Two as One Princesses

128. Golden Spider and the Flaming Stage

It wasn't long before I avoided it... or I was caught in a spider thread without a head to avoid it and quickly lost my vision.

I don't need to detect it, I guess I'm wrapped up in a guitar.

It feels like I was just trapped in the Chamber because I also reflexively broadened the boundaries, as Ciel attacked.

And it was disgusting. I think spiders have things to nest and stand still and things to move around the ground, but the look of the gold spider feels like in between.

The torso is smart, the eight legs are long but thick.

He had golden body hair covering his entire body, bright red eyes and white fangs.

Hair to the feet and every foot to the point where another organism can see it.

It emits something like a gibberish and a squeal, and even then it almost makes me nauseous.

Just to remind you, I don't feel right, so let's not think about it.

I felt calm and checked the status quo, and I think it was good with the junction that I usually let Ciel wrap me up in.

Because the thread of the Golden Spider would have easily been broken if it had been a normal junction, because the power of the divine kingdom is mixed like the claws of the Golden Wolf. Even if I lived in that state, I would only be waiting for despair.

To unconsciously keep the spider away at all costs, it was helpful, though well thought out, to have used the best junction we could now have.

But I can't say the status quo is very good either.

"Ciel, are you okay?

'Yeah, it's okay. I'm sorry, Ayn. I couldn't make a proper decision with blood on my head.'

'I'm with you, so don't worry.

More than that, let's figure out what we're going to do now. It's a little dangerous. '

'Really? Thanks to Ein's bond, I think it helped.'

Ciel tilts her little neck. It doesn't mean it's dangerous or we don't have time at all, so let's explain.

The Golden Spider was satisfied with the capture of us, and there is no sign of pursuit.

Do you dare leave me alive, or do you think I'm crushed to death?

Either way, we have time.

'Indeed, in my junction, there is no longer any possibility of crushing to death with spider thread. But this place is sealed with spider yarn wrapped around it.'

Sounds like it.

"It's like there's no air hole either."

What's an air hole?

'It gets painful when you stop breathing, doesn't it?


I knew I had to explain it from around there.

Is it a matter of Ciel's knowledge, or is it a matter of development in this world?

Either way, it doesn't change that I can't go without explaining, so I will briefly explain air and oxygen.

Because I came in from the breathing story, Ciel also understood me very well.

That's why I'm bumping into the question of how much oxygen holds.

We've got defenses that seem to be absolute defenses, but we still have our weaknesses.

Perhaps the easiest way to kill us is to throw it into the sea.

But is the water in the ocean filled with oxygen?

If so, wouldn't you be able to use the junction to take in oxygen?

Hmm, there's an oxygen concentration problem, and I don't think I should do anything bad with amateurs. At least not after experimenting with something.


'That's why you can't be caught forever'

"You don't want to be caught forever.

If we're just gonna do something about this thread, if Ain't gonna sing it, we're gonna do something about it. '

"The question is, which way to go?"

Even if the power of the divine kingdom was mixed with this thread, it could be countered if it was done through a profession (Job) that could be said to be one end of the power of God.

Besides, both Mai and Sing Princess are arguably the best in the profession, so sometimes this can't go hand in hand.

The problem is that gold spiders are not the only ones in this space.

It feels like I've detected it, and a good number of cocoons the size of people are rolling over there, or drooling from the ceiling.

'Looks like there's quite a few people out there, huh?

"I don't know if I'm alive because I'm caught in a spider thread,"

'Still, it seems awkward not to take anything into account?


Probably the easiest way to get out of the spider yarn is to burn the yarn down.

The stage (elicinery) will also remove all the disturbing threads around you.

In addition, I don't have to worry too much about attacks by gold spider yarn in the future.

But if you do that, you'll burn people caught in spider threads as well.

Even if we burn only the threads that are capturing us, depending on the circumstances surrounding us, it can burn away and cause damage.

It's my hand to try other ways, but I don't want to do anything bad even though you're losing interest in me.

Then shall I keep it? Because I think it consumes a lot of magic to get away from Ciel, but it shouldn't be so much as gone.

I think it's my job to prepare the ground for Ciel to dance comfortably.

If I had thought of it that way, I had eyes with Mr. Ricill. It's supposed to be dark.

Or were you there?

And he sees me, even though I say so.

Oh, yes. You mean rely on it.

But can the Spirit easily help you? I'm not a spiritualist, I'm a singing princess.

"Mr. Ricill. Can you help me?

I'm just saying, so I'll ask.

Mr. Ricill nodded once, but looked like he was in trouble as to how to say it. I wonder what happened, and I start making some gestures.

You're putting your hands together in front of your chest, and you're letting your mouth pound, are you telling me to sing?

