Two as One Princesses

Day 5 when gossip wishes come true * siel perspective

It's a shame to get out of the bath, but Ayn came out of the bath first because he let it go.

I don't know if there's anything Ein can do to put it up, but I'm just vain in the bath without Ein, and I'm sure I can't take a bath forever, so I'm going up too.

Ayn, who was in the strip room, looked at the negligee he was wearing when he woke up in the morning and had his neck clenched.

I wondered what might be so questionable, but with that said, Ayn doesn't originally have a single piece of clothing.

If so, where did I come from?

It suits Ein, and it doesn't feel dangerous, so I don't care where it comes from.

Then Ayn, dressed in negligee, was sure to care around his shoulder.

That's what Ain's wearing. It's clear from the shoulder.

Ayn, who cares about unfamiliar clothes and decorations, feels somewhat defenseless and smiles, doesn't she?

What a thought, Ein called me.

When I approached him wondering what was going on, he said he was going to dry his hair.

It's usually the first time I've had Ain do it because Ain't used my body to dry my hair.

Ayn, who brought the chair that was in the corner of the room, makes me sit there.

Too bad I can't see Ain anymore, but I can see Ain touching my hair, so that makes it fun.

Short and then I thought I heard a chant like singing, a warm breeze hit my hair.

A warm breeze to the point where I feel just a little hot dries my hair.

Whatever you say, it doesn't dry off the spot it hit.

Let it wind and dry over and over again while finely moving where it hits.

Ein says it's because if you put it all the way in the same place, your hair might hurt from the fever.

I wonder why Ayn, who should have been a man, is so familiar with beauty?

Maybe it has something to do with coming from a different world.

I'll ask if I get a chance.

I'm also curious about Ain's past, but more than that, I need to enjoy the situation that Ain't got my hair dry now.

Feels like Ain's hand slips through my hair, then forces into Ain's hand like rubbing his head from time to time.

That's what takes power away from my body.

I wonder if it means that the tiredness in my head that I've been thinking about a lot is going to fall out, and the details are going to get better. I don't know how many times I thought just today, but I've always wanted to be like this.

If I had closed my eyes, I knew exactly where Ein's hands were.

It's over.

The time I wish I could go on forever is always running out of time.

Because I'm already plugged in for the end of the day.

I want to go back in the morning and start over the day. But I also want to be able to get Ayn's body ready by ourselves soon.

But if it's enough to say sorry for what's going to end now, you'll forgive me.

Though I don't know who will forgive me.

"You're done. Too bad."

"You can't keep it dry forever."

"Yeah. Thanks Ain. That felt good."

"Good for you, then."

That's what Ain says, he gives me his hand in front of me.

I wonder what these hands are? Though I thought so, when I took my hand to try it, Ain made me stand up.

This kind of thing is kind of good, too. I thought, I was headed to dinner.

After dinner, return to the prepared room.

I'm just going to bed today.

What a full day it was. What a day it would have been a shame to end.

I'll have to thank Fi later for trying to keep us together until the end.

"You're going to end another day..."

Loneliness is in my mouth. Because I was satisfied, but not enough at all.

I've been communicating with Ein for roughly seven years, and yet I haven't been catching up at all in one day.

But even if I say this selfishness, it just puts Ein in trouble. We have to be patient so that we can be gods soon.

I'm sure God said a day with that intent, too?

Something that pushes me down the path of becoming God in search of this past day.

"We have a little more time, so you can do what Ciel wants, right?

"Right... what's going on with Ayn's body right now?

Ayn responded to my crush, so I don't hesitate to ask what bothered me.

If you become a god, you may get Ayn's body in some way, but you have to make it yourself, it may take even longer after you become a god.

If it was Ain, I'd probably make it light.

But I wouldn't have a problem thinking about it either.

I don't know what's going on, I wouldn't have a problem touching Ein.

Ein's arms are fuzzy and pleasant.

Funifuni does, but he's careful not to hurt you?

"Do you feel that you covered your soul with the power of God?

So with this body, you don't need a meal or anything. "

"Does the power of God mean that if I become God, this is how I can make Ein's body?

"I think so, but I can't say absolutely"

"I see you are."

When that happens, can we think of another way?

I'll think about it as I hold Ain's hand and put in or pull out the force.

Then Ain's empty hand stretched out to my cheek.

I'm glad you touched me from Ain, adding my empty hand to the hand I've been stretching.

Happiness fills me up and I get on my face.

