Two as One Princesses

107. Denial of entry, old stories and clothing stores

After I finished shopping at the accessory store, I was going to say buy clothes next. Though there is no reason to reject it, because this would be the true fate of Ciel.

I can still afford it in time.

Though I'm not in a position to be blamed for being late, that's it, this is this.

Don't drown in a position...... or you have to make sure you don't cross the lowest line to do it in society on an equal footing.

I was probably wondering if I could be late, even if I didn't have a position.

Because the top priority for me is Ciel. If Ciel is enjoying herself, even her promise to Mother Fi could be broken.

I could reiterate that reason is still working around there, so I'm fine, but I'm way off with people.

I know it's not a very good trend, but I'm not going to stop being Ciel supremacist.

This time, too, it's like Ciel isn't going to be hard to live in society in the future, which means he's aware of time for Ciel.


Look for a store that keeps clothes with Ciel, although I'm not sure if it's a clothing store, costume store, or clothing store.

Actually, I've been to about two houses before, but they couldn't let me buy them.

The first house is a question of Ciel's age. I was told while inviting in a child a little older than Ciel next door because the child could not enter the store alone.

The other house was openly unwelcome and "there is nothing for sale to customers," he said rudely.

I was angry, but Ciel didn't seem to care at all and it was a "hmm" reaction.

That's why I'm looking for a third house without doing anything in particular.

Sometimes later, it's just for personal purposes.

If this was what my mother asked me to do, wouldn't I have made it about expulsion?

I don't know if we have that much authority.

Speaking of Mother Fi, I guess what you said yesterday was about this.

That means there could be people trying to get in the way of Ciel's shopping in an organized way.

"Ayn, is something wrong?

"No, I was just wondering."

"What could it be? Do you care?

Although I am a businessman, I am a little confused as to whether to teach Ciel.

Because Ciel enjoys the time now, not to mention being kicked out.

I'm not even happy. I don't feel like making you listen to the news.

But it's also hard to mislead here.

At any rate, Ciel has shown interest. Um, I'd say it's flexible when I say this, or I'd like to be able to handle it smartly.

"I thought there was someone standing in the way of Ciel's shopping."

'That's why you couldn't get into the store until just now. But why should I?

'When they say that, why not? Fi, I know what it's like to be your mother's daughter, but I don't think you're going to be selling fights from the front this far...'

It's like saying, "There's nothing you can sell to a prince" in another country.

I don't know what the identity world looks like in this world, but if I'm bad at it, I think it's disrespectful and a headstand in one shot.

Even if it's not that far, it's like selling a fight to the top of the center. I'm sure it will be difficult to do business in the future.

Hmmm... I don't think it's likely, but is there even a party trying to challenge Mother Fi?

I'm sure Mother Fi was a fornicator. Even so, isn't it a little too reckless?

Wouldn't it be suspicious if I could even break my bond?

'But if that's the case, you can find a place to shop.

You know what Fi is anyway, so maybe one of these days you'll tell me?

'That's true. It's subtle if you can be honest with me.'

'And no matter what, what Ein is protecting me from.

If that's the case, you should enjoy the time you're shopping with Ain. '

'I've been entrusted. I will protect Ciel no matter what.'

Even if that's what it takes to fight Mother Fi.

My princess is brave. She's brave.

That's how Ciel laughs at Couscous, but I think there was a mix of words that I shouldn't have listened to.

Maybe that's the case because she's a singing princess, but let's make sure.

'Uh, what do you mean, "my princess"?

"Oh, didn't I ever tell you?

That's what I thought when I first defeated the demon. I thought Ein was a hero who would protect me, but she said she was actually a princess who would tremble on demons.

Those days, the world of stories was huge in me. '

Surely Ciel, who cannot go outside, would only have known the outside world by talking to me or reading a book.

Besides, the story that was in that room was stopping by the heroic Tan thing, though there was a lot of talk about helping my princess and all that.

Sure, when I first fought Cyclops, though I couldn't move...

Yeah, I can't deny it.

Ciel, who jumped out in front of Cyclops at that time, was more heroic to me.

I guess I'm a weak princess watching it from behind.

Though I'm not a bit uninterrupted.

'But yeah. At the same time, I thought Ein was strong. Something you're trembling at, but you were about to face.

Ayn looked great then. Although Ayn looks good now. '

'That's the story, Ciel looked better.' Cause you did something I couldn't do. '

Even if I were found hiding there, Cyclops could not cross my boundaries.

