Two as One Princesses

98. Night Conversation with Ein and the Maids

After sleeping, Siel's body is basically something I can use.

But I try not to borrow much.

Because I really feel tired the next day if I borrow it.

But don't hesitate to borrow it when you have something to do.

Because if you are too reluctant, Ciel will be obstinate.

That's why I decided to borrow it today.

"Sorry. You were free, weren't you?

That's how I speak to the two maids left in this room.

I don't suppose I should have to apologize, but I ask with both interaction and the meaning of the topic offering.

He looked a little surprised if he was spoken to, but he immediately shook his head left and right.

Then Mr. Mosa opens his mouth more because my hair is black now.

"No, not at all"

"Really? When Ciel and I talk, I think we just sit there in silence."

"With all due respect, a maid doesn't have ears to listen to anything other than what she needs."

"I know it's great professionalism, but that's for sure.

If you were free, there's nothing I can do for you, but you tell your mother so she doesn't have to hang out till night, right?

It's Mother Fi who's hiring the two of them, so I can't make up my mind, but as long as I say it, I'll be fine.

When Ciel and I are talking, we will just keep our eyes shut, and most importantly, things around us are often not in our eyes because we are focused on talking.

As much as I would have such a nothingness time, I wondered if the two of them would have something to do, but I have easily denied that Sawelna is "at work" because she is eating.

"But isn't there something Sawelna wants to do, too?

"Dear Einsel, Please, call me Luna."

"Okay. Isn't that what Luna wants to do, too?

"I appreciate your concern, but we're not bored, either, so we're fine.

The two of you are certainly not in our ears, but what you are enjoying is because as soon as you look at Master Siermail's face, you will know.

When you're enjoying your conversation with Ayncel, your face is so cute that you'll be happy. "

Are you a little tense?

Sure, Ciel is cute when you're talking to me. The corny look changes, and I'm not as alert as I am.

It's kind of like being seen by someone else with the look you've only ever given me... No, I can't be jealous about this.

I'm not jealous. I didn't.

Happily, I looked at Luna, and her eyes were kind of very tender.

Patience it, keep talking.

"I know I don't have to tell my mother.

By the way, from two eyes, what do you think of Ciel's standing behavior?

"Is it Master Siermail's?

"Yes, because I think we're going to need it in the future"

"Isn't that the same for Lady Einsel?

Mr. Mosa tells me to keep my mouth shut.

Though I may need it, I think it's basically Ciel.

And there's simply the possibility of letting Mai Himei live in Ciel's case.

Then again, the lady is not used to it.

"That said, if you two don't mind that much,"

"Is that because you became a child of Mother Fi?

"Of course there is that too. Except for that, we have done the least that nobility can ask of us.

When you start talking about manners, they vary from place to place, and when it comes to manners in the center, that's not what you two should care about. "

So you're saying, "It's a rule that residency makes."


As for courtesy, I tried to tell Ciel something that might be available here, but that wouldn't be the only response I'd get.

That means that the fruits of Ciel's efforts are bearing fruit. I'm kind of glad about that.

Ciel, the Mai Princess, is conscious from day to day to refine her movements.

All I could do was remember it naturally because Ciel was doing it.

If you did it for real, Ciel must be able to move more beautifully.

"But that's right. After all, what I said is also a story about how it will be received.

So why don't you refer to Dear Fiyanamia's behavior and so on?

I do think Mother Fi's movements are beautiful to the amateur because of her long life.

"Right. Thank you.

Good night, then. "

Cut off the story to rest Ciel's body.

The two maids bowed their heads "no good night" before leaving the room.

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