I've been thinking a little bit about it, but it's probably not a normal song, it's about telling you to sing the Spirit song.

With that said, when I sang that song, the spirits around me helped me without asking.

"You want me to sing that one?

When I asked him, he nodded, so I decided to leave it to him.

"Ayn, what's wrong?

'Apparently, Mr. Ricill will do something about the people who got caught. So let's get out of here as we please'

"So you can use the flaming stage?

'Is flame okay, Mr. Ricill? It's likely to burn...'

Ask Mr. Ricill, and he just nods to leave it to me.

Mr. Ricil, I think he was a forest spirit, but is it okay? No, I know that raw trees are hard to burn, but it's a flame made by a dancing princess who boosted with a singing princess, so I guess it burns away?

Or will it protect you without using plants?

The other person decided to leave it to the Spirit, our common sense, because it might be a mistake.

'It seems to be okay. But this time we sing the song of the Spirit, so maybe it doesn't go with the flames, right?

'Isn't that funny?

"Right, let's try it"

Nothing. There's no rule that if you don't sing a song that goes well with the flame, you should.

At least, that doesn't make it less powerful. Although compatibility can be powerful.

So I begin to sing. The Forest Spirit was singing a gentle, warm, tough song that represented the forest.

At the beginning of the singing phase, Mr. Ricil moves out.

With my eyes on me from time to time as I circle around the circle and me.

It seems that something is happening outside the yarn too, and unfortunately I cannot see it.

As far as I can tell by detection, I seem to be protecting people with trees. That doesn't look like just a tree either.

A little late Ciel started moving.

Step twice with Dadan and catch the popped stick.

Bright red flames on one side of that stick, ready.

The stick that seemed to pop up could just have been in a magic bag.

Between the ages of 5 and 10, I have spoken to Ciel about fire dancing. But the words weren't masters at the time, and I only had a familiar degree of knowledge of fire dance, so it kind of made me different from what I imagined.

When it comes to fire dancing, I think it's an expression of a man's strength, so it was impossible for Ciel to do it from the beginning.

Ciel-style fire dance is somewhat like a new gymnastics and dance.

Anyway, it's big and big, and I use spring all over my body to describe Ciel's body just waving around.

I actually throw the stick straight up, but now it's narrow, so I just circle around in circles.

Is the difference with new gymnastics that relaxed movement is the main thing?

Thanks to that, it still firms up better to call it dancing.

In fact, there is a fantastic atmosphere because of the fire powder and the occasional flying of small fireballs.

A flying fireball raises a fire column when it hits the ground, leaving a flame on the spot.

One by one, though small, surely, sinks the area into the sea of fire.

By the time the fiery stage was complete, the thread that was capturing us lit and burned up all at once.

It's okay because it's protected in the junction, but its power is enough to evoke a little fear.

What a hell was the look of the nest where the thread burned out and became dewy.

Normally the flames remain only on the ground, but the walls and ceilings are burned by spider threads strewn all over them.

Anything seems to be flaming in the air because of the dripping yarn.

And the blue and lush trees that never fit the occasion are holding back the flames.

The trees don't even burn in the flames of Ciel, and they don't even burn into its leaves.

Considering it's about time you could already burn out if it's just a tree, Mr. Ricill's strength is asked.

I knew the Spirit was strong, and actually the last time we came to the nest, we were helped, but this is how we bump into our own power and we know its strength.

We cannot defeat them. Though there is nothing hostile to the Spirit in the first place.

The gold spider was dropped to the ground by the nest burning, staring at this one. I think so.

He emitted a giddy sound and ran toward Ciel.

Eight legs will be the object of disgust, even if it is not us.

Ciel holds the end of the stick and twirls around in a wielding procedure.

In keeping with the flame trajectory, a fireball appears as if it were a remnant of a passing flame, causing the golden spider to pour down.

The first one hits and flinches.

The second one hits me and I can burn marks on the body of the golden spider.

After the third, it was all erased with thick feet.

As a result, the previous two legs burn out.

The sound of a golden spider sounds louder. Don't miss Ciel like a red eye caught your wrath.

The damage should have been done, but it didn't seem to be significant and just upside down.

He said he's lost two legs, but his speed of travel hasn't changed.

Ciel breathed on the stick before the golden spider still coming.

The red flame turns blue and the blue firepowder flies so that it is blown away by exhalation. When it hit a flame that was already burning on the floor or ceiling, it dyed one side blue.

At the end of the day, turn a circle and a stick and stick it out to the ground with a ton.

Then the blue flames scattered around him clustered into one and gathered around the gold spider.

Before long, the golden spider left only his fangs and greyed.

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