But that's it. Ciel, who leaped out of faith in me, must have looked better than I did.

"Well, shall we go to the next store?"

Since Ciel turned her gaze to one store, I also agreed with it.

Until earlier, I had walked like a luxury residential area, but now I had come to a point where I lacked a little more luxury than there.

Where the little rich people get together, huh?

I came in a store that I know sells the clothes in it.

It is for women, but the atmosphere is somewhat different from normal shops. When I thought of something, in addition to fashionable clothing, I also kept something like protective equipment.

I guess I just said it was for female hunters.

If you're an advanced hunter, you'll have the money, and if you're a woman, you want to be fashionable.

In a less spacious store, there is one female clerk. Though I'm looking out for this one, there's no way I'm telling you to leave.

Though Ciel looks at clothes dressed like mannequins that can't be done, clearly they don't seem to be the right size for us.

In Ciel's time, hunters aren't good enough to make enough money to buy clothes in this store, so naturally.

Pretty good price.

Though I don't feel that expensive when I try it on us.

But I think it's probably about a turn higher than normal clothes.

As Ciel eagerly looked at the clothes, a female clerk approached who was eager to see how this one was doing.

I've known it since I came in, but I can feel enough magic to be a B-class hunter.

Given the possibilities you're hiding, there would be an A-level hunter level.

Or is he an ex-hunter or something like that?

You look a little younger than Mr. Carroll and the others. The back is pretty and slender. I get the bright impression that people are kind of sticky. Somehow, people like that who always seem to enjoy themselves, who sing their nose songs unconsciously.

And my ears are hanging out, and I'm looking at Mr. Ricill, who's still following me.

Yeah. The elf guy. I don't know the details, but I have an image of the head that doesn't match the look and age.

If you're younger than Mr. Carroll and you're this strong, I thought you were going to be famous, but if you're an elf, maybe you're 50 or something with this look.

Though I don't know if it makes sense to say it in people's sense of time.

She seriously observes Ciel and then speaks up.

"Don't you have any clothes to suit you?

"I knew it. Why?

"I didn't expect as many kids as you to come to this store.

But... yeah. I guess you'd be convinced. Or maybe not stronger than me?

I was surprised. How far did she see it, though perhaps it was my junction?

He says he's stronger than himself, so is it around the innermost part of the sphere?

The guy covering the surface seems crazy, so I don't think it's going to be as reactive as this. It's not that hard.

"Are you a hunter?

"My name is Shy Chagall Mesui. I became a hunter to collect materials to make clothes, and when I realized it, I was a class A garment maker!

Put your chest up. Mr. Szczy was talking, but he immediately rounds his back.

If I wondered what had happened, I started talking in a discouraged voice.

"I was proud to say, even to you.

Because I'm weaker... I still have two names... "

"Ice witches, burning beauty princesses?

"Yeah, yeah. That's what I say.... So, could you possibly be Master Siermail, the daughter of Master Fiyanamia?

He seemed to have guessed something. Mr. Shy's tone suddenly becomes polite.

He seems to have a unique sense of rhythm about what to say.


"Yes, yes. That's right. The features are intact, aren't they? You have a high spirits..."

"Can't you?

"No, my sister told me to be polite if I ever saw her...

I thought I might have mishandled the first one... Yes "


"Uh, can I talk to you normally?

"I don't mind. I want clothes."

Looking at it this way, I think Ciel is a lot of mypace.

Though that might be the good thing about Ciel. At least I won't drown in power.

I'm too indifferent, and I feel like I might attract something, but at that time, that's when.

Mr. Szczy gives a troubled face to Ciel's demands.

"I don't have a size, so I'm going to make it, but are you okay?


"I'm going to think from the design according to Siermail..."

"Can I think about it, too?

"Can we go as far as incorporating opinions?

Mr. Szczy. I feel quite big. I immediately returned to the way I spoke, and he's not willing to leave all the design to Ciel.

The area would be called pride as an artisan.

As Ciel, it will be important to hear the opinions of those on that path in order to make something better, though I think it's a good thing.

"That's fine. But not for me."

"You mean a gift?


"To whom?

"I think you should say twin sisters."

Ciel said so, so I give him a help boat.

It would be more convenient to keep the twins than for me to go out more often.

"Twin Sisters"

"So the size or something is the same as Dear Siermail?

"Totally together. My hair and eyes are black."

"Well, let me measure Master Siermeer's size, is that good?

"I don't mind."

"Then will you come over here?

That's what they told me, and I was led to the back of the store.

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