nervous.

But Ayn, nervous, observes silently because he's kind of cute enough to want to make you feel better, to want to protect you.

I've turned my back on it, but I think that's kind of an itch too...

Ein's body means my body and shape are the same thing.

I've never seen my shape objectively before, so I observe it.

But I don't know what my shape is like as a woman right now.

Strongly speaking, there would be less irregularities compared to Viviana.

I noticed that Fu and Ain were shy and shy.

Ain't too bad about Ayn making her face slightly red.

I'm a bad kid, so I indulged in Ayn, who is just a little shy, before finishing my observation: "This is how my body is going."

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