Two as One Princesses

gossip lesimi ear agony part II * lesimi ear perspective

Exams have progressed and information on example girls has been gathered.

Apparently his name is Ayrnage. He came all the way to Wang Capital while huntering, and the reception for the entrance exam was also done via the Hunter Union.

It is not uncommon in itself for a reception to take place from a hunter union, some of which is that the hunter union gives money to let it pass.

In fact, there are people in this exam who the Hunter Union is paying for, so it looks like they signed up for it.

I know who the Hunter Union paid for, so I think it's a good idea.

What bothers me is that the Hunter Union hasn't given money to the person who ailnages.

If you were to qualify as an E-class hunter at my age, it could be said that the hunter union would have enough talent to give you money to let you go through. To say otherwise is to say that her abilities are special or that there are so many beings behind them that the Hunter Union does not need to support them?

And her grades. I asked him to do the grading behind it, and he's getting pretty good grades.

Although the content that I and Runya have received, which is what the top of the country seemed to receive, has not been answered, it can be said that they have received the kind of education that the higher nobles receive.

Even in the test of politeness, which makes a difference, especially between nobles and civilians, she has produced quite a few results.

If you're going to think this far, it's not hard to imagine a family name being a housemaid with the name of something you haven't revealed.

In addition, due to the subtle differences in practice, it is also said that he would not be a nobleman of Osente.

A man out of a house about the Marquis, who came from another country with patience. To sum it up, that's what happens, but I'm not convinced.

If you are also a marquis in another country, you cannot scorn it as an osente. Especially given her route, she says it's likely that she came from the center.

Excessive contact must be avoided more than you can be patient with. At the same time it would be generous to deal with some disrespect.

But I really want to connect to the possibilities that have left me in my head.

Isn't the results of the test deliberately making it look low in order to hide who it is?

I'm not going to say intuition, I'm just delusional, but I can't convince you without talking to you directly.

I thought so, and I told you that I would show my face in the final exam.

I was a little late to head to the exam venue because of my decision.

Although it is strictly forbidden to be late, the school also knows the circumstances, so my grades will not be determined for that reason.

However, no consideration will be given to the content of the exam - the craftiness of the dance - and my strength will be seen.

When I got to the dance hall, was the pairing already over, only one girl was standing in front of me pompous.

The girl approached me that it would be Master Ayrnage and said, "Thank you. You are Master Ayrnage," he says.

That's when I checked her appearance, but she did have gray hair and blue eyes.

Poor, small, clear skin is poorer cared for than me, a poor nobleman, no royalty?

I would not be surprised to be called royal if I had only the impression of appearance.

"Yes. My name is Ayrnage. I didn't think my opponent was Lady Lesimiya."

"Oh, have you found out about me?"

"Yeah, of course. You don't even know the treasure of Osente, Lady Lesimiiah."

I thought you might not know about me because I'm supposed to be someone from another country, but that didn't happen and I was lifted.

It just seemed clear that her words were formal like she was just repeating what she had heard, words of liturgical significance.

I'm not the type to try to get in knowing I'm royal.

On the contrary, given this reaction after knowing that I am the princess of a country, I still get the evil impression that I am a fairly high profile person.

This time, for example, I am concerned about the halfway between the test results.

Don't forget that I'm in the middle of an entrance exam, although I'd like to gather some information now.

Encouraging him to go to the center of the hall, he was told that only a female part could dance at the dance.

If you are a good dancer, there are not many people who can dance both parts, but also few who can only dance their own parts, even if they are royal.

Fortunately, I was able to dance more than I could dance the male part, so I reached out to do escorts because this is how I was able to intervene in the exam.

"This is more my royal convenience than mine, so I will lead the way."

"Okay. Please. Dear Lessimi Iya,"

The hand I took without hesitation was smaller and more supple than my hand.

Although I feel uncomfortable because I wear gloves, I even feel like I had a sister because of her low height.

Traveling to the hall with her like that created just enough space around us.

He sees us more than he says he sees me, and his gaze is also directed at Master Ayrnage.

I think it would be a natural reaction if it were her beauty. Because she has an atmosphere where she would be hesitant to come closer, or would be broken if swept away.

Yet Master Ayrnage himself seemed unconscious, and he was convinced to look at me.

You probably think I'm going to be made so far-fetched because I'm a princess.

I laughed unwittingly like that, but it's the real deal from here, so I keep my mind on it. Besides, this is an entrance exam, so I can't help but notice the dance itself.

The music begins to play quickly, and the dance begins.

I got the impression that her dance was neither acceptable nor impossible.

Not that I'm particularly good, but does it still feel like I'm skilled enough for a senior aristocrat to show me?

If it was that masked girl, it would be good to jump through, so she lowered the possibility of being a masked girl a little in me.

Then I spoke to her and I explored it, but I get a response that I don't know how to catch.

Even if I dare to conceive the contradiction, she just laughs in a crunch: "The princess says me like a nobleman, doesn't she?"

I could have danced with all this, kept all that grades, and rounded my eyes that it was something I could well say, but I think I could have immediately turned my expression back and responded there.

