Two as One Princesses

93. Wake up, change of heart and parents and children

Consciousness awakens.

My consciousness awoke softly, without a blurry but happy time to sleep.

I remember the warmth of Ciel, though I feel as though yesterday was a dream.

The warmth that did exist reminds me that what happened yesterday was real.

That's why I'm kind of in a very inadequate state right now.

Trying to stroke Ciel's cheek asleep in bed, it slips through. No matter how many times I try to touch (...) and (...) 's (...) hand slips through Ciel's cheek.

I have no choice, I have no choice, but it's kind of a lot of loneliness covering my chest.

Is it fortunate that we share Ciel's senses?

If I didn't have a feeling about this, I could have managed with loneliness.

It makes me want my body fast. What a luxury it has become.

When I was thinking about that, "Uh-huh..." Ciel woke up.

The way you stretch your body while rubbing your eyes is now familiar and warm fills your chest.

'Good morning. Ciel'

When I greeted him, Ciel was moving his hand to look for something.

Then you found out you couldn't find what you were looking for, and unfortunately you put your hands back to yourself.

"Yeah, good morning, Ain"

The voice is somewhat unwell.

I guess Ciel feels the same lack as I do.

It makes me happy why Ciel is feeling the same way.

"Siel... let's be gods soon"

"Yep. Yep! I don't want yesterday to be a one-day dream."

"Let's do well for that and today"


I just encouraged Ciel to go to breakfast when she was back in good health.

"Fi, thanks for yesterday"

"Thank you."

"No, no. I don't care if it's for a day or two or a few years."

Breakfast seats. Ciel bows his head to Master Fiyanamia, who was here first.

I'm naturally able to thank you for what you say, and I'm happy to see you grow.

I mean, I have to be careful so that I can honestly thank you.

Because it was twisted in a previous life, and there was something so illuminating and honest that I couldn't thank you enough.

And don't you care in a few years?

"So, what are we going to do today?

Master Fiyanamia asks me as if to ask my child what he plans to do today, but I probably don't have plans for today. At least I can't think of one.

Due to one day yesterday, a little, I'm losing my motivation for everything.

Because I want to taste the aftertaste of yesterday for a little longer. That would soak up too much, so this is how I came to breakfast by urging Ciel.

"I can't think of anything in particular. I'd like to ask Ayn a few questions at once, but maybe it'll be over soon?

"What do you want to ask me?

'Yeah, I came out of Estoke, but how am I supposed to hang out with people? Like, what was the world like where Ein was? Something like that.

If Ayn doesn't want to talk about the latter, though, he won't listen. And then, yeah, what's the status of Ayn?

Now that I do leave Estoke, I don't think it's a problem to engage with people.

I mean, even Estoke brought in someone from the center, so for one thing, it's like a good extension of that?

It would be better to spend a lot of time talking about the planet, too, when you want to talk about it.

'I'll give it a good thought and then I'll tell you. Let's talk about the world I was in.

With the help of Master Fiyanamia today, maybe you can do that.

Then, is it my condition?

'If you haven't noticed, why don't we talk about it later?

Is there something weird about me?

As Ciel says, though I'm concerned, now would be a better time to prioritize a conversation with Master Fiyanamia.

"So there's something I need to be strong about.

Is there anything Fi might want me to do?

When Ciel conveyed my words to Lady Fiyanamia, Lady Fiyanamia tilted her neck, "Right, right," she said.

"So let's talk about the future."


"Dine before that. When we talk, I'll call Mosa and Sawelna, too, okay?

"Ayn, is that good?

'Uh, yes. I think you'll be fine.'

"We'll be fine."

I don't know who Mr. Sawelna is, but maybe he's the maid in charge of Ciel, as Mr. Mosa said he was in charge of me.

I don't think Ciel's face fits because she didn't feel bad about it.

"Then I'll see you then. May I have it?"

Encouraged by Master Fiyanamia, Ciel started eating breakfast looking delicious.

They changed and said it was a future story, so I thought we were going to talk about something serious, but it was the balcony with the usual garden view that was taken after breakfast.

Tea is ready, and it's fun to talk to.

The garden you can see from here will keep your eyes entertained the same, and it's kind of adorable that the spirits who play in the garden care about this one from time to time.

And Mr. Ricil was on Dear Fiyanamia's lap today.

Do you like to sit on people?

Or do you think Master Fiyanamia is in a position like her boss's colleague, but doesn't that bother you, Mr. Ricil?

No. Am I to be equated with Master Fiyanamia in my position, too? I don't know.

"Well, now, do Ciel and Einsel remember where they stand now?

"You're a guest of Master Fiyanamia, aren't you?

"You're a Fi customer, right?

"Right. As things stand, you're the only guests I have in the middle of this.

There's not a lot of people coming in to say hello. "

I keep saying I'm in trouble, but I don't think I usually notice. I still don't even realize at the Siel level, so isn't it a few people in the world or something that Master Fiyanamia can intend to do?

Or was it possible that Master Fiyanamia would not have been willing to meet with him if he had not been that strong in nature? Yeah, that looks more like it.

Because Master Fiyanamia is not talking about the use of God to guide people, but about the purpose of managing the world.

You don't need to be involved with people in the first place.

"That's why you're number two in the middle."

"Uh, is it good that you mean great?

"Right, right. You guys are great. I'm not here because I want to be great, either.