"I am, Ayn. You've been thinking about Ein's body since she couldn't make it?

That's why. I'm so happy that my chest is about to rip open, even though this is how I found the possibility of being with Ein. Really? "

I thought you didn't say that, so I tell Ein that.

It wasn't enough to tell him, I sat Ain in bed and then hugged him in the head.

I feel happy again that I can be touched this way, that I can feel Ein.

I'm happy, I'm happy, my chest is going to be torn.

Until now, the goal of creating Ain's body, which had never been affordable, is now realistic. That also makes my breasts hot.

It was long. It was long. Although I don't remember, I'm sure I was just born looking for Ayn, too.

I wasn't sure, but I've been looking to get in touch with Ayn for 12 years.

"Our deification takes a long and ten years to set foot in immortality.

It will take even longer to fully deify from there. "

"Right. That's what you said."

"But there are ways to shorten this."

"Well, I kind of noticed that. That's what Ein was talking about.

What am I supposed to do?

"You're going to use a lot of divine power. Basically, even if it's just mixed into the juncture, I think it'll go faster."

Let go of me, who was holding me, and Ain will talk to me about deification.

By talking to me again like this, does that mean Ein wants Ein's body, too?

Then I'd say I'm not lost in anything... but from what I'm talking about, it's also hard for me to help.

When I told her about it, Ain told me about my growth.

Growth stops at the stage of immortality. I think I may have stopped right now.

If I can make contact with Ayn again.

And from Ayn's mouth, he told me he wanted to get in touch with me.

"Do you think Ayn can't be me right now?

"No. Ciel is cute now, too. Ciel has always been adorable."

"Then you don't mind. So I want to do my best to be a god soon."

My cheeks got hot because suddenly she said she was cute.

But I don't feel bad. I'm so happy to have Ein say she's cute.

"Because it's what Ein wants.

I want to be free to make contact with Ain as soon as possible. If so, there's no reason to hesitate. "

"Okay. I will use my divine power with all my heart."

"Besides, I don't know how much God can do, but God who had Ain is free to change his appearance, right?

If so, would you be able to do enough to change your age?

"Perhaps if you ask me, yes."

I'm only talking about possibilities, but that's fine if Ayn doesn't shy away from me to speed up deification.

Then, in order to expedite deification, we also talked about trying to find the demons that Rispergia supposedly created, but the last event remains today.

"If that's what you decide, I'll use Ayn as a pillow today, you will!

Enjoy the Ein pillow you couldn't do in the morning.

A person's body is not suitable for pillows.

I tried to hold Ain as a pillow, with him lying on the bed, but my hand getting under Ain is really paralyzed.

There's space under my neck, but Ein or I can use it. Trying to turn your arms around each other in that space, now your arms overlap and you're not feeling well.

"Something that doesn't work."

"Right. Ciel is light, but it weighs a lot as a person."

Mmmm... I enjoy talking to Ain in a trial and error thinking.

In many ways, it's great to be able to snuggle with Ein.

What makes me laugh when my eyes meet and dull at the pretend is that my heart plays.

But when it comes to sleeping with a hug, it's still a little difficult.

It's also a bit of a waste to not see Ain's face when you hold him again.

Eventually we came to the conclusion that sleeping hand-in-hand can be done without burdens to each other.

Time passes to hold hands, face each other, especially with nothing to talk about and nothing to do.

Still, I do find that Ayn is there.

I've done a lot of things today, but I realize that's the most important thing.

My gaze overlaps and I smile without either.

My heart pounds.


But that comfort invites me to drowsiness.

If you fall asleep, today is the end. In order to stay with Ein for a little longer, if not a little longer.

I've blinked my eyes many times and I've tried my best to see them, but they're just near the limit.

"Hey Ein."

"Yes, what is it?

Unfortunately, I'll do Ein one last favor today.

"Could you sing for me? I'd love to hear a song while I feel Ayn in my current state."

"Is it good in the form of sitting in bed? Because it's hard to sing while you're asleep."

"Will you hold hands?


I'm the one who asked you to, but I miss Ein getting his hands off me.

I'm glad Ayn, who sat back in bed, caught my left hand.

While tapping my shoulder, Ain sings it out.

My drowsiness keeps increasing as Ain goes along with the song and slaps a ton of tongues and my shoulder.

I fell into a deep sleep listening to the most beautiful singing voice in the world, touching the sweetest people in the world, watched by the world's most dependable.

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