Two as One Princesses

95. Rules and Hunter Union and Ciel Negotiations

"Right. Right. Then why don't we just go to the Hunter Union?

I have to tell you that you are my daughters. It doesn't mean that no one will insult you, but even if you do, it means it's bad for the people who insulted you. "

Fi, my mother says something quite drastic.

But if I insulted the prince, I'd hit him in the neck for insult, or something like that, and those times would have been on Earth.

If they tell me that this world is the same, it can be done as long as it is.

It's not like it's easier if you can kill me, or you don't think.

I didn't think so when I was on Earth.

I seem to have become much more radical myself. In that regard, it seems more convenient to say that Ciel doesn't care at all if he's not interested and insulted.

Though in Ciel's case it would be dangerous if he stepped on a mine.

"But it's better not to kill him in vain, isn't it?

'Right. Because if you kill him, he could be resented by someone he knows who killed him.

I think anyone who comes here to kill is good enough to pay back. '

"I see. Okay."

"That said, time and case."

I don't know this neighborhood well.

If I were to say Earth, or Japan, I wouldn't have a problem with "people shouldn't kill," but this world usually comes across as killing, and clearly, insecure.

As far as Mother Fi is concerned, killing people in this center doesn't seem to make you guilty.

Or the law in the center, what is the decision?

'Ciel, Fi, I need to ask your mother something, so can you take my place?

"Yeah, I don't mind."

Ciel lends me his body without any hesitation.

No, I also look aggressive about lending. The reason... well, I don't know.

"Oh, Ain, what's going on?

"With that said, I wondered what was going on with the decision in the center.

Is there a law or something?

"Well, I don't know. If you say there is, and you don't say there isn't.

Of all the people who lend their land, there are rules. But it's not about the existence of this mansion because they decided to do it on their own. "

"So what are the rules of this mansion?

"Obey me. You're going to be my family, so why don't we talk about it?

I don't care if you do anything to destroy this land or if I have to do my job as a user. "

"Of course it is."

Whatever you do, I'll forgive you.

That's what I say, my mother strokes my head.

It's good to comb your hair with familiar hands, but I want you to stop trying to erase the line for a bit. I don't immerse myself in comfort because of you.

Is this the novice torture?

"Mother. Don't try to do something about the world."

"Huhuhuhuhuhu. You're really putting a line on every single one of them. I don't think that's normal."

"Wouldn't your mother be able to do it if she wanted to?

"I don't think I'm going to do it. It's amazing how the child of someone who's only 10 years old and a little alive reaches this zone."

"Because with the help of the Creator God. And it's been around for over 30 years."

"If you try me, it's an error. But I'll tell you what."

Mother Fi stops combing my hair with her hands and gives me a gentle smile.

Sure, if you try it on my mother, it would be an error for 10 or 30 years, but I know that. I want you to stop smiling.

Mmm... I don't need to be able to win, but I don't feel like I can beat Mother Fi. Is it because I punched him in the chest?

'You are, you are! Ein was that old!

Ciel is very tense in Ciel.

That makes me smile. I may not beat Siel either.

'Didn't you ever tell me how old you were?

'I thought you must be older. But this is the first time you've seen a specific number, right?

'Then I'll give Ciel the exact numbers he remembers.

I died in an accident at the age of 20 in a country called Japan, on a planet called Earth. "

"I knew Ein was an adult, right?

'What will happen? He was recognized as an adult at the age of 20 in my country, because I was only a student at the time of my death. I've never really worked in society. "

'So you worked properly, at the same time as me?

'You will. You're full of money if you're aware.'

Returning that to Ciel, Ciel laughed happily at Ehehe.

"Can we talk about this? Hunter, we're gonna go to the union, but we're gonna negotiate for ourselves compensation for the people who worked for you guys who just spoke to you, right?

"Do you ever watch out as your mother's daughter?

"I don't mind if you finish it in a way that satisfies you."

"Then we shall have the negotiations made to Ciel. Until now, I have done so much."

"If so, could I just help you out a little? It's a beautiful sunny stage for my child."

My mother flattens her hands back in an instant. Wouldn't my mother be too sweet for us after all?

It's not a problem at all because it helps. But I don't think it's a sunny stage.