If anyone in the middle is annoyed, I don't mind getting rid of them. "


I thought Master Fiyanamia was surprisingly radical, but just now I didn't think she was the one guiding people.

"Even so, only you can do something about it."

"That's right. Something you shouldn't be forced to do."

"Though I don't think you have anyone to lose."

"Really? No, right. Something I don't think anyone can break Ein's bond.

Something I don't think Fi can do. "

I want you to stop sticking with Master Fiyanamia to say why you are so confident, although Ciel tells you with your chest stretched.

Though I know that you trust me so much, even though Master Fiyanamia said that the earth would be more difficult first.

I still don't know how to react when this is the case.

"Heh, it's true that even I (myself) can break a bone.

In a few years, I may not be able to beat you. "

"Ain't Ain't that awesome?

"Yeah, yeah. That's amazing."

'Um... I'd like you to move on if you can...'

I feel deja vu. But even if they talk about me all the time, I'm in trouble.

Ciel, whose voice would have been heard, laughs joyfully with Couscous.

This way, does Ciel also like that I'm in trouble?

If that's the case, I'm going to forgive you for having no choice but to laugh bitterly.

"So what's the point? That's not all, is it?

"You did. If only Ciel and Einsel could be my children?

"Fi's kid?

"As far as I'm concerned, I'm already with my family. I don't care if they're sisters, but they're just too old."

Lady Fiyanamia's words, laughing loudly, made me a little fed up.

He did say it was like a family thing, but he didn't actually think it would.

But I don't think it's a bad story. Because you're going to get the back of the center top. As a matter of fact, even if something happens, we are likely to be entrusted with the response.

I wonder what Ciel thinks. and waited for a reaction, and Ciel spoke to me so that he could only hear me.

"Ayn, Ayn. I wonder what that means to be a child?

'Right. Does that mean I'll be adopted?'

"Adopted son?"

Maybe Ciel doesn't know for sure.

In the first place, because the feeling of family would be faint. Strongly speaking, I guess I will be Ciel's family... Relationships have become less familiar lately.

I was going to replace my parents, but sometimes it's good that Ciel is solid and I don't know which one is the adult.

'Will I make the child of another house my own?

I think it's a good idea to have a parent with no direct blood ties. '

'... I see. Surely it's hard not to have children with nobility. "

'That's what you're saying. It is also universally accepted, so it may be said that it is an even stronger position than that of a customer of Fiyanamia'

"What would Ayn think of Fi's suggestion?

'I don't think that's a bad suggestion, but can I talk to Master Fiyanamia for a moment?

"Yeah, I don't mind."

Get permission from Ciel to replace it.

Lady Fiyanamia noticed it too, after blinking several times, she laughed at me.

"I don't think that's a bad suggestion. But can I ask you a few questions?

"Yeah, sure. Is it better for you, Einsel, after all at times like this?

"What do you think? I think you'll soon be able to judge Ciel, too.

So the question is, Master Fiyanamia isn't asking for a successor, is he?

"I don't have that. My role belongs to me.

So just because you're a kid doesn't mean something's gonna change. As I said earlier, I already think it's family.

As far as I'm concerned, it's easier to introduce people externally. That's all the trouble we get together, but you guys would kick it, wouldn't you?

"If it's as Lady Fiyanamia taught me, the center is going to break before you do anything about me."

If that's what you mean, you can take it. Sometimes there's a back. If there was, it wouldn't be enough to deal with us.

When I casually replied that I was relieved of this, Master Fiyanamia looked at me with a somewhat dissatisfied face.

Then I just think that I've floated around with some good ideas, and I turn my expression around.

"Right, right. It's good to have you as children, but there's one condition."

"What are the conditions?

"I want you to call me Fi. At least you shouldn't put (...) directly in your name, because you're a parent and a child.

Then I want you to call me Ein too. "

Look at Nico and this one. I don't think what Master Fiyanamia is saying is wrong,.

I can't tell you anything because I don't know the common sense of this world, but at least in my previous life I never did anything to my parents.

I think it's a broken condition, but I can't resist calling Master Fiyanamia Fi. There is resistance to calling the person in front of you nicknamed.

"If you don't like it, I'll call you Einsel."

"I want you to stop doing that. Give me some more time to talk to Ciel."

"Absolutely. I'll be waiting."

"What does Ayn care about? I think you can trust Fi. '

'It's not like I don't trust Master Fiyanamia.

You're just reluctant to call me Fi. '

'Really? I don't care if you don't like it that much. "

'... no. I just wish I could be, so I'm going to take the talk.

Is Ciel okay with that?

"If Fi's dealing with him, he'll be fine."

Then let's say it makes you hungry. It's kind of disgusting that Ciel can call, but I can't.

But, well, parents and kids.

"I've made up my mind. I'll take your talk."

Then why don't you call me?

"Okay. Dear Fi Mother (...) (...)"

"Yeah, yeah. That's a little unexpected."

Dear Fiyanamia - Fii Mother just gives me the look of surprise.

I think I know everything, Fi. It's kind of fresh for my mother to look like this, and I just feel like I did it a little bit.

"But I'm a parent and child, so there's no problem, is there?

"Right. And the way it's called is fresh and funny."

Apparently, you liked it.

I exhaled relieved so that Ciel couldn't even sprinkle me in my heart.

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