Two as One Princesses

134. Letters, schools and decisions

"I wonder what Ayn thinks of this letter?

'You've done a lot of trouble, that's all you think about'

'You don't want to get a proposal, do you?

Why would Ciel ask that? I wouldn't be able to get married or anything in the first place.

I thought so, but if I really want it because I'm talking about Ciel, I don't think it's a rush to accept it.

In addition, it seems like a question after finding out that I will not accept it.

'Yeah, not at all. I can't imagine getting married, and I don't want to be friends with people who leave letters like this'

'Okay, I got it! If so, can I be angry?

"Be fully angry to the extent that there is no damage around you"

In my head Ciel starts to grudge me good, so I decide to keep it calm and talk to Mother Fi.

"Can I leave this alone?

"Yeah, yeah. You can leave it alone. You can fight if you want."

I'm so scared of the words behind the fight.

But in return for the princess of my own country's help to the royalty of another country, the prospect of marriage from above since I decided this one was of low status.

If the world is the world, there could even be one of the wars.

Anything could happen now. Although my princess element is only about a singing princess (...).

If it's a country to country, it may start where we protest, but if we go from the feeling of Mother Fi, it must be a fight between our family and the Royal Otsuente.

If you're big enough to quarrel with your neighbor's house, I think it could be enough cause for quarrel.

"Fighting is a joke, but you must feel bad."

'Yes, it is!

"So maybe you're not going to Osente?

"I don't think the story is connected, is there something?

I didn't know I was going to Osente when I got an allergic letter from the Osente royalty. I know if you're going to sell the fight, but if you're not, I think it's better to pierce it without my involvement.

"Right, right. He's not like the prince, but he's got a little trouble with Osente."

"Are you in trouble?"

"Specifically, someone who's trying to contradict you."

I feel like someone in a little trouble has become a lot of trouble, but is it my fault?

I'm not laughing because Mother Fi says it's contraindicated, because it's not something that people decide on their own, it's something that God decides.

I think it sucks that divine punishment or something is actually going to come down.

And even though it's the source, it seems to be a pretty reliable place to ask us to do it. Let's check it out.

"Are you God of Creation?

"Yeah, yeah. I've been told for a while now that I left this place because I couldn't get away easily."

"I don't think it's a good idea to leave it alone..."

"I don't mind. Something heavenly punished if contraindicated.

It's a waste of time because you're competent enough to contradict me. "

I don't know what heavenly punishment is, but I guess it's death or something close to it.

I don't think my mother is a person to put it mildly.

At the same time I hear that, and I think you deserve it. Maybe I'm also approximate.

Or is it this much of an exchanger?

A tyrant who doesn't think of his people as a man may have been in the history of his previous life. Although I don't actually know.

No. In previous life, even if people in neighboring countries were suddenly said to have died from lightning strikes, like other personnel, "Don't be scared. I don't want you to come down" or so I think.

Hmm. It's hard to say what it feels like to be human.

"I mean, should I stop that person?

"No, no. If possible, just enough to warn you.

What else can we do to recover?

"Speaking of which, what is contraindication?

There's nothing I can do about it when it comes to collecting it, because I don't know what it's contraindicated with.

Mother Fi opens her eyes and then starts explaining, "You did," she said.

"I wonder what an alternative to Demon Stone is.

It's like sooner or later the Demon Stone is eliminated when you create it. It is forbidden in this world to make it. "

Development of alternative energies. It depends on how much it is, but I think it's achieved enough in previous life to be called the invention of the century.

In this world where there is magic and magic, there may be low-cost, safer things to do, and it will be a great contribution to people's development.

However, if demon stones are no longer used, one of Hunter's sources of income will be cut off. In addition, you will be less willing to crusade demons that are only worth demon stones.

If that happens, certain demons may overflow (stampede).

Above all, when it comes to demons whose only value is demon stones, they are all low-level demons.

That may eliminate the soil from which lower hunters grow and reduce the number of hunters.

With fewer hunters, there's still a better chance of more demons.

I said, I guess it doesn't really matter about people.

What the Creating God or Mother Fi is more problematic than that is the weakening of the purifying action caused by the circulation of demonic stones?

... When I think about it that way, I feel like demons are more important than people as an element of this world.

Let's stop thinking deeply.

"Do you have trouble losing the use of Demon Stone because it weakens the purifying action of the world?

"Yeah, yeah. You knew."