"I will, won't I? I'll do my best! '

"Basically, I hope Ciel can convince you, so try it with the intention of practicing"


Now how does Ciel get out? I didn't seem interested in surrogacy, so it could be done appropriately, and I might make a frivolous request because I'm looking at my negotiations so far.

Now that I think about it, I think I've been negotiating so vigorously.

That said, there's not one thing I regret about that.

I don't think that's all they did.

It may be too much to leave to Ciel all of a sudden, but it would be too much hindsight if she had a mother behind her. Almost Ciel's point must be made.

Although it depends on what Ciel wants.

"Shall we?"

Mother Fi leads the way, so I haven't had a mansion after a long time since I was replaced with Ciel.

Ciel's gaze is pointing this way as he walks through the central town.

With that said, it's like the first time I've walked through this town.

Anyway, when I first came here, I was surrounded by soldiers, and then again, Mother Fi - Master Fiyanamia couldn't afford to take a slow look around.

Mother Fi is still taking me, but I'm not in the same position as I was before I entered the mansion.

If you mean my mother's daughter, you'd be forgiven for stopping her leg for a little while.

My mother also looks at Ciel with warm eyes.

The central town is like a quiet residential neighborhood as far as the image is concerned...... is it?

There is space for carriages to pass on the road, and trees are planted on its left and right like street trees.

Compared to other towns, it is a good impression to keep it small and beautiful.

The clouds are high, the sun is soft, and it feels good that the colored leaves make you feel autumn.

Does Ciel feel that, too, looking around in a softy way?

Take plenty of time and arrive at the Hunter Union.

Mother Fi opened the door and went inside without looking like she cared about anything.

Some of the hunters who suddenly came in didn't look like hunters - hunters who lurked their eyebrows at their mothers, but the officials panicked from the moment they entered.

"Ho, today, what is it for?

"Is Raveld here?

"Yes, I'll show you right away"

That's what the receptionist told me, and for the Hunter Union, I was led to a room where good quality coordination was used.

There is no one there to ravel.

"I'll call you, please wait," the receptionist said, bowing her head and leaving.

"I wonder why they let me through here," Mother Fi and the leftover Ciel snapped her neck.

"Well, why not? Nothing. I wish I (I) would bring him to Raveld soon.

It's not good for me to go. It's a real pain in the ass, isn't it? "

"It's true. But Fi's been involved the whole time, right?

"Something you're just involved in, not interacting with"

"Is that what you're saying?

Ciel responds with her neck clenched.

I know you don't understand, but I just don't feel like I can explain how Mother Fi feels either.

I talked soothingly afterwards, and the door to the room was knocked.

"You're Raveld. You should come in."

It's like Mother Fi is the Lord of this room, but is it more my mother's?

If Mother cares about it, all men will be driven out of the central land.

If I knew that, I wouldn't be able to handle it badly, and I guess my mother's response isn't wrong.

Though each person sees this mother's attitude, the mother is not the person she is originally. I guess I don't care about people's perspectives or anything.

My mother called me into the room, one old man. That said, I don't look like a yobo yobo or anything, I rather look like a master type.

Feels like a strangely strong grandfather, coming out of the story.

"Good to have you here today"

"It's good to say that. I just came here today because I had something to tell you."

"Is that about her?

"Yes. This girl - I've decided to make Siermeer my daughter."

After Mother's words, Ravelt moved his eyebrows slightly, moving his gaze toward Ciel's.

The movement is very natural, and I don't feel like I'm being watched wandering.

But I also feel like I'm observing this one closely.

"This girl..."

"Yeah, the hunter union keeps bothering you."

Fi, my mother's smile is all over me.

Make a very good smile.

Only that amount of damage to Raveld's stomach is likely.

"Really...? I'm sorry."

Ravelt bows his head.

Obviously letting the older opponent bow his head is something I'm a little uncomfortable with and would likely say "raise your head" if I were at the negotiating table, but unfortunately neither Ciel nor Mother Fi would be willing to say that.

"So what will the Hunter Union do for me?

"Whatever it is you can do to this old man"

Ciel, who made a strong statement, seems to be well stained in my way.

Convinced English Talent Education. If it's Ciel's position right now, it means we have to do this much, so let's be convinced.

By contrast, the Hunter Union side seems willing to do anything unexpectedly. What does Ciel demand, although there is actually a chance of laziness?

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