Maybe I meant to be patient, but did I really think I could hide it?

The more I talk to her, the less I know about her.

Aren't you really out of the nobility? So much so that I think.

But there's also the possibility that she's answering to dare make you think so, and her emotions come from within.

If this happens, do I have to listen more directly? That way, at least, I don't want to be as confused as I am now......

"Because if you're wearing a modus operandi that would also be common in First School, you can't think of anything else.

Even if you have talent, when you can stretch it, it's limited. "

"Well, then it seems like you can't even hide it. I mean, I'm not a nobleman in this country, I can dance a lot. I was chosen as your princess."

"Yes. On the surface."

"What do you mean, ostensibly?

Master Ayrnage cutely necks him, but he won't be deceived anymore.

I'm sorry if you were vegetarian and reacting so far, but that shouldn't happen.

Even though I thought so and asked him who he was, he replied that he was from a house without a family name. There's no way you're lying, and I'm looking straight at you.

Wherever I talk about grades, it's just the wind that blows, they give it back.

It just kind of feels empty.

If so, why don't you change your approach?

"So did you know that Master Ayrnage wore a dragon mask with dark hair?

"Who is it?

"No, I don't mind if you don't"

I asked if it was possible to be a related party, even if it was not in person, and this had a slight reaction.

If you are an associate of a class A hunter, isn't it strange that you are adequately educated?

That would be all there is to the economy and the handover.

Would it be a good idea to attack in this direction?

Or so it is. Like the masked girl, Master Ayrnage has something to interfere with the appraisal.

That doesn't make him just a civilian, but he was swallowed up at their pace.

Determine if there is anything wrong with Eirnage that would harm Osente. Let's talk about it with that in mind.

When it's the real deal from here, I stare into Master Ayrnage's eyes.

"Does Master Ayrnage know the appraisal position?

I'm pretty sure this question is critical to her.

The important thing is that I don't overlook her reaction.

From there we will definitely explore who she is. If we know who Master Ayrnage is, we might be able to grasp something about the masked girl.

Even if the masked girl had nothing to do with it, you would be able to question her behind the scenes.

"Yes. I know the appraisal position. But Princess Lessimiyea. I just wish I could live my school life in peace."

Master Ayrnage's voice turns into something serious.

As if to say unto me, hear no more.

Swallow by the changing atmosphere, she continues her words while I lose them.

"A quiet dragon should not irritate you weirdly."

I know what this word is trying to say.

It meant there was no doubt that she had something. She doesn't seem to be going to tell that herself, but isn't this almost the answer?

A dragon against me (the royal family of the great kingdom) is a mighty being, but it doesn't exist that way.

In the first place, the person I expected doesn't have a family name.

Fayanamia-sama, who reigns in the center, doesn't have a family name or anything. It's not that we don't have family names together, we don't even need to have family names. That's Master Fiyanamia.

The righteous daughter naturally doesn't have a family name either. Although not definitive, it is more likely than not to be ignored anymore.

And the word don't irritate me. I suppose you're telling me to leave it in the dark.

I was deceived by her - Lord Ayrnage's performance.

No, I'm not the only one, many must be deceived.

I can't explore her any more, and I'm not going to.

But I have to confirm only one thing.

Some are arrogant because of it, though the country of Osente has long been at peace.

I don't know anything. I don't know if they're gonna give her a break. Together it develops into an international problem.

That's all I want to avoid.

"I am not familiar with dragons, is a dragon something that strikes without warning?

"Unless it's as good as it sounds, I think you'll give me as much warning"

I'm relieved to hear that for a few minutes.

I want to think that there is nothing like knowing Master Ayrnage's behind it and getting his hands on it... but one person comes to mind.

Fortunately, the interest of the person that came to mind (Brother Villibalt) will not be with Master Ayrnage?

No, the masked girl and Master Ayrnage were reacting like they had something to do with it.

Is the girl in the mask an escort for Master Ayrnage or something? I can't believe you're approaching so many people...

Forget about my stupid brother for once and stick a smile on his face.

At the same time, I told the school that I had done my errands.

"Thank you. I sincerely pray that Master Ayrnage will have a peaceful time in Osente."

"Princess, please don't push yourself."

Would you say that, I would like to say, but if I tried to be like Ayrnage, my presence would definitely have been a troublesome seed.

No, but will my burden be greater when I have completely revealed who she is?

If so, maybe her words were from the heart.

Continuing yesterday, I applied to see your father again today, and soon it came true.

When he told his father about Ayrnage and asked him not to interfere as much as possible, his father grinned like a troubled man.

"Father, what is it?

"No... na. I wasn't sure if I should tell you, but I think I should."

The tension of your father, who speaks with a serious face, is conveyed to me as well.

My case is pregnant with a big problem, but it feels like there's something more.

Take a breath and wait for your father's words.

"I just got a report from 'Chanting Ahead'"

"From the first chant..."

"Not far into the future. The crisis of the collapse of Osente is upon us"

Hearing the words, and seeing the look of your sorry father, I understood my role.

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