"Tull taught me a lot"

"Wouldn't that be enough to know? That's why I'm contraindicated.

So why don't you go?

"I just went, and I can't help but think it's going to be a hassle"

That's how I look at the letter.

Request from Mother Fi. I can take it, but if I use this letter, I will definitely get into trouble.

It is not I, but Ciel, who decides whether or not to take it again, so it is difficult for me to ask.

Mother Fi laughed at my response as she creaked.

"You just have to go without that letter. That's all we have."

"... that's true"

"If you don't use it, you won't have been proposed, and I won't tell the royal family that you entered Osente.

Besides, wouldn't it be nice to go to school? You don't know how many generations you have, do you?

I don't even remember face-to-face with my generation.

Is the closest I've ever been to a boy who just got into D-grade stuck in Norvell? But I was 15 years old at the time, and there was a 3 year difference with Siel. The 3-year-old difference in teens is very large, although it may be said that the same generation is the difference since adulthood.

It would be time to get that feeling, and I feel good to have friends of my generation in Ciel.

Though Toul sounds like a friendship frame, he'll be different from people's friends again.

"Even in the sense of learning a person's world, it shouldn't be bad, should it?

There must be a lot you can learn when you want your girls to go to school because it's where people who are good at witchcraft come together.

I wonder if you could learn about magic tricks and puppet magic?

"Ayn, Ayn! I want to go!

You were a little concerned about the magic props, I thought, and Ciel's appeal struck my head.

Did you react to puppet magic? I do think when it comes to puppet magic, it was magic designed to make a golem or something.

It's like moving people exactly what they specify, manipulating them from a distance, and so on.

And Ciel said he was interested in puppet magic.

"Then, then. I don't think it's a bad idea to go to another country."

The answer in me is like out there at a time when Mother Fi is adding a pursuit, but Ciel wants to go.

If it doesn't fit, you should leave voluntarily.

If you can experience just the atmosphere of something called school, then be a wild mountain.

'Shall I go? You have to look at the sea of Osente.'

'Yeah, yeah. Looking forward to that, too.'

"He said Ciel went, too, so I'm going to go.

But there's a time for school, right?

"Right. Since the season has changed and it's spring."

"Until then, I'm going to relax in the mansion as I prepare"

"Yeah, yeah. I got it."

You were happy to take on the favor, Fi. Mother smiles and hands together.

Yeah. I just went to get a letter, but I didn't know you were going to school...... Nevertheless, as Mother Fi, she seems to have originally been willing to send us to school, so I guess she was just told to go with this letter.

"I'm confirming, the troubled person is in the school my mother is trying to get me into, right?

"Exactly. That said, you don't know exactly who it is.

In the first place, surveillance of the world is not within the jurisdiction of the Supreme God. It's also because the name of the Supreme God has not been passed on to this world. I'm not much of a god involved in the world. "

"I've only met the Creator."

"You don't normally see God, do you?

Couscous laughing, Fi. I laugh at my mother the same way.

It's a feeling of previous life, but you won't be the first to see God. Assuming someone could see you, that's the only thing that would make you special.

They're going to put me under house arrest or something in church. I figured I might as well stay out of the church.

But other than this mansion, it seems impossible to get involved at all, considering that you can't make contact with the Creating God without going to the temple.

"By the way, how is God supposed to look out over the world?

"I thought you were stubborn right now.

"Oh... you said there was a god who was obstinate or something"

They have a lot in God's world, too.

I have never met anyone but the Creator God, but will I meet him someday?

I'm stepping on that side, so it looks like it's possible.

"And are there some schools?

"Maybe two. Where only senior nobles can pass and where competent people, both nobles and civilians, can pass.

Sounds like the prince who is royal is attending the former school. This is the school you wrote in your letter. "

"That's good."

If it's the same school, all I see is a future to be tangled up in.

If it was about the same country, we wouldn't be seeing each other first. The other person is a prince, if you move, you'll have some information, and collecting information is not as good as Mother Fi, but it's an area you're good at.

"Is school okay with age?

"It's common to be 12-15 years old, but it should be okay to have you go somewhat differently, especially."

"So Ciel's going to be a year older than he is around."

"Right. Yeah, but... isn't that okay?

Fi, Mother looks at this one and concludes so.

Mosa, Luna and Mia snort at it as well.

I thought so, too.

It's just that Ciel said, "What do you mean? 'And he had a strange voice.

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